Top 100 Your Balls Quotes
#1. That's your pitch to women? Let's get naked?" He snorted. "No wonder your balls are blue.
Nalini Singh
#2. To his inner ear, the cardinal speaks. He says, I saw you, Crumb, when you were at Elvetham: scratching your balls in the dawn and wondering at the violence of the king's whims. If he wants a new wife, fix him one. I didn't, and I am dead.
Hilary Mantel
#3. The one, who doesn't break your heart, will break your balls.
M.F. Moonzajer
#4. I can't believe you ran out on me, and I'm pretty sure you left your balls behind.
J.L. Weil
#5. You don't buy a Harley with your mind, you buy it with your heart and your balls.
Robert Patrick
#7. Give it to me, Wildcat boys!
You can be my Wildcat toys!
Bounce your balls and shoot 'em high.
Ridley's come to Jackson High.
Kami Garcia
#8. Wat's tes-tees?" inquired a small voice. Jemmy had abandoned his rocks and was looking up at me in profound interest. "Er ... " I said. I glanced round the room in search of aid. "That's Latin for your balls, lad," Roger said gravely, suppressing a grin.
Diana Gabaldon
#9. Some maniac butcher is trying to hack away your balls.
Alice Cooper
#10. Cole: " There's the old Nik. No 'how do you do', no talk of the weather. Just a good swift kick to the balls."
Nikki: "A kick to your balls is an option?
Brodi Ashton
#11. Yinzer: DAMN!! I wish I had your balls! Tucker:I wish you had a breath mint, but I guess we don't always get what we wish for.
Tucker Max
#12. Self-doubt is a persuasive mistress; careful not to shag her or you'll never get your balls back. - Simon Hunt
Dannika Dark
#13. May your balls rot like fruit in the sun, and your manhood wither at the root!
Elizabeth Vaughan
#14. It needs to be said that sometimes my mom forgets important details when she talks. Like the time she told us she was considering leather (couches, it turns out), or when I was little and she said, "Here's a napkin to put your balls in" (the Atomic Fireballs that I was eating, she meant).
Bill Konigsberg
#15. This isn't exactly a conversation two guys have over coffee. 'Hey, dude, how well does your wife shave your balls?
Tymber Dalton
#16. Only difference between a dream and a nightmare is how big your balls are, bitch. (The Fox)
Mark Millar
#17. The higher you rise in the business ladder, the smaller your balls become.
Santosh Kalwar
#18. Yeah, you can cook better than your wife, read historical romance, and, oh wait, I'm sorry. Do you even remember where you left your balls? Or did you even have them in the first place.
Rachel Van Dyken
#19. This girl is some strange cross-pollination of wide-eyed innocence and tear-your-balls-off scrappiness and all I can think is, where the hell has she been all my life?
Autumn Doughton
#20. Anyway, there is one thing I have learned and that is not to dress uncomfortably, in styles which hurt: winklepicker shoes that cripple your feet and tight pants that squash your balls. Indian clothes are better.
George Harrison
#21. If you hurt her, I'll personally snip off your balls and hang them on the Christmas tree this year.
Becca Ritchie
#22. Because your balls are in a vise and I'm the only one who can pull them out," I said. He arched an elegant silver eyebrow. "Okay," I said. "That came out a little more homoerotic than I intended." "Indeed," said the Merlin.
Jim Butcher
#24. I can't wait to have words with the Gray King when this shit is all finished," Locke whispered. "There's a few things I want to ask him. Philosophical questions. Like, 'How does it feel to be dangled out a window by a rope tied around your balls, motherfucker?
Scott Lynch
#25. You know your safewords?" I put as much menace into my words as I can. She rolls her eyes, making sure I see it. "Yeah, yeah. Yellow for slow down. Red for stop. Blue for your balls. Green for go.
Cate Bellerose
#26. If Bailey wants to go, we'll go. I'm not choosing for her."
"You can't let her boss you around, man. She'll own your balls."
"She already owns them. At this point, we're just negotiating visitation rights."
