Top 97 New Comedy Quotes

#1. I know the new comedy god is surrealism, but it doesn't touch my heart.

Jenny Eclair

New Comedy Quotes #913659
#2. Then consider the Middle (and later the New) Comedy and what it aimed at - gradually degenerating into mere realism and empty technique.

Marcus Aurelius

New Comedy Quotes #423044
#3. My comebacks aren't nearly as sharp as my shiv. Come inside and I'll show you.

Cassia Leo

New Comedy Quotes #1438517
#4. Now it looks like I'll be known as the musical comedy guy. Which is good news for me. Or I'll be known as the New Zealand idiot.

Bret McKenzie

New Comedy Quotes #1048660
#5. Other than friends and family, my favorite things are New York and stand-up. I love doing comedy in New York - I can do way more stand-up here than in Los Angeles.

Aziz Ansari

New Comedy Quotes #1424091
#6. I really thought I wanted to be a musical-comedy star, but I lived in Phoenix and didn't want to go all the way to New York and be that far away from home. So I thought maybe I'd be a rock 'n' roll singer or an opera singer.

Sandra Bernhard

New Comedy Quotes #1417791
#7. If we get a 3D printer at the office, the first thing I'm printing with it is a new 3D printer just for me!

The Covert Comic

New Comedy Quotes #1408918
#8. What was the point of starting a new life if she did everything the same as her old one?

Donna Cummings

New Comedy Quotes #1390267
#9. I came home in the afternoon to sleep, and there was this e-mail from Comedy Central saying they were interested in having me be part of this new show called 'Jump Cuts'! So I called them right away, and the producer started laughing and said, 'We sent that e-mail one minute ago - you're so fast!'

Lev Yilmaz

New Comedy Quotes #1385009
#10. Life in the movie business is like the beginning of a new love affair: it's full of surprises, and you're constantly getting fucked.

David Mamet

New Comedy Quotes #1367823
#11. Eventually, you're gonna have to let someone in.

Cassia Leo

New Comedy Quotes #1366697
#12. With the Tonys it's a little tricky because a lot of the funnier jokes are more insider, so people watching at home may not get a Julie Taymor reference the way that New Yorkers would. So you have to figure out what comedy plays to a large audience and still respect the individuals who are there.

Neil Patrick Harris

New Comedy Quotes #1358246
#13. Combining music, theater and comedy is a new and broader form of expression. In certain combinations you can make people laugh one moment, cry the next, and then be astounded by the beauty of the music.

Aleksey Igudesman

New Comedy Quotes #1327088
#14. I've written a couple of scripts. Actually, a pilot. I'm not sure I'm allowed to say, but it's a comedy about three young men in New York City, one of whom may or may not be a romantic like me.

Andre Holland

New Comedy Quotes #1315701
#15. Thug Life is based on comedy and action just like other Punjabi movies. The lead role is played by Harish Verma, Jass Bajwa and Rajiv Thakur, Lead actress role is played by beautiful Ihana Dhillon.

Thug Life

New Comedy Quotes #1294236
#16. People who grew up in New York City or Los Angeles tend not to even understand what goes on in the rest of the country. I'm really glad to have grown up in an environment where I actually was kind of a weirdo because I was obsessed with comedy and movies and stuff.

Ed Helms

New Comedy Quotes #1283317
#17. It's fun because I really do love meeting new people. Comedy can be so different from show to show and from writer to writer and actor to actor. People don't set out to make a bad show.

Fiona Gubelmann

New Comedy Quotes #1228571
#18. You can't keep bitch-slapping your creativity, or it'll run away and find a new pimp.

George Meyer

New Comedy Quotes #1224677
#19. The perfect body protects its owner from disease, gives birth to amazing new people and stops your bones from falling out. The end.

Heather Hill

New Comedy Quotes #1223564
#20. The dog ran into the kitchen, stuck his nose in Grandma's crotch, and snuffled.
Dang," Grandma said. "Guess my new perfume really works. I'm gonna have to try it out at the seniors meeting.

