Top 100 Said Before Quotes
#1. Philosophers have said before that one of the fundamental requisites of science is that whenever you set up the same conditions, the same thing must happen. This is simply not true, it is not a fundamental condition of science.
Richard Feynman
#2. One day, when I can afford you, I will sign you,' he said, before we went our separate ways.
Didier Drogba
#3. I'm falling in love with you. That's what I should have said before I left." Pike kept stroking Zack's face. "I was a coward too. I needed you to know that, but I was scared of it not being enough - " "It is.
Annabeth Albert
#4. 8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
#5. I never was so immensely tickled by anything I had ever said before. I actually woke up twice during the night, and laughed till the bed shook.
George Grossmith
#6. Natalie from the Dixie Chicks could have said what she said before 9-11 and no one would have cared.
John Mellencamp
#7. Do not think I do not know that Cecily wants you to return home with her. And do not think I do not know that you remain for Jem's sake."
"And yours," he said before he could stop himself.
Cassandra Clare
#8. Despite what I said before, it had not been a fear of infecting other people or poor health that had stopped me from going, but vanity.
It was a good lesson.
Gabrielle Zevin
#9. And I'm asking for your support because I want to defend America, as I've said before, from becoming a socialist nation.
Christine O'Donnell
#10. I've said before that every craftsman searches for what's not there to practice his craft.
#11. As I said before, it is not of any importance where the guess comes from; it is only important that it should agree with experiment, and that it should be as definite as possible.
#12. We will send an additional 475 service members to Iraq. As I have said before, these American forces will not have a combat mission - we will not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq. But they are needed to support Iraqi and Kurdish forces with training, intelligence and equipment.
Barack Obama
#13. We travellers are in very hard circumstances. If we say nothing but what has been said before us, we are dull and have observed nothing. If we tell anything new, we are laughed at as fabulous and romantic.
Mary Wortley Montagu
#14. He continued to stare out the window. I meant what I said before. You need to walk away, Pidge. God knows I can't walk away from you.
Jamie McGuire
#15. Venezuelans have a long history. So we are able to listen to each other, to talk to each other. From here were born the liberators of the region, and they said before and after that process we have a culture of political action. We are not in despair. That's the image broadcast to abroad.
Nicolas Maduro
#16. Yes," I said. "Before ... it's all possibility. It might be a son, or a daughter. A plain child, a bonny one. And then it's born, and all the things it might have been are gone, because now it is." She
Diana Gabaldon
#17. A human being, as I've said before, gets used to anything.
Nando Parrado
#18. But the Anderson thing isn't over yet. And as I've said before - this, my friends, is war. I'm talking DEFCON-one, gloves-off, I'll-knock-you-down-even-if-you-are-a-girl war. You wouldn't give a bullet to a sniper who's got his gun aimed at your forehead, would you?
Emma Chase
#19. but now we see that the subject controls the time of its environment. While we said before, "There can be no living subject without time," now we shall have to say, "Without a living subject, there can be no time.
Jakob Johann Von Uexkull
#20. Mary, it must be remembered, was very nearly of the same age as Frank; but, as I and others have so often said before, 'Women grow on the sunny side of the wall.
Anthony Trollope
#21. The fact is, as soon as you start with words you're locked into a debate, forced to take a position with respect to others, confirming or rebutting what has been said before.
Tim Parks
#22. I felt uneasy, but sometimes, like I said before, I believed in Col. North and there was a very solid and very valid reason that he must have been doing this.
Fawn Hall
#23. I wish, when I was first born, the first thing I said was "Quote" so the last thing I said before I died would be "Unquote.
Steven Wright
#24. Why can't he be happy?" "I don't know," Niri answered. "But it isn't your job to make him happy. You are responsible for yourself." Niri touched her cheek and let her go. "I will see you tomorrow," she said before walking off. "Don't
Autumn M. Birt
#25. If you can't ride me properly, I'm gonna have to flip you back over," he said before reaching up to jerk Zane's head down for a demanding, desperate, possessive kiss. Zane
Abigail Roux
#26. All told about in that book, which is mostly a true book, with some stretchers, as I said before.
