Top 100 Bijou Hunter Quotes

#1. JARED: .....I've also learned people don't give up what they don't want to give up.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #64215
#2. You tempt the devil," he whispered then laid his head down and sighed. "Angels always do.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #115587
#3. POPPY: Don't just agree with me because it's my birthday, and I'm special, and you feel inferior under the shadow of my specialness.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #132195
#4. These days, kids need to be sensitive and care about others. Not even fake-caring either, but they're actually expected to worry about everyone's every feeling. Children basically have to behave as no adult has behaved ever.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #134950
#5. JOURNEY: I'm never more proud of my mother than after seeing her handle her parents that year. She's finally learning to be herself around people who'd like to keep her in a box of their expectations.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #223573
#6. I just kept eating my hot dogs and bowling by myself. Bailey sometimes rolled a ball into a gutter. When I had them put up the bumpers for her, she managed to roll the ball into another alley and land in that gutter. The girl had a talent.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #250155
#7. JOURNEY: I don't need my dad knowing my love life until I'm certain the guy can stick around for more than three dates - my current romantic record.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #257453
#8. You aren't average. You're special because you're the only girl who's ever made my heart hurt.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #269312
#9. Man, he's lucky I couldn't track down his ass or I'd have kicked it so hard that he'd be shitting from his mouth.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #306905
#10. When you smile, it's like the world is perfect. But when you say that ugly shit about yourself, I can barely keep from tearing this world apart for hurting you the way it has.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #332092
#11. I have plans with my sisters on Fridays." "What kind of plans?" Shrugging, I stare at the frozen TV screen. "The kind that don't involve you." "I don't know what that means. Sounds wrong somehow for the world not to revolve around me. Are you sure this is kosher, babe?" "Don't

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #340415
#12. POPPY (standing up to Paul): We're different. You make appointments to see your family. You're careful with what you say and do around people. You care about the opinions of strangers.

None of that makes any fricking sense to me, but I respect your decisions to care about pointless crap.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #346541
#13. Cricket shakes her head. "I'm never getting married." "Jinxed yourself, hug-a-baloo. Everyone knows once you state something as a fact the universe immediately decides you must be proven wrong." Cricket

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #365601
#14. JUSTICE: Nothing bothers me. I'm unflappable. It's why I'm a good manager.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #365830
#15. Life was pretty perfect. All because a sexy chick broke her abstinence pledge to enjoy a night of fun. One hot roll in bed blossomed into love, marriage, and quite a few baby carriages. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #366002
#16. Unfortunately, while you can snag a man by being hot, you can't keep him. To keep them, you have to be confident and I am. I'm just confident enough to pack on a few pounds from eating tacos. I'm a keeper while those bitches are bang and hang girls

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #393956
#17. I'm not someone who offers advice. I don't believe people really want anything besides sympathy when they ask for advice. I know I don't.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #399028
#18. Say you're beautiful," I whispered, stroking her.
"I'm beautiful."
"Good," I murmured, kissing her jaw then moving south. "Say it again.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #421647
#19. Since I'm a man of my word, I don't show up at her door. I do end up driving over to the trailer park with my SUV. Parking, I crawl into the backseat, play tunes on my phone, and doze as close to my woman as I can manage without breaking my promise.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #426357
#20. I know it's a mistake, but I'm falling for you." "I know and it's fucking beautiful.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #463532
#21. I don't want kids."
"My family has a genetic defect and I don't want to pass it on."
"What kind of defect?"
"We're assholes.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #476455
#22. DONOVAN: Now I understand my strengths. Because of Journey, I no longer waste time pretending to be anyone besides the guy in the mirror.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #509892
#23. His name was Aaron and he was the answer to all my prayers.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #542888
#24. The moment I saw the red mark across Lark's face, a little part of my humanity died. While she entered the house and tried to explain, I heard only part of her words. The ones about who hurt her and who needed to bleed.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #572608
#25. POPPY (on Christine and Jared's second chance): Mom couldn't stand up for what she needed, and he was a force of nature. They've found a balance now, but she needed to grow up before that could happen.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #577464
#26. You saved me, Judd. Months ago and that night in the rain and the day in the woods and today and every day we're together, you always save me. You're my knight."
Giving me a heartbreakingly beautiful smile, Judd took my hand. "And you're my angel.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #585240
#27. POPPY (on her biological father): Though I might share his last name and chin, I'm all Earlham.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #595552
#28. Life is about disappointments. Without the pain, how will we appreciate the good stuff?" "True.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #635253
#29. You seem to forget how I'm your employer and so acting like a mouthy bitch isn't a smart way to keep your job." "Your threat would be more convincing if you weren't stuck with temps who left post-it notes declaring you're the devil and she hopes you get sucked back into hell." Hayes

