Top 86 Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend

#1. You can go the route of not living your life at all - and a lot of actors do that, where they just won't even go out of the house at all - but it makes life so unenjoyable. You can't go out, you can't hold hands with your girlfriend, you can't do any of these things.

Austin Butler

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #88444
#2. I've been insane for a long time. An ex-girlfriend of mine once asked, "Is it true that all comedians are depressed?," and I said, "Every one I know is."

Jason Gann

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #572929
#3. All my life there's always been an ex-wife or a girlfriend.

Ronnie Wood

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #513255
#4. You think ancient soul-eating demons are terrifying? Try a run-in with Renn's crazy ex-girlfriend if you want a real scare." (July Henry)

Megan Applegate

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #486849
#5. Does that new man in your life call his ex "a slut", "a whore", "a bitch", "psycho" , "crazy", "a nutter" etc etc. Chances are, whatever he's calling his ex right now, he'll be calling you when things don't go his way. Be warned.

Miya Yamanouchi

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #394399
#6. I think that my regrets mostly have to do with my relationship with my ex-girlfriend. Every once in a while, you get those flashback memories of conversations you had with your exes, and you just, like, wince when you're walking down the street. Something occurs to you, 'Oh, no, I said that.'

Mike Birbiglia

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #381685
#7. I left my parents' home when I was 22, I moved to New York with my ex-girlfriend. We did a film together with Raul Julia.

Demian Bichir

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #187422
#8. Dash is for sure straight!" Boomer announced. "He has a super-pretty ex-girlfriend named Sofia, who I think he still has a thing for, and also, in seventh grade, there was a game of spin the bottle and it was my turn and I spun and it landed at Dash, but he wouldn't let me kiss him.

David Levithan

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #110749
#9. I don't like to talk about girlfriend stuff. It's not necessary. I try to keep my relationships separate from everything else.

Orlando Bloom

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #95029
#10. I'm so in love with the United States. Not as a patriot. I'm in love with America like it's my first girlfriend. The geography, the people, the smell, the touch, the taste, the gas stations. I'm madly in love with America.

Vincent Gallo

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #94301
#11. Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not proud of it. Even though you didn't have that damn necklace on, as far as I knew, you were still with Del. And I'm not big on making out with another guy's girlfriend.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #90511
#12. Ex-girlfriends will find themselves in my new routine. Sometimes they like that, and sometimes they definitely do not. But comedians should come with a giant warning or disclaimer: IF YOU DATE ME, IT WILL BE IN MY ACT.

Dane Cook

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #586870
#13. Leaving America is like losing twenty pounds and finding a new girlfriend.

Phil Ochs

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #85424
#14. Wouldn't it be a waste to not try and stay with the one I liked?

Cara McKenna

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #84969
#15. Parking's expensive, so I walk or ride my bike, which is good because my girlfriend's getting her PhD as an environmental engineer.

Chaz Bundick

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #80613
#16. Like my girlfriend Denisha is always saying (she's an Episcopalian), some of Jesus' best friends were sex workers.

Sarah Lotz

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #79875
#17. ATKINSON. Early Apple employee, developed graphics for the Macintosh. CHRISANN BRENNAN. Jobs's girlfriend at Homestead High, mother

Walter Isaacson

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #79741
#18. My idea of hell is a girlfriend ringing up and saying, 'Let's go shopping and have cocktails.' I'd rather play cards.

Alison Moyet

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #79357
#19. There were a couple of times when I hung out with a boy I liked and he paid for me and we were both single so I think those were dates, but then like a week later he had a girlfriend that wasn't me and I was cursing his very existence, so it's hard to say for sure.

Katie Heaney

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #74556
#20. Are you saying you want to be my girlfriend?" His voice was gruff, almost teasing.
I leaned into him and whispered against his lips. "Are you saying you want me to be your girlfriend?"
"Fuck yeah," he whispered back, and pressed his mouth to mine.