Janet Evanovich

New Comedy Quotes #1176042
#21. I'm doing 5000 seat theaters and audiences are going nuts, it's fantastic and it makes me very happy. I'm dirty, but not like this; I just do comedy that I find funny. I'm working on a new tv show for cable and it's not set up yet.

Bob Saget

New Comedy Quotes #1117386
#22. How can you love someone who doesn't think they deserve to be loved?

Cassia Leo

New Comedy Quotes #1091936
#23. Dating someone exclusively for four months in New York is like four years in Anchorage.

Zack Love

New Comedy Quotes #1070013
#24. My roles in comedies from 'Austin Powers' to 'Tommy Boy' to 'Wayne's World,' were sort of comedic 'straight man' parts. My character on 'Parks & Recreation' is the comic relief in a comedy. To play a character that appears strictly for laughs is sort of new for me and really fun.

Rob Lowe

New Comedy Quotes #1064295
#25. When life throws shit at you, grow great, big, fuck off roses.

Heather Hill

New Comedy Quotes #1054260
#26. The striking thing about 'New Girl' is that under all the comedy, there's something about the emotions and reactions that feels very real - much more real than other sitcoms. Like - maybe everybody is sort of laid bare in different ways.

Elizabeth Meriwether

New Comedy Quotes #1879106
#27. My new movie, Fools Rush In, is a romantic comedy and the girl I play in that is very warm, very sweet.

Salma Hayek

New Comedy Quotes #1608241
#28. You know, dramas are much more expensive to do than say a comedy, so any kind of deficit like that is picked up on when it comes time for them to pick up new shows.

Paul Guilfoyle

New Comedy Quotes #1848187
#29. The blues are intent and watchful. "You're trying to get me to change my mind, aren't you?"
"Lilah, I constantly hope that you are going to change your mind, but I know you well enough to know that you won't."
I just nod at him.

Anna Bloom

New Comedy Quotes #1825628
#30. I'm from New York, and I started in New York, which I think is a huge advantage because I wasn't overwhelmed by the city. I understood the city. All of the distractions that could come with somebody that started comedy in New York didn't really happen for me.

Michael Che

New Comedy Quotes #1812376
#31. Right now, I'm hankering for new adventures ... Ninety percent of the time I'm having romantic-comedy fantasies in which I'm wearing little pencil skirts and hurrying down to the subway.

Mindy Kaling

New Comedy Quotes #1798058
#32. I do love comedy, I have to say. That's one of the greatest things about being an actor: You get to try new things and play around in different genres.

Stuart Townsend

New Comedy Quotes #1790222
#33. The entire New York comedy scene has moved to L.A. - it's bled the New York comedy scene dry.

Kurt Braunohler

New Comedy Quotes #1782825
#34. I basically did comedy there for about a year, and then moved to New York. If I had it to do over again, I would have booked myself on the road for at least a year.

Todd Barry

New Comedy Quotes #1767595
#35. I never go about a new project as if I'm trying ot redefine myself. I just like to work, and I'm excited by material I find challenging and - if it's a comedy - exceptionally funny.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

New Comedy Quotes #1752838
#36. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and slammed it shut. I shouldn't have come. I should have waited outside for Jack, told him my family had leprosy, and sent him on his merry way. After I boinked him in my new car.

Robyn Peterman

New Comedy Quotes #1691830
#37. It always astounds me that over the course of my career, and having lived in four comedy cities - New York, Boston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles - there's very few people I haven't run into.

Marc Maron

New Comedy Quotes #1683853
#38. This week's winner for best comedy line about the war is New York Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer. Referring to - well, it doesn't really matter what he was referring to ...

Ann Coulter

New Comedy Quotes #1669787
#39. I started writing this feature comedy in New York - a Chris Farley vehicle. The script was decent. When I got to LA, I met some new friends in film school and had them read my script and give me notes.

David Steinberg

New Comedy Quotes #1448103
#40. And I must draft an advertisement for the Daily Prophet, too,' he added thoughtfully. 'We'll be needing a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher ... Dear me, we do seem to run through them, don't we?

J.K. Rowling

New Comedy Quotes #1601082
#41. I was lucky that when Lorne Michaels came looking for women comedy writers, there weren't too many in New York at the time. I was at the top of a very short list. I think that was all good fortune.

