Top 100 Quotes About Ten
#1. I reached for the prescription. In a vigorous scrawl, he inked: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes. Take ten pages, twice a day, till end of course.
Diane Setterfield
#2. It is television's primary damage that it provides ten million children with the same fantasy, ready-made and on a platter.
Marya Mannes
#3. Then, again, how annoying to be told it is only five miles to the next place when it is really eight or ten!
John Burroughs
#4. When you try to do something ten per cent better, you tend to work from where you are: if I ask you to make a car that goes 50 miles a gallon, you can just retool the engine you already have.
Astro Teller
#5. To care about weaving, to make weavings, is to be in touch with a long human tradition. We people have woven, first baskets and then cloth, for at least ten thousand years. This book will give you many ways to become connected with that tradition.
Phylis Morrison
#6. Shit of ten horses," his twin said in the Old Language. "The new aftershave of the lessers," Phury muttered, rubbing his eyes.
J.R. Ward
#7. It would be interesting to remember the dreams I had here, at the Del Mar, more than ten years ago. I probably dreamed about girls and punishment, the way all boys that age do.
Roberto Bolano
#8. You show me a politician with his heels ten feet in the air, and by Judas priest, Ill show you an honest politician.
Dalton Trumbo
#9. Everone has a pain thermometer that goes from zero to ten. No one will make a change until they reach ten. Nine won't do it. At nine you are still afraid. Only ten will move you, and when you're there, you'll know. No one can make that decision for you.
Vicki Myron
#10. She didn't open the envelope until she'd gotten to the bus station and needed to pay for her ticket. He hadn't given her the thousand dollars she'd asked for-he'd given her ten thousand.
Ann Brashares
#11. Let those who think that the Church pays too much attention to Mary give heed to the fact that Our Blessed Lord Himself gave ten times as much of His life to her as He gave to His Apostles.
Fulton J. Sheen
#12. I don't want to wake up ten years from now regretting that I let this slip through my fingers. I don't want to waste another moment without you in my life.
A Meredith Walters
#13. When our atheistically dominated Supreme Court removed the Ten Commandments from our halls, not a whimper was heard from the 95 million Christians in this country, who still don't realize that their religious freedoms are being systematically removed without a fight.
Tim LaHaye
#14. I want to make the audience laugh and cry within ten seconds, to show just how close those emotions are.
Simon Neil
#15. The important thing is the 80/20 rule: 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This means that if you're doing ten tasks, two are going to be vastly more important than others.
Brian Tracy
#16. When certain bootleg companies started off and they would take maybe ten per cent of whatever they got and help fuel new bands, which I'm cool with, I think that's a good idea. Most of the record companies are not doing that.
David Coverdale
#17. I fell in love with a boy - but it took me ten years to realize the boy never grew into a man.
Lauren Layne
#18. We will not wake up ten years from now and find we have passively taken on the character of God.
Jen Wilkin
#19. It scares the living crap out of me how good wine is at ten dollars.
Gary Vaynerchuk
#20. I took a correspondence course with a guy at Ohio University. He gave me ten exercises, and one of them resulted in the story "Bactine." It pleased me a lot more than anything else I'd ever done, so I kept messing around and by the time I got to Ohio State I'd written maybe eight stories.
Donald Ray Pollock
#21. There is no ultimate objective reality within the ten thousand states of mind. Most people don't like to hear this. But there are ten thousand realities, and each is definitely unifying.
Frederick Lenz
#22. He left the tavern and began walking through the maze of buildings and cobblestone streets to find his way back to the palace. However, soon he found himself hopelessly lost. Ten . . . eleven . . . fifteen drinks. How many had he had? "Oh, Nic," he mumbled. "Not good. Not good at all.
Morgan Rhodes
#23. I did Jay Leno with Mike the Situation, and he just - he lives, like, ten minutes from me in Jersey. He's like, 'If you ever get a flat, call me. I'll come fix your tire.' That's how we do. That's neighborly, you know?
Queen Latifah
#24. I don't really cook much. I'm more of a baker. My favorite things to bake that everybody loves, and I can only keep in the house for about ten minutes, are 7-Up cake and Pineapple Upside-Down cake.
