Top 100 Laugh At Quotes

#1. Life would be awfully grim and glum if I couldn't laugh at myself.

Liesl Shurtliff

Laugh At Quotes #1296529
#2. You have to be eligible for luck to strike, and I think that's a matter of education and preparation, and character and all the other solid attributes that sometimes people laugh at.

James A. Michener

Laugh At Quotes #1166008
#3. We enter the dressing room where mirrors are waiting to laugh at me.

Parneshia Jones

Laugh At Quotes #1172906
#4. You know, if rabid koalas went around giving hugs. I gurgled a laugh at the ridiculous ways my mind kept me from going into shock or freezing up.

Meghan Ciana Doidge

Laugh At Quotes #1176123
#5. If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself.

Charles M. Schulz

Laugh At Quotes #1181811
#6. No one has nicer teeth than me. Why would anyone laugh at my lovely teeth?


Laugh At Quotes #1184043
#7. The great thing about writing fiction is that you can do whatever the fuck you want, go as far as you are willing to go, and laugh at the people who take it seriously.

Richard P. Denney

Laugh At Quotes #1188768
#8. I've always wanted to do a real comedy. I haven't done enough, and it seems silly not to do more, considering the fact that people tend to laugh at me.

Tom Hollander

Laugh At Quotes #1189650
#9. When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity.

Walt Disney

Laugh At Quotes #1195119
#10. When people laugh at a company or say, 'This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard,' you are listening.

Fred Wilson

Laugh At Quotes #1197380
#11. I was afraid the staff would laugh at me - and as frightened as I was, the thought of derision frightened me even more. In retrospect, it was a life-threatening deception, somewhat along the lines of hiding recurrent chest pains from one's cardiologist from embarrassment. Nearly

Elyn R. Saks

Laugh At Quotes #1203292
#12. Happy is the woman who can laugh at herself. She will never cease to be amused.

Charlene Vermeulen

Laugh At Quotes #1203956
#13. Inconstancy. - Things have different qualities, and the soul different inclinations; for nothing is simple which is presented to the soul, and the soul never presents itself simply to any object. Hence it comes that we weep and laugh at the same thing.

Blaise Pascal

Laugh At Quotes #1204462
#14. Let's get one thing clear between us, Shiloh. I would never laugh at you. I might tease the dickens out of you, but I would never, ever make fun of you. That's not who I am. I don't believe in humiliating another person. It's not in my DNA.

Lindsay McKenna

Laugh At Quotes #1205672
#15. Nothing is sacred. Not even your own mother, not the Jewish martyrs, not even people starving of hunger. Laugh at everything, ferociously, bitterly, to exorcise the old monsters.

Francois Cavanna

Laugh At Quotes #1207506
#16. Life is tough; and if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it.

Salma Hayek

Laugh At Quotes #1209562
#17. I always feel the most validated and confident being around people that I find funny - having Fred Armisen laugh at a scene or Bill Hader or Seth Meyers give me a compliment.

Cecily Strong

Laugh At Quotes #1211699
#18. It is humor's job to laugh at the futility oft engendered by the improbable; but it is poetry's job to dream of the potentiality of that which is not impossible.

D.E. Navarro

Laugh At Quotes #1211768
#19. For a long time, I operated under the Chinese proverb that there are four kinds of leaders: those who you laugh at, those who you hate, those who you love and those who you don't even know that they're leaders.

Bill Bradley

Laugh At Quotes #1214676
#20. I've always liked the fact that I could make people laugh at crazy stuff that has happened to me. If it makes you feel better at me falling down the stairs ... then I'm going to do it.

Sherri Shepherd

Laugh At Quotes #1215885
#21. I was taking myself very seriously when I was going through life changes. And I realized that I needed to laugh at myself, particularly at my mistakes.

Spencer Johnson

Laugh At Quotes #1215971
#22. Comedy exists to laugh at things that aren't laughable. But isn't it? That's what separates us from the animals. We laugh.

Joan Rivers

Laugh At Quotes #1218890
#23. Homo sapiens Yuck You contemporary fools laugh at religious and political lies spewed by sociopaths, lies that tether you forever to poverty and mediocrity. Yet, when your ears come upon the truth, the facts of life, you hide your faces and cry, not able

Bobby Miller

Laugh At Quotes #1221394
#24. Not that it isn't great to see you. But it's not so great for you. What'd you do wrong? Laugh at his dick?

Margaret Atwood

Laugh At Quotes #1225534
#25. Because big men do not laugh at big ideas.

