Top 100 Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes

#1. Swimming was the last thing I wanted to do. Drowning him? Maybe.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #7091
#2. I spun and jogged around the SUV. Climbing in I readjusted the seat from Godzilla setting to Normal so my feet could reach the pedals.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #12006
#3. There's a McDonald's down the street. We'll get you a Happy Meal. Maybe that'll make you happier.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #44300
#4. My brain was telling me this was a bad idea and I told my brain to shut the fuck up, because it rarely told me anything helpful.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #143514
#5. They all had their own struggles and stories to tell and they al made it to this point, happy and in love.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #155810
#6. Love in my world usually ended up with someone hearing "I smite thee!" as she was cursed to be some lame flower for the rest of her life.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #210783
#7. Part of me was flattered that he had brought me to his home, a place where no other girl had traveled. But I was his friend and the other girls probably wern't that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #328336
#8. -She understands."
"Understands what?" I whispered. Rider's gaze held mine again.
"She understands that if I have to pick between you two, it's not going to be her.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #328689
#9. My palms itched to have a close encounter of the bitch-slap kind with his face.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #364188
#10. You know what they say about boys next door...

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #368228
#11. I would be clapping like a seal right now if I weren't so fucking hung over, just so you know. Inside, I am doing happy jumping jacks for you with glittery pom poms.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #371740
#12. Daemon's green eyes held a glassy sheen. His arm reached out, fingers splayed. They never reached the laser or the door. "I love you, Katy. Always have. Always will," he said, voice thick and hoarse with panic. "I will come back for you. I will-

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #390959
#13. Obviously." I smiled faintly. "The whole invading-Earth part kind of gave that away.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #410398
#14. Guys are totally stupid when it comes to unrequited love. We females pine away and keep our thighs closed for the most part when we love someone we can't have. Guys swing their shit around at anything that has a hole, trying to forget the one they want.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #430979
#15. If I continued, I would kill her. Stopping would be going against my nature. Arum were killers. And I didn't hide from what I truly was, even if I was the DOD's bitch boy.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #441445
#16. Tomorrow or next week wasn't guaranteed. Not that it ever was, but for us, things really weren't looking in our favor. There really was only one now, and I wanted to seize the moment and live in it.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #452564
#17. I didn't want to spoil the mood. This was probably the longest Daemon and I had ever spoken without some statement earning him the finger.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #452903
#18. The gods wanted war?
They were about to get it.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #491530
#19. Your arrogance is rooted in stupidity.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #515371
#20. You probably should have thought about that before you Lite-Brited her ass.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #526662
#21. Just so you know, I get incredibly bored quite easily and you will be forced to be my source of entertainment. You'll kind of be like my own personal jester."
I flipped him off.
"Well that wasn't funny at all.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #536889
#22. How was I supposed to tell my Seth where I was when I had nothing but freaking trees-

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #561087
#23. But it was Seth's decision, and it cannot be undone. And when you go topside in six months, you should find him and thank him.
I was actually going to hug and squeeze and love the dude. Then smack him. And then hug and squeeze and love him again.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #581730
#24. I keep smiling, giving Ash a little wink before turning around. Daemon stood there with two cups, one eyebrow arched.
"Bad little Kitten," he murmured.
Grinning, I stretch up and kissed him.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #585381
#25. I can't believe you're actually here. That you are with me.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #587555
#26. tell me to stop and i will

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #593518
#27. She was mine. I was hers. A truth that would never change.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #604059
#28. Ah, i just know. That's my talent, if you were wondering. I just know things." She rolled her eyes, but she was grinning. "What a unique talent"
"I know. I amaze myself

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #618262
#29. Oh, I was two seconds from jumping on his back and strangling him from behind ... with love, of course.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #620339
#30. I knew then that death could stop
a lot of things, but it could never cut the bond of friendship.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #633214
#31. Hoping never really got us anywhere, did it?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #658020
#32. Oh gods, please tel me you've spil ed a drink on your shirt and you're temporarily walking with her to hide the stain. Because Deacon, I'd rather floss my teeth with a daimon's back hair than parade a growth like that around

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #679555
#33. Apollo had said he knew what this kind of love was capable of. And I finally understood why Paris had risked his country and his blood for Helen. Selfish, yes, but I understood. I would burn the world if that meant Alex would be safe.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #686691
#34. I needed to stop staring at his bicep ... and chest ... and tattoo. Never thought the sun could be so ... sexy. Wow. This was awkward.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #705304
#35. You drive me fucking insane sometimes.
I drove myself fucking insane.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #713375
#36. May I ask why you're passing notes to Aiden?" He eyed the letter like it was a bomb.
"It's a love note. I'm asking him to circle 'yes' or 'no' if he likes me.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #745556
#37. I hurried upstairs and powered up my laptop. I checked on the review I'd posted last night. No comments. People sucked. But I did gain five new followers. People rocked.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #760228
#38. He has always been yours, Alex. And you've always been his

