Top 100 Art Hochberg Quotes

#1. Religions are strange. They seem to be caught in some dream which they won't give up and trying to convince others of the truth of their dream, when in fact each person is having their own dream. Take what you need from the religions and just leave the rest, and be all right with that.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #2579
#2. You know when you're by yourself you can say the most outrageous things. No one is listening.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #21541
#3. The world attracts and distracts at the same time. Make sure you know the difference and go with that in mind.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #82761
#4. Sometimes it seems that the world is a very, very, large, insane asylum. We need only not get caught in others' madness and stick to our own.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #107635
#5. Be fearless. What the hell, why not. You have nothing to lose except fear, which isn't yours anyway.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #108935
#6. For a man, he has to learn how to get along without a woman for periods of time. For a woman, she has to learn how to get along without a man for periods of time. That's how men and women learn to be able to get along with each other.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #140776
#7. You know, when you look into the Guru's eyes you're just seeing yourself. If you see the Guru, then you're missing the point of the Guru.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #185086
#8. If you take care of the small things with ease, then there are no big things to take care of. This is how we reduce our drama.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #191185
#9. Too much thinking can make a person ill at ease.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #223371
#10. Stay out of situations that you don't absolutely have to get involved with.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #290991
#11. A prayer is not what you think - it's what you experience.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #322267
#12. Original sin - the big lie.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #337437
#13. There is no precognition - there is only cognition.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #376052
#14. Things look one way and then they look another way.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #382084
#15. Why is it that churches and religions and that whole gang behave as if they have got the whole God knowledge down. I mean what kind of arrogance is that?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #422599
#16. Don't take pride to prayer. Take prayer to pride and eliminate it. It's not a good friend, actually.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #445375
#17. A big part of wisdom is to learn which situations to get involved in, or not get involved in - it really is as simple as that.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #469967
#18. When you are around people who are really suffering, you get to experience some of their suffering and that can make you stronger in your faith.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #487793
#19. Things do make sense at the time we do them. Then later on, they may make absolutely no sense at all. Isn't that amazing? Actually often they don't make any sense even while we're doing them.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #491602
#20. Everything that's happened to you up to this point in your life is all nostalgia of equal intensity. We're the ones who imbue the nostalgia with emotion.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #506041
#21. Deep down everyone is really good. It's just that sometimes people forget that they are that good.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #520802
#22. This movie we're in is unpredictable at any time.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #540510
#23. You can't know what you need to know until it's up for you to know it.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #567427
#24. If you want to be a radical theologian, you have to be able to say, "I have no idea what is going on." That's being a radical theologian.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #568002
#25. Who made up all these rules anyway? If you think God's got rules, then you need another view of God.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #590912
#26. If you set up your life so that the people you need you, that's ok. If you set up your life so that you don't need anyone - then you need to be prepared for the experience of aloneness.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #599372
#27. The best you can do is to take care of your life. No one is going to do it for you.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #630456
#28. Relaxing is hard to do at times. Worrying and agitation are even harder on the body and mind.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #653238
#29. God is continuously learning from his creations. We think God knows what's going to happen next---Hmmmmmm..........I wonder.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #667727
#30. Everyone's story is just their story. It may have little to do with you, or nothing to do with you.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #678090
#31. You always have to be prepared that the thing we want most desperately to happen may not happen the way we think. That takes faith. So why not try wanting to see something happen without desperation.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #688949
#32. Don't play the reels of your life backwards - play them forward.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #705151
#33. It's almost as important to know what you need to not do, as what you need to do. Actually it may be more important, since it may save you a great deal of effort and possible aggravation. This is where restraint comes in handy.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #712860
#34. The best way to do something is to do it without thought. That's real concentration.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #713691
#35. Once you individuate from the Guru, you're on your own Guru journey.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #725556
#36. Be your own independent film channel.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #726504
#37. What happens when you run out of patience? Just exert a little bit more. Keep stretching it.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #743665
#38. Why think about tomorrow today, when you don't even know if there will be a tomorrow, or if there is, if you'll be there tomorrow?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #782428
#39. This whole trip certainly feels real, and yet at the same time, it is unreal. How does that work? The thing is, we have to go through the unreal to the next reel.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #809449
#40. Why would we want to take on anyone else'take on reality when we have our own?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #845362
#41. Don't focus on the pain in the world, focus on what will keep you sane in the world.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #889530
#42. Isn't it amazing how you can actually remember things? Where are they when you're not remembering them?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #910798
#43. Things can change fast if we are alert, or things can change slowly if we are even more alert.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #927129
#44. Own your own story and then disown it. See how that feels.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #934319
#45. If you keep little decisions small - then big decisions will even be smaller.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #960590
#46. A wife can give you strife. A wife can act like a knife, and a wife can help you have a good life. And the same goes for husbands.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #973353
#47. There's always less to do than you think. If there's more to do than you think, then do that also.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #982627
#48. It may seem sometimes, that it is hard to find the right words to say to someone. It is even harder to remain silent, until the right words come. Then it's easy.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #983014
#49. When you smell a flower, where is the smell before you smell the flower? Think about that one.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1003983
#50. Worrying about tomorrow, today? Hmmmmmm. Why?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1024776
#51. Any thought can pop into your head at any moment. Where do these thoughts come from?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1030877
#52. Every day, each day is the most important day of your life.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1039693
#53. Do what you gotta do - see what happens.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1044904
#54. Time does not pass - only events pass. Where do they go? Hmmmmmmm.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1045085
#55. Start out the day assuming you know nothing. That's a good start to the day.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1083736
#56. Once we step out of the picture which we have made ourselves part of, if only temporarily, our life changes.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1084246
#57. You never know what you're going to learn about a situation beforehand. Humility is a powerful tool on the path to greater humility.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1090912
#58. Every once in awhile, give yourself a real compliment. What the hell, why not.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1128869
#59. Sometimes just shut off the outside. See what's playing on the inside.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1133819
#60. The world is a university.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1163671
#61. Comforting others can be tricky. It can get real sticky, if we think we are the comforter. There really is only one comforter.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1164462
#62. Childhood can be a scary experience, depending on who is doing the caring and how daring the caring.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1190555
#63. No matter how you imagine something to be, it's not what you imagine it to be. Any thought you have isn't real or a big deal.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1204119
#64. Who is playing this part anyway? That's right, play it any way you want. That's the way to play it.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1242148
#65. Fear comes in many different forms. It is especially lethal when it comes in a spiritual form.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1250523
#66. Why isn't everyone praying all the time? Who cares why everyone isn't praying all the time - you pray all the time.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1288940
#67. Love everyone. Why not? Give it a try.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1304967
#68. When you get to a point where there's absolutely nothing you can count on in this world, you're home free.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1311130
#69. If you do not fear rejection, then you are free to take risks.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1325285
#70. If you let your heart rule you, you'll have a good ruler by which to measure things. This can be called wisdom.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1333391
#71. Basically each one of us is alone here. Everything else is show biz.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1427360
#72. Dying is simply showing up for your time of departure - from this realm.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1496507
#73. The idea is to get your life to where it is doable, manageable, and somewhat in order.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1496648
#74. We've come here to totally individualize, and yet, we're totally connected to everyone else. How does that work?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1504771
#75. The point is you gotta be ready for anything. You have to honor every part of your life - all the parts you've played - that's about forgiveness and love.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1517778
#76. What about when you miss someone? Where does that come from? It comes from love.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1538703
#77. To pray with others is good. To pray alone is even better.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1542022
#78. Accepting the rule that others want us to play is fine, as long as we're fine with it.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1568913
#79. Everyone and everything comes into our life at exactly the right time.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1585764
#80. Picture yourself sitting in the middle of a junkyard, and there is light all around you. That's a good one.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1599269
#81. Love is the antidote for all the fears, questions and worries that we accumulate in life.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1621578
#82. Life presents some very interesting situations. When you're in the middle of a jam, you're not thinking, "Oh that's interesting." You're thinking, "How the hell am I going to get through this one.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1651613
#83. Really, really there is no dying for us. Remember?

