Top 100 Alcoholic Quotes

#1. Carl constantly told horror stories of cursing and beatings from his father and the twenty-four-hour blackout screaming of his alcoholic, pill-popping mother. He used his trauma like a caution sign for what he could do if I didn't silence my backtalk.

Maggie Young

Alcoholic Quotes #1334122
#2. For the second straight year, craft beer is the fastest growing segment of the U.S. alcoholic beverage industry. In 2005, craft beer experienced a 9 percent increase in volume, nearly triple that of the growth experienced in the wine and spirits industry.

Sherwood Boehlert

Alcoholic Quotes #943023
#3. It's like our country is being run by a bunch of bad alcoholic dads right now.

Patton Oswalt

Alcoholic Quotes #945900
#4. I know one gay ex-Mormon who is a talented, self-destructive alcoholic. Whenever he is drunk and going on a tear, we are back to the Mormon Church and his being thrown out of the Mormon Church and growing up with this sense of being evil.

Andrew Solomon

Alcoholic Quotes #950052
#5. Because 'You're perfect just the way you are,' is what your guidance counselor says. And she's an alcoholic.

Libba Bray

Alcoholic Quotes #950435
#6. I don't like people who drink decaf coffee it's like what. Why you drinking it? Like it taste so good? That's like drinking non alcoholic vodka.

Chelsea Handler

Alcoholic Quotes #955625
#7. College seems like a pretty expensive way to become an alcoholic.

Natasha Leggero

Alcoholic Quotes #959565
#8. L.A. is such a different place. I miss New York so much. I almost teared up when I came back and wanted a Guinness and realized I could drink it and take a cab home. I remembered that I could be a functional alcoholic in New York, like I used to be!

Donald Glover

Alcoholic Quotes #961226
#9. A person who is alcoholic usually has the feeling of inferiority that results in a person feeling extremely depressed.

Paul Silway

Alcoholic Quotes #974752
#10. Saying you're an alcoholic and an addict is like saying you're from Los Angeles and from California.

Carrie Fisher

Alcoholic Quotes #977045
#11. Even if an alcoholic is powerless over alcohol once it enters his body, he still makes a choice to drink. And, even if someone is attracted to a person of the same sex, he or she still makes a choice to engage in sexual activity with someone of the same gender.

Rick Perry

Alcoholic Quotes #985891
#12. As an alcoholic, you have no appreciation for your wife or your children's feelings, but I'm making up for that now. I'm winning my children's trust back.

Maurice Gibb

Alcoholic Quotes #990250
#13. Obviously, I'm not homeless. I'm not an old alcoholic. I'm not jumping trains. I just like to live in a certain way.

Patti Smith

Alcoholic Quotes #993309
#14. He could guide anyone to the point of no return. He'd corral them with poetry, music, invoking the alcoholic gods that all died young. But we were so young, we didn't know we had anything we would miss.

Hannah Lillith Assadi

Alcoholic Quotes #994523
#15. Granted, many of them were indistinguishable blobs in my alcoholic smear of a social life, but I knew how the mind lulled you into a state of perilous complacency when all you had was a personality and a disassociated voice. Meeting

Augusten Burroughs

Alcoholic Quotes #999928
#16. I wanted it the way an alcoholic must want booze: badly enough to shove aside the hard knowledge that this was a truly lousy idea.

Tana French

Alcoholic Quotes #1001457
#17. His mother had survived decades of marriage to his angry, disappointed, alcoholic father by developing what she called a "forgettery" instead of a memory. She woke up every day and forgot the day before.

Salman Rushdie

Alcoholic Quotes #1001525
#18. I'm not an alcoholic, I am freedom fighter against the teetotal taliban.

Al Murray

Alcoholic Quotes #1006625
#19. I'm just going to crumble like a wreck. I'll go home, become an alcoholic and maybe! jump of a bridge.

Gordon Strachan

Alcoholic Quotes #1015164
#20. If there was a pill that allowed you to drink and not get drunk, an alcoholic would go What happens if you take two?

