Top 100 Quotes About The Lottery
#1. That's stupid. That's like going to someone who's just won the lottery, taking their money, and saying, 'Look, let's just go back to how things should be. It's better that way.
Stephenie Meyer
#2. If you guessed a loaf of white bread and a jar of Miracle Whip, you should run out and play the lottery right now because you are a genius. White
Glozell Green
#3. Most actors in my position, at 47, you want your annuity show. You want your Marg Helgenberger role on 'CSI.' But that's like winning the lottery. So you try and keep yourself sane.
Julie Warner
#4. We won the lottery in life and life is such a beautiful, precious gift, and we have to savor it, because as far as we know, we are the only living things in the universe, so it is our duty to protect it.
Francesca Martinez
#5. I met Jay Jonhson. I won him the way poor people occasionally win the lottery: Shameless perseverance and embarrassingly dumb luck, and every time I see one of those sly, toothless, beaten-down souls on TV holding a winning ticket, I think, Go, team.
Amy Bloom
#6. People would love to be rich, but they're looking for the easy way. Who wouldn't want to win the lottery? Just to score.
Bryan Cranston
#7. You got up off the bathroom floor. That's a start. Now, just stay off the floor. After all - aside from winning the lottery - all any of us can ever really hope for is more days spent standing tall than spent in pieces on the floor.
Sarah Spann
#8. If I were a lucky girl I would have won the lottery or something. Maybe I had, I thought, staring dreamily at Marcello.
Lisa Tawn Bergren
#9. Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers.
Homer Simpson
#10. We all have won the lottery of life. How do we discharge that responsibility?
Sheryl WuDunn
#11. Intimacy with a beloved pet or special animal makes millions of people feel as though they win the lottery every day.
Marty Becker
#12. Everyone at the bar turned toward The Breeze and waited, as if the next few words he spoke would reveal the true meaning of life, the winning numbers of the lottery, and the unlisted phone number of God.
Christopher Moore
#13. You can win the lottery, but not an argument.
Marty Rubin
#14. I'm happy to be reminded that an ordinary day full of nothing but nothingness can make you feel like you've won the lottery.
Susan Orlean
#15. Sadly, like many times in life, including winning the lottery, we don't always get what we wish for.
Adele Rose
#16. Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery.
Bill Watterson
#17. Like every poor person, I used to dream about winning the lottery. I didn't just get money, though. I got fame. And I got fame before I got money, and it was scary.
Amber Rose
#18. I loved 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.' I read it later as an adult, but I loved 'We Have Always Lived in a Castle.' And that brings you around to 'The Lottery.' You can't pretend - it's a lottery in which you draw a name and people die. That's a short story, but it's such an incredible short story.
Suzanne Collins
#19. Marriageable girls as well as mothers understand the terms and perils of the lottery called wedlock. That is why women weep at a wedding and men smile.
Honore De Balzac
#20. Finding a cat
or having a cat find you
can change your world as much as marriage, divorce, love, death, or even winning the lottery can, and sometimes more.
Kinky Friedman
#21. "You'll have to excuse my shock. When the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen tells me she's a virgin ... I think I've just hit the lottery ... " - Jonathan di Luca
R. Matthews
#22. I have been very lucky, I have won prizes and I've even won the lottery.
#23. She said in the way you might wish someone good luck on the lottery.
Gillian Flynn
#24. Getting on a popular, long-running show like 'Happy Days' is the actor's equivalent of winning the lottery.
Bryce Dallas Howard
#25. Finding someone you can really connect with is like winning the lottery
It happens basically never, but if it does, you really shouldn't blow it.
Jessica Verdi
#26. To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life.
Cecil Rhodes
#27. The lottery of honest labor, drawn by time, is the only one whose prizes are worth taking up and carrying home.
Theodore Parker
#28. I'm still in the Dixie Chicks; we haven't broken up ... I love the Dixie Chicks; it's the most fun I've ever had in my life. It was like winning the lottery.
