Top 70 One Hello Quotes

#1. One hello can change a day. One hug can change a life. One hope can change a destiny.

Lynda Cheldelin Fell

One Hello Quotes #1162974
#2. Hello?" No reply. My shoulders sag. "What's the point of a staircase if no one is here to watch my entrance?

Stephanie Perkins

One Hello Quotes #1317884
#3. One minute, I was saying, "Hello, Mr. Bunny!" and smiling at its sweet little face and funny floppy ears. The next, the fucker savaged me.

John Cleese

One Hello Quotes #1366798
#4. No one can make you feel anything. Emotions are whatever you choose to feel. It might be an instantaneous decision - to choose to be happy or sad or offended or hurt - but it's still a decision.

Lisa Magnum

One Hello Quotes #1234761
#5. Hello? Do you see me? I'm working as creatively as possible and you want more and more and I'm out of juice and if you send me one more email I'm going to walk into the ocean and swallow water.

Cole Harmonson

One Hello Quotes #1226673
#6. I tried to speak, to tell Kit I wasn't dead. No sound came out. But I managed to lift one arm a few inches and execute a tiny wave. Hello, still alive. In a fuck ton of pain, but not dead.

Sonya Bateman

One Hello Quotes #1182234
#7. Hello little one. Did you know you're on private property?"

"Really? I had no idea." Meryn fudged.

He raised an eyebrow. "The ten foot fence right behind you didn't give it away?

Alanea Alder

One Hello Quotes #1181397
#8. Hello!" The girl in the blood-red dress beamed at Leo. "Are you Dionysus?"
There was only one answer to that.
"Yes!" Leo yelped. "Absolutely. I am Dionysus.

Rick Riordan

One Hello Quotes #1179485
#9. Sometimes it is quite surprising, the emotional intensity of it. I was in NY one day, in Barnes and Noble, and I could see this woman following me around and after a bit I stopped and said 'Hello' and she just looked at me and said: "PLEASE LET EDITH BE HAPPY!"

Julian Fellowes

One Hello Quotes #1153316
#10. Really? Worst film you ever saw. Well, my next one will be better. Hello. Hello.

Ed Wood

One Hello Quotes #1142321
#11. One day, beautiful, you will understand why every last goodbye led to your last first hello.

Hope Alcocer

One Hello Quotes #1142261
#12. Hello, princess," said Lord Maccon to the vampire.
"Got yourself into quite a pickle this time, didn't you?"
Lord Akeldama looked him up and down. "My sweet young naked boy, you are hardly one to talk. Not that I mind, of course.

Gail Carriger

One Hello Quotes #1103298
#13. Stand-up comedy - I love this job, and I gotta tell you, folks - knock wood - it's been working. 'Cause I was one of those kind of people, even when I had a regular job, I couldn't even call in sick right. You know, I was like, 'Hello? Yeah, I can't come in today. I have scurvy.

Carol Leifer

One Hello Quotes #1028028
#14. Kalona's back. The spell worked. One of Neferet's hostages got out. And to say Neferet's pissed is like saying Louis Vuitton makes cute purses. Hello, understatement of the decade.

P.C. Cast

One Hello Quotes #937018
#15. Some movie I was in, I forget which one, some awful little movie, a reviewer said, What is Jessica Walter doing in this movie? And I said, Hello? Trying to make a living?

Jessica Walter

One Hello Quotes #882278
#16. Lesson one, introduce yourself to everyone when you walk into a room. Don't act like you're too bougie to say, 'Hello.'


One Hello Quotes #873334
#17. All at once it occurs to me that I'm the one who needs to give myself the break, to accept myself for who I am.

Liza M. Wiemer

One Hello Quotes #836257
#18. Hello, I said softly, one hand over the butterfly wings that beat inside me.

Diana Gabaldon

One Hello Quotes #831122
#19. And even though when he got older he had the potential to be quite popular (read:hello,hottie),he felt like no one could ever know the real him.
Until me,that is.Which made me all sort of happy.