Anne Beatts

New Comedy Quotes #1595139
#42. I love 'Cheers.' I didn't watch it growing up, but I watched it getting ready to do the first season of 'New Girl.' It bowls me over every time I see it. The romance, the comedy, the performances - every bit of it is just so compelling.

Elizabeth Meriwether

New Comedy Quotes #1579163
#43. I think every job that you do gives you the opportunity to learn something new. As hokey as that sounds, that's why I have a problem saying no to my friends. That's why I do so many random comedy shows.

Busy Philipps

New Comedy Quotes #1568003
#44. They are just really stupid people in Hollywood. You write them a script, and they say they love it, they absolutely love it. Then they say, 'But doesn't it need a small dog, and an Eskimo, and shouldn't it be set in New Guinea?' And you say, 'But it is a sophisticated romantic comedy set in Paris.'

P. J. O'Rourke

New Comedy Quotes #1542592
#45. The alumni of Second City from John Belushi to Martin Short have changed my entire life and brought a new kind of comedy to America and the World.

Bernie Brillstein

New Comedy Quotes #1541620
#46. I never walked the streets of New York hoping to be a musical comedy star. For one thing, they would have thought I was too tall, because l was five feet eight and a half, and they were all little bitty things running around in the studio at that time.

Esther Williams

New Comedy Quotes #1497924
#47. I knew I wanted to work with Brad [Falchuk] and Ian [Brennan] again on something comedic, and we are having a blast writing SCREAM QUEENS. We hope to create a whole new genre - comedy-horror - and the idea is for every season to revolve around two female leads.

Ryan Murphy

New Comedy Quotes #1487989
#48. We have little bits of comedy throughout our films but this is like a full-on comedy. I had great time. It was fun to do a comedy and see a lot of the people I worked with on our previous films and meet some new actors. It was a good experience for me.

Alex Kendrick

New Comedy Quotes #1480005
#49. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

Cassia Leo

New Comedy Quotes #1465478
#50. I eventually became an actor, starting with doing stand-up comedy in New York and then theater wherever they would let me. Finally, I moved out here to Los Angeles and got on a show.

Nolan North

New Comedy Quotes #201900
#51. As somebody who wanted to be creative, growing up, I remember always thinking that the thing I had going against me was Orange County because it seemed like all of the comedy was coming out of New York, and it still is, to a certain extent.

Mitchell Hurwitz

New Comedy Quotes #443643
#52. I believe in the future a new Dante will write a new Divine Comedy.

Ba Jin

New Comedy Quotes #430366
#53. I consider a CD or a comedy collection as a record of what I've been doing, and I try to wrap it up and start new material.

Kate Clinton

New Comedy Quotes #428779
#54. Only criminals and madmen walk into Central Park after midnight...or, occasionally, an actor. (Dark City Lights)

Jane Dentinger

New Comedy Quotes #428607
#55. Oh. Well was this your first time painting a live model?"
She nodded her head, with an almost guilty look on her face.
"What's it like?"
"Hard," she replied.

Zack Love

New Comedy Quotes #391770
#56. The highest of highs is to have a new routine that you're just breaking in and that's working, and that's - you're one step removed doing a situation comedy because you have a live audience there.

Bob Newhart

New Comedy Quotes #369258
#57. I'm playing an Amazon warrior princess in a new radio comedy series called 'Elvenquest,' and I'm playing a Russian genius in the comeback of 'Red Dwarf.'

Sophie Winkleman

New Comedy Quotes #363726
#58. Two Strapping Alpha Billionaires. One Girl Looking For A Fresh Start. A Heck of A Wild Ride!

Scarlett Avery

New Comedy Quotes #351159
#59. I just love that part of comedy, where you see somebody's jokes develop. They try something new to see what works, and I just love that part.

Maria Bamford

New Comedy Quotes #347383
#60. On a tiny planet that has been racing toward oblivion for millions of years, we are born amid sorrow; we grow, we struggle, we grow ill, we suffer, we make others suffer, we cry out, we die, others die, and new beings are born to begin the senseless comedy all over again.