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #779034
#39. This was a bad idea," I whispered.
"It was probably the smartest idea you've ever had."
I rubbed my palms on my hips.
"It's going to take a lot more
than Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas tree to get laid."
"Damn. There goes my whole plan.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #798727
#40. Mr. Garrison glanced at Daemon, frowning. "It's the fact that the energy was so strong it disrupted a satellite's signal and they weren't able to snap any pictures of the event. Nothing like that has ever happened before."
Daemon kept his expression blank. "I guess I'm just that awesome.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #833932
#41. I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening playing Scrabble with Deacon. I think he regretted asking me to play, because I was one of those Scrabble players - the kind who played three-letter words every chance I got.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #834507
#42. There were always choices. I'd made a string of bad ones myself. At least I could admit that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #835166
#43. Simon, stop!"
Someon was bending over a sprawled out Simon, reaching down and picking him up by the scruff of his neck. "Do you have a problem understanding simple English.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #847465
#44. You love Roth," he continued for me."You're in love with him."
My eyes met his bright blue ones."Yes," I whispered, my lower lip trembling."It's him. It's always been him.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #920134
#45. Anyway, back to the kids."

"Well, one is a girl who looks about your age, and there's a boy." She grinned as she stood. "He's a hottie."

A tiny piece of egg caught in my throat. It was seriously gross to hear Mom talking about boys my age. "Hottie? Mom that's just weird.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #945867
#46. You don't look like an alien!' It seemed important to point that out.
He arched a brow. 'And what do aliens look like?'
'Not ... not like you,' I sputtered. 'They aren't gorgeous
'You think I'm gorgeous?' He smiled.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #969468
#47. Daemon Black could be as prickly as a hedgehog having a really bad day, but underneath all that spindly armor, he was sweet, protective, and incredibly selfless.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #969968
#48. I'm game for anything with you, Daemon Black.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #978152
#49. What is it with the St. Delphi brothers and their attraction to halfs?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1019355
#50. Goddamn, you feel so good. You kill me, you know? Fucking kill me.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1055349
#51. I saw Kat before me, her pupils glowing. I turned slowly, finding a soldier on the ground, a PEP weapon by his lifeless hand.
"I can help," she said.
You saved my life. I turned back to her. That is so hot.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1092818
#52. She opened her eyes. "Is this real?"
"Very real." I brushed the soaked strands off her cheek, wondering if I was lying or not and if I should care if I was. "Angel, let me kiss you.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1104781
#53. You told me you wanted to marry Seth's bed, and then you told me you'd marry me if I asked. After that, you started to-"
"Enough," I groaned, wanting to crawl under the blankets.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1135993
#54. I thinks Its cute that you call my house Home. By the way, it Is my house. My name is on the deed. - Daemon Black

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1148002
#55. LAYLA: "You boinked Lilith."
ROTH: "Boinked?" Roth chuckled under his breath and then said, "God, I love you.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1185454
#56. He tasted of chocolate and man and I was coming out of my skin as lust stirred in the pit of my stomach, followed by a burst of fluttery panic.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1196806
#57. You must stay away from the one who brings nothing but heartache and death. Do you hear me? He brings nothing but death. Always has.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1214934
#58. Alex," I choked out. "Everyone calls

