Top 100 Sign Up For Quotes

#1. We can, after all, learn much from lessons we did not sign up for.

Alexander Jablokov

Sign Up For Quotes #2510
#2. continues in book 3 of the series: Long Night Moon. If you'd like to know when I publish a new book, visit my website to sign up for my new release email alerts! I also hope

S.M. Reine

Sign Up For Quotes #37783
#3. To keep your love of running fresh, sign up for races and then don't take yourself or anyone around you too seriously.

Dana L. Ayers

Sign Up For Quotes #81305
#4. The question isn't if someone will sign up for spiritual formation; it's just who and what our spirits will be formed by.

John Ortberg

Sign Up For Quotes #125093
#5. But it still feels like there's a popularity contest here I didn't sign up for.

Katy Evans

Sign Up For Quotes #131944
#6. The media tried to destroy my parents and has taken things completely out of context, but there's not a whole lot you can do in terms of fighting back. You have to hope that it passes, which it always does. But they have to be careful. They didn't necessarily sign up for this.

Katy Perry

Sign Up For Quotes #216804
#7. She talks about being a Christian as if it's a gym membership you can sign up for.

Michel Faber

Sign Up For Quotes #243616
#8. Why did I sign up for this?'
'Because we grow by challenging ourselves.

Beth Fantaskey

Sign Up For Quotes #322552
#9. you'd like to know when I publish a new book, visit my website to sign up for my new release email

S.M. Reine

Sign Up For Quotes #369254
#10. I don't really want to do things that I feel like are going to send out a message that I don't really want to sign up for.

Romola Garai

Sign Up For Quotes #421144
#11. My mother read that parents should spend quality time with their children. One way is to sign up for organized activities together. This month we're taking meditation to free the mind. Last month it was Rolfing. Have you ever Rolfed, Tone?"
"Only after the school's shepherd's pie," I said.

Julie Anne Peters

Sign Up For Quotes #454768
#12. If I sign up for Facebook and want my account destroyed, it is impossible. They keep tabs on you; there will always be a trace.

Robert Cailliau

Sign Up For Quotes #465562
#13. Magic Johnson links his HIV and treatment to health care as though ObamaCare would provide the same level of care that a mega rich celebrity would get. Is he going to dump his coverage? Is he going to dump it and sign up for ObamaCare?

Greg Gutfeld

Sign Up For Quotes #483701
#14. When you sign up for Facebook, the service first searches for any mentions of your name and suggests you befriend anyone who has mentioned you in their posts. It then asks to access your e-mail account so you can connect with anyone with whom you regularly correspond.

Ethan Zuckerman

Sign Up For Quotes #542793
#15. If you ask 99.9 percent of parents who have children with autism if we'd rather have the measles versus autism, we'd sign up for the measles.

Jenny McCarthy

Sign Up For Quotes #555561
#16. There is a great market for religious experience in our world; there is little enthusiasm for the patient acquisition of virtue, little inclination to sign up for a long apprenticeship in what earlier generations of Christians called holiness.

Eugene H. Peterson

Sign Up For Quotes #582778
#17. Please sign up for my e-newsletter at my blogs or web sites. Thank you.


Sign Up For Quotes #597409
#18. I am defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning. I buy more books than I can finish. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things.

Ashwin Sanghi

Sign Up For Quotes #600633
#19. I did not sign up for this. She tried to fist me ... and it was someplace I don't even have any holes!

Rhys Ford

Sign Up For Quotes #620139
#20. It's been over a year since they've graduated, but neither of the Bush twins have found any work. Why don't they sign up (for military service in Iraq)? Do they hate America, or just freedom in general?

Bill Maher

Sign Up For Quotes #658193
#21. I suspect I am like most people on the Internet in that I sign up for all sorts of sites and frequently use the same passwords.

Rachel Sklar

Sign Up For Quotes #699413
#22. You might not have charged me a fee, but kissing you is too big of a price for me. I didn't sign up for this. Now let me go.

Linda Kage

Sign Up For Quotes #711899
#23. Sign up for the daily work, not the payoff.

Felicia Day

Sign Up For Quotes #755009
#24. Anything which is a huge problem for humanity we'll sign up for, if we can find a way to fix it.

Astro Teller

Sign Up For Quotes #788588
#25. You don't sign up for a divorce when you get married. It's very painful. But it's taught me a great deal about myself.

