Top 100 Quotes About Calm Down

#1. Woah! Calm down, Curly!

Louis Tomlinson

Quotes About Calm Down #39439
#2. Yoga gave me the ability to calm down.

Christy Turlington

Quotes About Calm Down #40686
#3. I will not calm down!

J.K. Rowling

Quotes About Calm Down #62260
#4. Things are finally starting to calm down and be the way they're supposed to be. I think things happen for a reason.

Eddie Cibrian

Quotes About Calm Down #65425
#5. It's bitten her!' he cried. 'It's Bitten her! It's bitten her! Calm down! Get moving! Call an ambulance! Call the police! Call a scientist! Call my wife! This is terrible! This is awful! This is ghastly! This is phantasmagorical! This is-

Lemony Snicket

Quotes About Calm Down #79092
#6. Verne frowned. "Calm down. Don't exert yourself in your condition."
Salen looked at Verne in amazement. "Don't exert --! My dear woman, we are all about to die! I don't think it damn well matters if I shit my pants at this point --

Ash Gray

Quotes About Calm Down #80983
#7. It's in my interest, in ours perhaps, or maybe the interests of the greater good, for me to smoke a joint, and calm down.

Hunter S. Thompson

Quotes About Calm Down #83180
#8. You should calm down and listen to the voice of your heart. This is your inner voice, your intuition or strong desire or a passion to a certain kind of activity

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About Calm Down #83322
#9. Before, I was so stupid. But, you know, when you have friends who died on the street, you say, okay, let's calm down. It's not the kind of energy I want to have in life. I want to go slower, and longer.

Olivier Martinez

Quotes About Calm Down #85156
#10. I don't think I'll ever calm down. I'm afraid that's me. Honestly, I'll just take one massive big 'woof' and I shall be gone. Heart - gone!

Martin O'Neill

Quotes About Calm Down #107696
#11. Consolation
Calm down. Both your sins and your good deeds will be lost in oblivion.

Czeslaw Milosz

Quotes About Calm Down #140098
#12. During my stage shows, I am so energetic. It's constant! I just don't stand still. I actually got given a mic stand from my team to say 'Just calm down. Stand still for at least two songs.' But now I just pick it up and walk around with it.

Jessie J.

Quotes About Calm Down #156696
#13. To toughen up, is to calm down.

Doug Melvin

Quotes About Calm Down #158656
#14. Calm down," comes a voice, and it's not Razor's. I rip my focus away from the water and there's a man [Pigpen] with blond hair and a cut like Razor's slowly approaching the bridge. His hands are up - a sign of submission. "Just calm down.

Katie McGarry

Quotes About Calm Down #180605
#15. Knitting is something you can do, even when your heart is going like a trip-hammer and the pit of your stomach feels all gone and your thoughts are catawampus. Then when I see the headlines, be they good or be they bad, I calm down and am able to go about my business again.

L.M. Montgomery

Quotes About Calm Down #187439
#16. If I could give my teenaged self any advice, it would be 'Calm down!'

Zooey Deschanel

Quotes About Calm Down #201275
#17. Sometimes I would want to sink, and then while I was sinking I'd go, "Wait a minute, this isn't what I want to do," and I would calm down while I was sinking and then start rising back to the surface again.

Axl Rose

Quotes About Calm Down #222594
#18. I will not calm down! Women are allowed to get angrier than men about double standards.


Quotes About Calm Down #236816
#19. I'll have to calm down a bit. Or else I'll burst with happiness

Tove Jansson

Quotes About Calm Down #260721
#20. Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It's all funny. Next. Everyone gets so upset about the wrong things.

Joan Rivers

Quotes About Calm Down #265796
#21. Caroline, I love the shit out of you. So calm down and just tell me what you need. No more holding back. And then I'll tell you what I need, and we'll figure out how to work it out.

Alice Clayton

Quotes About Calm Down #267332
#22. My dad doesn't like to admit it, but he's the ultimate stage dad. He likes to see himself as my manager even though he's not. I tell him to calm down at least twice a week. The day of the Tony nominations, I honestly thought he was having a heart attack.

Brandon Uranowitz

Quotes About Calm Down #347364
#23. Can you take me back into town?" I say. "I can't get my voicemails."
"Why don't you calm down, D-Dub. I know you're menstruating, but everything's going to be fine. Once we get inside, I'll explain all about maxi pads, personal hygiene and the feel of a man's penis.

Victoria Scott

Quotes About Calm Down #349772
#24. Was the secret boyfriend." Jett's hand shot through his dark hair as he tried to calm down the angry voice inside him. No good in lashing out at the people around him. They weren't to blame. "I tried

J.C. Reed

Quotes About Calm Down #371950
#25. No! I will not calm down! He should be fired. WE should have him fired! You're clearly depressed and he needs to help you. He can't tell you to try harder next time That's sick! SICK!

Kate Brian

Quotes About Calm Down #377551
#26. I called Kevin Spacey one day about something else, but he didnt say to me calm down, like The New York Times said. Because I was not deranged.