Ernesto Sabato

New Comedy Quotes #231043
#61. So many times I've done a CD, and then the week after I record it, I've got this new tagline that's killer. And it makes the whole bit better. It happens all the time. But that's just the process of comedy.

Joe Rogan

New Comedy Quotes #226184
#62. I think the process of 'SNL' is still pretty formal. You make an audition tape, your agent sends it in, they watch people's tapes, and then they invite people to perform at a comedy club in Los Angeles or New York. But I don't know how much actual scouting they do online.

Noel Wells

New Comedy Quotes #458467
#63. Something about New York, man: You can do more comedy there probably than you can anywhere in the world. If you're interested in being funny, New York is the place to go.

Dave Chappelle

New Comedy Quotes #199664
#64. Now, because of this big backdrop that we've given ourselves, these little personal, human details take on a whole new context and give us opportunities for comedy.

Jason Winer

New Comedy Quotes #189947
#65. Wonder Showzen is one of my favorite shows of all time. When I first saw it, I thought it was so funny and new and original and edgy and insane and subversive. I didn't know comedy could do that.

Eric Andre

New Comedy Quotes #186959
#66. It's funny, because I was trained as a dramatic actor at New York's Colonnades Theater Lab in the '70s, along with Jeff Goldblum, Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman. People I worked with there saw a comedian in me. I'm still most at home in comedy.

Peter Scolari

New Comedy Quotes #186541
#67. When I finished my residency in New Orleans, I went to L.A. where I would work as a doctor during the day, and then at night I would actually go to The Improv and do standup, all the while kind of cultivating my comedy resume.

Ken Jeong

New Comedy Quotes #115665
#68. The old Janey only drank cheap wine and light beer. The new Janey is classy, prefers cocktails, and even drinks alone.

J.C. Patrick

New Comedy Quotes #113844
#69. I think the Dutch certainly get British comedy. And let's face it; a lot of it is pretty low-hanging fruit for the whole world now. There are probably tribes in the heart of the Papua New Guinean rainforest that know all the words to the Dead Parrot sketch.

Rhianna Pratchett

New Comedy Quotes #82245
#70. I love the idea of doing comedy, whether it's action comedy or just straight comedy. It's such a big, new world for me that I'm starting to realize that any character that I relate to, in any way, shape or form, or that I have any appreciation for, given enough preparation, I can find that person.

Zoe Bell

New Comedy Quotes #64415
#71. Mankind is immortal
in the comic perspective not by virtue of man's subjugation of nature
but by virtue of man's subjection to it. The "fall" in tragedy ends in
death; the fall in comedy ends in bed, where, by natures's arithmetic,
one and one make a brand new one.

Rose A. Zimbardo

New Comedy Quotes #31017
#72. New York State is giant and has some of the most beautiful landscape on the Eastern seaboard. There is so much history in New York State, from the Erie Canal to the Catskills, the birth of American stand-up comedy.

Adam Savage

New Comedy Quotes #30939
#73. My dream is not Hollywood, but to perform my act in English to 30 people in a Soho comedy club, to show New Yorkers what they look like from the French point of view.

Gad Elmaleh

New Comedy Quotes #22502
#74. Why Have One Heart-Stopping Alpha Billionaire When You Can Have 2?

Scarlett Avery

New Comedy Quotes #660625
#75. Stand-up is not just an American thing anymore. It's global. In some places, stand-up comedy is brand new. South Africa has only had a scene for 15 years.

Gabriel Iglesias

New Comedy Quotes #1005571
#76. The first time I met Jon Stewart was at the press conference that Comedy Central held to announce Jon would be the new host of 'The Daily Show,' which back then was not called 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.'

Stephen Colbert

New Comedy Quotes #1002607
#77. Fortunately, we have writers who very much respect the classic characters and the integrity of the classic characters, that are also terrific comedy writers and are able to put these classic characters in new and interesting, and quite funny situations for today.

Bob Bergen

New Comedy Quotes #961260
#78. I came back to New York after college like any number of struggling performers, and you just find that niche where you can have some sort of impact. And for me that turned out to be comedy.

