Top 81 I Love This Guy Quotes

#1. My very favorite costumed character I've played would be Abe Sapien from the 'Hell Boy' movies. I love this guy.

Doug Jones

I Love This Guy Quotes #1638519
#2. Like every artist that comes out, you want to make a mark; you want to be a household name and you want to be someone that people are going to look back in ten years/fifteen years' time and go, 'I love this guy Olly Murs. He was brilliant back in the day; he was someone I really, really liked.'

Olly Murs

I Love This Guy Quotes #1339533
#3. The guy was a piece of sin. If he were the devil holding a contract, this would be the moment I might just give in to temptation and sign over my soul.

J.C. Reed

I Love This Guy Quotes #1486899
#4. Anytime something becomes a success in this way you always get imitators. I'm an imitator of the guys I love. I imitate people like Frank Miller, who is a huge inspiration to me.

Mark Millar

I Love This Guy Quotes #1143692
#5. The joke I wanted to put into one of the promos for this new season, was to have a guy come up to me and say, Hey! Tony! I love your show, I've watched you every night since you started! And then I'd say, Ah! You're the one!

Tony Danza

I Love This Guy Quotes #1451040
#6. The reason I love Luis Palau is because this is a guy who is completely all about evangelism and reaching people and the lost with the gospel.

Stephen Baldwin

I Love This Guy Quotes #1450919
#7. I literally melted. Seriously, how was I going to not go for this guy?
"May I?" he asked. Somehow I went from puddle on the floor to freaking out school girl. My insides were fluttering like a butterfly garden.

Jessica Florence

I Love This Guy Quotes #1420490
#8. People still tweet me like, "Oh my god, I just found out you guys are married!" Which makes sense to me because I'm not the type of person who is like, "I love this actor, let me find out everything about their lives."

Mary Elizabeth Ellis

I Love This Guy Quotes #1379716
#9. This guy named Ian that I met at school. He wants to go to the DMV with me."
She hands me a plate to dry. "Well, there's true love."
I snort.

Carrie Jones

I Love This Guy Quotes #1368659
#10. I would spar with the boys at school. This guy I had a crush on, we called him Spitfire
I gave him a bloody nose and lip, so needless to say the romance did not work out!

Ashley Greene

I Love This Guy Quotes #1368635
#11. The worst thing about this particular end (of my youth) and the beginning (of middle age) is that for the first time in my life, I realize I don't know where I'm going. My wants are simple: a job that I like and a guy whom I love. And on the eve of my thirteth, I must face that I am 0 for 2.

Emily Giffin

I Love This Guy Quotes #1366742
#12. You're related to her?" I hear Mason say through the door. Then he laughs loudly. He has a great laugh. "Your name is Guy Love?" He barks out a laugh, louder this time. "Ironic, isn't it?

Cheryl McIntyre

I Love This Guy Quotes #1344812
#13. The guy who broke up with me ... he was exactly like you, in the beginning. Charming, and nice. They're all like you in the beginning. But I always end up like this. And I can't do it anymore.

Lisa Kleypas

I Love This Guy Quotes #1339884
#14. I've heard too many times where people say that I'm this ultra-serious guy. In truth, I've got an extremely absurd sense of humor. I thrive on the absurd - I love it.

Phil Anselmo

I Love This Guy Quotes #1313259
#15. So, for her, I'll try. I'll trust. I'll ... open myself. I'll ... be this guy I've never been before and don't even known how to be - this goofy "in love" guy, this guy who takes care of his woman, this guy who gives more than he takes.

Toni Blake

I Love This Guy Quotes #1306217
#16. When everyone around you is doing all this incredible pirate acting and you're having to sort of play the straight guy and move the story forward, you kind of want to be doing some of that pirate ripping it up stuff, but in truth, to be a part of that project is what I love.