Now the way that the book winds up is this: Tom and me found the money that the robbers hid in the cave,
Mark Twain
#27. Nerd? Nope... another guess??
... Smart? Nope.. I'm not clever even and smarter I don't said it and I even don't propose this... (which you said before few minutes?) to the judge... Let's take It like I have curiousity for the stuff around us!
Deyth Banger
#28. I think we deserved to get through and I congratulate the players. We said before the game that nothing was decided and that we had to play a good team which is very dangerous. We did well and we didn't give away many chances.
Frank Rijkaard
#29. I'll be there for Thanksgiving', Mike said before hanging up, and she heard his kiss on the phone--the kind reserved for family." Things Unsaid, from Chapter, "Thanksgiving
Diana Y. Paul
#30. Like Naokuo, I'm not really sure what it means to love another person. Though she meant it a little differently. I do want to try my best though. I have to, or else I won't know where to go. Like you said before, Naoko and I have to save each other. It's the only was for us to be saved!
Haruki Murakami
#31. At some point you just have to let go ... knowing full well you might look back in a couple years and be embarrassed by the finished product. But that's life. And like I said before, if I were to strive for perfection I would never get anything done.
Elizabeth Rudnick
#32. As I said before, stones to me is meant things that hurt people, things that cause pain and thats what this song is about.
Neil Diamond
#33. Let's boogie,' he (Leo) said. 'Before I come to my senses
Rick Riordan
#34. As I've said before and I've said it in the past ...
Kenny Dalglish
#35. She has no idea who I am, not really. She's just someone who's noticed me because the video and she'll forget what she's said before the day is over.
Me? Not so much, but I go on, my legs shaking and a mix of anger and despair burning inside me.
Elizabeth Scott
#36. The prince must consider, as has been in part said before, how to avoid those things which will make him hated or contemptible; and as often as he shall have succeeded he will have fulfilled his part, and he need not fear any danger in other reproaches.
Niccolo Machiavelli
#37. Edith who had still not fully recovered from the debauchery at the Hayeses' had glaced at the letter before dinner but she apparently lacked the energy to pry. "Oh to be young as you " was all she'd said before going to bed early.
Anna Godbersen
#38. People are gonna believe what they want to believe And like I said before, I really don't give a damn.
Tonya Harding
#39. The story knows itself better than the writer does at some point, knows what's being said before the writer figures out how to say it.
Joy Williams
#40. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber.
Kurt Vonnegut
#41. Everybody knows how much I love Arsenal - I became a fan. And to be out here [in front of the Emirates as a statue] celebrating a goal against Tottenham, there's not much else to say after thatLike I've said before, Once a Gooner, always a Gooner.
Thierry Henry
#42. Echo is very important to me. I love the repetition of motifs, or the slight alteration of what's been said before. This is part of how one creates a mood, a psychological caul, in fact, around the reader.
Teju Cole
#43. The Internet makes the writer work harder - I have to say things here I've never said before, or else be caught out in repeating myself.
Joshua Cohen
#44. Like I've said before, so many times before, I'm not a good person, I'm not a hero. I'm a criminal, a liar, a cheat, a killer. It was them or me and I wanted to live.
Alexander Gordon Smith
#45. Legal plunder has two roots: One of them, as I have said before, is in human greed; the other is in false philanthropy.
Frederic Bastiat
#46. I meant what I said before, you know. I trust you. Whatever reason you're doing this, I know it's a good one. But before things start moving, are you sure this is what you want?
Richelle Mead
#47. No, Bob. Just no. For crying out loud. She's seventeen.
Better move quick, then, Bob said. Before anything starts to droop. Taste of perfection while you can, that's what I always say.
The perverted little creep has a point, my host.
Jim Butcher
#48. I'm always right, always wrong. Dressing bad's like loving you there is nothing i haven't worn. Nothing, I haven't said before. You are nothing I haven't felt before.
Tegan Quin
#49. confidence to define success and failure for herself who succeeds. These words were not invented for an incremental life. "Success" and "failure" serve a world that is black-and-white. And as I said before, it's all just kinda gray.
