Top 100 Cassandra Clare Quotes
#1. Unrequited love is a ridiculous state, and it makes those in it behave ridiculously.
Cassandra Clare
#2. You're not gay, are you?"
Simon's greenish color deepened. "If I were, I would dress better.
Cassandra Clare
#3. I am not perfectly certain I believe in marriage. Why have just one bonbon when you can have the box?
Cassandra Clare
#4. I can't believe you didn't say you were Simon Lewis," she said. "I thought you were just a mundane."
Simon leaned slightly away. "I am just a mundane.
Cassandra Clare
#7. the room, evading his mother's reaching hand. "You're back!
Cassandra Clare
#8. It will have to be Jem. He's impossible to hate. Even that devil cat likes him.
Cassandra Clare
#9. He understands now why kisses in movies are filmed the way they are, with the camera endlessly circling, circling: the ground is unsteady under his.
Cassandra Clare
#10. Dear God, woman,"said Will. "Are there any questions you don't want to know the answer to?
Cassandra Clare
#11. The Queen gave him a look: special and secretive and shared between the two of them.You warned her about us, the look seemed to say.That we would hurt her, break her as you might break a twig between your fingers. But you, who thought you could not be touched - you are the one who has been broken.
Cassandra Clare
#12. Lord Raziel. Surely yoy would not have allowed such a thing as a ritual by wich you might be summoned to exist if you did not intend to be summoned. We Nephilim are your children. We need your guidance
Cassandra Clare
#13. Then Alec had smiled at one of Magnus's jokes, and the smile had lit a lamp in his solemn face, making his blue eyes brilliant, and briefly taking Magnus's breath away
Cassandra Clare
#14. She'd cried loudly enough that the man sitting across from her had offered her a tissue, and she'd screamed, what do you think you're looking at jerk? At him, because that was what you did in New York. After that she felt a little better.
Cassandra Clare
#15. You're Valentine's son. I'm sure you're the one the Queen really wants to see. Besides, you're charming. Maybe not at the moment.
Cassandra Clare
#16. Love means you see someone." ... "Their touch stay on your skin and their voice stays in your ears and their thoughts stay in your min.
Cassandra Clare
#17. Human emotions are so foolish to them, and human minds and hearts so fragile.
Cassandra Clare
#18. [Magnus] stumbled over a few people to the phone, only to find that he had actually reached for a large decorative cigarette dispenser. It was possible he was not quite at his best either.
Cassandra Clare
#19. You can't concern yourself with that. Certainly it would be wonderful if we all knew who we were. But that knowledge doesn't come from the outside, but from the inside.
Cassandra Clare
#21. Their beauty had always seemed to him like the beauty of pressed flowers-lovely, but dead.
Cassandra Clare
#22. Em," he said again, his eyes wide and dark blue in the dim light. "Did you kiss Mark the other night?
Cassandra Clare
#23. So we're racing the Clare and the Courts," said Julian. "Fantastic. Maybe there's someone else we can piss off. The Spiral Labyrinth? The Scholomance? Interpol?
Cassandra Clare
#24. Don't sulk. For someone with all the grace and coordination of a pregnant wildebeest, you did great.
Cassandra Clare
#25. You never called me. I saved you from getting decapitated by an Eidolon demon and you didn't even call.
Cassandra Clare
#26. I think they'll probably put that on my gravestone. 'He Was Heterosexual and Had Low Expectations.
Cassandra Clare
#27. In the same way that so many people read 'Harry Potter' and went to see 'Harry Potter,' just because a movie is about a kid, doesn't mean it's for kids, and just because a movie is about a girl, doesn't mean it's for girls.
Cassandra Clare
#28. If she kissed him, would he taste like blood or cloves or a mixture of the two?
Cassandra Clare
#29. Well, either you've been out fighting the forces of evil or you've come from a much wilder party than we have," Jace said.
"Hello, there, Blackthorns.
Cassandra Clare
#31. Lust," she said. "Lust is a deadly sin."
"And spanking."
"I think that falls under lust."
"I think it should have its own category." said Jace
Cassandra Clare
#33. So much magic, Clary thought, and nothing to mend a broken heart
Cassandra Clare
#34. Keeping demons from this world is your mandate, a mandate from heaven. And a mandate from heaven isn't something you can just ignore.
Cassandra Clare
#36. He's not here."
"Not here like he just popped around the corner to the bodega for a six-pack of Diet Coke and a box of Krispy Kremes, or not here like ...
Cassandra Clare
#37. The things we're most frightened of, we can't make ourselves dismiss them.
Cassandra Clare
#38. She jerked hastily back to avoid stepping on it, and her shoulder bumped his
he put a hand out to steady her, just as she turned to apologize and then she was somehow in the circle of his arm and he was kissing her.
