Top 100 He's A Mess Quotes

#1. I don't know, Your Majesty. He's a mess.

Diana Wynne Jones

He's A Mess Quotes #1432698
#2. That's not a father. That's a sperm donor. Forget him. He's a mess. Concentrate on me. I'm terrific. -(Linc Blaise)

Jennifer Crusie

He's A Mess Quotes #1220674
#3. Time snapped and Hagerty found himself speeding toward the woman in the straitjacket. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pulled her off the corpse and held her at arm's length. He caught a glimpse of Kalish's face and the shredded mess where his throat should have been.

Nancy A. Collins

He's A Mess Quotes #986146
#4. God's not afraid of a mess. He wants to do a cleaning.

James MacDonald

He's A Mess Quotes #674382
#5. When I asked my accountant if anything could get me out of this mess I am in now he thought for a long time and said, 'Yes, death would help'.

Robert Morley

He's A Mess Quotes #981164
#6. No, by God, he had no intention of going on like a blind man, plodding down a path of brainless, fruitless existence until old age or accident took him. Either he found the answer or he ditched the whole mess, life included.

Richard Matheson

He's A Mess Quotes #968602
#7. All of it remained, a constant reminder: He existed, then he didn't. The world spins on, indifferent to the mess.

J. Courtney Sullivan

He's A Mess Quotes #960061
#8. Kennedy had made a mess in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. He had to do something to look good. The Apollo program of going to the Moon was quite a goal.

Wally Schirra

He's A Mess Quotes #959450
#9. For one ridiculous moment she considered changing into something sexier - at least from the waist up, as that was all he'd see on his camera - but decided not to bother. Logan had fallen in love with her in striped T-shirts and jeans. There was no need to mess with a winning formula.

Rob Thomas

He's A Mess Quotes #944401
#10. Lou popped up often in his daydreams: her warm eyes, creamy skin, even her scars. Where were those from? Not many women could pull off the drunken-mess look, but Lou had been adorable and charming and a bit intoxicating. And the cake- he couldn't forget the smell of that coconut cake.

Amy E. Reichert

He's A Mess Quotes #936312
#11. Your hair is a tangled mess,he said, thinking he liked it that way, like a lion's mane.

Kim Harrison

He's A Mess Quotes #927073
#12. I blew out a breath. "Dad, this is a total cluster ... um, a mess."
He flashed me a wry smile. "I think the word you were about to use is probably the best summation of the current situation.

Rachel Hawkins

He's A Mess Quotes #916736
#13. I loved someone so much that I broke up with him because I didn't want to get hurt. Then when he proved he loved me back, I broke up with him again. I'm a fucking mess, but so are you. Most of us are.

Sarah Colonna

He's A Mess Quotes #911764
#14. Boom, baby. How you like me now?" Beckett wanted to stroke her hair, but it was a knotty, bloody mess. He felt proud.
She laughed. "Pretty damn good, I'll give you that."
"I love your laugh. I need more of it." He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

Debra Anastasia

He's A Mess Quotes #902074
#15. What you are is a fucking tragedy, Simon Snow. You literally couldn't be a bigger mess."
He tries to kiss me, but I pull back- "And you like that?"
"I love it." He says
"Because we match.

Rainbow Rowell

He's A Mess Quotes #889079
#16. I'm a mess!" I said, frowning in the mirror.
"Do you even realize how beautiful you are?" he asked, kissing my neck.

Jamie McGuire

He's A Mess Quotes #875381
#17. His hair was a curling mess and he showed the proper desregard for sartorial elegance which Harry had always seen as a sign of reliability in a person. Neat men always struck him as desperate and ambitious.

Peter Carey

He's A Mess Quotes #818487
#18. You may be tall; you may be short. You may be a black; you may be a white. One more thing to keep behind your mind is that you "your purpose is unique". Anyone who is thinks he is clever enough will mess up when he/she wears your shoes; it won't fit!