Sophia Amoruso
#50. I hate it when you call me, Melody," she said softly. "It hurts. It hurts when you pull away from me. Everything you said before, it hurt me. I hate you for saying them, and I hate myself for caring. I hate more than anything that I ... that it's so hard for me to say how much I love you.
J.J. McAvoy
#51. I had said before that I'd never write an autobiography because I've been around, and there's a lot that I've seen and heard that stays with me. That's just mine. I didn't want to do a kiss-and-tell, as some of my peers have.
Dionne Warwick
#52. I am going to say something I have never said before and this is the truth. I have no reason to lie to you and God knows I am telling the truth. I think all my success and fame and I have wanted it, I have wanted it because I wanted to be loved. That's all. That's the real truth.
Michael Jackson
#53. As I've said before, I never understand why people ski down a slope to a bar and then go on a lift so they can ski down the same slope again. That's like walking to the pub on a Sunday, then going home and walking to the pub again. Madness.
Jeremy Clarkson
#54. It was a prayer that he had never said before, because it was a prayer without words or pleas.
Paulo Coelho
#55. As I said before, there are often disagreements as to what a particular set of facts mean. That is not at all unusual, and one shouldn't read into it more than is there.
Robert Mueller
#56. Nobody does anything better than me in baseball (said before the 1971 World Series).
Roberto Clemente
#57. His enemies might have said before that he talked rather too much; but now he has occasional flashes of silence, that make his conversation perfectly delightful.
Sydney Smith
#58. Adjusting to life's changes may be difficult and something you may not be looking forward to experiencing. Be gentle with yourself and you will find clarity on all levels of encouragement in places and by people you least expect. Remember as it has been said before: This too shall pass!
Steven Cuoco
#59. Idiot," I said, before grinning broadly and crushing his mouth to mine.
"We need to pick new pet names for each other," he muttered as I hefted myself up from the ground.
Molly Harper
#60. There won't be any miracles. We never promised any. But as we have said before, when things are done properly, the results come in.
Mariano Rajoy
#61. I've always been able to recount things and I have a really good memory about dialog and what people have said before and this and that.
Carol Burnett
#62. - Exactly as you imagine. They remain tied to us through the feeling of bitterness. That is why Jesus said: "before going to the temple, go back and forgive your brother." One must be forever washing one's soul with the water of forgiveness.
Paulo Coelho
#63. Confucius said, "Before embarking upon a journey of revenge, dig two graves." I planned to dig seven.
Lili St. Germain
#64. I said before, that I have learnt much by guiding others. In the first place I see that all souls have more or less the same battles to fight, and on the other hand, that one soul differs widely from another, so each must be dealt with differently.
Therese De Lisieux
#65. What people have to make sure of is that they're not replicating something that already exists. You really have to ask yourself: "Is there a point in me doing this? Has this already been said before? Is this moving things along or is this just adding to the giant pile of junk that's already there?"
Jarvis Cocker
#66. The Venus Project is a translation of all religions: The end of war, the end of poverty, the brotherhood of humanity. If that isn't spiritual, like I've said before, I don't know what is.
Jacque Fresco
#67. Oh, my poor, sweet cousin from Oklahoma," Tonya said, shaking her head. "You, my dear, are in big trouble." "I am?" Kylie asked, turning to her friend, wearing her panic all over her face. "You're in love. And as I've said before, this shit ain't for amateurs.
Caisey Quinn
#68. It's just mechanics." Kai scooped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. "No, it's impressive," he said, using the pad of his thumb to brush something off Cinder's cheek. "Not to mention, weirdly attractive," he said, before capturing her lips. Cinder
Marissa Meyer
#69. People must flatter their own eyes with their pathetic lives. The things I was saying followed logically the things that I had said before, yet bore no relation to what I was thinking and feeling.
Lyn Hejinian
#70. When you got a question," Polly said before Granada could ask, "first be silent. Look around you. Let creation speak the truth to you." She
Jonathan Odell
#71. In fine, nothing is said now that has not been said before.
Jean Racine
#72. It's written in Old," he said. "Before they invented spelling. Let's have a look at the latest one." It
Terry Pratchett
#73. If you had said before the game we would get three points, I would have said you'd had too much gin.