Dwayne Johnson

Sign Up For Quotes #799872
#26. Falling in love in a Christian way is to say,'I am excited about your future and I want to be part of getting you there. I'm signing up for the journey with you. Would you sign up for the journey to my true self with me? It's going to be hard but I want to get there.

Timothy Keller

Sign Up For Quotes #807793
#27. I think you just have to take everything that happens on a TV show with a grain of salt. You sign up for a show for six years having zero idea where they're going to go with the character, so you just have to get on the ride of the show and go with wherever they take you.

Gillian Jacobs

Sign Up For Quotes #851530
#28. Users get unlimited 'WhatsApp'. We get happy users who don't have to worry about data. Carriers get people willing to sign up for data plans.

Jan Koum

Sign Up For Quotes #891874
#29. When you accept a role in a pilot, you automatically sign up for five years. You think it's scary to walk down the aisle? Try signing a five-year contract for a show you may not want to be part of down the road.

Jennifer Aniston

Sign Up For Quotes #892201
#30. Today we have badminton set up, as well as a hike around the grounds, and trivia questions in the evening. Any questions?"
"When did we sign up for the senior citizen cruise?" Christian ridiculed.

Rachel Van Dyken

Sign Up For Quotes #898304
#31. We're going to do a challenge. I'm going to try and download every movie ever made and you are going to try to sign up for Obamacare - and we'll see which happens first.

Jon Stewart

Sign Up For Quotes #941674
#32. I was the first to sign up for Botox when it first came out.

Janice Dickinson

Sign Up For Quotes #988053
#33. I was just 17 years old and had to get some new friends to actually sign up for me to get electricity and utilities because I wasn't even old enough to have things like that.

Blake Shelton

Sign Up For Quotes #1003466
#34. Consumers deserve to know exactly what they're getting for their money when they sign-up for a 4G data plan.

Anna Eshoo

Sign Up For Quotes #1007532
#35. The big challenge with Internet financial services has been that it's very difficult to get large numbers of customers to sign up for your service.

Peter Thiel

Sign Up For Quotes #1065618
#36. I have so much to learn when it comes to running. I just don't ever want it to feel like a chore. When I choose to sign up for a race or go out for a run, it's to make myself feel good, and I almost always do.

Summer Sanders

Sign Up For Quotes #1107685
#37. So how, one wonders, does Lean,[i] the hot business methodology of the past two decades, continue to thrive when companies that sign up for it have been dropping out at a rate of more than 90%?

Employee X

Sign Up For Quotes #1182977
#38. If it is unappetizing: Do not eat, date, or sign up for it. If the mere thought of it is depressing: Do not major in it, sit through it, or devote your life to it. If it is not important to you: Do not do it only because it is important to someone else. You will thank yourself

Jessica Hagy

Sign Up For Quotes #1235855
#39. A company invites their employees to sign up for a plan where every time they get a raise, some part of that raise goes to increasing their contribution rate to the 401k plan. In the first company we convinced to adopt this plan, saving rates tripled.

Richard Thaler

Sign Up For Quotes #1245177
#40. However, the Medicare prescription drug benefit has changed, and if the nearly 3,000 seniors I have met through 12 town halls can represent a sample of opinion, many seniors do not yet understand the prescription drug program and do not plan to sign up for coverage.

Mike Fitzpatrick

Sign Up For Quotes #1245371
#41. We also host fun giveaways on our website. To receive your invite to win free eBooks, Amazon gift cards, and much more, sign up for our newsletter at 24KaratRomance.

Emma South

Sign Up For Quotes #1276675
#42. The worst thing about losing this job: I'm no longer covered by NBC. I have to sign up for ObamaCare.

Jay Leno

Sign Up For Quotes #1298560
#43. But if you sign up for moonshot thinking, if you sign up to make something 10x better, there is no chance of doing that with existing assumptions.

Peter H. Diamandis

Sign Up For Quotes #1323201
#44. Fuck the miracle of life, where do I sign up for a hysterectomy?

Glen Duncan

Sign Up For Quotes #1333567
#45. Want to know the day the next Barefoot Bay book is released? Sign up for the newsletter! You'll get brief monthly emails about new releases and book sales. Anyone who signs up can receive Barefoot Bound, the prequel to the Barefoot Bay Undercover series ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Roxanne St. Claire

Sign Up For Quotes #1417993
#46. Being really good at something you shouldn't be doing doesn't make it any better," Mom said.
"It's a history class," I said, "and serial killers are a part of history. So are wars and racism and genocide. I guess I forgot to sign up for the 'happy stuff only' history class, sorry about that.