Kiersten White

One Hello Quotes #1662068
#20. Mobiles, land lines, tin cans with tiny bits of string, everything absolutely everything no phones phones all broken. Hello any one there NO cuz the phone aren't working

Gareth David-Lloyd

One Hello Quotes #1845492
#21. illustrations of anthropomorphic piles of resin with dialogue bubbles above them: "Hello there, I'm Frankincense. Well, technically I'm Frankincense's monster, but everyone gets that wrong." One

Meg Wolitzer

One Hello Quotes #1799820
#22. Everyone who says hello, will one day say goodbye; sometimes without a warning, or give a reason why ...

Donna M. Zadunajsky

One Hello Quotes #1777090
#23. Trees have feelings too, and no one ever says 'hi' to them. Next time you're outside and see a tree, say 'hello'.

Daniel Johns

One Hello Quotes #1769230
#24. Hillary Clinton is trying an entirely different approach with Iowa than the one she tried eight years ago when she lost there. She will not start speeches by saying, 'Hello, Iowa, or Idaho, or whichever one you are.'

Conan O'Brien

One Hello Quotes #1742975
#25. That was the wonderful thing about historical novels, one met so many famous people. It was like reading a very old copy of Hello! magazine.

Edward St. Aubyn

One Hello Quotes #1716168
#26. You know what I realized? No one else lives in my memories but me.

Liza M. Wiemer

One Hello Quotes #1707796
#27. Hello, Max," he said quietly, searching my face. "How do you feel?"
Which was a ten on the "imbecilic question" scale of one to ten.
Why, I feel fine, Jeb," I said brightly. "How about you?"
Any nausea? Headache?"
Yep. And it's standing here talking to me.

James Patterson

One Hello Quotes #1681961
#28. very tall and very thin, dressed in a gray suit that had many dark stains on it. His face was unshaven, and rather than two eyebrows, like most human beings have, he had just one long one. His eyes were very, very shiny, which made him look both hungry and angry. "Hello, my children.

Lemony Snicket

One Hello Quotes #830184
#29. Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-God damn it, you've got to be kind.

Kurt Vonnegut

One Hello Quotes #1579318
#30. As a kid I would be put to bed when my parents had guests and because I was such a show-off I would go to my mum's room, put on her nightdress and Jackie Onassis shawl, run downstairs, go outside, ring the doorbell and pretend to be one of the guests. I'd say, 'Hello, I'm Mrs. So-and-So.'

Rupert Everett

One Hello Quotes #1547847
#31. In Hawaii they say, "aloha." That's a nice one, It means both "hello" and "good-bye" Which just goes to show, if you spend enough time in the sun you don't know whether you're coming or going.

George Carlin

One Hello Quotes #1454955
#32. My life is ticking away one subway token at a time - a never ending pirouette of arriving and departing, pushing through turnstiles, nodding goodbye and hello. In eight hours I'll be allowed to turn around and go home.

Rob Payne

One Hello Quotes #1442816
#33. Hello There
Do yourself a favour and ditch the excuses, ditch the begging mentality, ditch the self-pity mentality, ditch the bad attitude, ditch the spoon-mentality. Grab every opportunity with both hands because no one is going to do it for you.
Happy New Year 2017

Euginia Herlihy

One Hello Quotes #1441302
#34. The man glanced up. "Hello. Tweeter tells me you're Kody, a fellow Mundanian, newly arrived, and you want to compare notes." "Uh, yes, in essence," Kody agreed, taken aback. All that from one tweet? Well, maybe it did fit within 140 characters.

Piers Anthony

One Hello Quotes #1415067
#35. Sports (and the often barely withheld violence around them) have become one of the few modern ways to connect with strangers. They give an amazing number of geeks things to talk about. In the old days we settled for, Hello, how are you?