Israelmore Ayivor

He's A Mess Quotes #798422
#19. But the most valuable lesson he taught me was this: Every day we get older, and some of us get wiser, but there's no end to our evolution. We are all a mess of contradictions; some of our traits work for us, some against us.

Lisa Lutz

He's A Mess Quotes #788974
#20. I took a closer look. Jesus had piercing blue eyes, dark hair that hung in a flawless mess, his body was emaciated and taut, his hands and feet dripped with blood, and nothing but a gauzy loincloth hid what looked like a nice package underneath.
"Sexy," I said. "He looks like a rock star.

Tiffanie DeBartolo

He's A Mess Quotes #769873
#21. When he could stand it no longer, he fired a revolver up through the roof of his mouth, but he made a mess of it.

Ellen N. La Motte

He's A Mess Quotes #748246
#22. I saw a cavalry captain buy vegetable soup on horseback. He carried the whole mess home in his helmet.


He's A Mess Quotes #745773
#23. They're naughty, all those writers - they mess around with people. I know James Gandolfini got a bit fed up on 'The Sopranos': if he said anything in front of a writer, told them a story from his life, it could make its way into the script.

Kelly Macdonald

He's A Mess Quotes #739889
#24. The latter was considered a good fellow and a fine leader, until a year later, when he disappeared with a mess fund of eleven hundred dollars and, like so many leaders, proved exceedingly difficult to follow.

F Scott Fitzgerald

He's A Mess Quotes #732439
#25. i always get myself into this mess.
i always let him tell me i am beautiful and half believe it. i always jump thinking he will catch me at the fall. i am hopelessly a lover, and a dreamer, and that will be the death of me

Rupi Kaur

He's A Mess Quotes #728589
#26. Gloria watched the swollen white orb of a hot-air balloon rising over Navy Pier and knew she had to break it off with Oliver, for he was the type who would never enjoy hot-air balloons, Van Morrison songs, or mess, whether from orgasm or otherwise. But who was she to be dreaming about mess today?

Andrea Kayne Kaufman

He's A Mess Quotes #684410
#27. What is your problem?" I asked, scooping the freezing mess out of my cleavage.
"We got unfinished business," he reminded me.
"My name's not Bill." He chuckled. "Yeah, I loved that movie. Shoulda brought a katana, but it seemed like an unfair advantage.

Karen Chance

He's A Mess Quotes #1808049
#28. The public," he said, "bless them. It's the same in tailoring: they always think they know more about your job than you do, and then you get the blame when it ends up looking a mess." He

K.J. Parker

He's A Mess Quotes #1210911
#29. I bet that guy was as obsessed with Sarah as I am with this other girl, and I bet he promised himself never to hurt her, just like I've been doin' - and look what he's done to her. He's left her a crumpled mess, lyin' on her bed all the time.

Markus Zusak

He's A Mess Quotes #1778840
#30. Whatever strengths and weaknesses we possess are all a part of God's plan for our beautiful, messy lives. He uses every detail of our mess for his greater glory, and can redeem even our deepest, darkest, most daring mistakes until they're more beautiful than we could've ever imagined.

Stacey Thacker

He's A Mess Quotes #1765590
#31. So just be normal," he says, "at least for today. Let's pretend I'm not a mess, let's pretend you're not angry. Let's act like we're friends and forget what happened." I don't want to pretend. I don't want to be friends. I don't want to forget. I am trying to remember.

E. Lockhart

He's A Mess Quotes #1688142
#32. I realize you're planning on fighting all the dragons single-handedly-"
"I'm going to protect you from John, dammit. Show him that he can't fucking mess with you. This is about territory."
Tom narrowed his eyes. "Are you going to piss a circle around me too?"
"If that's what it takes.

S.E. Jakes

He's A Mess Quotes #1646630
#33. He likes you. You like him, you're just scared. Well," she glanced over her shoulder and dropped her voice, "unless you tell me he's some freaky psycho-killer ... " I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Then I'm not letting you mess this up for yourself. Your creepy hermit status is officially over.

A&E Kirk

He's A Mess Quotes #1642109
#34. Don't mess with a wizard when he's wizarding!