Dan Wells

Sign Up For Quotes #1419982
#47. I shook my head. "Not Interested" I said.
he straightened up. "Not interested in what?"
In you." I couldn't be more blunt.
Excuse me, miss, but I was going to ask if you would like to sign up for karaoke.

Karen E. Olson

Sign Up For Quotes #1436320
#48. If people don't have their own vision, all they can do is 'sign-up' for someone else's.

Peter Senge

Sign Up For Quotes #1457249
#49. The Supreme Being I would sign up for would not prove his omnipotence by saving one life while ending dozens, or hundreds, or thousands. Nor would he summon an angel to heaven by ending a first grader's life at the hands of a gunman or sadist.

Jeff Greenfield

Sign Up For Quotes #1465332
#50. fan...fucking...tastic I can't do this I didn't sign up for this shit Tria thought "Yeah...Sure Agres." Tria responded rather unhappily "We can still do some snooping since Mitra seems to be absent at the moment." Tria smiled "Snooping sounds good.

Charon Lloyd-Roberts

Sign Up For Quotes #1471871
#51. I'm always confident when I sign up for a project that it's going to be good. That's why I sign up for it.

Taraji P. Henson

Sign Up For Quotes #1507649
#52. I was like, oh, I want to sign up for "Catwoman," and then Anne Hathaway had already signed up for it.

Tina Fey

Sign Up For Quotes #1531496
#53. Firms that draw commitment from customers and staff give them a way to sign up for something that can allow them to be their best self.

John Jantsch

Sign Up For Quotes #1538331
#54. When you're introducing a mobile app, you look around and say, 'We could be doing 15 different things, but how do we communicate to someone why they would want to download and even sign up for this thing?'

Kevin Systrom

Sign Up For Quotes #1551224
#55. I don't think when people sign up for a life of doing something they love to do they should have to sign up for a complete loss of privacy. I understand a little loss of privacy coming with the job.

Sarah Chalke

Sign Up For Quotes #1580701
#56. Other signs of the apocalypse proliferate. After a pop-up ad appears on her screen, Vivian announces that she plans to sign up for Netflix. She buys a digital camera on Amazon with one click. She asks Molly if she's ever seen the sneezing baby panda video on YouTube. She even joins Facebook.

Christina Baker Kline

Sign Up For Quotes #1585540
#57. When we're impatient with beginners around us, we would do well to sign up for a class in scuba diving, ballroom dancing or anything else totally brand-new for us.

Susan Collins

Sign Up For Quotes #1790371
#58. My son, Simon Lewis, wants to sign up for a life where you have to do a hundred push-ups before breakfast?

Cassandra Clare

Sign Up For Quotes #1853135
#59. Morfran thrust his axe straight up. He pretty much seemed to have one sign for everything: poke a hole in the sky.

Ilona Andrews

Sign Up For Quotes #107262
#60. In a shadowy place something white flew up. It was a heron, and it went away over the dark treetops. William Wallace followed it with his eyes and Brucie clapped his hands, but Virgil gave a sigh, as if he knew that when you go looking for what is lost, everything is a sign.
("The Wide Net")

Eudora Welty

Sign Up For Quotes #115629
#61. In order for Obamacare's cost structure to work, millions of Americans must sign up to pay inflated prices; that would help pay for the subsidies to cover insurance company costs on those with pre-existing conditions.

Ben Shapiro

Sign Up For Quotes #121940
#62. The way I see it, when you put the uniform on, in effect you sign a contract. And you don't back out of a contract merely because you've changed your mind. You can still speak up for your principles, you can still argue against the ones you're being made to fight for, but in the end you do the job.

Pat Barker

Sign Up For Quotes #148748
#63. I'm not really heaven material anyway, chickie babe. Sign me up for your team

Wendy Higgins

Sign Up For Quotes #186239
#64. Cos a cop asking a guy for a discount on his crack, that's screwed up.
Sign of the goddamn apocalypse is what it is.

Warren Ellis

Sign Up For Quotes #190618
#65. Retarded kids are the best. When they ask for an autograph I just fake sign a picture and tell them that it's in invisible ink and it will show up later. They totally buy it. It saves me a fortune in markers.