Orlando Bloom

I Love This Guy Quotes #1260674
#17. No way! Everyone knows he's in love with that Raven girl. But get this. I saw that ghost guy at the movies last Friday. Alone. Who goes to a movie by himself?" "Only a loony loser crazy person," Josie said.

Ellen Schreiber

I Love This Guy Quotes #1251521
#18. When I was in my twenties and just so sexually prolific, the first time I went to Machu Picchu, this guy, a spiritual teacher, says to me, "When you make love, you must be making love." I thought that was the greatest advice I had ever heard.

Woody Harrelson

I Love This Guy Quotes #1242379
#19. With Hostel II I thought I had a very, very strong female audience so I'm going to make a movie that's going to appeal to them. The guys will love it, they'll have their moments. But there'll be a lot more male nudity in this one. I have a lot of sausage in this one!

Eli Roth

I Love This Guy Quotes #1240301
#20. You must really love this guy, huh? I mean, to be crying as ugly as you are?

Amber Silvia

I Love This Guy Quotes #1169255
#21. Today someone asked me if that old stereotype about hot-headed Italians is true. I answered this way: About 2,000 years ago, there was a guy running around hollering about peace & love ... and we nailed his ass to a cross! (Hope that answers your fuckin' question!)

Quentin R. Bufogle

I Love This Guy Quotes #1149362
#22. I said, I'm on this TV show and I love doing it, but I don't want to be known always as the silly 'Scrubs' guy ... So part of me was like, You know what? Life's short. Let's go for it.

Zach Braff

I Love This Guy Quotes #1864965
#23. In this nasty-ass strip club bathroom full of pissing dudes and possible rogue ejaculators, Shades is no longer some guy I love fucking. He's some guy I fucking love.

Kendall Grey

I Love This Guy Quotes #1662815
#24. The Metallica film was like this incredible life experience where I learned the most through guys that stereotypically you would think couldn't offer much to you. That's what I love about the film: It explodes your stereotype of them - they're not just a bunch of lugheads banging on the guitar.

Joe Berlinger

I Love This Guy Quotes #1820665
#25. I love my fans in Philadelphia, but this is the hardest place in the world to play in. And I think it's the hardest place to play in to be a superstar. Just to be the No. 1 guy. All eyes on you - because everybody wants you to be perfect, but not themselves.

Allen Iverson

I Love This Guy Quotes #1795686
#26. I'm falling for you, but I can't do this if your still hung up on a dead guy ... you can still love him and love me, but you won't let yourself, Becca.

Richard P. Denney

I Love This Guy Quotes #1779370
#27. I can't help but smile as I swipe a lone tear trailing down my cheek. How can I not be crazy in love with this guy? Time away from him didn't change anything. I can't deny him another chance. That would be denying myself.

Simone Elkeles

I Love This Guy Quotes #1772611
#28. If I left I would feel a deserter - like the guy who walks away from the army once there is a war. I am highly committed to this club. I love what I do here and love the spirit of the team.

Arsene Wenger

I Love This Guy Quotes #1760420
#29. I'm just not a guy that loves to eat. I love to work and love to work out. I think I go against all the nutritionists who say you need to do this or need to do that, so I'm one of the oddballs.

Herschel Walker

I Love This Guy Quotes #1746344
#30. I'd love to say something heroic. I'd love to say we made history. But basically it was a bunch of guys parked around the Bay there, and somebody grabbed a board and went surfing, and it looked so good the rest of us guys said, 'Hey, we got to get in on this.'

Greg Noll

I Love This Guy Quotes #1723986
#31. What I love about music, when you can look at something and be like, "Wow, what's this all about?" You can't really picture what these people look like - is it one guy, or a band making music in a garage?

Stephen Malkmus

I Love This Guy Quotes #1692761
#32. I'm not going to make a big deal about a few tummy flutters because ... dead people, old people, even furniture would get butterflies if they met this guy.