David J. Schwartz

Laugh At Quotes #1228568
#26. To a worldly man, a God-intoxicated person will appear mad and he will laugh at him, But to the God-intoxicated man, the worldly appear insane, foolish, misled, blind.

Sathya Sai Baba

Laugh At Quotes #1228793
#27. Sometimes they laugh at things I don't think are funny, but I believe if they're laughing at me, it's a good show.

Mike Tyson

Laugh At Quotes #1229801
#28. We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.

C.S. Lewis

Laugh At Quotes #1234700
#29. The more a man can make a woman laugh, the more attracted she will be to him. This is primarily because women seem to prefer dominating mates. As studies shows, women tend to laugh more at men they are interested into and men are attracted to those women who laugh at their jokes.

F.R. Lifestyle

Laugh At Quotes #1234932
#30. Alas, Siddhartha, I see you suffering, but you're suffering a pain at which one would like to laugh, at which you'll soon laugh for yourself.

Hermann Hesse

Laugh At Quotes #1237600
#31. Because if I tell the story, I control the version. Because if I tell the story, I can make you laugh, and I would rather have you laugh at

Nora Ephron

Laugh At Quotes #1238878
#32. If you can't laugh at your own characters, or shed a tear for them, or even get angry at one of them, no one else will either.

Johanna Lindsey

Laugh At Quotes #1240448
#33. and now I laugh at how the world changed me, and I think life chose me . . . after all.

Dar Williams

Laugh At Quotes #1241723
#34. My work is still very much light-hearted, positive outlook, laugh at yourself. But it isn't going to be the laugh-a-minute kind of thing that my early work was.

Tom Bodett

Laugh At Quotes #1243940
#35. The ability to compromise and having the ability to laugh at ourselves is huge and works well for me.

Steve Carell

Laugh At Quotes #1244670
#36. And I always laugh at that, because I think I've always been doing what I want to do since Day 1.

Alanis Morissette

Laugh At Quotes #1250537
#37. Do you laugh at me?"
He was quiet for a moment and finally the tention drained from him. "No, Jaron," he said darkly. "I curse you with every breath I exhale, but I do not laugh.

Jennifer A. Nielsen

Laugh At Quotes #1254346
#38. Now is the month of Maying,
When merry lads are playing.
Fa la la ...
Each with his bonny lass,
upon the greeny grass.
Fa la la ...
The Spring clad all in gladness,
Doth laugh at winter's sadness.
Fa la la ...

Thomas Morley

Laugh At Quotes #1257163
#39. I gravitate towards dark comedy, because I'm a huge fan of dark comedy. I always think the most painful thing that you can laugh at is the best.

Jamie Babbit

Laugh At Quotes #1261183
#40. I believe that the ability to laugh at oneself is fundamental to the resiliency of the human spirit.

Jill Conner Browne

Laugh At Quotes #1263052
#41. Great is a person that can laugh at their troubles ... for they have found an avenue to help them rise above their despair.

Timothy Pina

Laugh At Quotes #1263665
#42. He was a human exclamation point, but carried himself with such dignity that I couldn't laugh at him.

Ransom Riggs

Laugh At Quotes #1263776
#43. The peculiarity of sunrise is to make us laugh at all our terrors of the night, and our laugh is always proportioned to the fear we have had.

Victor Hugo

Laugh At Quotes #1265013
#44. We laugh at others and we don't realize that someone will be just as justified in laughing at us on some not too remote day

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Laugh At Quotes #1265852
#45. There are some things so serious that you have to laugh at them.

Niels Bohr

Laugh At Quotes #1267050
#46. I find it rude to laugh at a man with a sword.

Derek Landy

Laugh At Quotes #1267545
#47. I will laugh at the laughable while I breathe.

Mary Boykin Chesnut

Laugh At Quotes #1267934
#48. Rules for Self Discovery: 1. What we want most; 2. What we think about most; 3. How we use our money; 4. What we do with our leisure time; 5. The company we enjoy; 6. Who and what we admire; 7. What we laugh at.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

Laugh At Quotes #1269469
#49. The problem is that we live in an uptight country. Why don't we just laugh at ourselves? We are funny. Gays are funny. Straights are funny. Women are funny. Men are funny. We are all funny, and we all do funny things. Let's laugh about it.

Bob Newhart

Laugh At Quotes #1272694
#50. As soon as you have made a thought, laugh at it.


Laugh At Quotes #1278100
#51. They laugh at this, the idea that one might keep herds of friendly deer or elk that walk happily to their slaughter whenever it's time for the human to eat meat. Some ask openly if there aren't consequences of a life so easy to live.

