Top 100 Your Insane Quotes

#1. The best way to stay safe is, let them think your insane.

Anthony Liccione

Your Insane Quotes #1519035
#2. Why do I always listen to your insane plans? Why aren't we at home watching TV like everyone else? What possible difference will any of this make?

Shaun Tan

Your Insane Quotes #698596
#3. If you've ever found yourself pushed to the limits of your tolerance ... you find yourself doing some things that, from the outside, can be seen as quite insane.

Brandon Lee

Your Insane Quotes #1183948
#4. There's no such thing as normal. There is no definition of normal. Normal is subjective. You can't - and shouldn't - force yourself to want something 'normal' and stop wanting what you truly want. It's a sure way to make your life miserable.

Alessandra Hazard

Your Insane Quotes #852789
#5. We've seen some insane signs: 'Is that a loaf of bread in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?' Funny stuff along those lines. Very original. One just said, 'I will do unspeakable things.' I thought that was very interesting - and mildly terrifying!

Josh Hutcherson

Your Insane Quotes #1177817
#6. If you're going to question your sanity whenever someone tells you you're insane, you'll spend your life in misery.

Cameron Jace

Your Insane Quotes #1166251
#7. [ ... ] when you look at the world, you put on the goggles of custom, habit and tribal wisdom lest the truth make you insane [ ... ] you see the world reflected in your own image; you see yourself reflected to the image of the world [ ... ]

David Zindell

Your Insane Quotes #1152640
#8. One secret of life is that the reason life works at all is that not everyone in your tribe is nuts on the same day. Another secret is that laughter is carbonated holiness

Anne Lamott

Your Insane Quotes #1144919
#9. Of course, you would have to be insane to hope your child grows up to be a playwright or poet. Given the odds, you would have to be quite cavalier about your children's future.

Mark Helprin

Your Insane Quotes #1127091
#10. The world sometimes feels like an insane asylum. You can decide whether you want to be an inmate or pick up your visitor's badge. You can be in the world but not engage in the melodrama of it; you can become a spiritual being having a human experience thoroughly and fully.

Deepak Chopra

Your Insane Quotes #1079081
#11. You're insane." He smiled. "I love it when you try to flatter your way into my pants.

Suzanne Wright

Your Insane Quotes #1066911
#12. Of course she's right. How bad are things when your clinically insane mother is more rational than you are?

Susan Ee

Your Insane Quotes #1060462
#13. All these things that crib and cab in your brain, in your imagination, are in fact things that might well in later life drive you insane.

Diana Wynne Jones

Your Insane Quotes #1056100
#14. There is only one reply to a request for a higher birthrate among the intelligent, and that is to ask the government to first take the burden of the insane and feeble-minded from your back. [Mandatory] sterilization for these is the answer.

Margaret Sanger

Your Insane Quotes #1055156
#15. Got a long list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane. But I got a blank space baby, and I'll write your name.

Taylor Swift

Your Insane Quotes #1011419
#16. Who'd have thought your screwball brother could have gone so serial-killer fucktwat insane?

Larissa Ione

Your Insane Quotes #1011175
#17. Every day: Wear sunblock.
Cover your gray.
Do not go insane.
Eat less fats and sugars.
Do more sit-ups.
Don't start forgetting stuff.
Trim the hair in your ears.
Take calcium.
Moisturize. Every day.
Freeze in time to stay in one place forever.
Do not get frigging old.

Chuck Palahniuk

Your Insane Quotes #992878
#18. If it doesn't sound insane, I would only talk about you and the only word which would come out of my mouth, will be your name.

Masood Azam

Your Insane Quotes #989814
#19. Acknowledge your fear, odd one. Fearlessness is for the insane and the arrogant. You are neither. Those who rely on you for their lives will be well served only if you fear what you should fear. You are a unique soul, a child of grace, but you can still fail yourself and others.