Robin Williams

Alcoholic Quotes #1031040
#21. They're like 'You're an alcoholic.' I go 'No, I'm not.' and then-apparently that's what alcoholics say too, you know?

Norm MacDonald

Alcoholic Quotes #1031461
#22. He kissed my palm, lingering his lips on my skin. Then he inhaled.
"Mmmm," he moaned. " Like gin to an alcoholic. Sweet as fresh molasses and deadly as snake venom.

Kellie Thacker

Alcoholic Quotes #1036324
#23. I'm not an alcoholic. I just drink that way.

Christian Finnegan

Alcoholic Quotes #1036579
#24. I am a raging alcoholic and a raging addict and I didn't want to see my kids do the same thing.

Ozzy Osbourne

Alcoholic Quotes #1043265
#25. The alcoholic and the drug addict harm only themselves by their behavior; the person who violates the rules of morality governing mans life in society harms not only himself, but everyone.

Ludwig Von Mises

Alcoholic Quotes #1045499
#26. Americans may be drinking fewer alcoholic beverages, but they are certainly eating more of them than ever before. Wittingly or un.

Marian Burros

Alcoholic Quotes #1045636
#27. I'm a recovering alcoholic so I should be home.

Kenny Hickey

Alcoholic Quotes #1052625
#28. Now think of it this way: which do you think would be better for Dottie, havin' ten thousand dollars so maybe she could go to that Amazon school, or havin' a beat-up, old, ugly, naggy, alcoholic

Tracy Letts

Alcoholic Quotes #1054727
#29. There is hope for the alcoholic: God is able to deliver from this as well as any other addiction.

Billy Graham

Alcoholic Quotes #1058321
#30. it felt adult, sophisticated, slightly alcoholic.

Donna Tartt

Alcoholic Quotes #1060711
#31. If I hadn't become a celebrity, I'd probably be an alcoholic.

Paul Lynde

Alcoholic Quotes #1061894
#32. I am an alcoholic. I'm the first to admit that. I can't drink at all. One drink is too many and a thousand's not enough.

Donna Tartt

Alcoholic Quotes #1072150
#33. You're a chain-smoking, alcoholic hyper-violent sociopath with daddy issues!"
"When you say it like that it sounds bad ...

S.L.J. Shortt

Alcoholic Quotes #1072331
#34. She would try to live life one day at a time, like an alcoholic
drink, don't drink, drink. Perhaps she should take drugs.

Lorrie Moore

Alcoholic Quotes #1075469
#35. As far as I'm concerned, Americans don't drink nearly enough. A good alcoholic poisoning of the brain now and then clears it out in a way that nothing else can.

Stuart Rojstaczer

Alcoholic Quotes #1084655
#36. Publishers seem to be in an alcoholic haze most of the time. Well, the publishers have no idea what a writer is.

James Purdy

Alcoholic Quotes #1084774
#37. In England, it's a rare thing to see a player smoking but, all in all, I prefer that to an alcoholic. The relationship with alcohol is a real problem in English football and, in the short term, it's much more harmful to a sportsman. It weakens the body, which becomes more susceptible to injury.

Alex Ferguson

Alcoholic Quotes #1086019
#38. The new world, the communo-bourgeois, sermonizing, Tartuffian, automobilistic, alcoholic, gluttonous and cancerous world has only two anxieties: ass and bank account ...

Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Alcoholic Quotes #1093332
#39. Drinking rum before 10 am makes you a pirate, not an alcoholic.

Granger Smith

Alcoholic Quotes #1093546
#40. In truth, food (within reason, don't go overboard) and beverages (non-alcoholic, we need our brains sober) are encouraged- not only because they lift the mood and help the intellect to focus, but also because it is hard to feel hostile towards someone you share bread with.

Elif Shafak

Alcoholic Quotes #1094964
#41. In the US the overwhelming majority of those executed are psychotic, alcoholic, drug addicted or mentally unstable. They frequently are raised in an impoverished and abusive environment. Seldom are people with money or prestige convicted of capital offenses, even more seldom are they executed.