Jim Butcher

He's A Mess Quotes #1428030
#35. He has an idea. For wood. Or Styron does. Something about boxcars." "Boxcars?" "A mess of them at the old yard." "That's good news. That's real good news." He smiled, and she braced herself for the three words that she knew would follow. "The Lord provides," he said. She felt

Rae Meadows

He's A Mess Quotes #1403069
#36. I'm such a mess," he says. "Sometimes I think everyone's dead.

Margaret Atwood

He's A Mess Quotes #1322359
#37. You're Bes, I guess?" I said.
"Yes," he said.
"Your car's a mess," Liz muttered.
"If one more person rhymes," Emma grumbled, "I'll throw up.

Rick Riordan

He's A Mess Quotes #1263757
#38. But reality really is a mess, and yet it's exciting. The basic thing is, how frightened are you of chaos? And how happy are you with order? Van Vogt influenced me so much because he made me appreciate a mysterious chaotic quality in the universe which is not to be feared.

Philip K. Dick

He's A Mess Quotes #1263630
#39. Barack Obama's daughters are very smart. They told him they will take the same responsibility for the dog that he is taking for the economy. That way, if the dog leaves a mess in the White House, it'll be cleaned up by future generations.

Jay Leno

He's A Mess Quotes #1230036
#40. He'd torn a hole through that man's khaki's with his warning shot? Uh. Wow. Obviously they didn't mess around in Ranger school.

Kristen Ashley

He's A Mess Quotes #1005994
#41. He'd use this opportunity to impress Rick and show him that he did, in fact, have more to offer than just being a sexy skanktart. To show that he wasn't just a brainless bimfoon, that's when a bimbo breeds with a buffoon, resulting in a true, hot mess.

Kyle Adams

He's A Mess Quotes #1185888
#42. Honestly, darling," she said. "Do you even look in a mirror before you walk out the door? Your hair's a mess."
He dodged her as she reached toward his head. "Are you kidding? I spend hours in front of the mirror to make it look this way.

Richelle Mead

He's A Mess Quotes #1153257
#43. His latest job [My Dad] had been as a truck driver, picking up and delivering diapers. For months, he had complained bitterly about the odor and the mess, saying it was the worst job in the world. But now that he had lost it, he seemed to want it back.

Howard Schultz And Dori Jones Yang

He's A Mess Quotes #1150087
#44. Life's a quest - A long search for something we can't name; something we want and usually can't get. We don't know precisely what it is - all we know is that we don't get it. What a fellow needs is something in which he can lose himself when everything else is a mess.

Peter Ruber

He's A Mess Quotes #1139547
#45. Mr. Green Sweater looks normal, but his wingman looks hard-core bad boy," said Vee. "Emits a certain don't-mess-with-me signal. Tell me he doesn't look like Dracula's spawn. Tell me I'm imagining things.

Becca Fitzpatrick

He's A Mess Quotes #1099978
#46. He did not understand her. They were not the same. The garage, the trial, the old man with his head in his hands
his mother, struggling to breathe
those things were horrors. The mess under Layla's clothes was a game and he hated her for making a part of it, for ever coming near him.

Kelly Braffet

He's A Mess Quotes #1096578
#47. He [Ryan white] spoke to me that my life was out of order. My life was a mess. I had no values anymore. And he was so stoic with his infection. He wasn't bitter. He wasn't angry. He just was a kid. He wanted to go to school and play football, drive his car. And he had no bitterness about him.

Elton John

He's A Mess Quotes #1063191
#48. Told you I was going to mess up your make up, he said, a smug grin on his face.

Kiersten White

He's A Mess Quotes #1061755
#49. When you first heard him talking about it, you'd figure he was batshit crazy, but really, he was just trying to fill up his days so he didn't have to think about what a fucking mess he had made of everything. It's the same for most of us; forgetting our lives might be the best we'll ever do.

Donald Ray Pollock

He's A Mess Quotes #1029014
#50. He ran over a few people, nothing major. Mess runs over people. Sometimes, people don't get up. That's life.