Cooper grinned.
Bijou Hunter
#27. Elizabeth: "Your balls, Mr. Darcy?"
Darcy: "They belong to you, Miss Bennett.
Seth Grahame-Smith
#28. Do you even know women? They are the most complicated creatures on the planet. Just a single word can take your relationship from being happy to being so miserable that your balls crawl up your ass.
Milly Taiden
#29. I hope that your plane crashes over the ocean and piranhas eat your balls. It was lovely meeting you, you self-righteous egoistical son of a bitch. I can see where Joey gets his psychotic behavior.
L.P. Maxa
#31. Just when you think you have life by the tail, it's likely to whip around and take a hunk outta your balls.
Lois Greiman
#32. Your mind, your heart, and your balls gotta be in one accord
Kimbo Slice
#33. Playing golf is like going to a strip joint. After 18 holes you are tired and most of your balls are missing.
Tim Allen
#34. People seem to think that if you keep your head empty you automatically fill your balls.
Simone De Beauvoir
#35. Your balls are touching mine" Jace said between clenched teeth.
"What's a little sac contact between friends?
Olivia Cunning
#36. If you really want to talk to the big boss now, make sure you leave your balls here with me, for he likes no balls on people he is talking to.
Pawan Mishra
#37. She remembered the lead ammunition in her pocket and offered it to him. "Your balls, Mr. Darcy?" He reached out and closed her hand around them, and offered, "They belong to you, Miss Bennet.
Seth Grahame-Smith
#38. You know, one time I saw Tiger down at the waterhole: he had the biggest testicles of any animal, and the sharpest claws, and two front teeth as long as knives and as sharp as blades. And I said to him, 'Brother Tiger, you go for a swim, I'll look after your balls for you.
Neil Gaiman
#39. Everything breaks down but desire. And because we are old, doctors try to shame that out of us. Young punks! Lose one's youth, and doctors take it as axiomatic that you've lost your mind, your balls.
Kiana Davenport
#40. I know that look." Jack shook his head ruefully. "Doan worry; she'll
give you your balls back as soon as she's done getting her way.
Kresley Cole
#41. I neither work for you nor am I mated to you, so I don't have to respond to your rudeness. And if I was mated to you, I'd respond with a blade to your balls. So I repeat, fuck off.
Larrisa Ione
#42. I swear to God," she muttered, fighting a laugh, "if you've dusted me with blue, I'll tie your balls in a knot and hang you up by them on the nearest sharp object I see.
Nalini Singh
#44. You don't want to wait for Owen?"
Ryder just sneered at him. "Afraid of a little sweat, sweetheart?"
"Sunstroke maybe."
"Find your balls, and let's go get it done.
Nora Roberts
#45. Well, I said, needing to lighten the mood for him, next time Kai tries to, um, bust your balls, you can give it right back to him, because he's got a girlfriend now, too.
Wendy Higgins
#46. I don't wear small shoes, or tight pants that squash your balls.
George Harrison
#47. Ryan: Lady, I ain't a boomerang. You throw me away again, I'm not coming back.
Lauren:You call me lady in that tone again, it's your balls that won't be coming back.
Shannon Stacey
#48. Adam kept sneering, near a shout now. Yeah, well what about saving him from right now? What about the hell of thinking it's best just to fucking chop your balls off than to have your body somehow betray your stupid fucking belief system?
Emily M. Danforth
#50. Women are like shower faucets, you must treat them carefully, because if you do not, it will either burn your balls or freeze your ass.
M.F. Moonzajer
#51. You listen to me, Lance Hamilton, and you listen good. If you ever go near Savannah Carmichael again with anything but the utmost respect, I will come back here with my Army-issued sidearm and I will shoot your balls off your body. That is a bona fide goddamned promise. Nod if you understand me.
Katy Regnery
#52. Chloe is waiting for me." A sneer twisted his lips. "Always rushing off to please your female. You keep claiming it's because she's taken your heart, but if you ask me, I think she's got your balls.