Perry Brass

One Hello Quotes #1410533
#36. He die one day, and then he go above of my head to live with your father." He weared the long hair, and after he died, the first day he come back here for to say hello to the peoples." He nice, the Jesus.

David Sedaris

One Hello Quotes #1408718
#37. Ah, hello." He gathered his courage. This was just like reading poetry, but subtract poems and add people casually placing hunting knives and daggers on their tables. One of the women was filing her fingernails into sharp points, like claws. Just like reading poetry.

Cynthia Hand

One Hello Quotes #320869
#38. Hello?'
'Yes! Who's that?.'
'Your only son.'
A pause.
To be fair, I'd only given her one clue.

Danny Wallace

One Hello Quotes #514796
#39. I have had passionate kisses and fierce ones, kisses so sweet they tasted like pure honey and kisses that cut like knives, but until this moment, I've never had one that said both hello and good-bye.

Ann Aguirre

One Hello Quotes #509591
#40. The beginning of the shows are different. One time we'll say 'Hello, Denver'. Another time we'll say 'Hello, Memphis'. It's always different.

Lance Bass

One Hello Quotes #478204
#41. Let's start over shall we? Hello gorgeous. I'm Justin McKinley. I'm head baker at Le Chef Petite. I'd love to get to know you better. Can I seduce you with my vast knowledge of sweet and sensual desserts?
Alicia couldn't help it. She giggled. One of those girly, I've-been-flirting bubbly

Lea Barrymire

One Hello Quotes #451908
#42. The right man in your life will fly across the world to say hello, instead of saying goodbye.

Shannon L. Alder

One Hello Quotes #400772
#43. She thought how strange it would be if she ever said 'Hello' to him. One did not greet oneself each morning.

Ayn Rand

One Hello Quotes #389089
#44. 'Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I'm addicted to spending and big government.' I'd like one of them just to stand up and say that.

Glenn Beck

One Hello Quotes #359018
#45. I scratched the word HELLO in small letters ... And as names go, it's a good one, isn't it? In spite of all the damage that followed, I still think that's the perfect name for a picture drawn by a man who was trying his best not to be sad anymore - who was trying to remember how it felt to be happy.

Stephen King

One Hello Quotes #321466
#46. I have only one simple question for Hello Poetry Members who are following other poets but deliberately choose not to follow me... [10w]

Beryl Dov

One Hello Quotes #530728
#47. Suffering is normal. Pain is normal, it is part of life ... What is its texture, the weight of our suffering? What is its meaning? Begin by touching it, by coming close to it, accepting it: Hello, suffering, I am here with you. I am beside you, one with you, I am you. I am suffering.

A.M. Homes

One Hello Quotes #298210
#48. He had an invisible sword. Really?
He walked through the lobby, got into a full elevator, and no one stared. He passed a cleaning lady in the hallway outside his room, and all she said was,"Hello there."
He had an invisible sword. Really.

Nils Johnson-Shelton

One Hello Quotes #193112
#49. I've been a little sad that so many girls love Tommy so much. Hello!?! Tommy Hazard and Prince Charming - neither one exists!

E. Lockhart

One Hello Quotes #156881
#50. She looked fresh and young and very beautiful. I thought I had never seen any one so beautiful. 'Hello,' I said. When I saw her I was in love with her. Everything turned over inside of me

Ernest Hemingway,

One Hello Quotes #148226
#51. That one small touch is the beginning of the most memorable kiss of my life. It's hello and goodbye, I love you, I'll miss you, and everything in between.

J.A. DeRouen

One Hello Quotes #130201
#52. How does one know that, before the first hello? It's a heaviness in the air combined with a lightness of step. It's a slowing down of the past, and a speeding up of the future.

Melanie Benjamin

One Hello Quotes #22297
#53. When we kicked off and no one came to mark me I thought, 'Hello, it's Christmas'

Paul Merson

One Hello Quotes #8927
#54. I don't have a problem believing in God and Jesus. But in Genesis one has to wonder about these sentences that just go on and end without finishing. The thought is unfinished. Where did Adam go? What is he doing? Hello? There has to be some pages missing.