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1219419
#59. He seemed to be staring at the chain hanging from the ceiling fan. Seconds later, he confirmed this by reaching out and tugging the chain.
Light clicked on.
He tugged the chain again.
Light went off.
Oh for gods' sake, he had a mean case of ADD sometimes. "Apollo," I snapped.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1222783
#60. On a good day, the animosity levels between us were usually at CODE RED. Bad days they were at CODE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1230263
#61. His kiss ... well, it made me. He made me. And because of that, I knew it went both ways. He made me. I made him.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1256318
#62. I texted back: Did you make it home?
A few minutes passed while I stared at my phone. Yeah. Fam showering me with affection. U cld learn frm them.
I think you get enough attention.
I'm needy.
Boy, don't I know that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1262955
#63. I'm totally calm. I would just like to know who marred your skin so that I can put a name and face to the creature I'm going to kill very slowly." "I think we might have different definitions of calm," I said wryly. "I've never been calmer in my life.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1291909
#64. I can't believe it took me this long to be here with you.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1294044
#65. So, you guys are like us in other, uh, departments?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1332990
#66. I just don't want you to feel that way, because I love you. I'm in love with you. Forever and ever, and all the corny things I can attach to that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1369706
#67. The deaths, well, they did stack up, one after another. Kind of hard not to take them personally. Did I blame myself? Hell to the no. Did it piss me off and make me want to douse the entire compound in gasoline and start throwing matches? Hell yes.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1376125
#68. Don't look at me like I've kicked a baby pegasus into the street.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1381332
#69. Or did you wake up on the wrong side of stupid this morning?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1401026
#70. I knew how hard loss was. It never went away, but stayed with you like a faint shadow that was thicker some days than others.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1425570
#71. See, there's this place called an Apple Store and I qwnr rhwew, picked one out. They didn't have any stock.' He paused as if to make sure I was following him, and all I could do was stare.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1456043
#72. I want to marry you because I'm in love with you, Kat. I will always be in love with you. That's not going to change today or two weeks from now. I will be just as in love with you in twenty years as I am today.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1460426
#73. It's no problem." He picked up a slip of paper and then glanced up. "Astronomy 101? I'm heading that way too."
Great. For the whole semester I'd have to see the guy I nearly killed in the hallway.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1465767
#74. Oh! What thing? A thing with Daemon, and if you say yes, please tell me that thing starts with an s and ends with an x." I opened my eyes and frowned. "Geez, you're worse than a dude.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1468930
#75. What does waiting do? None of us are promised a tomorrow ... We don't always get a later." He kissed my temple again, then pulled back, his eyes finding mine. "I'm done living like we do.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1475961
#76. "Don't be scared of Bambi" the demon said. "She's only curious and maybe a little bit hungry."
The thing was named Bambi?
Oh, my God, the thing stared at me like it wanted to eat me.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1504585
#77. Oh, dear gods, this was turning into a boy fight.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1528760
#78. By the way," Aiden said casting me a long look that had me totally forgetting the seriousness of our mission. "You look damn good in a Sentinel uniform."
A hot flush that had nothing to do with embarrassment spread over me. "So do you."
"I know.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1570368
#79. I'm afraid of never being allowed to feel what I do.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1571515
#80. Did you think he was just some lazy pure-blood who needed protection?" His voice dripped sarcasm.
"Well he looks like one! How was I supposed to know he was secretly Rambo in Dockers?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1576309
#81. Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1654438
#82. Everything that had happened flipped through
my head like a photo album I wanted to burn.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1657429
#83. People show you what they want you to see. You have to remember that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1663825
#84. Now, I bought us a movie to watch, the one that has sparkly vampires in it.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1700367
#85. You're such a stalker, Seth. How long were you standing there?"
"I am not a stalker, and I was standing there long enough to realize you have no self-control and you're unstable. I kind of like that about you - mainly because I find it entertaining.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1709945
#86. Yes, Kat, I really want to get married."
"In a towel?"
His head tipped back, and he let out a deep laugh. "Maybe I'll put some clothes on.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1711044
#87. Seth lifted his left hand and several plates flew from the cabinet, settling gently on the counter like something straight out of Beauty and the Beast. "Show off," muttered Alex.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1720051
#88. We really could use the Avengers right about now." "Screw that. We need Loki," Daemon retorted.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1727277
#89. In a low voice, I asked, "How are you doing?"
Luc shrugged. "You know, I'm doing my thing like a chicken wing."
My brow arched.
Daemon sounded like he choked. "Did you seriously just say that?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1727372
#90. Money doesn't buy taste, personality, or common decency.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1738326
#91. Daemon!" Dee called from the kitchen. "I need your help!"
"We should go see what she's doing before she destroys your kitchen." He rubbed his hands down his face. "It's possible.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1755296
#92. I know they say you shouldn't take candy from strangers, but it's a cookie and not candy and technically, I'm not a stranger.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1758872
#93. The skin around her mouth tightened. I would throw this book at you, but I respect the book too much to do that.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1759993
#94. He watched you like a man starved for the only thing that could fulfill his hunger."
My eyes popped out and my body flushed about a thousand shades of red. "Oh, wow ...

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1764812
#95. He's made of shadows - of night, Kat. You won't see him until he wants you to. Oh. Well. Shit.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1840448
#96. Am I glowing?"
"Like a Christmas tree."
"Not just the star?"
The bed moved a little, and I felt his hand brush my arm. "No. You're super bright. It's kind of like looking at the sun.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1840823
#97. I could always give you a teaser. You bookish people love teasers, don't you?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1859481
#98. A sudden damp coldness clung to the air around us. I lifted my head, eyeing the burnt orange sky. One drop of water fell, splashing off my cheek. Then the sky opened up, drenching us in cold rain within seconds.
I sighed. Really, it has to rain?

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1861539
#99. My mom's voice filtered through my thoughts as I stopped in front of the Robert Byrd Science Building, out of the breath from racing up the steepest, most inconvenient hill in history.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1874589
#100. Dying isn't the only way into the Underworld, but it's the safest.
Well, that sounded like an oxymoron if I'd ever heard one.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout Quotes #1878142

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