Dean Koontz

Your Insane Quotes #987901
#20. He was insane. And when you look directly at an insane man all you see is a reflection of your own knowledge that he's insane, which is not to see him at all. To

Robert M. Pirsig

Your Insane Quotes #983961
#21. Don't let your schedule rule you - just do what you gotta do - or don't do it if you don't want to do it. The paradoz about schedules is that they can either help keep you sane, or drive you insane. It's your choice.

Art Hochberg

Your Insane Quotes #973874
#22. This ... this means everything. We are everlasting. Fucking forever. I love you so much. Seeing my words for you on your body makes me insane for you.

Ilsa Madden-Mills

Your Insane Quotes #951216
#23. Your Sister is a crazy bitch. She's fucking insane. We need help. - Dean

Abbi Glines

Your Insane Quotes #944582
#24. The disparity between being a 10-year-old boy playing air guitar, wishing I was a rock star, and the reality of the whole thing is insane. A girl will throw her bra onstage, and I say to myself, if I was the guy that pumped your gas today, would you throw your bra at me?

John Rzeznik

Your Insane Quotes #924567
#25. Playing upside down is insane. It's two or three times more difficult than what's normal. Your feet want to come off the pedals, your arms want to drop down - all of your body is fighting gravity.

Tommy Lee

Your Insane Quotes #911689
#26. Please, Tom. You can't ride your bicycle across the country alone. It's insane. You'll end up being slaughtered by a serial killer."
"Taryn, I'm thiry-five, single, tattooed, and antisocial. I'M the serial killer.

Ruthie Knox

Your Insane Quotes #911668
#27. When you look directly at an insane man all you see is a reflection of your own knowledge that he's insane, which is not to see him at all.

Robert M. Pirsig

Your Insane Quotes #1608765
#28. 15 seconds of insane courage can change your life.

Rider Jacobs

Your Insane Quotes #1452488
#29. Have to be honest with you Darquesse, I cannot feel that. That must be one of your special abilities, because to me, it looks like you just killed a whole bunch of people for no reason."
"Oh," said Darquesse. "That's so sad

Derek Landy

Your Insane Quotes #1607370
#30. You don't belong to him, you belong to me." "That's insane too!" "Baby, you told me so your fuckin' self." "Sexual coercion.

Kristen Ashley

Your Insane Quotes #1603845
#31. As long as you doubt your sanity, you can't be insane.

Miles Keaton Andrew

Your Insane Quotes #1601318
#32. I am not insane," he said. "A woman of your highly advanced intellect ought to be able to perceive that I am in love. With you. I wish you had told me. It was deuced embarrassing to find it out from your *brother*.

Loretta Chase

Your Insane Quotes #1578760
#33. It's insane how attracted I am to your smile, your body your voice, Maggie. You're my addiction, sweetheart.

Jackie Y. Wang

Your Insane Quotes #1546856
#34. It's insane when someone shows up to your show and is like, "You could run off with me right now!" I'm like, "It's cool, I think I'm gonna go read."

Babatunde Adebimpe

Your Insane Quotes #1527973
#35. Some days being a writer consists of telling yourself you aren't insane, your characters are.

Nevea Lane

Your Insane Quotes #1515670
#36. Get cleaned up, Reags, and you can tell me more about your Cabin in the Woods experience with Kane the Insane.

Rachel Higginson

Your Insane Quotes #1497309
#37. Music is just a huge part of my life. It affects moods. I've always found it insane how you can hear one song, and it takes you back to a specific, specific moment in your life, and you remember it vividly like it was yesterday.

Mike Vogel

Your Insane Quotes #1492239
#38. Will you be able to keep your hands off me?"
"I'm pretty sure I can manage that," she said, wondering if the man truly was insane.
"That's really all I can ask

R.L. Mathewson

Your Insane Quotes #1478266
#39. Hold it, Doc, a world war passed through my brain. He said, Nurse, get your pad, this boy's insane.

Bob Dylan

Your Insane Quotes #1470808
#40. I can't wait to get on stage, because there you don't worry about whether you'll ever get married because your life is insane, or whether you'll ever have another boyfriend again, you don't worry about the typical boundaries of how your life has to be.