Anne Eliot

I Love This Guy Quotes #1671658
#33. Look, don't get me wrong. I worship the ground this guy walks on. I'm excited to meet him tonight. I'm dying to meet him tonight. If he wanted to carry me off and make me his love slave, I'd do it, so long as I got advance copies of his books.

Richelle Mead

I Love This Guy Quotes #1503841
#34. My stomach flipped. I stopped. This guy was trending in my mind big time.

Luella Christie

I Love This Guy Quotes #1637130
#35. Because the first time they met ...
Y-da: "You know, Y-naga-san, the more makeup you put on, the more you look like a guy in drag. So I'm going to call you F-mio!"
Y-naga: "I-I like this person!"
The moment she fell in love.

Fumi Yoshinaga

I Love This Guy Quotes #1637021
#36. Oh, my, yes. I was raised in this Southern culture where if a guy was sarcastic, that just meant he didn't know how to show his love - but secretly he cared! I completely bought that. The men I chased and the things I put up with - it was criminal.

Ginnifer Goodwin

I Love This Guy Quotes #1610062
#37. A picture of me as this super affable sales guy gets painted, but in actuality, I'm pretty driven by hard work and love working with teams. What people discount is, I grew up in a very small blue-collar town in Massachusetts and have basically scrapped my way career wise.

Tim Armstrong

I Love This Guy Quotes #1604884
#38. Nothing says 'I love you' like 'I tracked down this guy for you to kill

Kelley Armstrong

I Love This Guy Quotes #1578910
#39. When we're children we're told love is going to be great: Just fall in love, the rest will take care of itself - and then we fall in love and we realize, Okay, this is actually really, really hard work. This guy doesn't just tell me I'm great every day, you know?


I Love This Guy Quotes #1557436
#40. I know this sounds ridiculous but I like guys with love handles. I hate a washboard stomach - that does not turn me on.

Tara Reid

I Love This Guy Quotes #1551394
#41. I remember reading a fascinating article in the New York Times Magazine once where this guy said... Every woman has the exact love life she wants

Elizabeth Young

I Love This Guy Quotes #1513895
#42. My earliest childhood memories are of watching Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein and Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed. I remember not liking Frankenstein then and going, "Who is this bald guy?" But I love it now.

Quentin Tarantino

I Love This Guy Quotes #171146
#43. One of my favorite movies that I've ever seen is '25th Hour.' I love it so much because it's simply about a guy who's going to jail for six years, and this slow, terrible day he has.

Dito Montiel

I Love This Guy Quotes #550608
#44. The person who is most a part of me is the performer, is the standup, the guy who says, "Hey look at me, listen to this!" I do that because that's what I do, I love doing it.

George Carlin

I Love This Guy Quotes #476014
#45. You might be an interested guy, an interested reported then I get to know you and then I know you're this also and you're this also and you may hide it in a certain way. That's what I love.

Josh Brolin

I Love This Guy Quotes #475472
#46. There are things that I invented - the creaky geriatric robot that is always grumpy, for example, or the little wheelie guy, he's not in the Hasbro lore. But kids love that stuff - this little guy as a pet on a chain. They gravitate towards it.

Michael Bay

I Love This Guy Quotes #455655
#47. I'd get this, I luuuuuuuv you, buddy! stuff, and I'd just look at him like, Who are you talking to, guy? What does that mean, your dad 'loves' you and hasn't a [bleep]ing clue who you are? What's he love then? Some kid in Happy Days. Not me.

Lionel Shriver

I Love This Guy Quotes #442044
#48. I didn't know what to do. I'm in love with this woman, I'm married to this other woman, and I'm in trouble, so I call my two friends. That's all I need, two. I need the main guy and the guy I go to when I drain the main guy.

Marc Maron

I Love This Guy Quotes #440340
#49. I love the idea of doing totally different types of guys for different projects. I love that I get to do this. It's so fun.