Eve Langlais
#53. The bad part is you freeze your balls off, but since you're not allowed to breed anyway, I don't suppose that matters.
George R R Martin
#54. But what?" she snapped. "You lost your balls and had to go looking for them all weekend?
K.A. Linde
#55. If you fuck her over, I'll cut off your balls and use them as cat toys, she hisses, and I see Wes flinch behind her as I fight my own, but I don't respond.
Aurora Rose Reynolds
#56. My your balls wither away and you develop and allergy to Viagra and all it's counter-parts
(Sophie to Royd)
Iris Johansen
#57. Mason scoffed. "That's gonna be a pain in the ass? So you protest to carrying change, but you have no problem with hair being ripped from your balls." He quirked a brow. "You've got problems.
Eden Summers
#58. Don't ever 'influence' me against my will again, MacLachlan,. Or I will load your balls into my Cuisinart and press 'chop.
Diana Duncan
#59. If you have passion for what you want to do and that's what you want to do, you've just got to bust your balls and go for it if you want to play music.
Zakk Wylde
#60. Don't get your balls crossed about it.
John Irving
#61. Book burners! I'll cut off your balls and rape your women!
Joe Hill
#63. It's not funny. How would you like it if your balls fled in fear? My balls haven't been this frightened since I dove into the icy water at the Polar Bear Plunge my first year of high school.
K.C. Faelan
#64. I own your balls, huh !" She grinned, laughing." I'll have to remember that the nest time you give me any shit. " (El Diablo)
M. Robinson
#65. Moscow was, as some said, the most beautiful mistress a man could ever want, but never cross her: like any good woman, she might just cut off your balls for the hell of it.
Marjorie M. Liu
#66. Mary, Mary don't say no, down the basement we shall go. Slap your ass against the wall, here i come balls and all. Won't your daddy be disgusted, when he sees your cherry busted. Won't your mama be surprised, when she sees your belly rise! Sound Off....(ect.)
U.S. Military
#67. I'll get you back for this, bitch," the male cupping his balls managed to grit out.
She gave him a patronising smile. "I know this must be painful for your ego. Try not to think of it as being defeated. Just think of it as being beat up by a girl.
Suzanne Wright
#68. I hear your chants. I hear your cat calls. And yes it's true. I'm obsessed with other men's balls. WORD!
Kurt Angle
#69. You're starting to look like you did before, and that's not good because what you looked like was complete shit, so get up and go to bed so I can stop acting like your mother. I can already feel my balls starting to recede. And hey, does it look like I'm growing breasts? - Kye
Krista Alasti
#70. I said, 'If the quarterback is a runner, it'll work.' But if your quarterback's not a runner, in my judgment and in the judgment of most of the people, it wouldn't work without the quarterback running the ball.
Frank Broyles
#71. You run the football for toughness. You run the ball to tell your opponent that you're as tough as they are. But you throw the ball to ring the bell.
Jerry Glanville
#72. The great thing about basketball is it's a live ball. If someone's in your way, push them out of the way, go around them or over them, whatever it takes.
Dolph Schayes
#73. Shoes are funny beasts. You think they're just clothes, but really, they're alive. They want things. Fancy ones with gems want to go to balls, big boots want to go to work, slippers want to dance. Or sleep. Shoes make the path you're on. Change your shoes, change your path.
Catherynne M Valente
#74. I believe her exact words were "Rip them balls right off that cock-sucker and shove 'em up his ass", followed by, "then that shit-for-brains wouldn't be fucking no more skank hoes on your watch again!" So you can see that I toned it down a bit.
Diane Rose Duffy
#75. You don't need coffee, you don't need cocaine, you need to breathe into YOUR FUCKING BALLS !
Elliott Hulse
#76. Just because you didn't get your way, don't take your ball and go home.
Bill Rancic
#77. Water holes are sacrificial waters where you make a steady gift of your pride and high-priced balls.