Bill Cosby

One Hello Quotes #689911
#55. I told myself that if I ever make it to the big leagues that I would be the one to appreciate the fans. Take a little time out to sign autographs and shake their hands and say hello to them.

Rickey Henderson

One Hello Quotes #778528
#56. You know somethin', man? Some day I'm gonna be walkin' up the street one way and you're gonna be comin' down the other way, and we're gonna pass each other and I'm gonna say 'Hello, best white band in the world' and you're gonna say 'Hello, best colored band in the world.

Chick Webb

One Hello Quotes #772548
#57. One of the most telling things about a person is how they say hello, handshakes.


One Hello Quotes #765852
#58. The small hand of a clock taps me at one and two, three and four, whispering hello, get up, stand up, it's time to
wake up
wake up
"Wake up," he whispers.

Tahereh Mafi

One Hello Quotes #762854
#59. My parents are very well-behaved. If anything, if my Mom were here right now, she would hug and kiss every one of you hello, and then she would feed you.

Tina Fey

One Hello Quotes #732627
#60. How could I persuade the in-laws I was the right one for their daughter when, instead of focusing on small talk, all I could think about was not to kill them? I could only imagine what I'd say to the prospective in-laws, Hello, it's a pleasure to eat, I mean, meet you.

Jayde Scott

One Hello Quotes #715100
#61. Hello, pretty hag," he said.

"Wolf," she teased. "You look good enough to eat."

One of his eyebrows rose. "Why is it when I tell you that, you look ready to bolt for the door?"

She braced her hands on her hips. "I do not," she said, indignant. "At least not anymore.

Grace Draven

One Hello Quotes #700400
#62. She worked up her most blinding smile, the one that could stop traffic and launch a thousand ships, that could destroy a man or make him feel a thousand feet tall. "Hello, Brother Jacob.

Alisha Rai

One Hello Quotes #695774
#63. Hello, friends," she whispered, to no one in particular. It was Scarlet who smiled first. "Welcome back, crazy.

Marissa Meyer

One Hello Quotes #829355
#64. I guarantee you I'm not going to forget your voice. We're going to run into each other down the road sometime, and when we do I'm going to pop you apart one rivet at a time."
"There's the monster. Hello, monster.

Richard Kadrey

One Hello Quotes #658749
#65. Hello, beautiful. Just wrap those long, sexy legs around me and I'll ride you anywhere, any time you want." Talfryn
"This one's all yours. Go ahead, brother, wrap your long, sexy legs right around his waist and ride him all night long." Cadegan

Sherrilyn Kenyon

One Hello Quotes #641659
#66. Now that you've said hello, I'm afraid we move right into farewells. Hello, goodbye. Like flowers scattered in a storm, man's life is one long farewell, as they say,

Haruki Murakami

One Hello Quotes #640390
#67. One does not greet the Queen of the Seelie Court with the barbarous human 'hello' ...

Cassandra Clare

One Hello Quotes #639840
#68. Overpopulation has a ceiling: earth's total surface area divided by the dimensions of one economy seat. One more baby is born and hello cannibalism.

Walter Kirn

One Hello Quotes #571068
#69. Hello old friend," he greeted it, "how strange for us to meet again, like this, with the snow blowing so outside."
"You know my ... my wrench?"
"Of course I know it. It was not a wrench when we were last acquainted, but ones friends may change clothes and still one knows them.

Catherynne M Valente

One Hello Quotes #570905
#70. Besides, do you think you would have come if I'd just popped into your tattoo shop one night around closing and
said, 'Hello, I'm the Prince of Darkness. Think you could help me out
with a little war next Tuesday, say, sixish?

Richard Kadrey

One Hello Quotes #536234

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