Natalie Maines
#29. Some kids win the lottery at birth; far too many don't - and most people have a hard time catching up over the rest of their lives. Children raised in disadvantaged environments are not only much less likely to succeed in school or in society, but they are also much less likely to be healthy adults.
James Heckman
#30. Sometimes, you feel like you've sold your soul. But if I win the lottery, I'm going to buy it back.
Mark Addy
#31. She was staying. A little longer.
V smiled to himself. So this was what winning the lottery felt like.
J.R. Ward
#32. So maybe we won't ever win the lottery, or marry royalty, or make that last second shot. That doesn't mean we won't have amazing adventures, meet exceptional people, and make indelible memories. The trick is to notice before it's too late.
John Green
#33. She. Spoke. To. Him. First. It was like winning the lottery, getting laid, and climbing the highest cliff all rolled into one. But he needed to play it cool, becase he was trending into lame-o land at a quick pace.
Jennifer L. Armentrout
#34. Why do you think the lottery is so popular? Do you think anybody would play if the super payoff was a job on the night shift in a meat-packing plant? People play it so if they win they can be rich and idle. Like I told you years ago - if work is so good, how come they have to pay us to do it?
Mike Royko
#35. The late 1990s were good to me. I was doing the Lottery, GMTV and I had a good contract with ITV. But I was working so hard, I never had time to celebrate. I never thought I was lucky.
Anthea Turner
#36. As with winning the lottery, or becoming famous - there is no manual for becoming a woman,
Caitlin Moran
#37. The lottery question might get you thinking about what you would do if talent and money didn't matter. But they do. The question twentysomethings need to ask themselves is what they would do with their lives if they didn't win the lottery.
Meg Jay
#38. Obviously, drafts sometimes are good ones, or bad ones; I think you can get a good, quality player late in the lottery.
Grant Hill
#39. Why do people play the lottery, or why do people gamble, period? You know, it's with the hope of winning something more.
Derek Kilmer
#40. The network shows have this very commercial voice that you have to adhere to, and the cable shows, it's kind of like winning the lottery. The independent film world is a world you can actually get to. You can get the under-a-million-dollar film by finding a good cast and financing.
Jill Soloway
#41. This is a robbery, boy, gimme them dollars.
We hit the lottery, boy, it's in ya wallets!
#42. We decided to either try trades or just go with older players. If you do that and let contracts expire you can be in the lottery for about four or five years and expect your fans to be patient.
Isaiah Thomas
#43. The REAL American Dream is not about a garage full of new cars, winning the lottery, or retiring to a life of ease in Florida. It's about doing work that has meaning, work that makes a difference, and doing that work with people you care about.
Joe Tye
#44. Someone once referred to modeling as being like winning the lottery gene pool. It's such an odd way to put things, but what is different about modelling is that the industry often picks you.
Erin O'Connor
#45. But I am, personally, not a gambler. I wouldn't spend £1 on the lottery, let alone take a punt on a pregnancy. The stakes are far, far too high. I can't agree with a society that would force me to bet on how much I could love under duress.
Caitlin Moran
#46. The state of radio is not great. It's like playing the lottery. The chances of hitting are mind boggling slim.
Teddy Thompson
#47. If I won the lottery,I would love to buy an airfield and populate it with enthusiasts like myself, and old airplanes.
Martin Shaw
#48. If we find it hard to believe that winning millions might not be so lucky after all, we just don't have a good enough imagination. If I fantasise about winning the lottery, it doesn't take long before all sorts of worrisome potential consequences occur to me.
Julian Baggini
#49. With my father and sister being very depressed for most of their lives, it was incumbent on me to try to make them laugh, in this ridiculous way. They were the wittiest people I knew, but to get a smile from them was like winning the lottery.
Miriam Toews
#50. Writing books and being paid for it - it's not like winning the Lottery. You can't suddenly go, 'Yippee!' and start throwing tenners in the air. I've done pretty well out of it, but certainly not enough to say, 'Right, that's me set up for life.'