Billy Eichner

New Comedy Quotes #947644
#79. Limbo. It's not Heaven, and it's not Hell. It's the in-between.' (Edward speaking about reading the Divine Comedy.
Luke: 'This was, I realised, my new address.

Jodi Picoult

New Comedy Quotes #916038
#80. He squinted at me. What are you wearing? Is that some new form of birth control?

Janet Evanovich

New Comedy Quotes #891598
#81. Meet Jake - He's illegally hot and his dirty-talking will make you dizzy!

Meet Hunter - He's outspoken, impulsive and a rugged piece of eye candy!

These Two Alpha Billionaires Believe In Sharing...Everything!

Scarlett Avery

New Comedy Quotes #877786
#82. "Entertainers Of Faith," funnyman Jim Gaffigan isn't ashamed of his Catholicism. He's seen here leaving a New York comedy club with his Bible in hand.

Jim Gaffigan

New Comedy Quotes #833762
#83. When Dad was a kid, he wanted to be a lumberjack, but unfortunately he'd been cursed with the build of an accountant and the brain of an astrophysicist. These qualities had combined to make him the third-most-visited orthodontist in northern New Jersey.

Kieran Scott

New Comedy Quotes #829979
#84. Yeah, even a black comedy. Where it's a little eerie. I'd love to do that. But there are about three really fabulous ones on the air now and I don't know if I can do any better than that. I'd like to sort of forge new ground.

Sharon Gless

New Comedy Quotes #762411
#85. We love the Stooges, and young kids today don't watch them. They think it's their dad's comedy. So we thought we could reintroduce them to a new audience.

Bobby Farrelly

New Comedy Quotes #700138
#86. Are you going to give her gonorrhea too, or was that gift just for me?

Cassia Leo

New Comedy Quotes #1021897
#87. I was ballet dancing at four, playing piano by six, and doing commercials by 12. When I was 21, I was on the number one live comedy show in Puerto Rico. I told my parents, 'I'm going to New York to become a performer.' And I left.

Roselyn Sanchez

New Comedy Quotes #591354
#88. I never know what my next thing is going to be, and I'm not out there specifically searching for one thing in particular. I'm just looking for something that's new and different. It could be a drama or a comedy, I just want to challenge myself and work with people that inspire me.

Hilary Swank

New Comedy Quotes #577186
#89. When I was doing comedy in New York, before I was in movies, I was never known as the deadpan actress. I was just a comedienne.

Aubrey Plaza

New Comedy Quotes #571561
#90. That was 1993 grunge in suburbia. This was 2003 hell in Harlem. (Dark City Lights)

Eve Kagan

New Comedy Quotes #568839
#91. At first I had no skills in writing comedy. I didn't know what a joke was, but, as someone once told me, your emotions follow your intent. If you create the intention of starting a comedy act, slowly your mind starts adjusting and you arrive at a new emotional state.

Steve Martin

New Comedy Quotes #551369
#92. W. Kamau Bell is in the vanguard of a new era of American comedy for an unsettling, troubling, and strangely hopeful time. Firmly in the fearless tradition of Mort Sahl, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, & Chris Rock. Comedy as common sense purged of the absurd hypocrisy that is Our America.

Vernon Reid

New Comedy Quotes #542604
#93. For indeed all that we think so new to-day has been acted over and over again, a shifting comedy, by the women of every century.

Agnes Repplier

New Comedy Quotes #534346
#94. Jeff Ross has a new show on Comedy Central where he roasts the news. It'll be perfect for people who find Jon Stewart too handsome and funny.

Seth Green

New Comedy Quotes #513860
#95. Then maybe you'll believe me when I say ... you're pretty fucking special, Laney Hill.

Cassia Leo

New Comedy Quotes #502653
#96. What are you thinking?" I ask.
"That I wish this was my home, too."
I have nothing to say to this, so I kiss him instead.

Anna Bloom

New Comedy Quotes #500222
#97. I am not doing comedy because the genre is successful. If that was the case, I would have done a run-of-the-mill comedy film. I set my own trends. I like to give something new and different to my audiences. I want to do the kind of comedy that has been missing till now.

Emraan Hashmi

New Comedy Quotes #465477

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