Jada Pinkett Smith
#26. One of my feet is a whole size longer than the other. One is size ten, the other is size eleven.
Nnedi Okorafor
#27. One of the great questions of philosophy is, do we innately have morality, or do we get it from celestial dictation? A study of the Ten Commandments is a very good way of getting into and resolving that issue.
Christopher Hitchens
#28. I could play in front of thousands of people, but the instant cameras got within ten feet of me, I just shut down. I was like the Ricky Bobby of the WPL.
Mariana Zapata
#29. I was lying ten and had a thirty-five foot putt. I whispered over my shoulder: "How does this one break?" And my caddie said, "Who cares?"
Jack Lemmon
#30. It has been said that man at ten is an animal, at twenty a lunatic, at thirty a failure, at forty a fraud, and at fifty a criminal.
Okakura Kakuzo
#31. Okay. So you know, you need to beat the dealer. Yeah?" he began. I nodded. "Okay. When you count cards, you have to remember; cards between 2 and 6 have a value of a plus one. Cards between seven and nine have a value of zero. Cards between ten and ace have a value of negative one.
Claire Adams
#32. Love's heralds should be thoughts,
Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams,
Driving back shadows over louring hills:
Therefore do nimble-pinion'd doves draw love,
And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings.
William Shakespeare
#33. The legendary Buddhist flower udumbara is believed to blossom once every three millennia! What about the Flower of Peace? In every ten million years?
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#34. And a wandering beauty is a blade out of its scabbard.You know how dangerous, gentlemen of threescore?May you know it yet ten more.
John Crowe Ransom
#35. In a way it wasn't so different from art. It bridged the void between minds, let us feel something together, ten tokens per minute. Sometimes I thought, Money isn't filthy or cold. It's the only way we can be human with each other anymore.
Leah Raeder
#36. Is there a reason we're taking the alley?" he asked. "The air is a tad ripe out here."
"Unfriendly eyes out front."
"A ten-year-old boy."
"Oh, yes. Terrifying."
"He's someone's spy," she said.
Lindsay Buroker
#37. From spending ten years in hell and coming to this regime of kindness was a shock. It was so much of a shock, it was unbelievable. I was like an untamed animal, I couldn't accept it and I just wouldn't accept it.
Stephen Richards
#38. It was almost Christmas, and a Santa Claus in a vacant lot was offering to appear in pictures for five dollars. The trim on his suit was mangy, as if it had been dug out of a dumpster, yet young mothers queued ten deep on the sidewalk, holding the hands of kids waiting to get in.
Garth Risk Hallberg
#39. I'm not done arguing with you, Mrs.Fletcher. I'm going to convince you yet." "Well I reckon I got ten or twenty more years in me before I pass on," Granny told him. "So feel free to take your time.
Frances O'Roark Dowell
#40. Shockingly, the Bidens donated under $1,000 to all charities combined every year for the ten years prior to 2008.
Larry J. Sabato
#41. We haven't had an office open to the public for at least ten years," he answered. "And if I want to complain?" "You do it by telephone." "And if I want to spit in someone's face?" He advised me politely to try the office in Via Confienza, a hundred yards farther on.
Elena Ferrante
#42. No one at college ever goes to a party before ten-thirty at the very earliest! They'd rather die. It's so uncool to be early.
Francine Pascal
#43. We'll be eight degrees hotter in ten
not ten, but thirty or forty years, and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals.
Ted Turner
#44. It's very healthy for a young girl to be deterred from promiscuity by fear of contracting a painful, incurable disease, or cervical cancer, or sterility, or the likelihood of giving birth to a dead, blind or brain-damaged baby (even ten years later when she may be happily married).
Phyllis Schlafly
#45. I love 'Starship Troopers.' I've seen it ten times.
Joel Kinnaman
#46. There are some beings who reach a point where they no longer want to move through the ten thousand states of mind. There is something else. It is beyond subject and object. That is nirvana.
Frederick Lenz
#47. I note at the age of ten a fully developed ability not quite to enjoy myself, a capacity I have retained intact ever since.
Alan Bennett
#48. You spend ten years of your life being trained to do one thing, and you're being taught to think that it's the most serious thing that anyone could possibly do, and then suddenly you find yourself doing something that in some respects is the epitome of frivolity.