Ben Schwartz

I Love This Guy Quotes #345628
#50. Roarke "I'll drop you." Eve "No, better I catch a cab or take the underground. This guy sees me show up in a hot car with a fancy piece behind the wheel, he's not going to like me." Roarke "You know how I love being referred. to as your fancy piece." Eve "Sometimes you're my love muffin.

Nora Roberts

I Love This Guy Quotes #304363
#51. I've never had any summer lovin'. And I've never had any school year lovin', either. I've never had a boyfriend. I've never hooked up with a guy. And this morning, on my Internet browser, an article popped up about women marrying themselves. Even my wireless connection knows I'm alone.

Flynn Meaney

I Love This Guy Quotes #220570
#52. I wish I could stop this one moment, capture it, because I know it won't last.
Because a guy like him doesn't stay in a woman's life. He breezes through and leaves only havoc behind.

J.C. Reed

I Love This Guy Quotes #556343
#53. I'm a people person, very approachable. I go out every night, tons of functions. I love all facets of this industry ... Music, film, TV, books, art. I love being around creative people.

Guy Oseary

I Love This Guy Quotes #168848
#54. Twilight, I'm sorry, is about a very unhealthy, toxic relationship. She falls in love with this guy and the second he leaves her, her life is over and she's going to kill herself! What message are we sending to young people? That is not going to help this world evolve,

Shailene Woodley

I Love This Guy Quotes #158876
#55. Call me hopeless romantic but I want to see my friend with the guy she's been pining for forever ... I want that more than anything on this earth.

Kristen Ashley

I Love This Guy Quotes #156080
#56. 'The Cape' is a really good comic! They invented the whole character, and now they've built a book of 'The Cape' for the show. When I was a kid, I used to love Batman, and I loved Spider-Man. My favorite was this guy called Judge Dredd. I know they made a movie of that in the '90s.

James Frain

I Love This Guy Quotes #75867
#57. What I love is how pissed off Jane Eyre is. She's in a rage for the whole novel and the payoff is she gets to marry this blind guy who's toasted his wife in the attic." -Angela Argo "Blue Angel

Francine Prose

I Love This Guy Quotes #46311
#58. This face. I could love this face. And everything about the guy that goes along with it." - Nadia, Chapter Eight

Ann Aguirre

I Love This Guy Quotes #23992
#59. She could not leave him hanging like this. "If you were hurt, I need to know." It was a rule somewhere, in the good-guy handbook.

Tara Janzen

I Love This Guy Quotes #18023
#60. I always knew I wanted to have children. When I met my husband, Rande, I thought, 'This is the guy.' When you are getting ready to become a mom, being in love with someone just isn't enough. You need to think about whether he would be a good parent and raise your children with similar beliefs.

Cindy Crawford

I Love This Guy Quotes #10314
#61. It's amazing what a woman will read into it if you by accident say, I love you. Ten times out of ten, a guy means I love this.

Chuck Palahniuk

I Love This Guy Quotes #9681
#62. As far as I'm concerned, I'm the good guy. I'm doing my job. That's how I look at it. I don't look at it as good or evil. I look at it and say, "I have a job to do. I love this woman. I love the people that I work with. They take care of me. I'm going to do whatever I can for them."

Dennis Haysbert

I Love This Guy Quotes #757816
#63. I know this guy. All his life he loved this girl who was perfect in every way but just when he finally convinced her to be his and they're deliriously happy, he went and messed everything up.
Henry to Elsie-book 5

June Gray

I Love This Guy Quotes #1089080
#64. I know not where we go from here. I do not think this is the end, but a new beginning, a new chapter in our tale. Told by minstrels who reveal not their sources. I know not if we have achieved victory this day. But I will forever know that I was honored to call each and everyone of you my brother.

Guy T. Simpson Jr.