Zach Braff

Sign Up For Quotes #254064
#66. Prenups are so unromantic - a sign of distrust, not love. Time for a reality check, my friends. First, drawing up a prenuptial agreement together is a sign of incredible trust and financial openness - you're fooling yourself if you think you can achieve complete intimacy without it.

Suze Orman

Sign Up For Quotes #264226
#67. So what's it to be, Bear?"
Dev lifted his leg and gave a sarcastic slap to his thigh.
"By golly, I'll take door number two, Bob. You know the one that calls for straight suicide with a side of mutilation and pain? Sign my hairy ass up for that and don't be late.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sign Up For Quotes #290588
#68. I had a breakthrough, I think my life just became calmer, I gave up drinking. My priorities changed as I had a young daughter. The group didn't want me to record for the Think Tank album ... so I took it as a sign to leave.

Graham Coxon

Sign Up For Quotes #292080
#69. It was at this time that people found along the roads and highways little children, tiny vagabonds who refused to grow up. Little girls of seven years knelt and prayed that they might not grow older, for puberty seemed to them a sign of mortality.

Marcel Schwob

Sign Up For Quotes #293661
#70. I have great fans that come up to me, and they just want me to sign stuff. I have a restaurant in Beverly Hills - Prego - and they come in all the time asking for me to see when I'm going to show up. That doesn't really scare me.

Antonio Sabato Jr.

Sign Up For Quotes #317581
#71. Folks are always talking about 40 acres and a mule, but what we need is some psychoanalysis. Forget 40 acres in a mule: sign all of us up for some shrinks so we can get ourselves right by reflecting and truly learning ourselves.

LaTanya Richardson

Sign Up For Quotes #363061
#72. If these is right from the beginnig up to the end like in books "Don't touch this book", this is really sign your contract for jail.
How I'm different??
I just watch, read and do stuff which most people even all don't read.... I do stuff which are rare for some people...

Deyth Banger

Sign Up For Quotes #407543
#73. I was 16 years old and wanted to help my mom with the rent. There was a restaurant called China Buffet in Tampa that hung a 'Help Wanted' sign outside, so I went in and ended up hosting every Friday and Sunday for $6 or $7 an hour.

Michelle Phan

Sign Up For Quotes #505514
#74. I've done signings where elderly people will line up to get photos with me and ask me to sign things. They don't even pretend it's for their grandkids. They're like, 'No, it's for me.'

Chris Lilley

Sign Up For Quotes #518575
#75. -flashed Langdon the thumbs-up
sign. Langdon smiled weakly and returned the gesture, wondering if she knew it was the ancient phallic
symbol for masculine virility.

Dan Brown

Sign Up For Quotes #563050
#76. People break down into two groups when the experience something lucky. Group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign, evidence, that there is someone up there, watching out for them. Group number two sees it as just pure luck. Just a happy turn of chance.

M. Night Shyamalan

Sign Up For Quotes #610178
#77. I wanted to build something that was a system - that was mechanical and would propagate itself like a virus. I needed a way for it spread from person to person, and the best way to do that was trying to get someone to get their friends to sign up.

Michael Birch

Sign Up For Quotes #640270
#78. Over-seriousness is a warning sign for mediocrity and bureaucratic thinking. People who are seriously committed to mastery and high performance are secure enough to lighten up.

Michael J. Gelb

Sign Up For Quotes #703795
#79. I think when love sneaks up on you, when it grabs onto you when you least expect it, maybe that's more of a sign that it's real. That it's meant to be and nothing could stop the two of you from falling for each other.

Nyrae Dawn

Sign Up For Quotes #714154
#80. The best brothels in Bangkok seem to have a weakness for Greek names,' [Liz] commented acidly and got out. Harry looked up at a large neon sign proclaiming that the motel was called Olympussy.

Jo Nesbo

Sign Up For Quotes #762249
#81. You know, there's this thing called pants. You should try it out."
He cast me a cheeky grin as he turned. "You'd be devastated. Just think, you get to see this every day from here on out."
My heart did a trippy dance. "Your naked ass? Gee. Sign me up for that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Sign Up For Quotes #773307
#82. The true sign of a robust and mature life rests in how many times that life has been knocked down, for to be incessantly knocked down and yet find oneself still standing means that someone had the resolve to get up that many times plus one.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Sign Up For Quotes #927987
#83. If I wanted you to get a job, I would ask you to get a job. I'm also not stupid. I'm not going to overwork myself. If I have to chase the money, then I can't do this no more. That's not what I signed up for. I didn't sign up to tire myself out.