George Ryan

Alcoholic Quotes #1107876
#42. Recovering alcoholic guys wake up in the morning, and they have to think of a reason to get up, and then, once they're up, to not have a drink. It's like all these little heroic battles they have that they fight with and against every day of their lives.

Liam Neeson

Alcoholic Quotes #1116824
#43. Where are the reporters of yesteryear?' he muttered, 'the nail biting, acerbic, alcoholic nighthawk bastards who truly knew how to write?

Annie Proulx

Alcoholic Quotes #1123350
#44. but, like an alcoholic or a fan of the Dave Matthews Band, he ultimately couldn't control his self-destructive addiction.

Nick Offerman

Alcoholic Quotes #1142161
#45. Our teenage "druggies" are habituated to drugs rather than addicted. While beer and other alcoholic beverages are preferred drugs, kids have simply not used alcohol long enough to become addicted. The other drug of preference - marijuana - is not addictive.

Virgil Miller Newton

Alcoholic Quotes #1143690
#46. That vervey spontaneity became encounter theater therapy under the direction of the Marquis de Paar, who was peerless at grittily vapid chatter, misty bathos, and scenery-chewing controversy. Dick Cavett, who wrote for Paar, said that working for him was like having an alcoholic in the family.

James Wolcott

Alcoholic Quotes #1147798
#47. Life is better when you're drunk. I ought to become an alcoholic.

Ahmed Mostafa

Alcoholic Quotes #1147988
#48. It's not cool to be an alcoholic.

Chester Bennington

Alcoholic Quotes #1148103
#49. There is a remarkable breakdown of taste and intelligence at Christmastime. Mature, responsible grown men wear neckties made of holly leaves and drink alcoholic beverages with raw egg yolks and cottage cheese in them.

P. J. O'Rourke

Alcoholic Quotes #1153264
#50. Wine?" said Zoe. "At two in the afternoon?"

"I've decided to become an alcoholic. Just for the duration of my middle years." She filled a glass and rested it on the edge of the washbasin. "That's yours.

Mo Hayder

Alcoholic Quotes #1153981
#51. I'm going to Ibiza with the lads! I'll probably come back a raging alcoholic.

Katie Taylor

Alcoholic Quotes #1153993
#52. An alcoholic will steal your wallet and lie to you. A drug addict will steal your wallet and then help you look for it.

David Sheff

Alcoholic Quotes #1154951
#53. Delirium tremens in a drunk alcoholic are an unmistakable symptom, but those intoxicated with theories are easily mistaken for geniuses.

Samael Aun Weor

Alcoholic Quotes #1157296
#54. I wish I could think about nothing, but the books all the time. I have never had an alcoholic rampage because of thinking about books too much...


Alcoholic Quotes #1163910
#55. [S]he was my Muse, my alcoholic's bourbon on the rocks: irresistible.

Claire Messud

Alcoholic Quotes #1175546
#56. I don't like the word 'alcoholic'. I like to think of myself as an advanced drinker.

Chelsea Handler

Alcoholic Quotes #1188339
#57. As the resident dude, Shane was responsible for the acquisition of party favors, like glow-in-the-dark necklaces and drinks. Non-alcoholic drinks for Claire, of course, because I am a stern house mother even if I suck as a role model.

Rachel Caine

Alcoholic Quotes #1194306
#58. I wasn't an alcoholic. I didn't drink every day, didn't often drink to excess or binge. And could leave it alone completely for large swaths of time. But I did drink to be social. To have fun with friends. Sometimes, to sleep. Sometimes, to forget.

Ellen Hopkins

Alcoholic Quotes #1194435
#59. Alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only one you can get yelled at for having. Goddamn it Otto, you are an alcoholic. Goddamn it Otto, you have Lupus ... one of those two doesn't sound right.

Mitch Hedberg

Alcoholic Quotes #1199558
#60. People are saying that I'm an alcoholic, and that's not true, because I only drink when I work, and I'm a workaholic.

Ron White

Alcoholic Quotes #1204098
#61. Was he an alcoholic? What was that? Someone who drinks all the time? Who can't say no to a drink? Who drinks in secret? Somebody who anticipates the next drink before he's finished with the one in front of him?