Joanne Harris
#51. If you can measure success in this business based on happiness alone I feel like I've hit the lottery.
Justin Long
#52. I'd rather be working for a paycheck, than waiting to win the lottery. Besides, maybe this time it's different, I mean, I really think you like me.
Conor Oberst
#53. If we had no hope - for a cure, for winning the lottery, for falling in love, for the end of war, for being free of abuse, or for having food, warmth, clothing, and shelter - we would have no reason to go on. What you hope for doesn't matter, but rather the essence of hope itself.
Bernie Siegel
#54. We do not simply get showered with Hollywood money because we happened to write a little story about wizards one day. It's not winning the lottery. It's a real job, which real people do, and they have the same real problems as other real people.
Joanne Harris
#55. Professionally, I feel like I won the lottery and I am the luckiest person in the entire world.
Jonah Hill
#56. To get syndicated as a comic strip artist is as likely as winning the lottery.
Stephan Pastis
#57. I've been really lucky to get on shows that stay on. It's one thing to book a show, and it's like winning the lottery again to have it picked up, and then again to have the show stay on the air.
Coby Bell
#58. No one makes a million dollars with minimal effort unless they win the lottery.
Gary Vaynerchuk
#59. And then it was like, wait, you can go to college and study theater? And act in plays? This is almost a racket, you know. And then when the opportunity came along to do it professionally, I thought I'd won the lottery.
Tom Hanks
#60. If you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers! - Homer Simpson
R.J. Palacio
#61. You entrust your money to banks, God entrusts His money to you. How would you feel if the bank took your money and used it to play the lottery or gamble with it? So, how does God feel?
Tony Evans
#62. There was Tyson moving into the Poseidon cabin, giggling to himself every fifteen seconds and saying, "Percy is my brother?" like he'd just won the lottery.
Aw, Tyson," I'd say. "It's not that simple.
Rick Riordan
#63. Most writers need to write. I write for money, really. If I won the lottery, I would never write another word. I would rather read.
Clarissa Dickson Wright
#64. Adventure upon all the tickets in the lottery, and you lose for certain; and the greater the number of your tickets the nearer your approach to this certainty.
Adam Smith
#65. In Las Vegas we all know that it's the croupiers who win. At the race track, it's those who control the handle who win. State lotteries, does anybody think the participants in the lottery win? No. The state wins.
John C. Bogle
#66. Winning the lottery is winning the lottery. It's highly unlikely and very unusual.
Lori Lansens
#67. It's like playing the lottery. It doesn't matter how extremely low the chances are of winning. You gotta be in it to win it. Hitting on every girl in sight is like buying a whole lot of lottery tickets. You never know, one day one of them might actually pay off.
Oliver Markus
#68. Every time I hear about somebody who wins a never-work-again sum in the lottery but keeps his or her day job I think, not a book person.
Amy Smith
#69. I think the lottery changed everything for us. Once we got Sidney, it helped us turn this franchise around overnight.
Mario Lemieux
#70. Bailee had watched them come in and out of the sheriff's office the week she'd been in jail. She, Sarah, and Lacy had sworn daily that if any one of the three won the lottery to become a husband, the other two women would help their friend become a widow as fast as possible.
Jodi Thomas
#71. In the lottery of life there are more prizes drawn than blanks, and to one misfortune there are fifty advantages. Despondency is the most unprofitable feeling a man can indulge in.
Thomas De Witt Talmage
#72. My dad told me that no one could ever make it as a writer, that my chances were equivalent to winning the lottery - which was good for me, because I like to have something to prove.
Poppy Z. Brite
#73. The good news is that going blind is not going to make you as unhappy as you think it will. The bad news is that winning the lottery will not make you as happy as you expect.
Daniel Gilbert
#74. A simple test to ascertain how much you enjoy and derive meaning from your work is to ask yourself whether you would continue
doing it if you won the lottery.