Jonathan Miller
#49. Maxwell's Equations have had a greater impact on human history than any ten presidents.
Carl Sagan
#50. Two days ago we waded through the mud out to this grave beneath the pines at the foot of the hill to place a Christmas wreath on it, hoping he would look down from the Paradise of Ten Billion Trees and Unrationable Dog Biscuits and pity us.
Eugene O'Neill
#51. Peter, you're twelve years old. I'm ten. They have a word for people our age. They call us children and they treat us like mice.
Orson Scott Card
#52. Prayer is like Thanksgiving dinner. It takes one hour to eat it and ten hours to prepare it.
Peter Kreeft
#53. For the first thirty years of my life I exercised very little, and I smoked cigarettes for ten or twelve years, and I ate junk food. And I began to see some elders in my community's health decline, and I didn't want that to happen to me.
Jason Mraz
#54. How lucky my life is that I have two arms, and two legs, and ten fingers with which to make things out of wood.
Nick Offerman
#55. It has been a year, two months, and seventeen days since I last saw him.Two years, ten months and five days since he broke my heart.Technically, he began breaking my heart the moment I met him, five years, eleven months, and one day ago.
Willow Aster
#56. The normal profits of a business concern in the United States are six, eight, ten, and sometimes twelve percent. But war-time profits - ah! that is another matter - twenty, sixty, one hundred, three hundred, and even eighteen hundred per cent - the sky is the limit.
Smedley Butler
#57. My parents were married for sixty-five years, and I was married for about ten minutes, my first year at Yale Drama School. Something, somehow, didn't get passed on to my generation.
Lewis Black
#58. Not only don't I know who I am, but I'm very suspicious of people who do know who they are. I am sometimes ten or twelve people a day, and sometimes four or five people an hour!
Tom Baker
#59. America is no longer a country that cares about experts. In fact, it hates experts. If you can't fit a story into the culture-war storyline in ten seconds or less, it dies.
Matt Taibbi
#60. For lack of a few pinches of ordinary iodised table salt in the diet of a third world pregnant mother, a child can lose up to ten IQ (Intelligence Quotient) points.
Sheryl WuDunn
#61. After an acquaintance of ten minutes many women will exchange confidences that a man would not reveal to a lifelong friend
Page Smith
#62. This is ten percent luck, Twenty percent skill, Fifteen percent power of will, Five percent pleasure, Fifty percent pain, and a hundred percent reason to remember the name.
Mike Shinoda
#63. Who has a house for ten years and doesn't own a drill? - Kerry
A gay man who has the phone number of a really hot carpenter. - Malcolm
Jaime Samms
#64. She'd been in math classes with Quentin since they were ten years old, and anything he could do she could do just as well, backward and in high heels if necessary.
Lev Grossman
#65. The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one.
Joan Baez
#66. Hall of Love has ten thousand swords. Don't be afraid to use one.
#67. All five hundred boys want to go out with the same ten anorexic girls." She said, "I'm a good musician, but not many guys are looking for a girl that plays great Bach preludes.
Mary Pipher
#68. Guys won't admit it, but we're all obsessed with our biceps. I did three sets of ten reps, thirty-five pounds on each side. I knew I was pushing it, especially since we have practice this afternoon, but what the fuck. That was going to be my motto today. What the fuck.
Carolyn Mackler
#69. The carriage could only clop along at about ten miles per hour, which only accentuated Imogene's excitement. She urged it onward: "Fly, horse, fly!
Hunter Murphy
#70. Community college is like a disco with books: "Here's ten dollars; let me get my learn on!"
Chris Rock
#71. Bottle, whose Mysterious Deep Do's ten thousand Secrets keep, With attentive Ear I wait; Ease my Mind, and speak my Fate.
Francois Rabelais
#72. Our mental environment is a common-property resource like the air or the water. We need to protect ourselves from unwanted incursions into it, much the same way we lobbied for nonsmoking areas ten years ago.
Kalle Lasn
#74. Building a boat is about ten times more work than you think it could possibly be.