Irvine Welsh

Alcoholic Quotes #1204520
#62. Bottled, was he?" Said Colonel Bantry, with an Englishman's sympathy for alcoholic excess. "Oh, well, can't judge a fellow by what he does when he's drunk? When I was at Cambridge, I remember I put a certain utensil - well - well, nevermind.

Agatha Christie

Alcoholic Quotes #1211063
#63. Do not acid vapors have the very properties of melancholia, whereas alcoholic vapors, always ready to burst into flame, suggest frenzy; and sulfurous vapors, agitated by a violent and continuous movement, indicate mania?

Michel Foucault

Alcoholic Quotes #1215549
#64. I started drinking when I was like 15, and by the time I was 19 everybody knew I was an alcoholic. So I would start five fights every weekend and lose terribly. First you start off fighting with one person and then he beats you up; and then one guy would be laughing, so you would hit him, too.

Felipe Esparza

Alcoholic Quotes #1220255
#65. I used to be a partier, now I'm an alcoholic. It's all in who's judging you.

Doug Stanhope

Alcoholic Quotes #1220321
#66. Nor do we begin to have a clear appreciation of what the increase in consumption of alcoholic beverages in wartime means in increased risk, and in loss of efficiency to the fighting and working forces of the country.

William Lyon Mackenzie King

Alcoholic Quotes #1223589
#67. Any respectable alcoholic, worth his salt, should wish to wake up dead.

Robert Black

Alcoholic Quotes #1224231
#68. If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely, or if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholic Quotes #1241531
#69. We're not citizens anymore. We're consumers. That's what we're called. It's just like being an alcoholic and being in denial that you're an alcoholic. We're in denial that each and every one of us is the problem. And until we face up to that, nothing's going to happen.

Yvon Chouinard

Alcoholic Quotes #1248598
#70. Cheekbones that cut like ice and eyes like liquid scotch. Loren Hale is an alcoholic beverage and he doesn't even know it.

Krista Ritchie

Alcoholic Quotes #1249027
#71. A horrid alcoholic explosion scatters all my good intentions like bits of limbs and clothes over the doorsteps and into the saloon bars of the tawdriest pubs.

Dylan Thomas

Alcoholic Quotes #1249562
#72. How terrible to be alcoholic. You just want to quietly soothe and maybe poison yourself, but you end up poisoning those around you as well, like trying to commit suicide with a gas oven and unwittingly murdering your neighbors.

Jonathan Ames

Alcoholic Quotes #1254470
#73. Y'all drinking whiskey is probably a gregarious act. When you're not an alcoholic it's pretty fun to drink whiskey. But when you are it's a very solo ritual. It's not gregarious at all. But vice has always informed country music and all music.

Ketch Secor

Alcoholic Quotes #1254540
#74. A whole new life at fifty, all because I had become entranced with both the Turkish culture and with Kazim - who one friend called a careening festival of a human being and another called an alcoholic Kurdish carpet salesman. I called him a catalyst.

Irfan Orga

Alcoholic Quotes #1259680
#75. For her he shook like an alcoholic in need of his gin, because he felt she needed to know her options, no matter how his wolf felt about losing his mate. Her knight, indeed.

Patricia Briggs

Alcoholic Quotes #1270001
#76. If I'm going to follow a god, why would I want to follow a god of my creation? That would be an alcoholic idiot nitwit jerk god!

Willie Aames

Alcoholic Quotes #1272755
#77. I never stood in a public house bar and alcoholic drink never touched my lips.

James Larkin

Alcoholic Quotes #1275170
#78. Can a recovering alcoholic and a nun be happy together? Stay tuned.

Danielle Steel

Alcoholic Quotes #1289724
#79. I'm no alcoholic. I'm a drunkard. There's a difference. A drunkard doesn't like to go to meetings.

Jackie Gleason

Alcoholic Quotes #1290914
#80. The alcohol was awful. I was a terrible alcoholic. I mean, people used to ask how much drugs I did. I said, 'I only do drugs so I can drink more'. I was doing the coke so I could drink more. I mean, I don't know any other reason. I'd start drinking in the morning. I'd drink all day long.