Samantha Young

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #71025
#21. I'm somebody's ex-wife, and I did things that drove him nuts. And now I'm somebody's girlfriend, for many years, and I've got different things that drive him nuts.

Nicole Holofcener

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #70657
#22. I want a girlfriend who eats as much as I do, which is a lot.

Niall Horan

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #70234
#23. Currently I'm not a crazy ex-girlfriend, but I can't promise I won't be one again.

Miranda Lambert

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1147412
#24. I quit my job. I bought myself a real cheap, like, around-the-world flight ticket, and I went to 16 countries for six months just backpacking, living in cheap hostels, looking for stories with a camera and my ex-girlfriend.

Malik Bendjelloul

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1841727
#25. If you're walking down the street and you smell a scent, it can take you right back to a memorable time in your life, whether it's a moment with an ex-girlfriend or a childhood event.

Chris Evans

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1665704
#26. I'm really only capable to two emotions at this point: lust and hunger. I lost revenge a few years back, and even then, it was reserved only for ex-girlfriends and particular football games that caused me to lose a lot of money.

Jason Mulgrew

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1612067
#27. You say your ex-girlfriend left you for someone else. In other words, she found a brighter star in the sky.

Tony Sakalauskas

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1539436
#28. If you don't think a mental patient has the right to bring a sawed-off shotgun to the church where his ex-girlfriend is getting married, you're part of the problem.

David Sedaris

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1330573
#29. I ask a lot because I'm very curious - especially about ex-girlfriends. I'm pretty good at getting the answers, too.

Brittany Murphy

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1300836
#30. My ex-girlfriend owned a parakeet ... oh my god, that f**king thing would never shut up. But the bird was cool.

Anthony Jeselnik

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1200732
#31. A demonic reaper asked to be my valentine and then killed his crazy ex-girlfriend to save my life. Tomorrow I was starting up antipsychotic meds.

Courtney Allison Moulton

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1179067
#32. But if there was a protocol for how to say goodbye to your newly ex-boyfriend's brother, right after you kissed him and probably sent your ex into the arms of his willing ex-girlfriend, I didn't know what it was.

Rachel Vincent

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1177609
#33. I got shingles from my ex girlfriend. But that's to be expected, since she is a roofer.

Jarod Kintz

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1155597
#34. If I'm in a relationship and my girlfriend is sleeping with other people, I don't need to know who it is; I just want to know how she feels about it.

Ben Folds

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #69062
#35. You want to know what it feels like to be castrated? Try having your nine-year-old brother protect you from your ex-girlfriend after you've told her you're in love with a man.

T.J. Klune

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1123265
#36. I always used to say to my ex-girlfriends that I could never take a good photograph of them, because there was too much of an intimacy between us, but actually the real thing is, if there's a proper intimacy between you ... I find it really compelling and exciting - it's quite good foreplay.


Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1121738
#37. Being forced to sit between my mortal enemy and my ex-girlfriend every afternoon made seventh-period math feel like my own private Kobayashi Maru, a brutal no-win scenario designed to test my emotional fortitude.

Ernest Cline

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1097817
#38. I don't like vampire movies or zombie movies. I went to see 'I Am Legend' with an ex-girlfriend the other day, and I immediately realised it was a zombie movie! You know what I mean? There are certain rules, and those rules are things that you've seen many times.

Michel Gondry

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1060953
#39. I have all my ex-girlfriends lumped into one big girlfriend I called M.A.N.D.Y.: My, Another Neurotic Disappointment? Yes.

Dana Gould

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1052298
#40. There will come a time in every girl's life when she realizes that your ex-girlfriend wasn't crazy. Actually, she was right (about you).

Nakia R. Laushaul

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #1045690
#41. My ex-girlfriend Lisa once said that every woman wants the same thing in a relationship: to be adored.

Neil Strauss

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #898084
#42. Not godlike at all, but more like a sociapathic, bipolar ex-girlfriend who loses her shit, burns all your jeans and then blames you for making her do it.