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1669264
#84. Everything comes from nowhere. Where is nowhere? An, that's the mystery of our lives.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1669355
#85. It's not our job to pick up another's fears or even their strengths. Work on your own fears and strengths, that's your spiritual practice.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1683063
#86. Really, when you think about it, how can God speak through everybody? Hmmmmmm.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1706177
#87. So how do we do this trip, knowing it's all an illusion? How do we do that? We can't do that. We can only hang on for the ride.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1706968
#88. You know, you're never going to be late for a scene - the scene you're designed to be in.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1712086
#89. When you have nothing other than your breath, then you are fully alive.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1712222
#90. You know there are a lot of different aspects to ourselves. It's good to meet them, even engage them if we want to. Or just say, "The hell with them.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1718076
#91. If you have to separate yourself from things, or someone else, do it without a big attitude.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1764406
#92. Some people say they're afraid about dying. Noooo ... it's the fear of living totally in the moment, living fully engaged, and independent at the same time. That's the real fear.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1783271
#93. People talk of the Sufi way. Wrong. If there is a way, it's not Sufism.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1798183
#94. Today, like any other day, is totally incomprehensible. It's good to be in a state of wonder and be alive to what's happening.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1806850
#95. You don't always have to say what's on your mind. You can keep it to yourself for the time being. That's called patience.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1820298
#96. I mean when you really, really, really think about it, the whole trip is really, really unbelievable.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1823777
#97. Babies are the latest dispatch from the Creator of everything.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1836498
#98. Religion will not get us where we need to go. It just goes so far, and then we're on our own toward the open space where there are no religious practices or beliefs.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1845927
#99. When you really merge with someone, it's not that you merge with them, you're merging with love.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1854448
#100. The thing is you cannot imagine what is going to happen next. If you're imagining it - it's from your imagination.

Art Hochberg

Art Hochberg Quotes #1870972

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