David C. Powell
#75. Israel of the coastal plain, where eight out of ten Israeli Jews live far removed from the occupied territories, from the fiery Jerusalem, from the religious and nationalistic conflicts, is unknown to the outside world, almost unknown to itself.
Amos Oz
#76. So ... what are you delivering today
pizza or death?"
"Both, actually. Pepperoni for you now, and a fatal aneurism to the woman in room 408 in about ten hours.
Rachel Vincent
#77. Boys. Nine times out of ten, they're wrong and the tenth time they made a lucky guess.
Kirn Hans
#78. I need my sleep. I need about eight hours a day, and about ten at night.
Bill Hicks
#79. If you wanted me to take a shower, you should have payed me ten bucks like you usually do!
James Patterson
#81. Ten years. Ten years. Rachel missed her father every day. Not consciously, but his absence was a part of her, like a vine that wraps around a structure, sustains it even as it weakens it.
Laura Lippman
#82. Jenson Button is in the top ten, in eleventh position.
Murray Walker
#83. If you steal from one book you are condemned as a plagiarist, but if you steal from ten books you are considered a scholar, and if you steal from thirty or forty books, a distinguished scholar.
Amos Oz
#84. It was like she'd been deserted on an island, hadn't seen another human being in ten years and was beside herself with joy that she finally had more than a coconut to talk to.
Kristen Ashley
#85. I was ten when I got my first serious beating. It was rough.
David Bailey
#86. Ten years after the Chernobyl accident, and am I the only one that's disappointed? Still no superheros.
Jimmy Carr
#87. It is said there are flowers that bloom only once in a hundred years. Why should there not be some that bloom once in a thousand, in ten thousand years? Perhaps we never know about them simply because this "once in a thousand years" has come today.
Yevgeny Zamyatin
#88. Be. So I follow the Lindy effect as a guide in selecting what to read: books that have been around for ten years will be around for ten more; books that have been around for two millennia should be around for quite a bit of time, and so forth.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
#89. And then she drew Jace standing on the roof, looking down at the ten-story drop below. Not afraid, but as if the fall challenged him - as if there were no empty space he could not fill with his belief in his own invincibility.
Cassandra Clare
#90. It's nice if you're making a regular pop or rock album and you get ten little songs. But I really try to make the album with one big story instead of ten small stories.
Hans-Peter Lindstrom
#91. Mr. Speaker, the fact of the matter is that the Ten Commandments are a historical document that contains moral, ethical, and legal truisms that any person of any religion or even an atheist can recognize and appreciate.
Cliff Stearns
#92. Dana raised her hand. "I learned about exaggeration," she said. "It was all my teacher ever talked about. We had like ten thousand tests on it, and the teacher would kill you if you didn't spell it right." "That's very good, Dana!" said Mrs. Jewls. "You learned your lesson well.
Louis Sachar
#93. For every virtuous man, there are ten thousand worshipers of virtue.
Jeffrey Fry
#94. Well, I wasn't just kind of standing in a queue at McDonald's and someone sat down and said, 'You're the director of a $100 million Hollywood movie.' I've been working in commercials for ten years.
Rupert Sanders
#95. Ten thousand years ago, humans plus their pets and livestock accounted for about 0.1% of the terrestrial vertebrate biomass inhabiting the earth; we now account for 98%.
Daniel J. Levitin
#96. Bilbao opened in 1997. It was only ten years later that I was asked to do another museum. A lot of other people got work because of Bilbao.
Frank Gehry
#97. One-hundred-ten years of history, great diversity, lots of new earnings drivers and I just became a grandpa - twins. And I'm buying JJ, Pfizer and Warner for their future college funds.
David O. Sacks
#98. What if the healing of the world utterly depends on the ten-thousand invisible kindnesses we offer simply and quietly throughout the pilgrimage of each human life?
Wayne Muller
#99. One chair upon another is pornographic. Ten in a stack is aspirational. I made so many mistakes on purpose just to get them out of the way. One cannot convince another to love anything or anyone. Better than arguing is just pointing and saying Look at that. I've
Sarah Manguso
#100. A good writer does not receive anywhere near the number of poison-pen letters that is commonly assumed. Among a hundred jackassesthere are not ten who will admit to being jackasses, and at most one who will put it in writing.
Karl Kraus
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