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #640670
#30. FORD: Waiting is for people who plan to live forever.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #645452
#31. Grinning, I stroked his arms, over the tattoos and muscles. "Today has been fucking perfect, Judd. You can't know how perfect."
"Oh, I know. I've been counting my blessings since the moment I woke up with you next to me.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #669161
#32. It's rock and roll, sugar. Guys shouldn't sound like angels. They should sound like sick bastards who'll butt fuck your little sister and leave her with herpes.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #704211
#33. I need to buy you some bling. A big fucking ring or tiara with my name on it so men know to stop flirting with you.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #706465
#34. POPPY: Justice is so pathetic about her man. If her behavior weren't highly entertaining, we'd force her to stop.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #719673
#35. If Bailey wants to go, we'll go. I'm not choosing for her."
"You can't let her boss you around, man. She'll own your balls."
"She already owns them. At this point, we're just negotiating visitation rights."
Cooper grinned.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #722394
#36. DONOVAN: Court's a good leader. He doesn't hold my hand or treat anyone like a child. He's kicked a few *sses when guys went off script to make their own moves. Once he even scared the sh*t out of one of the older guys.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #744291
#37. JUSTICE: .... I like being famous enough to have gossip about me.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #749362
#38. I'm hungry and we're having a great day then I'm slobbering all over you. It'll be amazing.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #751216
#39. Aw, here is the owner of your sac," Vaughn announced when I appeared. "Take good care of it, darlin. Judd lives a dangerous life and balls are occasionally necessary."
"He can sign them out for special occasions.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #784968
#40. Despite her love of pineapple on pizza, Lark was perfection. I felt like a love starved moth drawn to the light of her smile.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #840827
#41. CANDY: I'll be in a world of pain that no amount of worrying ahead of time will prepare me for. Why suffer in preparation for suffering?

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #844542
#42. POPPY (on high school cliques): I wasn't smart enough for the gifted kids or athletic enough for the jocks. I didn't want to s*ck a lot of c*ck, so I couldn't be a cheerleader or popular girl.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #875312
#43. ZANE: Everyone has an ex they regret.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #890636
#44. POPPY: I don't like him, Jared. I love him.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #906229
#45. EMMETT (on being a 'mama's boy'): Poppy teases me for being a mama's boy. She ain't wrong, but my ma's worth acting stupid over. She raised me in a rough world without losing her ability to be tender.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #918310
#46. I want to punch him, but I don't because he's Pax. I can never tell if he's really so dumb that he doesn't even know he's dumb. If he's that stupid, I don't feel good about messing with him.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #937432
#47. How long will you be gone?" I asked just to make very clear how I didn't enjoy getting ditched.
"As long as it takes. When I get back, I'll kiss you until you can't stand."
"Stop with the threats. I'll miss you even if you're a jerk.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #966671
#48. Aaron was an artist in the body of a biker. He smiled easily like a sweet boy next door and glared often like a bad boy looking for someone to punch.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #972402
#49. JOURNEY: If someone pulls out a dong, then I'm gone.
JUSTICE: Rhymed.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #987229
#50. Your name is Jake and you're real"
"Your name is Mia and you're mine