Cassandra Clare
#39. He seemed like someone who had woken up after a hundred years of sleep, shaking the dust of a century's dreams from his feet.
Cassandra Clare
#40. I wouldn't call that an instrument of music," Ragnor observed sourly. "An instrument of torture, perhaps.
Cassandra Clare
#41. No matter what you are physically, male or female , strong or weak, sick or healthy , everything is not as important as what you have in the heart . If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior . All those other things are just the glass of the lamp , but you're the light shining inside.
Cassandra Clare
#42. Then again, it was Jace. He'd pick a fight with a Mack truck if the urge took him.
Cassandra Clare
#43. I would have given it up
all of it up
to be married to you for a day. A day that would never have come. You are a reminder
a reminder of everything I am losting. The Life I will not have.
Cassandra Clare
#44. George had sent him a handful of postcards over the last two months. The front of each of them had borne a photograph of the idyllic Scottish countryside. And on the back, a series of messages circling a single theme:
So bored.
Kill me now.
Too late, already dead.
Cassandra Clare
#46. As long as they're making beloved books into movies, people are going to be like, 'That's not my mental image of them.' It takes that moment for it to click and become their mental image.
Cassandra Clare
#47. You're gorgeous," she said. Her hands slid around to flatten themselves against his chest. "You know that right?"
"And I just don't care," she says
"Isabelle, I don't think-Wait, What?
Cassandra Clare
#48. Magnus's ship would sail that night...His interest in the ship and his thoughts of an adventure to come made him regret his departure less, but even so, he stood at the rail as the ship departed into the night waters.
Cassandra Clare
#49. Julian spoke through his teeth. "Malcolm, this is not a love story."
"Every story is a love story.
Cassandra Clare
#50. There was a time, not so long ago, when Simon Lewis had been convinced that all gym teachers were actually demons escaped from some hell dimension, nourishing themselves on the agonies of uncoordinated youth.
Little did he know he'd been almost right.
Cassandra Clare
#51. Because think how we'll feel in the morning. Think how much worse it will be pretending that we don't mean anything to each other in front of everyone else after we've spent the night together, even if all we do is sleep. It's like having just a little bit of a drug - it only makes you want more.
Cassandra Clare
#52. And in that moment Cristina yearned toward him more than she ever had, for she knew that feeling, to be so hollowed out by loss that you felt as if the wind could blow through you.
Cassandra Clare
#53. When you told me the first time that Valentine was your father, I didn't believe it. Not just because I didn't want it to be true, but because you weren't anything like him. I've never thought you're anything like him. But you are. You are.
Cassandra Clare
#55. Oh, God," Magnus said. "They're dead. They're all dead.
Cassandra Clare
#56. OR am I the only warlock you know?"
"No ... but you are the only warlock we know who happens to dating a friend of ours.
Cassandra Clare
#58. Oh, for goodness' sake," yawned Isabelle, "Is he really waking us up at this ungodly hour just to prove his love to you or something? Couldn't he have called? mundane men are such twits."
(Thinking its Simon when the "doorbell" of institute rings)
-Isabelle to Clary, pg.188-
Cassandra Clare
#59. Clary knew what he was going to say next before he said it. That weapon. I want it.
Cassandra Clare
#60. You may choose your friends, but not your unlikely saviors, Magnus said cheerfully.
Cassandra Clare
#61. Because you're lying to me. And you're lying to yourself. Jace's eyes were blazing.
Cassandra Clare
#62. Was that Will?" she said finally.
Henry arched one ginger eyebrow. "Perhaps he's been kidnapped and replaced by an automaton," he suggested. "It seems possible ... "
For once Charlotte could only find herself in agreement.
Cassandra Clare
#63. Tatiana's eyes were huge and poison-green, eyes with enough pain in them to eat away at a world and devour a soul.
Cassandra Clare
#64. And so what? I just killed a demon in my own house, and you're going to be a dickhead about it because I'm not some spoiled-rotten rich brat like you and your sister?" Alec looked astonished. "What did you call me?
Cassandra Clare
#65. You could have anything else in the world. and you asked for me.
Cassandra Clare
#66. She hated that will had this effect on her. Hated it. She knew better. She knew what he thought of her. That she was worth nothing. And still a look from him could make her tremble with mingled hatred and longing. It was like poison in her blood, to which Jem was the only antidote.
Cassandra Clare
#67. It doesn't matter what you wanted!" Clary shouted. "It is who I am! You took all that away from me and it didn't belong to you!
Cassandra Clare
#68. He seemed only ... annoyed. Annoyed, and sweaty, and hot.
"Yeah, well," he said, "the next time you decide to sneak out of our magically warded apartment through a door that shouldn't really exist, leave a note.