Heather McVea

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #760912
#43. You should change your Password"
"not exactly a priority so I haven't got'round to it"
"I'll do it for you"I offered.
His arms gave me a squeeze and he grinned.
"What'll you chose?"
before I could stop my mouth from forming the words, I said "Shebitchfromhell666

Kristen Ashley

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #616259
#44. Henry unpacked the car and loaded himself up with everything they'd brought, little bags and big ones, a string tote, a knapsack.
As he started up the driveway, his girlfriend said, "Do you have the wine, Hank?"
Whoever Hank was, he had it.

Melissa Bank

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #18921
#45. I went to church. It didn't help. In those days that was the best place to meet a girlfriend. In church! All of us praying to be different.

Jeffrey Eugenides

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #39164
#46. how you would feel if your old girlfriend showed up and she had the IQ of a frog. You'd

Bobby Adair

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #38529
#47. My girlfriend always laughs during sex - no matter what she's reading.

Steve Jobs

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #33807
#48. If I don't get a girlfriend soon (number one on the list) I may have to resort to drastic measures like surgery (me) or hypnosis (them).

J.A. Buckle

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #33354
#49. I gave my girlfriend something she didn't expect for Valentine's day ... Chlamydia.

Frankie Boyle

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #31669
#50. Girlfriends are not wives. I draw the line at married women. Actually, women married to men with guns. If someone's girlfriend wants to make herself available, that's her business. Just don't give my name to your boyfriend.

Jack Dancer

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #28366
#51. I'm more likely to give you a cuddle than a punch in the face. I have a soft side, especially with my girlfriend. I send her flowers and use my culinary skills to pull off romantic meals. I do great Thai dishes.

Jai Courtney

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #24806
#52. I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that.

Mitch Hedberg

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #24205
#53. The irony of talking to animals and an imaginary girlfriend, who keep me sane, even though I know I look like a raving lunatic, isn't lost on me.

Elyse Draper

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #20691
#54. I'm not a militant lesbian. I carry myself in a way that makes it easier for women to relate to. I can be your best girlfriend.

Jackie Warner

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #20491
#55. Ryan, when did you get a girlfriend?" his sister asked.
"She's not my girlfriend, Kaylen," Ryan replied. "Go away.

S. Walden

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #41793
#56. Why is your skin the best feeling in the world?

Kamand Kojouri

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #18738
#57. I don't date my girlfriend because she's a model. I date her because I love her.

Adam Levine

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #18612
#58. My last girlfriend was a Showgirl - But we eventually broke up because she wouldn't Tell me anything. Now I'm dating a girl who looks exactly like my grandma, only my girl older.
-James Lee Schmidt and Jarod Kintz

James Lee Schmidt

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #14638
#59. I mean, you can't have sex until you're married if you're Mormon. The first time I had sex, my parents found out. They were listening in on the phone while I was talking about sex to my girlfriend. They freaked out, man. They both cornered me in my bedroom.

Bert McCracken

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #11371
#60. I would like to have a girlfriend who is more mature than my mental age.


Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #10882
#61. Did any agents ever put Diane Ladd up for some of the great parts, even though she always got great reviews? No! But do they put up the girlfriend of the studio executive who's gonna do them a favor later? You betcha.

Diane Ladd

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #10221
#62. A Bridgeport, Connecticut, man presented his girlfriend with an engagement ring and handed her one end of a ribbon; the other end disappeared into his pocket. "A surprise," he said, and urged her to pull it. She obliged. The ribbon was attached to the trigger of a revolver. The man died instantly.

Erik Larson

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #10023
#63. When I don't have a girlfriend, who I am answerable to, I can go out and hang with people. But whether you go for a movie with someone or a meal or a drive, it is assumed that you are dating that person.

Shahid Kapoor

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #9201
#64. The lips on my upper right bicep are my girlfriend's lips. She has the most amazing lips, and I wanted to carry them around with me everywhere I go, considering I can't carry her lips physically with me. So I decided to place them in a discreet location, such as the inside part of my bicep.