Grant Fuhr

He's A Mess Quotes #1015806
#51. I still want to write Clint Eastwood a letter saying, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all us wimp actors. You're the truth.' I guarantee he's not the person you want to fight, even now! You look at him, and you don't want to mess with him. He would still take you down.

Channing Tatum

He's A Mess Quotes #1009588
#52. Women do fool around. But the reason they don't get caught is that when a woman mess with a man he lives cross town, out of town. Fellas we mess with next door neighbor, co-worker, wondering why she found out.

Bruce Bruce

He's A Mess Quotes #185965
#53. He stands with the fluid grace of an aristocrat who's used to rich surroundings. Although the quarter-bag of cat food he's holding up does mess with the image a little.

Susan Ee

He's A Mess Quotes #285847
#54. Very neat for a boy; always cleaned up his mess, no matter where he got it on me. He's Hispanic, so he's like, 'Now who's the wetback?' I'm like, 'Hey, still you. Get back in the kitchen, those dishes aren't going to do themselves.

Amy Schumer

He's A Mess Quotes #285067
#55. He was completely and openly a mess. Meanwhile the rest of us go on trying to fool each other.

Denis Johnson

He's A Mess Quotes #280058
#56. Did you ever dream this could happen to us? He said, No I didn't, but I should have. After we all helped create this mess, we were not doomed to have the Islamic Republic. And in a sense, he was right.

Azar Nafisi

He's A Mess Quotes #276084
#57. If you give your mess to the Messiah, He can turn it into a message.

Lysa TerKeurst

He's A Mess Quotes #270650
#58. He had always liked a good mess - God knows he had sure made a few. In typical form, he squared his shoulders, furrowed his brows and muttered, bring it on.

Shelley K. Wall

He's A Mess Quotes #267978
#59. Tell me I'm a screwed up mess, that I never listen, listen. Tell me you don't want my kiss, that you need your distance, distance. Tell me anything but don't you say he's what you're missing baby. If he's the reason that you're leaving me tonight, spare me what you think and Tell Me a Lie.

One Direction

He's A Mess Quotes #256737
#60. But he could not help wondering, as he did, that if he was so damn wise, why was his life in such a mess?

Margaret Weis

He's A Mess Quotes #246291
#61. He was a whole mess of almosts, of mismatched pieces.

Brenna Yovanoff

He's A Mess Quotes #241807
#62. Relax, Xander. It's only two lines."
He closed his eyes and leaned into her, his arms wrapping her back. "But it's still lines in a real film, and if I mess it up-"
"They'll have you do it again. And again... and again." Liv laughed. "No big deal. Life is full of second chances.

Danika Stone

He's A Mess Quotes #235960
#63. The world could do with a good deal more mess, if you ask me, he said.

Kurt Vonnegut

He's A Mess Quotes #235382
#64. I blinked until my eyes were clear. I was glad Cole wasn't here. He thought that I was some sort of iron maiden and I didn't like to convince him otherwise. Only Sam was allowed to see what a mess I really was, because Sam knowing felt like me knowing.

Maggie Stiefvater

He's A Mess Quotes #212872
#65. Shea is a beast, Lucas, you know that. He is the Chuck Norris of baby-making and life; you don't mess with Shea,

Toni Aleo

He's A Mess Quotes #295709
#66. Somewhere he can shelter,' he said, whispering and wheezing a bit, but not slowing for a second. 'Somewhere he can get warm, and where no one can find him. Don't mess it up, Barney. This boy is falling. You must catch him.

Sarah Moore Fitzgerald

He's A Mess Quotes #166818
#67. I like your hair down." He twisted his fingers through the curls.
My eyes drifted shut as I relaxed next to him. "It's a mess. I need to get a haircut."
Hayden's fingers stilled. "No. You shouldn't cut your hair. It's beautiful."
I would never cut my hair. Ever.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

He's A Mess Quotes #147781
#68. I want Little Noah looking like a beat-up mess by the time he's eighteen."
"Cause no woman wants a delicate man. He needs to be sporting at least five scars.