Florence Welch

Your Insane Quotes #1221734
#41. I am yet to see an insane who would use the mid of the high way as a home. Regardless of the degree of insanity, there is always a regard for the value and essence of life

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Your Insane Quotes #1451224
#42. Sanity is transmuting all the insane parts of your brain into a creative outlet.

Jaeda DeWalt

Your Insane Quotes #1437141
#43. Risk the stuff. It's worthless anyway. But don't make the insane choice of sacrificing your happiness for stuff.

Steve Pavlina

Your Insane Quotes #1436312
#44. It just goes to show you: you can put nine insane miles between you and another person. You can make a vow to never speak his name. You can surgically remove someone from your life. And still, he'll haunt you.

Jodi Picoult

Your Insane Quotes #1399753
#45. I'm insane.
But I tell them this.
I tell them to consider blessings.
The thing about blessings is that they aren't just delivered to you.
There is some mystery to their appearance, but once they're in your reach,
you have to do something for them.

David Levithan

Your Insane Quotes #1399495
#46. Once you make a studio 700 million dollars or so, or whatever the insane number is, then they finally seem to trust you, no matter how off-the-wall your project is.

Shia Labeouf

Your Insane Quotes #1362264
#47. Your topsoil's a disaster area - it's starved for nitrogen, it's been fertilized for years by the criminally insane, and whatever thief put in your irrigation system ought to be flogged through the fleet.

Peter S. Beagle

Your Insane Quotes #1329684
#48. The essence of her drives me fucking insane because there's nothing as sweet as the taste of your woman on your tongue. In this moment she is mine.

Mia Asher

Your Insane Quotes #1316447
#49. To experience real agony is something hard to write about, impossible to understand while it grips you; you're frightened out of your wits, can't sit still, move, or even go decently insane.

Charles Bukowski

Your Insane Quotes #1273320
#50. There is no such thing as 'too insane' unless others turn up dead due to your actions.

Mahatma Gandhi

Your Insane Quotes #1238861
#51. I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane.

George Orwell

Your Insane Quotes #1221785
#52. I think there's a very fine line between the type of performing that some actors do, and being in a state in your mind where you actually believe what's going on. If we weren't actors, what would we do with that ability? Would we not be slightly insane? Mentally ill? I don't know.

Samantha Morton

Your Insane Quotes #222020
#53. You become so overwhelmed by your life situation that you lose your sense of life, of Being. Or you are carrying in your mind the insane burden of a hundred things that you will or may have to do in the future instead of focusing your attention on the one thing that you can do now.

Eckhart Tolle

Your Insane Quotes #521959
#54. If you could observe every thought in your brain the magnitude of it's vastness would drive you insane.

Stanley Victor Paskavich

Your Insane Quotes #441333
#55. I'm clearly insane. I'm threatening your life with a toothbrush,

Warren Ellis

Your Insane Quotes #438606
#56. You said that I, who see more than you, am insane. I, who pushed the world so much further than you, am insane. I have dared more than you, I have pressed my unique seal so much deeper in the earth, where it will last longer than your dust ... you owe me awe.

Thomas Harris

Your Insane Quotes #367778
#57. Read to make yourself smarter! Less judgmental. More apt to understand your friends' insane behavior, or better yet, your own.

John Waters

Your Insane Quotes #353298
#58. When you're content, blame your friends. When you're angry, blame your enemies. When you're insane, blame yourself.

Allia Loops

Your Insane Quotes #352226
#59. I would have done anything. Don't you know that?"
"Then you haven't been paying close attention. I love you. Even more than gold and dreams, I love you. It seems insane you haven't realized it. You were the one who first informed me of it."
"I broke your leg," she said

Shana Abe

Your Insane Quotes #325186
#60. I would much rather have my grotesque products of the imagination compared to your delusional sanity.

Christopher Page

Your Insane Quotes #272004
#61. He was insane, he thought people were trying to destroy him, to suck out his guts, but, she noted, in the rare event that someone was trying to destroy you, to suck out your guts, insanity was a goodly metaphysics.