Cassandra Clare
#69. Vampires bore a grudge longer than any technically living creatures, and whenever they were in a bad temper, they expressed themselves through murder.
Cassandra Clare
#71. I've always been told my presence brightened up any room. One might think that went doubly for dank underground cell. (Jace)
Cassandra Clare
#72. I hate it when you answer a question with a question."
"No you don't, you think it's charming.
Cassandra Clare
#73. Livvy held up a hand. In Emma's defense, Cameron's annoying, but he's hot.
Cassandra Clare
#74. Isabelle was holding an umbrella. It was clear plastic, decorated with decals of colorful flowers. It was one of the girliest things Simon had ever seen, and he didn't blame Alec for ducking out from under it and taking his chances with the rain.
Cassandra Clare
#75. You're a Centurion," Ty said. "You have vows - " "Vows of friendship and love are stronger," said Diego. Drusilla
Cassandra Clare
#76. You cannot reduce the situation to worm jokes, Will. This is Gabriel and Gideon's father we're discussing."
"We're not just discussing him; we're chasing him through an ornamental sculpture garden because he's turned into a worm.
Cassandra Clare
#77. We may not be all that bright, Jace said, but at least we are alive.
Cassandra Clare
#78. Things did change. He'd gone from being eaten up with jealousy of Simon, to a grudging respect for his tenacity and courage, to actually considering him a friend, though he doubted he'd ever say so out loud
Cassandra Clare
#79. He was walking through the desert, over burning sands, past bones whitening in the sun. He had never been so thirsty. When he swallowed, his mouth felt as if it were coated with sand, his throat lined with knives.
Cassandra Clare
#80. He's a lot better when he's with you. He's better because he's happier.
Cassandra Clare
#81. Now that I'm in your mind, want to see some naked mental pictures of Jace?
Cassandra Clare
#82. It was hidden inside another book. One Valentine was unlikely to ever open." Magnus smiled crookedly. "Simple Recipes for Housewives. No one can say your mother didn't have a sense of humor.
Cassandra Clare
#83. We are bound together, Emma, bound together - I breathe when you breathe, I bleed when you bleed, I'm yours and you're mine, you've always been mine, and I have always, always belonged to you!
Cassandra Clare
#84. But-Jace what are you doing?'
'Finishing my shower. And if you've made me run through all the hot water, I'll be very annoyed.
Cassandra Clare
#85. She supposed faeries had never adopted the human ideas of giving each other space and having time to get over relationships.
And maybe they were stupid ideas. Maybe love was love and you should take it when you found it.
Cassandra Clare
#86. Wo ai ni, Tessa." he whispered. "Wo bu xiang shi qu ni."
I love you.
And I don't want to lose you.
Cassandra Clare
#87. Normal people dont generally find their homes ransacked by demons.
Cassandra Clare
#88. Graymark," he said. "What a nice surprise." Luke stood up. "If you're surprised, you're an idiot," he said. "I didn't exactly arrive quietly.
Cassandra Clare
#89. Tessa looked quickly to Will, but he only crossed the room as he always did to lean against the fireplace mantel. Cecily had never been able to decide if he did this because he was perpetually cold or because he thought he looked dasing standing before the leaping flames.
Cassandra Clare
#90. I tell myself he's better than he makes himself out to be, but, Tessa, what if he isn't?
Cassandra Clare
#91. And sitting around the table on the fine-quality chairs and sofas were Magnus Bane, Jem Carstairs, Catarina Loss, and Clary,
Cassandra Clare
#92. What's all this about yanking poor Magnus and Alec back from their vacation?" Isabelle demanded. "They have opera tickets!
Cassandra Clare
#93. Jules: For one, you have a terrifying older brother.
Livvy: I do not have a terryfying older brother.
Jules: That's true. You have two.
Cassandra Clare
#94. Clary found herself wondering if the forsaken were edible.
Cassandra Clare
#96. I think Zachariah just stole our cat. I swear I saw him putting Church into the backseat of a car.
Cassandra Clare
#97. Yeah," he said, eyelashes lowering as his gaze traced the movement of her fingers. "It hurt me being away from you. It feels like there's a hook dug in under my ribs, and there's something pulling at the other end. Like I'm tethered to you, no matter the distance.
Cassandra Clare
#98. You're seventeen," Magnus said. "You can't have wasted a life you've barely lived.
Cassandra Clare
#99. Magnus kept misplacing his baby. This did not seem a good sign for the future. Magnus was sure you were meant to keep a firm grip on their location. He
Cassandra Clare
#100. When I first arrived in London, I so quickly tired of being surrounded by so many people that it was only with great difficulty that I refrained from seizing the next unfortunate who crossed my path and committing violent acts upon their person.
Cassandra Clare
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