Top 100 Kristen Ashley Quotes
#1. And girls tell me he's hot." He grinned and finished, "I wouldn't know, seein' as I'm a guy but I look like him and I'm smokin' hot so he's gotta be hot.
Kristen Ashley
#2. Lee on the other hand was not asexual. He might think of me as his little sister and could calmly sleep next to me without his nipples getting hard (or anything else getting hard for that matter) but I was pretty certain I could not do the same.
Kristen Ashley
#3. It's a beautiful war, baby." He dipped so close, the tips of our noses brushed but his eyes never left mine. "And I ... just ... won.
Kristen Ashley
#4. Women whose shit is worth puttin' up with and women whose it isn't. I'm
Kristen Ashley
#5. The hero in this novel lives a life by his own code with no apologies.
Kristen Ashley
#6. Yes. He. Was. Just. Here. Spreading his goodwill and love all around Max's entryway. It's a wonder there aren't cherubs flying around sprinkling rose petals and rainbows erupting through the windows, an aftermath of his delightful visit.
Kristen Ashley
#8. Hey, honey," I greeted. "What's up?"
"His filthy, rusted, beat up, in desperate need of a trade up truck is still in front of your house, that's what's up," was Martha's greeting
Kristen Ashley
#9. You,that dress, those shoes, that hair, beverages and furniture you can get horizontal on would not be a good combination.
Kristen Ashley
#10. I've waited three lifetimes for you, and now that I've got you, I'm keepin' you.
Kristen Ashley
#11. He knew it the minute she spoke. He knew that was all he needed, those two soft words with her limbs wrapped around him and, God help him, he'd do anything for her.
Kristen Ashley
#13. Colonel Mustard did it, however the motherfucker did it, his ass is in the hole.
Kristen Ashley
#14. Life's too short, I'm through talkin'. This is happening, we both know it, we both feel it and you even admitted it. Ava Babe, stop fighting it.
Kristen Ashley
#15. If you'd given yourself to someone else, you wouldn't be mine. And that would seriously piss me off.
Kristen Ashley
#16. Trusting someone nice to you doesn't make you a moron. It makes the person who fucked you over an asshole.
Kristen Ashley
#17. It's a wedding reception, Morrie, not a fuckin' '80s flashback.
Kristen Ashley
#18. And I was about to learn that when a dragon breathed fire, it wasn't about noise, heat and flames. It was about quiet, control and annihilation.
Kristen Ashley
#19. Don't want your hand," he stated. Damn. "Want your mouth." Yay!
Kristen Ashley
#20. You don't know this, baby, but some men have dream women too
Tack-Motorcyle Man
Kristen Ashley
#21. I closed my eyes as a tingle slid up my spine, my neck, then radiated along my scalp as he slid his nose along mine then down my cheek to flick my ear with it before he murmured there, Yeah, my baby suits me.
Kristen Ashley
#22. He is my king, he is my warrior, he is my husband and I am proud to say above all ... he is mine.
Kristen Ashley
#23. Every day somethin' new. Will I ever get to the heart of you?
Kristen Ashley
#24. Man's got the power to break a woman's heart. Women have their own power. Learn this in future, choose better.
Kristen Ashley
#25. Jesus works on Sundays, Hop. Want a direct line, time to haul your biker ass to church.
Kristen Ashley
#26. You've missed everything. So I'll say it so you can understand it. I've been waiting to have you since I knew you existed. But I've been waiting for someone like you for five fucking centuries
Kristen Ashley
#27. I'm Chaos?"
"Was my dick just in you?"
I fought an annoyed growl and said, "Uh ... yeah."
"Then you're Chaos.
Kristen Ashley
#28. I'm done walking through fire for you, High! ... I'm done not because I'm done but because there's nothing left of me to burn. You have it all. You've always had it all! I gave up everything so you can have it all! Please! God! Leave me to my nothing.
Kristen Ashley
#29. And if he's the sun finally on your horizon, I'm naming my first boy after him. Which, admittedly, is not a hardship since his name is badass and not Herbert. But, still.
Kristen Ashley
#30. They were live, breathe, eat, drink, fuck, bleed, and die for the life bikers.
Kristen Ashley
#31. Jesus, holy fuck," Rivera murmured, coming to a quick halt and looking up at the tall, hulking, tattoo-sleeved Ryker. "Boy, what'd your Mama feed you growin' up?" he asked.
"Newborn babies," Ryker answered, scowling down at Rivera.
Kristen Ashley
#32. Don't happen and that's it. You have to feed them and keep them alive.
Kristen Ashley
#34. Gonna eat you while you talk to him so you'll remember who owns you and make that shit quick so we can get on with our night.