Jaimy Gordon

Your Insane Quotes #251173
#62. Jeffrey to Felicia - Given your peculiar fashions over the past four years, I'm afraid you've caused people to believe you're a little insane.

Jen Turano

Your Insane Quotes #247477
#63. I am sorry this became, a poem
I beg you, please do not think as blame
Trust me as you trust god
I am your friend, in pain
This insane writing, which turned into poem

Santosh Kalwar

Your Insane Quotes #238318
#64. I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane.

Ray Bradbury

Your Insane Quotes #224508
#65. You gotta be rich to be insane, Hol. Losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class.

Cecelia Ahern

Your Insane Quotes #526018
#66. If you get married, you lose all your benefits. That's insane! We should give people bonuses for getting married, and sending signals and talking about it to the society.

Sam Brownback

Your Insane Quotes #216499
#67. The reason life works at all is that not everyone in your tribe is nuts on the same day. [pp. 65-66]

Anne Lamott

Your Insane Quotes #196588
#68. When Everyone Are Doing Something Right And Only One Person Is Doing It Wrong , He Is Called Insane , And When Everyone Are Doing Something Wrong And Only One Person Is Doing it Right , He Is Still Called Insane !
I Am Insane In Your World And You Are Insane In Mine !


Your Insane Quotes #187843
#69. Even so, I must admire your skill.
You are so gracefully insane.

Anne Sexton

Your Insane Quotes #124140
#70. God, you have a beautiful laugh, and your smile. Jesus, it knocks the breath out of me."
"You can't talk to me like that, nobody says things like that to a woman he just met. It's insane."
"I just did. And I plan to keep saying them until you believe every word.

Maya Banks

Your Insane Quotes #122248
#71. Listen to the voices in your really doesn't mean you are insane.

Roselle Graskey

Your Insane Quotes #94710
#72. It was your brother. He must be insane."

"Not insane, dear." Sybilla, speaking gently, contradicted. "Not insane. But magnificently drunk, I fear.

Dorothy Dunnett

Your Insane Quotes #87120
#73. Skiing not only for yourself and your family, but for your country, was surreal. The amount of support I got from back home in Indiana was insane.

Nick Goepper

Your Insane Quotes #70214
#74. She is INSANE," I scream, standing in the middle of Marshall's living room.
"Of course, she's insane. That would be your genealogy by the way.

Addison Moore

Your Insane Quotes #61402
#75. But look closely and you will find that your thinking and behavior are designed to keep the pain going, for yourself and others. If you were truly conscious of it, the pattern would dissolve, for to want more pain is insanity, and nobody is consciously insane.

Eckhart Tolle

Your Insane Quotes #59603
#76. I can't do this Ash. It's killing me. Having you this close and not touching you is driving me insane. You're his Ash. You're his. You made your choice and I understand why you chose him. I don't hold it against you but dammit Ash it hurts

Abbi Glines

Your Insane Quotes #19541
#77. You need to believe in your passion, no matter how stupid or insane that might make you look to the rest of the world.

Jason Ellis

Your Insane Quotes #654439
#78. And come to think of it, maybe this is the most important lesson the school could teach them about the American workplace: how to sit calmly at your desk and surf the internet and not go insane.

Nathan Hill

Your Insane Quotes #839748
#79. If you are clinically insane, by which I mean you wake up in the morning, and you think you are an onion, this is your car, (about the BMW X3).

Jeremy Clarkson

Your Insane Quotes #780509
#80. Have you ever done anything so significantly outrageous, so beautiful and insane, that on days when your life feels dull, these shining moments leap out? Do you have an answer to the question 'Did I live? Did I touch the world?' (Vin)

Edmond Manning

Your Insane Quotes #769754
#81. The part you don't expect when you start out is all the people who come into your life wanting a piece of you, not caring about your wellbeing. The insane schedule is very difficult. Touring looks very glamourous but it's hard and gruelling - the travelling, the meet-and-greets - it was too crazy.

Cheryl James

Your Insane Quotes #745592
#82. If you believe in your own sex, and won't have it done dirt to: they'll down you. It's the one insane taboo left: sex as a naturaland vital thing.