S. Walden

He's A Mess Quotes #133720
#69. On stage, I'm me. I'm a husband, I'm a dad, I'm a guy, I'm a mess - but I am a cohesive thing that you recognize as one human entity saying these things that he generally believes.

Rob Delaney

He's A Mess Quotes #128142
#70. I don't mess with that cat. I'm pretty sure he carries a blade under his jersey.

Charles Barkley

He's A Mess Quotes #96177
#71. I know this - a man got to do what he got to do, I can't tell you. I don't think they's luck or bad luck. On'y one thing in the worl' I'm sure of, an' that's I'm sure nobody got a right to mess with a fella's life. He got to do it all hisself, Help im, maybe, but not tell him what to do.

John Steinbeck

He's A Mess Quotes #91312
#72. He looks at you like you're someone he's never met before, much less someone he once loved with high passion. The irony is, you can hardly blame him. I mean, check yourself out. You're a pathetic mess, unrecognizable even to your own eyes.

Elizabeth Gilbert

He's A Mess Quotes #73597
#73. I give [Barack Obama] a 10 [on a scale of 1 to 10] because he's not God, and he inherited a couple of wars, and a financial mess.I want to see him curse somebody out on TV. You can't finesse a bull. He's gotta throw down. He's in the shark tank.

Tracy Morgan

He's A Mess Quotes #68809
#74. He wore his hair in a way that suggested he'd just rolled out of bed after thrashing all night. In an earlier decade, your friends would have told you,"Man, your hair's a mess. Go fix it."
Now they say,"Whoa, dude, cool do.

Marshall Thornton

He's A Mess Quotes #61009
#75. I hug him. I forget about my fears, about who I am and who he is, and I hug him. He keeps a tight grip on me like I'm his last hope, like I'm the only thing holding him together. We are a mingle of limbs, a frantic mess of intertwined heartbeats racing one another.

Tammy Faith

He's A Mess Quotes #31875
#76. I don't think they's luck or bad luck. On'y one thing in this worl' I'm sure of, an' that's I'm sure nobody got a right to mess with a fella's life. He got to do it all hisself. Help him, maybe, but not tell him what to do.

John Steinbeck

He's A Mess Quotes #3096
#77. There are a lot of people in Milwaukee who have had adverse impacts from Scott Walker. He's managed to mess over everyone in Milwaukee.

Gwen Moore

He's A Mess Quotes #475064
#78. Here." He jerked at Arin's armor and began unbuckling it. "Stop bleeding. Oh, just look at you. Arin, you're a mess.

Marie Rutkoski

He's A Mess Quotes #644909
#79. That has to be what love is - seeing what a mess he is and loving him anyway, because you know you're a mess, too, maybe even worse.

David Levithan

He's A Mess Quotes #643962
#80. He says, 'Anything could be happening down there, but up here you just wouldn't know it.'
I know what he means. It could be pandemonium in all those little houses, everyone's dreams in a mess. But up here feels peaceful. Clean.

Jenny Downham

He's A Mess Quotes #622215
#81. I've loved him for a decade. And I had him for one day before I made a complete and utter mess of things. Or he did. I'm still not sure about that.

Sarah MacLean

He's A Mess Quotes #606999
#82. The best sex of my life has officially wiped me out, every muscle a relaxed mess of orgasmy uselessness. He breathes hard, staring at me, then wipes his mouth and hops off the bed, walking bare assed out of the room.

Alessandra Torre

He's A Mess Quotes #560806
#83. Well, I have to say it's mighty nice of them Daimons to clean up after themselves when you kill them. It's much better than slaying an Arcadian. (He held his hands up to them.) Look, Ma, no mess. (Fang)
Does Fang have an off switch? (Talon)
(Looking a bit apologetic, Vane shook his head no.)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

He's A Mess Quotes #556272
#84. Every single man hangs by a thread, a bottomless pit can open beneath him any minute, and yet he still goes on thinking up unpleasantnesses for himself and making a mess of his life.