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #994221
#51. Men suck," Bailey said, nodding supportively then frowning at Vaughn. "Why do you suck so much? Too much ball toxins?"
"Sounds about right," he muttered, rolling another strike. "Girls get PMS. Guys get ball toxins. Common knowledge.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1016754
#52. You treat me like a child, but I know what I fucking know. You're scared. Love comes with responsibilities, and you've been hiding from them your whole life.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1030967
#53. Life is about knowing when to let go and when to hold on.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1038176
#54. You're mine," I said and Cooper smiled so sweetly. "It's why I marked your butt.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1051307
#55. Oh, and don't even fucking think of cheating. If I catch you cheating, I'll cut the bitch's face off and sew it onto your face. That way, if you want to see your bitch so much, you can just look in the mirror.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1052139
#56. A real man fights those holding him down, not people with less power. You making me feel bad won't make you tough. It makes you pathetic especially when I was being gentle with you.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1058508
#57. Wearing my tee over her shorts, she studied the sink counter. "You smell like chocolate."
I handed her the Axe spray. "It brings all the girls to the yard.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1087131
#58. It's me," he said, lifting my chin so I would look at him. "It'll never be anyone else. With me, you'll always be safe.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1093189
#59. I'm so sick of sitting on this fucking thing," she sighed, finding a comfortable spot. "After they're born, let's burn the couch."
"Or donate it," Aaron said, bringing her a glass of water.
"Don't ruin my destructive groove with your good sense.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1101652
#60. I like the ocean," [...] "It feels like forever and I can breathe. When I'm near the ocean, I'm free of the swamp in a way no other place allows.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1117947
#61. She also said her mother was a bitch, but we couldn't choose our birth family. We did have the power to build a new and better one though.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1120535
#62. A burger and fries will be fine, servant."
"I appreciate your order, jackass."
"As you should, beauty.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1166224
#63. I'd go wherever your sister is and bring her here so you wouldn't be alone.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1179247
#64. Don't give your heart to him, Shay," Darby says softly. "Ford won't keep it safe. No one ever kept his heart safe growing up and he doesn't know how to treat anyone any better. It's not his fault he's not a good man, but it'll be your fault if you expect him to be one.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1200061
#65. My old lady wouldn't like me putting a dead chick under our house. She's real particular about smells.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1203943
#66. COLBIE: I'm an optimist. I believe in love and romance and happily ever after.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1228427
#67. I was still a nerd in some ways, but I'd be that nerd on my own terms. Not to please anyone else. Not to be anyone else.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1236051
#68. You didn't walk away, Judd. You made me see the light when I was suffocating in the dark.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1251397
#69. Just help him know it's okay to be different. That's what I wish my mom and dad did for me. They didn't have to change, but I wanted to know it was okay for me to change. Women like your mom never had anyone in their corners, but Felix has you.....

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1329148
#70. BONN: I thought fatherhood was hard, and some people weren't suited for it. But it's not. Being a father, a good one, I mean, is about making a choice.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1337412
#71. I see you," I whispered in his ear. "You're mine in every way and nothing will make me let go.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1346267
#72. Do you always drink Sprite?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"I want to buy some for when you visit my place."
Bailey grinned like I had told her she won the lottery. If she kept smiling at me that way, I didn't think my ego could fit into the restaurant much longer.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1401714
#73. Keeping Candy happy means making me happy and me being happy is all that really matters in life.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1425303
#74. I like your story," I say, running my hand up his sweater. "Happy endings are sexy." Ford grins. "When you say shit like that, I can't believe you don't hear how fucking dirty you sound.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1444043
#75. Everything about you makes me crazy," he said, thrusting harder. "I can't think of anything without you at the edges. Everything I see is a reminder of you. My life was empty, yet sufficient a month ago. Now, it's pointless without you.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1444773
#76. I like the carrot cake," Maddy announced and Tucker nodded.
"Fucking hillbillies," I muttered. "We really do love our carrot cake.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1519496
#77. My inner caveman demands she knows I'm a good provider. I'll get her the best booth, order any food she wants, kill potential predators, and buy her the best cave on the block. I'll do whatever it takes to make Daisy smile at me.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1567981
#78. Aaron loved to walk around shirtless and I overwhelmingly approved of his choice. Having seen the gym in one of the house's tiny bedrooms, I understood how he kept so ripped. Every time he caught me admiring the view, I pretended to be looking at his tats. He wasn't fooled.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1581525
#79. I never understood why you cared what those morons thought. They weren't your friends. They didn't know shit about you, so what did their opinions matter?