I Love This Guy Quotes #961995
#65. I tilted my head back against his shoulder, wondering how he'd gone from douchebag extraordinaire to this.. this guy who still infuriated me but also constantly surprised and amazed me.
To this guy Id fallen madly in love with.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

I Love This Guy Quotes #893717
#66. I heard of this Texas studio. The owner, Tony Rancich, wanted to fly us out for the day to see the studio. I booked it the next day. He's that rare guy that is in it purely for the love of it.

James Vincent McMorrow

I Love This Guy Quotes #888153
#67. That isn't fair." Her voice came out small, barely a whisper. "I didn't ask to be thrown into all this. I didn't ask to fall for a guy that isn't even human. It just happened and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do next so if you have some magical guidebook, I'd love to borrow it.

Airicka Phoenix

I Love This Guy Quotes #874228
#68. I have this idyllic love life, but my mind just won't accept that. I would like to bring a new guy home every night. I try to make humor out of that situation.

Jen Kirkman

I Love This Guy Quotes #817529
#69. It's not an act. I love it. It's totally original. People go, 'What's going on with this guy? Why does he sound so weird? What is going on in his brain. I don't know. Just one day I suddenly woke up with a new brain.

Charlie Sheen

I Love This Guy Quotes #800856
#70. No matter how many times I'd fantasized about being with a guy, being with Owen, it had never come close to the reality. I love, love, loved everything about this. Holy sexual paradise, Batman, I was so fucking glad I was gay! (Jordan)

Eli Easton

I Love This Guy Quotes #793967
#71. At that time a lot of young men didn't want to go to the war and kill. This guy that I fell in love with was one of those so he escaped to Canada and I followed him.

Ann Wilson

I Love This Guy Quotes #790594
#72. Hey guys i would like you to try this book you will love it!

Jeff Kinney

I Love This Guy Quotes #1103691
#73. There's this Bruno Mars guy. I met him in Hawaii when was doing Elvis imitations at the age of about five or six years old. There's a lot of old school in him. He's got a depth that I just love.

Bill Medley

I Love This Guy Quotes #750824
#74. I'm proud of this guy. I really am. And nothing that has happened in the last couple of weeks is gonna take that away. He's not a liar. He's a kid. He's a 21-year-old kid trying to be a man and I love him. I really do

Manti Te'o

I Love This Guy Quotes #750597
#75. I've met a lot of people in the diplomatic corps who were in love with the sound of their own voice, but this guy. He and his voice should just get a room.

John Scalzi

I Love This Guy Quotes #741920
#76. I love what I do. I love to capture the guy. I love to tell the victim 'Don't worry anymore. They're in jail.' And this is my way to heaven. This is my way to contribute to America what I know how to do best, and that's chase down the predator.

Duane Chapman

I Love This Guy Quotes #736593
#77. I think the script's actually pretty solid. It really is a labor of love for us to get this thing off the ground. It was scary but then there was the change in leadership and I think that the new guy in charge is basically like, "We should just do this."

Nicholas Stoller

I Love This Guy Quotes #666204
#78. I love nuclear. It does this radiation thing that's tricky (laughter). But they're good solutions. You know, it was interesting; recently, in Connecticut this natural gas plant blew up 11 guys. It just blew them up.

Bill Gates

I Love This Guy Quotes #637342
#79. James Cotton is a real blues guy, and he played with Muddy Waters, and it surprised me that they would want me to make a record with them, that he called me to do this record. I'd never done anything like that before. But I love blues, so I was very happy.

Charlie Haden

I Love This Guy Quotes #625861
#80. What I love about films is that you can see "King Kong" and you can be affected by it and then you realize that he was just this little guy when he made that fall.

Peter Jackson

I Love This Guy Quotes #596700
#81. I'm so sick of the words 'gay' and 'lesbian'. They're just people ... One day I want my son to come home from school and be like, 'I found this guy, and I love him.' And I'm gonna be like, 'Yes, you do, and that's ok.'

Josh Hutcherson

I Love This Guy Quotes #563309

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