Terry Butcher
#74. Kurtis came to see me earlier," Magnus said, before Cleo could reply. "Do you know why?"
"To tell you I've quit archery?"
"No, but it's adorable that you think I'd care about something so trivial.
Morgan Rhodes
#75. I've said before that the common perception that all good actors should be good liars is exactly the opposite; only bad actors lie when they act.
Rob Lowe
#76. The Sandman is rising.
It'd been the only thing Coll had said before delirium had taken him again.
The Sandman. Rising.
Erin Kellison
#77. She stopped, then finally turned around, and looked at me. "Just because you've been in a war doesn't mean you've got a monopoly on shitty situations. And this is a shitty situation. So back to what I said before. Don't tell me what to do."(Sarah)
Charles Sheehan-Miles
#78. Like I said before, the truest part of a person is always the ugliest. But I'm ugly too, so you're not alone.
E.K. Blair
#79. War is a thing of beauty, as I've said before, and those who say otherwise are losing.
#80. What the poet says has never been said before, but, once he has said it, his readers recognize its validity for themselves.
W. H. Auden
#81. And, as I said before, there are exceptions to the white norm: people who are white on the outside, but not white inside. I'm not sure what term should be applied to them other than "human beings.
Russel Means
#82. I have said before, and shall say again, that I write this book for love of your love.
Augustine Of Hippo
#83. It is not true, what I said before, because I hated him. He was the war criminal, and after the war they hanged him. I was so happy I wept for joy when I heard he was dead. Then I shave my head and took the vow to stop hating.
Ruth Ozeki
#84. Uncle Hoppy only laughed. "Just you wait," he said. "Before we get home we will meet the man who was supposed to be in that chair. And when we do, his heart will be prepared. Time and place are our own limitations, Andy; we mustn't impose them upon God." And
Brother Andrew
#85. You were a wish that we made every morning when we woke up and a prayer we said before we went to bed each night,
Heather Gudenkauf
#86. No," she said, before he could utter a word, "you can't take me home. I have a car waiting. Thank you just the same.
Ayn Rand
#87. But as we've said before, there is great power in all of us, if only we channel that power into action.
Thomas Wheeler
#88. Scratch what I said before. I think I am falling in love with you. Right here. Right now.
J.R. Ward
#90. In the transcribing and the editing, you want some retention of how the person speaks - you don't want to edit out all of the hesitations and idiosyncrasies. And to get people to say something they've never said before. That's big.
Sheila Heti
#91. These moments of shared vulnerability are what make me believe that we are equals. That what Ian said before is true - underneath money, fame, class differences, we all bleed the same color. We all hurt the same. We all need, hate, love, cry, want.
Jen Frederick
#92. Gwenllian began to laugh and clap her hands. The laugh, a song itself, echoed off the ceilings. "Shut her up, someone," Ronan said. "Before I do.
Maggie Stiefvater
#93. In my songs, I'm not saying something that's never been said before. The have lyrics aren't going to blow people away. It's the emotion and the melody that drive it home.
Bruno Mars
#94. You've said before, Ms. Nicolson, that your mother was a strong woman. She lived through the war,
Kate Morton
#95. I've said before that I'm a remarkably unsentimental person.
John Carmack
#96. I have learned that it is easier to say later what one should have said before, than to unsay what should not have been said at all.
Melvin R. Starr
#97. I've said before: If Osama bin Laden was a Christian, Iraq was the Christmas present he always wanted but never expected his parents to give. It validated for the Muslim world virtually all of bin Laden's rhetoric. He had always said the Americans will destroy any strong Muslim regime, and we did.
Michael Scheuer
#98. And as I said before, though I should na' say it, I'm a good hand, measter, and a steady man - specially when I can keep fro' drink; and that
Elizabeth Gaskell
#99. Most of us know what we should expect to find in a dragon's lair, but, as I said before, Eustace had read only the wrong books. They had a lot to say about exports and imports and governments and drains, but they were weak on dragons.
C.S. Lewis
#100. Nothing can be said, including this statement, that has not been said before.
John Berendt
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