Joseph Boyden

Laugh At Quotes #1280295
#52. I often laugh at Satan, and there is nothing that makes him so angry as when I attack him to his face, and tell him that through God I am more than a match for him

Martin Luther

Laugh At Quotes #1281167
#53. The world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion; and so let all young persons take their choice.

William Makepeace Thackeray

Laugh At Quotes #1282368
#54. I'm from the suburbs and where I'm from didn't necessarily have people like you see in 'Suburgatory,' but along those lines and I think people will laugh at themselves. And it's lighthearted.

Jane Levy

Laugh At Quotes #1283549
#55. Posterity will one day laugh at the sublime foolishness of the modern materialistic philosophy. The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. I pray while I am engaged at my work in the laboratory.

Louis Pasteur

Laugh At Quotes #1286248
#56. It is always cruel to laugh at people, of course, although sometimes if they are wearing an ugly hat it is hard to control yourself.

Lemony Snicket

Laugh At Quotes #1287689
#57. They used to laugh at me when I refused to ride on all those double decker buses, all because there was no driver on the top.

Joni Mitchell

Laugh At Quotes #1288604
#58. I'm reaching 87, trying to keep fit, presenting a vigorous figure, and it's an effort, and is it worth the effort? I laugh at myself trying to keep a bold front. It's become my habit. I just carry on.

Lee Kuan Yew

Laugh At Quotes #1288757
#59. My brother is a tax guy, and the way I look at it, it's like he's spending his life saving money for rich people. So I think making strangers laugh, at least having a creative component to your profession, is more manageable for me. I can live with that a lot easier.

Gary Gulman

Laugh At Quotes #1292849
#60. Never laugh at anyone's dreams.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Laugh At Quotes #1294386
#61. They could laugh at him but they couldn't ignore him

Ralph Ellison

Laugh At Quotes #1295553
#62. If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you.

Groucho Marx

Laugh At Quotes #1360600
#63. I'm not just gonna go after the black Jesse Jackson they all want to make fun of, but I know the wrong people are gonna laugh at that. I don't want to play to that crowd. I don't.

Chris Matthews

Laugh At Quotes #1412833
#64. Most of the time when you laugh, it's because something is amiss - clumsy or wrong or sad - but when you laugh at a kitten, you laugh of pure joy.

Laura Amy Schlitz

Laugh At Quotes #1410416
#65. talking about their belief in Bitcoin's eventual success (and perhaps with a bit of angst over their skewering in The Social Network): "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then you win.

Kashmir Hill

Laugh At Quotes #1405132
#66. If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth.

John Cleese

Laugh At Quotes #1404882
#67. First of all, learn to laugh at yourself. That's the best way to enjoy yourself, you know, and not to spend much time in the mirror, that's another way.

Nirmala Srivastava

Laugh At Quotes #1401428
#68. They may call your victories, "lucky"...
They may mock your failures...
They may laugh at your heartache...
But still, they will never be happy.
This is the cyclical emptiness of the hater mindset.

Steve Maraboli

Laugh At Quotes #1400635
#69. He tells me I look as if I could use a hugand i laugh at him and he ignores me and steps forward and puts his arms around me and hugs me. I warm at the simple pleasure of human contact and for the first time in a long time i actually feel good. (James Frey, pg.38)

James Frey

Laugh At Quotes #1399678
#70. The burden of the self is lightened with I laugh at myself.

Rabindranath Tagore

Laugh At Quotes #1398768
#71. It is understandable that the perspectives of men and women on safety are so different
men and women live in different worlds ... at core, men are afraid women will laugh at them, while at core, women are afraid men will kill them.

Gavin De Becker

Laugh At Quotes #1398381
#72. A friend once asked me what comedy was. That floored me. What is comedy? I don't know. Does anybody? Can you define it? All I know is that I learned how to get laughs, and that's all I know about it. You have to learn what people will laugh at, then proceed accordingly.

Stan Laurel

Laugh At Quotes #1395117
#73. I love my iPhone - I've actually gotten into games, and I find them really relaxing. Don't laugh at me, but I have 'Sally's Spa' - fantastic; 'Penguin Catapult' - it's great; and 'Word Solitaire' is my new favorite.

Tabatha Coffey

Laugh At Quotes #1394699
#74. Ability to laugh at evil, to relativize symbols without dismissing them is usually a sign of a rather healthy person. Puritans and reformers can never laugh.

Richard Rohr

Laugh At Quotes #1393117
#75. But there was something about the new house that made Bruno think that no one ever laughed there; that there was nothing to laugh at and nothing to be happy about.