Fetty Wap

Sign Up For Quotes #993702
#84. Actors look for characters. If they read a well-written character, and if they think the director's not an idiot, they're going to sign up and do some acting.

Andrew Dominik

Sign Up For Quotes #1003279
#85. The very serpents bite their tails; the bees forget to sting, For a language so celestial setteth up a wondering. And the touch of absent mindedness is more than any line, Since direction counts for nothing when the gods set up a sign.

Nathalia Crane

Sign Up For Quotes #1012518
#86. I think that he should keep a caravansary on the world's highway, where philosophers of all nations might put up, and on his sign should be printed, "Entertainment for man, but not for his beast. Enter ye that have leisure and a quiet mind, who earnestly seek the right road.

Henry David Thoreau

Sign Up For Quotes #1022481
#87. Students set up desks where you could sign petitions for legalizing marijuana or declare yourself in favor of homosexuality and the protection of whales; students thronged by.

Peter Straub

Sign Up For Quotes #1042222
#88. Anyone own a disease? I was also startled at the level of hypocrisy. How can a leading make up company not sign onto the "Campaign for Safe Cosmetics" and at the same time promote itself as leading the fight against breast cancer?

Ravida Din

Sign Up For Quotes #1046261
#89. Rap un zeal' Demon within. I might as well put up a giant 'Come and Get Eaten' sign for the good those warning runes do.

Sabrina Zbasnik

Sign Up For Quotes #1090583
#90. The ambassador was part of the special remedial dating program," Jeeves explained. "All of the other species on the station sign up with a dating service to find their best match, but some humans can't coherently describe what they want for breakfast, much less for the rest of their lives.

E.M. Foner

Sign Up For Quotes #1105397
#91. As a quiet salute to Beavis and Butthead, I held up my index finger and thumb in an "L"-the international sign for loser.

Michael Moore

Sign Up For Quotes #1124152
#92. If a guy's talking to you at a club and you're having a long conversation, and then one of your friends comes up and he automatically devotes his attention to her, that's always a sign to look for. They're not always just doing it 'cause they're being 'friendly.' They want to look for somebody new.

Brody Jenner

Sign Up For Quotes #1132080
#93. It wasn't the first warning sign, but for some reason that experience was a big wake-up call for me. It was now or never. I had to do something about my weight and overall

Mike Berland

Sign Up For Quotes #1136362
#94. None of the people who wrote Obamacare want anything to do with it. None of the people responsible for Obamacare can afford it. They all want subsidies. None of the people that gave us Obamacare have any desire to actually go to and sign up. That's for you and me to have to do.

Rush Limbaugh

Sign Up For Quotes #1138077
#95. So just to be clear, I'm not going to sign any package that somehow prevents the top rate from going up for folks at the top 2 percent.

Barack Obama

Sign Up For Quotes #1169786
#96. Hitler had a police state of the first order. And those who showed any sign of being weak-kneed faced prison or often summary execution. That prevented a lot of people who knew that the war was not going to turn out well for Germany from giving up.

Rick Atkinson

Sign Up For Quotes #1177787
#97. Resort to military force is a first sure sign that we are giving up the struggle for the democratic way of life, and that the Old World has conquered morally as well as geographically succeeding in imposing upon us its ideals and methods.

John Dewey

Sign Up For Quotes #1202761
#98. 2015 - the year of infinity - if you add all the numbers up you get 8 - which on it's side is the sign of infinity - and I think it's going to be one hell of a good year for us.

Jay Woodman

Sign Up For Quotes #1227330
#99. How do you invent a religion?" Evie asked.

Will looked over the top of his spectacles. "You say, 'God told me the following,' and then wait for people to sign up.

Libba Bray

Sign Up For Quotes #1287200
#100. I do a little sign on the court every time i make a shot or a good pass and i pound my chest and point to the sky - it symbolizes that i have a heart for God. It's something that my mom and I came up with in college and I do it every time I step on the floor as a reminder of who i'm playing for.

Stephen Curry

Sign Up For Quotes #1292296

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