Dennis Prager
#75. What is the likelihood, of winning the lottery, then lose it all the next day when you step out your front door and get struck by lightning? Probably, very slim, but then anything is possible.
Anthony Liccione
#76. If I won a few billion in the lottery, I would create an institute where people who would like to die would come spend a weekend, a week, or a month in pleasure, under drugs perhaps, in order to disappear afterward, as if erased.
Michel Foucault
#77. I have been happier in the past week than I ever imagined possible and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with the money. You're the real prize. The lottery was just a bonus.
Amanda Young
#78. They say getting a show on the air and having it be a success, literally, the odds are like winning the lottery. For me, I've won the lottery several times, so I've been awfully lucky.
Annie Potts
#79. The universe will throw somebody a bone every now and then, and you win the lottery. But for the most part, you get in this life what you put in.
Arian Foster
#80. Forget the lottery. Bet on yourself instead.
Brian Koslow
#81. Getting a role in 'Harry Potter' was like winning the lottery. But no one deserves an acting job.
Jessie Cave
#82. What is Waterloo? A victory? No. The winning number in the lottery.
Victor Hugo
#83. I don't know if it has set in or not. Honestly, it's crazy. It's such an amazing honor. I remember thinking back to being in my room waiting for the call to see if I got the part. It's like winning the lottery. I'm proud to be a member of such an amazing cast - that's the best award of all.
Hailee Steinfeld
#84. Being hungover is like winning the lottery, only they pay you in regret.
Ryan North
#85. Being an actor is like winning the lottery. It's not really about your talent, it's right time, right place, right face.
Vincent Kartheiser
#86. You go and you buy a lottery ticket. You've got just as much chance of getting struck by lightning as you do of winning the lottery.
Bill Cosby
#87. In twenty years, the Lottery has raised over $1.4 billion. It has been run successfully and efficiently.
Jane D. Hull
#88. I have never played the lottery in my life and never will. Voltaire described lotteries as a tax on stupidity. More specifically, I think, on innumeracy.
Daniel Tammet
#89. Make sure your list of things that you want to change is actually controllable. Don't put something ridiculous like "I want to be President of the United States" or "I want to win $1 million from the lottery.
Linda Westwood
#91. Our friend, Timothy J. Russert, was a man who awoke every morning as if he had just won the lottery the day before. He was determined to take full advantage of his good fortune that he couldn't quite believe and share it with everyone around him.
Tom Brokaw
#92. I always hate people that complain about showbiz after they've had a good run. To me there are so many great bands that never get their due, that are struggling away. And I'm like, if you hit the lottery, man, you can't expect it to come around every time.
Miles Zuniga
#93. Well you can't win the lottery if you don't have a ticket
Andy Gray
#94. Yeah, well I've never tried to imagine you before me. Probably because I still wake up every morning and question whether I dreamed you. And when I realize you're my real, it's like winning the lottery every damn day of my life.
Jewel E. Ann
#95. Do you always drink Sprite?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"I want to buy some for when you visit my place."
Bailey grinned like I had told her she won the lottery. If she kept smiling at me that way, I didn't think my ego could fit into the restaurant much longer.
Bijou Hunter
#96. We, as Americans, have won the lottery of life and the distinction between us and people living in Kalighat is not that we are smarter, not that we're harder working, not that we're more virtuous - it's that we're luckier.
Nicholas D. Kristof
#97. Be real. I'm going up against three of the world's most vicious ubervillains. I have a very, very slim chance of survival. I have a better chance of winning the lottery, and I don't even play.
Jennifer Estep
#98. You know you are capitalism's ideal puppet (and that education betrayed you) when winning the lottery is your only chance to realizing financial freedom.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
#99. People play the lottery all the time unaware of how mind-bogglingly difficult it is to win. It seems like they take a different approach to probabilities. Their rationale must be, Well, I can either win it or not win it, so my odds of winning are 50/50.
Orlando Winters
#100. The chances that lose in the lottery of being are invisible
Stanislaw Lem
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