Kristen Ashley
#35. Would have let me break the color code for shoes at work. These were borrowed from Indy's next door neighbor, who was Denver's top drag queen. Luckily, he had small feet; or I liked to think that way. Not that my feet were large.
Kristen Ashley
#37. He needs Mom and us more than we need him. He needs a family. He's over there, all by himself, he has nobody. We have each other." She looked at me and stated, "He needs somebody. I can tell.
Kristen Ashley
#38. I like to watch. You're beautiful always but you're fucking breathtaking when you come. - Colin
Kristen Ashley
#39. Don't give a fuck if you're hot, wet and panting or pissed as hell, you're sleepin' by me, in my bed, at home. said Hector
Kristen Ashley
#40. Logan spoke Badass.
There were only a few words in the Vocabulary of Badass but each one had a number of meanings. They included beautiful, Christ, fuck, Jesus, and shit.
But the one used most was babe.
Kristen Ashley
#41. How lonely I was, even when I was with him. How it felt, him not making love to me, being affectionate, making me feel desired or desirable. How much it bothered me that, even though I'd talked to him about all of this, even wrote him other e-mails, it didn't ever seem to penetrate.
Kristen Ashley
#42. Seriously. Who needed a real lover when you had a handsome, affectionate man who adored you, put a beautiful house over your head, gave you a great job, lavished you with fabulous clothes, shoes, purses and jewelry and would never break your heart?
Kristen Ashley
#43. Every day is a new promise, Ben," I told him sharply. "Every night I go to sleep knowin' it's a promise, every day I wake knowin' in some way it's gonna be fulfilled. And repeat. For ... hopefully ... ever.
Kristen Ashley
#44. I feel bitterness is a religion and the people who practice it are the most vehement missionaries there are. There is great strength, beauty and peace in letting things go and practicing forgiveness.
Kristen Ashley
#45. Hank wants to have a conversation tonight. We had a conversation last night! I can't have another conversation! He'l say shit that freaks me out because he's, like, in my brain. We haven't even known each other for two weeks! How can he be in my brain? It's unreal ..
Kristen Ashley
#46. I know one thing deep in my heart. I will never forget yesterday, when my brother found what he needed to take away his pain.
Kristen Ashley
#47. No one puts his hand on my boy. Not like that. Get me?
Kristen Ashley
#48. You know, the rulebook states anything agreed through sexual manipulation is thrown out after the act.
Kristen Ashley
#49. We'd been back together for four days. I thought that was pretty much the definition of 'too soon'. Then again, we'd known each other for thirty-nine years and that was undeniably the definition of 'about fucking time'.
Kristen Ashley
#51. Now, my brothers are bustin' their asses to cover our shit, and you race to the bathroom like you're fifteen, we're in your bedroom, I just popped your cherry, and your Dad's at the door. Babe, I get you got issues but on top of all our other shit, we gotta spend some time sortin' those out.
Kristen Ashley
#52. You're gonna find special, Ace."
"Sometimes special doesn't exist, Tate," I told him. "And I'm okay with that."
His lips came back to mine and when he spoke, he did it gently. "It will for you baby.
Kristen Ashley
#54. I see a badge on four belts. I'd like it explained why he's here," Debbie demanded, eyeing up Cal.
"Mostly 'cause there's nothin' on TV," Cal replied, Debbie's eyes narrowed and Merry chuckled.
Kristen Ashley
#56. I don't intend to use beer as a crutch and drink until I pass out. So advice, keep an eye on that so you can get in there and get yourself drunk sex before it turns unpretty and drunk sex ends with me puking and / or passing out during the act.
Kristen Ashley
#57. Swear to Christ, you're safe right here. I can give you that, Olivia. I can give you the night. I promise you that.
Kristen Ashley
#58. Men like you aren't made, though, Tanner. Men like you just are.
Kristen Ashley
#59. You know, you wouldn't even want a man who wouldn't go back to save someone's mother and a drag queen.
Kristen Ashley
#60. I'd walk to the ends of the earth hand in hand with Chace Keaton and all he had to do to get me to do it was kiss me deep, smile at me, hold my hand and call me baby.
Kristen Ashley
#61. No matter how bumpy the ride gets, listen to your Auntie Vivica, hold the fuck on.
Kristen Ashley
#62. Makes him feel however Slim feels that makes him get close to you anytime you're even a little near. Like any moment a lion's gonna come roarin' into the room and he's gotta be close enough to come between you and it so he can keep you safe. This life-altering
Kristen Ashley
#63. Is it too soon for me to put aside money for your kid's college education in order to thank him for helpin' me drag his mother's head outta her ass?
Kristen Ashley
#64. God, if he wasn't so handsome, strong,
sometimes sweet, didn't have a Harley, that beard, a tendency to play with my hair, didn't look so good in jeans and wasn't so danged good in bed, he would seriously not be worth it.