Ivan Turgenev

He's A Mess Quotes #543795
#85. Jesus, how much stuff can one girl carry around in here?" he asked, waving a tampon. "Got your friend, huh? This is probably a good deterrent. Try waving it in the air if you run into trouble. Nobody will mess with your shit. Believe me.

Cassie Alexandra

He's A Mess Quotes #543229
#86. When you look at all the mistakes you've made, you see a mess. Like the innkeeper, you just want to repaint it and start over. But God sees what you can't. He sees a canvas with unique possibilities. When he goes to work on you, the result is breathtaking.

Max Lucado

He's A Mess Quotes #542865
#87. My heart beat spikes, and I think I'm panting. Jeez, I'm a quivering, moist mess, and he hasn't even touched me. I squirm in my seat and meet his dark glare.

E.L. James

He's A Mess Quotes #530836
#88. I'm sorry, Sawyer. I never meant to hurt you. I made a mess of things. You aren't going to have to watch Beau and me together. I'm stepping out of both your lives. You can get back what was lost."
Sawyer reached up and grabbed my hand. "Don't do that, Ash. He needs you.

Abbi Glines

He's A Mess Quotes #492092
#89. She learned to love him before he thought it was even possible, so he didn't have a chance to hide & mess it up & while it was a little scary at times, mainly he could not even imagine the world without her there.

Brian Andreas

He's A Mess Quotes #673695
#90. Are you an artist?"
"I'm a mess is what I am," he says, holding on to the building for support. "A bloody mess. You 're the artist, mate." Then he's gone.

Jandy Nelson

He's A Mess Quotes #453133
#91. I expected everyone to file out of the room, but the wedding party began to embrace happily. Raymond grabbed me. "God, you're a mess." He wiped the dampness on my cheeks with his index finger. "Such a mush.

Santino Hassell

He's A Mess Quotes #428784
#92. He really should have listened to his grandfather, because three weeks after he'd arrived, all hell had broken loose. Not with the project. The construction of phase one was on budget and on time. His professional life was in sync, but his personal life was a mess. All

Barbara Freethy

He's A Mess Quotes #408431
#93. Well", Fang said, mimicking a thick Southern drawl. "I must say its mighty nice of them Daimons to clean up after themselves when you kill them" He held his hands up to them. "Look Ma, no mess."
"Does Fang have an off switch?" Talon asked Vane.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

He's A Mess Quotes #372863
#94. The egotist is all surface; underneath is a pulpy mess and a lot of self-doubt. But the egoist may be yielding and even deferential in things he doesn't consider important; in anything that touches his core he is remorseless.

Robertson Davies

He's A Mess Quotes #365614
#95. He starts with the character's eyes and by the time he moves to her hair, a mess of blonde curls, I realize he's drawing me. Superheroes. You can finally have those super powers you want.

Kasie West

He's A Mess Quotes #345651
#96. Ohioans know that he inherited a mess and created a surplus. So, on election day, John [Kasich] will prevail in Ohio.

Tom Ridge

He's A Mess Quotes #323332
#97. Underneath the longing and the fever of anticipation; there was a need. He needed her to do this to him, for him . It was a way he could reset all the tangled mess in his mind.

Alex Morgan

He's A Mess Quotes #317420
#98. So I'm going to stay here." "Like a coward," says Christina, her lip curled in disgust. "Let everyone else clean up the mess for you." "Yep!" he says with a kind of malicious cheer. He claps his hands. "Have fun dying.

Veronica Roth

He's A Mess Quotes #316640
#99. He's gonna try and stand back, mess me about a bit, be cagey and hold on the inside and make it one of them fights that are boring. I don't wanna make a boring fight. I don't like to be involved in boring fights!

Joe Calzaghe

He's A Mess Quotes #303556
#100. Sometimes, going forward, everything looks like a mess. But then we get through it, look back, and realize He knew exactly what He was doing." "Which

Melanie D. Snitker

He's A Mess Quotes #300817

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