John Boyne

Laugh At Quotes #1391298
#76. We ought, in humanity, no more to despise a man for the misfortunes of the mind than for those of the body, when they are such as he cannot help; were this thoroughly considered we should no more laugh at a man for having his brains cracked than for having his head broke.

Alexander Pope

Laugh At Quotes #1391120
#77. Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat ... Never take yourself too seriously.

Og Mandino

Laugh At Quotes #1390753
#78. We evolved. We have only to look at the pouting face of a young chimpanzee to laugh at its reflections of ourselves. We know that more then 98 percent of our genes are shared with the chimpanzee, but we feel the kinship directly when the furry baby puts up its arms to be held.

Alison Jolly

Laugh At Quotes #1390260
#79. If a man is tongue-tied, don't laugh at him, but, rather, feel pity for him, as you would for a man with broken legs.

Abraham Cahan

Laugh At Quotes #1386096
#80. Everything is funnier in retrospect, funnier and prettier and cooler. You can laugh at anything from far enough away.

Chuck Palahniuk

Laugh At Quotes #1381637
#81. She should laugh at such ambitions on his part: nothing about him held any romance for her, not his crown, not his black heart, not his beautiful liar's face.

Sherry Thomas

Laugh At Quotes #1381436
#82. It takes Elder about 2.5 seconds to reach my room after I com him.
"What's wrong?" he asks, skidding through the door.
I laugh at the way his eyes search my room, looking for a dragon to slay for his damsel in distress.

Beth Revis

Laugh At Quotes #1376713
#83. I'm inspired by making people laugh at subjects that should make them cry.

Anthony Jeselnik

Laugh At Quotes #1373609
#84. She was desperate to see Kai again. To kiss him. To be in his arms. To laugh at his ironic jokes and watch his eyes crinkle when he laughed at hers. It

Marissa Meyer

Laugh At Quotes #1372198
#85. You can perceive life as tragic, or you can laugh at the tragedy of it and that turns it into comedy. It doesn't change the circumstances.

Harold Ramis

Laugh At Quotes #1371612
#86. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

C.S. Lewis

Laugh At Quotes #1371062
#87. It probably does make it more difficult to enjoy a good laugh at someone who's onstage, seemingly yelling at you. But I'm not yelling at the audience, I'm yelling at the world. It genuinely sucks if people are taking it that way. But I'm not talking to individuals.

David Cross

Laugh At Quotes #1368962
#88. We have to laugh at how hard life can be and how screwed up we can be at times ... It's a really freeing process when you're not hitting the jokes too hard.

Brett Gelman

Laugh At Quotes #1368886
#89. There is a kind of laughter people laugh at public events, as if a joke were a charity auction and they want to be seen to be bidding.

William McIlvanney

Laugh At Quotes #1368698
#90. We need to learn to laugh at ourselves because when you don't laugh, you cry. And I don't feel like crying.

Tracy Morgan

Laugh At Quotes #1364278
#91. I laugh at my heart, and do its will.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Laugh At Quotes #1362323
#92. At present men make shift to wear what they can get. Like shipwrecked sailors, they put on what they can find on the beach, and at a little distance, whether of space or time, laugh at each other's masquerade.

Henry David Thoreau

Laugh At Quotes #1312678
#93. The worst evil that you can do, psychologically, is to laugh at yourself. That means spitting in your own face.

Ayn Rand

Laugh At Quotes #1331296
#94. The brave or the fortunate can afford to laugh at envy.

Publilius Syrus

Laugh At Quotes #1327327
#95. A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never ceased to be amused.

Shirley Maclaine

Laugh At Quotes #1320826
#96. I can laugh at myself because I've had to. Everything would have been much worse if I'd been the singing son of Nat 'King' Cole.

Natalie Cole

Laugh At Quotes #1319592
#97. I can't help but laugh at all of you writing fake stories about me. I was not in any hit and runs. I don't drink so the DUI is false.

Amanda Bynes

Laugh At Quotes #1319486
#98. Do you remember the Lady of Shalott? The mirror crack'd from side to side: 'The doom has come upon me,' cried the Lady of Shalott. Well, that's what she looked like. People laugh at Tennyson nowadays, but the Lady of Shalott always thrilled me when I was young and it still does.

Agatha Christie

Laugh At Quotes #1317834
#99. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night ... You, only you, will have stars that can laugh at night ...

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Laugh At Quotes #1315811
#100. The Sun in London ran a front page declaring my bum a national treasure. I really did laugh at that. Its not like it can actually do anything, except wiggle.

Kylie Minogue

Laugh At Quotes #1304640

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