D.H. Lawrence

Your Insane Quotes #738125
#83. I proceed, gentlemen, to call your attention to the present state of insane persons confined within the commonwealth; in cages, closets, cellars, stalls, pens; chained, naked, beaten with rods, and lashed into obedience.

Dorothea Dix

Your Insane Quotes #737873
#84. You want me to join your group of demon hunters," I can't believe I just said that out loud, "because of a can of pepper spray and a boat load of luck? You're insane.

Bill Blais

Your Insane Quotes #701103
#85. I love everything about what we [Suicide Silence] do, and our life style. It's an insane way to live when you spend most of your time inside a plane, tour bus, or in a back stage. All over this massive place we call earth.

Mitch Lucker

Your Insane Quotes #699855
#86. Your daughter would like to know if you are still going insane, dear." Paw considered this. "I've been married to your mother for over two decades. You might allow me certain dispensation for eccentricity.

Gail Carriger

Your Insane Quotes #691502
#87. I think you have to have your own expectations of yourself and your own sense of purpose and your own intrinsic pleasure in the task. If you don't, you will drive yourself off a cliff because your fortunes will rise and fall, and if you identify too closely with that, you really will go insane.

Sarah Ruhl

Your Insane Quotes #687560
#88. It is a wise thing to be polite; consequently, it is a stupid thing to be rude. To make enemies by unnecessary and willful incivility, is just as insane a proceeding as to set your house on fire. For politeness is like a counter
an avowedly false coin, with which it is foolish to be stingy.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Your Insane Quotes #669418
#89. The whole idea that you can take a disease like this and exercise your way to health is foolishness. It is insane.

Paul Cheney

Your Insane Quotes #843913
#90. This was it. It was pulse-racing, heart-wrenching, dizzying love. The kind that touches every one of your nerve endings and renders you almost insane. The kind I could not give into easily because it already hurt like hell before lift-off.

Jessica Thompson

Your Insane Quotes #649941
#91. Hope, in general, is dangerous. Hope can be the loose thread that pulls apart your sanity.

Alessandra Torre

Your Insane Quotes #644086
#92. Die in your dreams, wake up insane.

Robin Hobb

Your Insane Quotes #643014
#93. Look, I learned from your uncle that when the universe turns out to be insane, the wise man embraces insanity.

Bradley Denton

Your Insane Quotes #638773
#94. I can't for the life of me not eat something that I want to eat. You know how if you turned on a faucet in your sink to wash your hands, the idea of leaving the bathroom without turning it off is insane? That's how I am about ignoring delicious food.

Mindy Kaling

Your Insane Quotes #634391
#95. Follow the tugs in your heart. I think that everyone gets these gentle urges and should listen to them. Even if they sound absolutely insane, they may be worth going for.

Victoria Moran

Your Insane Quotes #606250
#96. Like fire and rain, (fire and rain) you can dirve me insane But i cant stay mad at you for anything, Were venus and mars, (venus and mars) were like diffrents stars, but your the harmony to every song i sing, And i wouldnt change a thing..

Demi Lovato

Your Insane Quotes #599463
#97. Insane for your sweet, sweet love!

Tahereh Mafi

Your Insane Quotes #551590
#98. To be on the safe and humane side, let every relative and friend ... remember the golden rule, which has never been suspended with respect to the insane. Go to see them, treat them sanely, write to them, keep them informed about the home circle; let not your devotion flag, nor accept any repulse.

Clifford Whittingham Beers

Your Insane Quotes #543607
#99. We do not explain my husband's insane abuse
and we do not say why your wild-haired wife has fled
or that my father opened like a walnut and then was dead.
Your palms fold over me like knees. Love is the only use.

Anne Sexton

Your Insane Quotes #532156
#100. When I encounter someone I haven't seen in a while, I have never once thought, I should jump at them and poke their face with my fingers and keep doing that until someone locks me in the bathroom. Because that's insane. What would you think if I did that to your dog friends?

Allie Brosh

Your Insane Quotes #527568

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