Dennis Hopper

Alcoholic Quotes #1310908
#81. She hits me and she beats me and she drinks. My mom is an alcoholic.

Tonya Harding

Alcoholic Quotes #1331219
#82. Scientists have invented a new strain of cannabis without the high. They celebrated with non-alcoholic beer and furious dry-humping.

Stephen Colbert

Alcoholic Quotes #1334012
#83. I'm not an alcoholic - I don't have the discipline to become one - but,

Matthew Norman

Alcoholic Quotes #1630001
#84. Well, if you're a real alcoholic, then where are you stashing it? That's what real alcoholics do, right? Hide bottles?

Christa Allan

Alcoholic Quotes #1746438
#85. Why do alcoholics begin down the same hazardous road day after day? They are in search of that elusive window of well-being that opens when you drink your way out of a hangover and aren't yet drunk all over again. The alcoholic's day consists of trying to keep that window open.

Roger Ebert

Alcoholic Quotes #1744802
#86. I wasn't involved in anything. I wasn't out - you know, I know I wasn't in ACT UP. I wasn't with Larry Kramer. I wasn't by his side. I wasn't saying what I should do, because, by all accounts, I was a drug addict and an alcoholic. And I was living in a complete bubble of self-absorption.

Elton John

Alcoholic Quotes #1740812
#87. If you drink O'Douls, you don't drink; but if you drink 20 O'Douls in a half hour, then you're a non-alcoholic.

Mitch Hedberg

Alcoholic Quotes #1734633
#88. Mr. Speaker, as a grateful recovering alcoholic of 24 years myself, I am living proof that treatment does work and that recovery is real.

Jim Ramstad

Alcoholic Quotes #1733606
#89. I think that I'm coming off as the biggest alcoholic in the world.

Viola Davis

Alcoholic Quotes #1728168
#90. the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School found that drinking four or more cups of coffee daily could help prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).[7]

Jennifer Jolan

Alcoholic Quotes #1700909
#91. Every one of Dad's colleagues would eventually commit suicide, most by gunshot to the head, and every woman in their circle except for my mother would become a dysfunctional alcoholic. But in the fifties, they were all riding high.

Tim Gunn

Alcoholic Quotes #1650918
#92. I'm a recovered alcoholic. I don't do anything anymore, but those things, those things take away ... You're a different personality completely when you take those. For those who are really chemically dependent on anything, it's not you.

Stan Getz

Alcoholic Quotes #1650368
#93. I suspect it may be like the difference between a drinker and an alcoholic; the one merely reads books, the other needs books to make it through the day.
(Interview with The Booklovers blog, September 2010)

Gail Carriger

Alcoholic Quotes #1632577
#94. It took a great deal of acceptance to come to terms with being an alcoholic but acceptance was the key to my sobriety ... If I didn't have acceptance at that time in my life I would not be standing here today.

Dennis Eckersley

Alcoholic Quotes #1591062
#95. If you think you're an alcoholic, go to Scotland. You're not an alcoholic. These people are such drunken, toothless hillbillies - I've never seen anything like it. People in Scotland drink while they're drinking.

Jay Mohr

Alcoholic Quotes #1565361
#96. 1904 was the year the American Food and Drug people took the cocaine out of Coca-Cola, which gave us an alcoholic and death oriented generation of Yanks ideally equipped to fight WW II.

Thomas Pynchon

Alcoholic Quotes #1570616
#97. If you splurge on expensive booze you may be an alcoholic. If you go for the well on the other hand... you may be an alcoholic.

Euphrates Arnaut Moss

Alcoholic Quotes #1581681
#98. Ford had another Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, the drink which has been described as the alcoholic equivalent of a mugging - expensive and bad for the head.

Douglas Adams

Alcoholic Quotes #1584544
#99. I remember that night fondly. And by fondly, I mean with bitter resentment toward all things alcoholic and with a penis.

Tara Sivec

Alcoholic Quotes #1611675
#100. My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?

Betty Ford

Alcoholic Quotes #1621030

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