Tommy Bolt
#78. Life is all about chances. It's all about these little moments that add up to greatness. And there are times when you have to grab greatness by the balls and say, 'Hey! Greatness! I've got your nuts and you can't do a single godsdamn thing about it!
T.J. Klune
#79. If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just pop it in the net and we'll discuss your options afterwards.
Bill Shankly
#80. After a murmur of general assent, Ariadne spoke up. "And oh my God, I have to pump my boobs. You guys, you don't even know. It's like having blue balls strapped to your chest!" After a horrified silence, the men practically ran screaming from the building.
Amy Lane
#81. We're going to find your hobo. We're going to work hard - work nights. Liv, we're going to put our balls into it." She hugged her tightly.
"When did we get balls?" Livia loved her ridiculous sister.
"Just now.
Debra Anastasia
#82. Rebounding helps a lot with your ball skills, because you're able to go get the ball at a high point, which is what they want you to do in football.
Calvin Pryor
#83. You definitely have to do other things when you know your shot isn't falling. You can't just depend on knocking down the three-ball.
Chris Copeland
#84. The courtroom is a quiet place, Judge Roberts, where you park your political ideology, and you call the balls and you call the strikes.
Lindsey Graham
#85. We used a racquetball and threw it off the wall as hard as we could, then tracked it down with our eyes and feet. Nike has new balls that bounce all sorts of different directions and really help you learn to track the ball and move your feet to react quickly.
Antonio Cromartie
#86. When you part your lips that way, I want you night and day. When you squeeze my balls so tight, I wanna blow my load with all my might.
Red Peters
#87. Kaitlyn froze and then said in a low tone, "That'd better be your gun."
"Why yes, I always pack my gun where it'll blow my balls off."[Landon]
Patrice Michelle
#88. It's always been my philosophy to keep a lot of balls in the air. With music, most things don't pan out, so you try to increase your odds by being involved with a million things at once.
Adam Schlesinger
#89. You threaten my balls every day."
"That's because they're hanging around my sister," Rose snaps. I hate that she makes a good point. "And you have full right to threaten my eggs or fallopian tubes. Have at them."
I grimace. "I'm not going anywhere near your vagina.
Krista Ritchie
#90. What sort of funny songs?"
"My balls are swearing my balls are swearing I can't keep my balls from sweating ohhh no."
"How is that funny?" I asked.
"As in the balls of your feet?"
"No, it's like this thing ... Never mind," he said.
Anna Carey
#91. Have to say, it takes balls to show up where you're not wanted, so maybe it isn't such a surprise that Tate likes me after all. Your pair's almost as big as mine.
Ella Frank
#92. What's going on with you and Horny Nut Sac?" "Who?" "Randy Balls. Come on. Spill it. He's clearly had his face in your beaver.
Helena Hunting
#93. It's hard to field the ball when you have both hands around your throat.
Gary Gaetti
#94. Be humble and set the balls of your dreams rolling till God himself decides what next! As for "pride", allow it to go as a lone ranger!
Israelmore Ayivor
#95. Talking to a golf ball won't do you any good, unless you do it while your opponent is teeing off.
Bruce Lansky
#96. When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.
Henry Beard
#97. Can you beat them on your own? Marasi half whispered, half mouthed at Wayne.
He grinned and mouthed back, Does a guy wif no hands got itchy balls?
Brandon Sanderson
#98. It's your turn to talk," Tod said when several seconds had elapsed in pensive, angry silence from the hellion. "Negotiation is like playing tennis with words instead of balls. I thought you'd be better at this, considering your apparent lack of balls.
Rachel Vincent
#99. Jackie Bachman says, "Hey, you got your tits this summer!" And I roll my shoulders forward, the huge wrecking balls of that summer pressing their flesh on my hanging belly. "Shut up, bitch," I say.
Stacey Waite
#100. Programming requires more concentration than other activities. It's the reason programmers get upset about 'quick interruptions' - such interruptions are tantamount to asking a juggler to keep three balls in the air and hold your groceries at the same time.
Steve McConnell
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