Kristen Ashley
#65. Hector? You call him Hector?"
"Well, I can hardly call out, 'Agent Chavez, oo Agent Chavez,' When he makes me climax, now can I?
Kristen Ashley
#66. Jonas Haines of Broken Bird Marries Model Adriana Rivera in Vegas
Kristen Ashley
#67. Truth hurts. Then again, it also sets you free. [Jimmy Cotton]
Kristen Ashley
#68. Tess, I learned somethin' early about you. You are the only woman I know who doesn't need words. Everything you do speaks for you and it never lies. Just your hand on me, babe, said it all.
Kristen Ashley
#70. Tyra told me you two went at it for days over a flippin' fridge. Badasses are capable of and don't hesitate to throw down about a fridge. An IT geek does not care what kind of fridge you buy. An IT geek just thanks his lucky stars he's gettin' it regular.
Kristen Ashley
#72. Bottom line, you didn't take care of what was yours. Now, as Nina has explained, you've lost it, I found it and it's mine.
Kristen Ashley
#73. Be pissed at me 'cause I fucked you over. That's cool, you got a right, I fucked you over and it was a shit thing to do.
Kristen Ashley
#75. The good butterflies started to beat the shit out of the bad butterflies.
Kristen Ashley
#76. Don't say anything, baby. Don't think anything. Don't be anything but with me. Not until I get you safe. Not until we can talk this out where I know you're good. Promise me that.
Kristen Ashley
#78. The first time we had sex, it was a battle which he won. This time it was war.
Kristen Ashley
#79. This was because Benny Bianchi was always going to be a promise at the same time Benny Bianchi was the prize at the end of a crazy life.
Kristen Ashley
#80. Something to learn about me," I told him, "I'm a Snooze Button Girl.
Kristen Ashley
#81. I know, child. What do you think's keeping me on this earth? Not easy to let go that kind of love. That kind of love's got the power to hold you tethered to a world you should have left a long time ago.
Kristen Ashley
#82. Right there, his world was done. Because there was nothing that would be better than Carissa Teodoro standing a foot away with her hand warm on his, grinning up at him. Nothing.
Kristen Ashley
#84. My head fell forward and to the side until it collided with his shoulder as my arms slid around him and got tight.
I felt his head turn and in my ear he said quietly, Fuck, baby, just with that, you made callin' that marker worth it.
Kristen Ashley
#85. I already had a feeling I was screwed, seeing I was in sacrificial virgin attire and in a corral. But now I was thinking I was way screwed. My attention focused back on her when she went on to say in a dire tone, The Wife Hunt.
Kristen Ashley
#86. He put his lips to my ear and said, "He hurts you, I'll fuck him up."
Loved my big brother.
Kristen Ashley
#87. What are you gonna do?" I whispered.
"I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to protect Luke while he does whatever the fuck he wants to do.
Kristen Ashley
#89. I was also trying to control my mouth from opening and asking what was happening at the same time control my body from hurling itself in his arms.
Kristen Ashley
#90. I'm not stupid, I know your heart's involved in this and I've never, not once in all the time you've known me, given you the idea that I won't handle it with care.
Kristen Ashley
#91. Because he tells me. All the fucking time. I'm precious to him and I know it because he shows me and he tells me. It's beautiful. It's real. It's right.
Kristen Ashley
#92. I'm gonna walk out of here not touching you and the last thing you're gonna hear from me is that I love you, baby. Fuck, I so fuckin' love you.
Kristen Ashley
#93. My eyes went to him. "Your rule, honey. I can go put panties on." His eyes came to me. "You do, I get the strap.
Kristen Ashley
#94. You back a man in a corner, you gotta bear the consequences when he does what he has to do to fight his way out.
Kristen Ashley
#95. I love you, Ivey, and you got a name you gave yourself that means somethin' to you but I still want you to take mine.
Kristen Ashley
#96. We'll keep her covered, Shy," Tack told him. "You know that. Snap is on her, with Roscoe and Speck at his back and hers.
Kristen Ashley
#97. There was one thing he liked about the human's mating ritual, the female accepting the male's name. Callum liked this not because it denoted possession, but because it signified the birth of a single unit, a family.
Kristen Ashley
#98. You call my cat Princess Fancy Pants, Ace, we got problems.
Kristen Ashley
#99. So I did. I lifted both my hands and put them to both sides of his head and I moved up as I pulled him down to me. Tilting my head at the last second, I pressed my lips against his and I did this hard.
Kristen Ashley
#100. You please me, I'll please you. You do what I tell you to do, I'll take care of you. You disobey me or act out, I'll punish you then I'll take care of you.
Kristen Ashley
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