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1584533
#80. JUSTICE: I'm a woman, d*mmit. I do what I want, and I refuse to consider the consequences.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1585211
#81. My lips take control, and they're anything but tentative. Desperate for her to accept everything I offer, I realize I'm falling for Daisy in a way she better be ready for.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1618259
#82. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1627003
#83. If your pop had dumped me, I wouldn't have moved on either. He was mine, and no other man would do. Holding onto what I loved wouldn't have made me weak. It'd make me strong enough to be alone rather than with a man who gives me less than I need.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1633203
#84. I need to stop thinking about how people see me and figure out who I am. Faking it isn't working. We should focus on being happy....Just happy.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1638322
#85. POPPY: Another man might have pressured me to change, mature, maybe even shut up occasionally. Emmett finds me perfect the way I am.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1653658
#86. I wanted to come home, but I was embarrassed. There are things worse than embarrassment like my little sister thinking I didn't care about her. You needed me and I'd been dying without you. Turns out, I'm not likable enough to make friends who aren't my sister.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1665089
#87. As he slid a bit closer, I caught a whiff of his cologne. Smelling like chocolate, the scent was bait to any self-respecting woman.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1680863
#88. How many fucking times do I have to tell you that you're special?"
"A million? Possibly more."
Cooper grinned at my tone. "Fair enough.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1687581
#89. If you love her, that's all that matters.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1707746
#90. DONOVAN: Crying ain't a problem, kid. Only thing that matters is what happens after you're done crying.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1724274
#91. BODIE: We're friends, and only evil sluts mess with their friends' men. Even their ex-men.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1727581
#92. I look at you and my heart beats faster and my stomach gets butterflies in that annoying teenage crush way. When you do nice shit for me, I want more. I'm selfish that way.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1731238
#93. You can insult me, but it only makes you look weak." "Why weak?" he asks, losing his smile. "By devaluing me so you'll look better in comparison, you actually make yourself look like a punk." "Thanks,

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1748731
#94. I like you," she says, but I know this isn't what she really wants to say. "I like you too especially your tits." It's not what I want to say either, but fantasies need lies to keep them alive.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1753003
#95. SAWYER: God has other plans.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1807159
#96. I learned long ago not to give a flying fuck what strangers thought about me.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1809497
#97. We can't have sex at my parents' place," I said, giving him a grin.
"You are so sex obsessed," he said, sighing dramatically. "I blame myself for being that good.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1844066
#98. Oh, we're all sluts. I'm liberated enough to cut me some notches on my bedpost, if you catch my drift? No, those girls are shallow. It's why they have to work in a flock. They can't go solo because their fragile egos can't handle the stress. I have no patience for weak girls

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1847429
#99. POPPY: Not bad. I'd put you in the top three on my list of possible cherry poppers.
EMMETT: No way. Unless your list is me, myself, and I, you've only got one name on that list.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1855942
#100. When our lips parted, he sighed. "I love those eyes, angel. When they look at me, I feel like anything is possible.

Bijou Hunter

Bijou Hunter Quotes #1877836

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