Jake Owen

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #5313
#65. You want to take me to a movie?" I asked.
"Well, not really," he said. "What I really want is for you to be my girlfriend. But I thought saying that might scare you off.

Sarah Dessen

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #4919
#66. Sookie: Hey, our hair's the same color.
Eric: Sure is, Girlfriend.

Charlaine Harris

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #53691
#67. My first girlfriend broke up with me on a yellow legal pad. After she picked me up from the airport one day, she took out a letter that her therapist wrote, and she read it to me. She and her therapists wrote a letter breaking up with me together.

Max Winkler

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #68940
#68. I tried to go back and talk about what I did know. I told her about one girl he'd brought home from Cornell; I'd asked if she was his girlfriend, and he's said, When you define something, you limit it.

Melissa Bank

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #68914
#69. When a man cheats on his wife or girlfriend, he breaks the spell that made him once the special one.

Linda Alfiori

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #64707
#70. If he mistreated and abused his last girlfriend, why would you want to be his new girlfriend?

Karen E. Quinones Miller

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #64180
#71. The marathon is my only girlfriend. I give her everything I have.

Toshihiko Seko

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #63403
#72. I don't think your girlfriend likes me." Putting on the most bored face I can muster, I add deadpan, "I'm torn up." Shaking his head at me, he mutters, "Yeah, I can see that.

Belle Aurora

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #59263
#73. I don't think that we really know our animals. We think we do because we're humans, and we think we can control things like that. We don't know anybody that we love. It could be a girlfriend or a cat. I think we just have to be at peace with that.

Caroline Paul

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #58138
#74. My first serious girlfriend, when I was 16, was Mormon. I went to her house for 'family home evening,' and I was like, 'Why aren't you people ignoring each other and watching television?'

Trey Parker

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #56884
#75. I have a girlfriend and she really keeps me grounded. Makes me normal.

Ian Axel

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #56781
#76. What would you call your decorating style?" I asked. "Boring-bachelor? Or messy-loner? He looked over at me. "More like distracted-about-my-detainee-girlfriend," he said.

Katie Kacvinsky

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #53805
#77. If you make your best friend and your significant other the same person, you don't have to disconnect to go tell your girlfriend everything.

Niecy Nash

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #3955
#78. People say love is a gift but i say love is a burden, loving someone and having to watch them be in love with someone else.


Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #52952
#79. If this were a [Hollywood] studio film, I wouldn't have pushed my father into a table, I would have beat him up. My father wouldn't have kissed my girlfriend; he would have raped her.

Noah Wyle

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #48745
#80. I never broke up with my girlfriends, they broke up with me.

Manny Pacquiao

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #46386
#81. The goal of Christian dating is not to have a boyfriend or girlfriend but to find a spouse. Have that in mind as you get to know one an- other, and if you're not ready to commit to a relationship with the end goal of marriage, it's better not to date but simply to remain friends.

Mark Driscoll

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #46374
#82. I said to my girlfriend, you shouldn't eat before you swim. She said, "why not"? I said, you look fat.

Jimmy Carr

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #45947
#83. My girlfriend bought a cook book the other day called 'Cheap and easy vegetarian cooking'. Which is perfect for her, because not only is she vegetarian ...

Jimmy Carr

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #45342
#84. No relationship is perfect nor will anyone ever be the best boyfriend or girlfriend. Long as you put in the effort and try to make your lover happy. That's all we can ask for.

Kevin McCarty

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #44059
#85. When your girlfriend broke your heart, don't even say a word, just smile because she gives you the opportunity to find someone better than her.

Werley Nortreus

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #42229
#86. In 1940 I was just turning 5 years old and being taken to the movies. For those of us who were not old enough to understand the horror of war it was a very romantic era because these guys were kissing their wives and girlfriends goodbye and going off to fight and become heroes.

Woody Allen

Quotes About A Ex Girlfriend #41909

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