Gabriel Byrne

Quotes About Calm Down #387594
#27. YOU are using a frisbee as a plate."
"Uh, what? I'm not using a
oh hang on, this is a frisbee. Weird."
Victor glared at me.
"Dude, calm down, I'll wash it afterward. It's probably dishwasher safe.

Jenny Lawson

Quotes About Calm Down #390060
#28. When I was a kid, my mom used to run the vacuum cleaner, and the noise would bother me so much that I would run into the woods to calm down. I feel like that vacuum cleaner has been on since I moved to New York City.

Steve Burns

Quotes About Calm Down #399220
#29. I was in analysis and I told my analyst I wanted to be the best sculptor in the world and he said, 'Richard, calm down.'

Richard Serra

Quotes About Calm Down #404987
#30. I'm going to kill you."
"Babe, calm down," Vaughan whispered in my ear.
"Let me go."
"Don't think that's a good idea. You wanted to stay out of jail, remember?"
"I want to kill him more," I panted. "Much, much more.

Kylie Scott

Quotes About Calm Down #407779
#31. The youth rebellion [1968] is a worldwide phenomenon that has not been seen before in history. I do not believe they will calm down ad be ad execs at thirty as the Establishment would like us to believe.

William S. Burroughs

Quotes About Calm Down #410675
#32. Sometimes I wish that I could go into a time machine right now and just look at my self and say, 'Calm down. Things are gonna be fine. Things are gonna be all great. Just relax.'

Tristan Wilds

Quotes About Calm Down #453061
#33. If I want to calm down, I'll buy some fabric, get a pattern, shut myself in a room and stay there for days, really happy. And at the end of it, you get a bedspread or some curtains or something to wear - it's lovely.


Quotes About Calm Down #454616
#34. Just relax. When I was younger, I made myself the victim of catastrophic thinking. Anything that went wrong was the end of the world. But as I've gotten older, I've learned to stop myself and say, 'Hey babe, calm down. Tomorrow there will be sun.'

Gabourey Sidibe

Quotes About Calm Down #455401
#35. WHAT! What do you mean you got kidnapped? What happened?" "Calm down, it's okay. I killed him.

Charlotte Abel

Quotes About Calm Down #455426
#36. It's no problem." Marco shrugged. "You're family."
Her eyes bugged out at me and she whispered comically, "I'm family."
I patted her shoulder. "They're not the Mafia, Liv. Calm down.

Samantha Young

Quotes About Calm Down #465034
#37. But some people can't tell where it hurts. They can't calm down. They can't ever stop howling.

Margaret Atwood

Quotes About Calm Down #495920
#38. Calm down, I ordered myself. You're no good like this. Get a grip.

Alexandra Bracken

Quotes About Calm Down #521189
#39. I wil not calm down. My baby girl is moving halfway across the country."
"She's been moved away before," Dad pointed out.
"Yeah, but that was with Billy. We all knew he wouldn't work out. We're talking about Hank here. Look at him," she pointed to Hank.
"She's never coming home. Never.

Kristen Ashley

Quotes About Calm Down #541316
#40. My acting coach I've got here, Richard Lawson, he's been doing good, just telling me to calm down sometimes and just be me.

Kevin Durant

Quotes About Calm Down #547152
#41. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to calm down.
You're the only person I let talk to me this way. You know what would happen if you were anyone else?

Kenya Wright

Quotes About Calm Down #548082
#42. Calm down, it isn't a ring I laughed and he pushed the box across the table to me and I blushed and opened it.

Mercy Cortez

Quotes About Calm Down #549151
#43. Just calm down and think, sir. Think. Where is your wife?

Stefania Mattana

Quotes About Calm Down #549188
#44. Pour some water into a tub and stir it up. Now try as hard as you can to calm the water with your hands; you will succeed in agitating it further. Let it stand undisturbed a while, and it will calm down by itself. The human brain works much the same way.

Koichi Tohei

Quotes About Calm Down #568038
#45. The more you read, the more you calm down.

Robert M. Pirsig

Quotes About Calm Down #597387
#46. In my experience, the words "now just calm down" almost inevitably have the opposite effect on the person you are speaking to.

Elyn R. Saks

Quotes About Calm Down #599965
#47. I've been doing long-distance backpacking since 2002 when I hiked the Appalachian Trail. You start to calm down and relax and get into the slower rhythm of nature.

John Mackey

Quotes About Calm Down #604779
#48. Listening to music as preparation or background for your work brings you into a creative mood ... choose one type of music to calm down, another to reach a higher energy level, depending on the artwork you are doing.

Nita Leland

Quotes About Calm Down #611055
#49. Sex is a release. Purely physical. That's all. At least to men it is.
Okay, okay - calm down - don't start throwing shoes at me or something.
At least to this man it is. Better?

Emma Chase

Quotes About Calm Down #625218
#50. Because we're going to stay here a little while and calm down until I've learned your names. Light my pipe, someone!

Tove Jansson

Quotes About Calm Down #656338
#51. Gradually, he didn't doubt, the world would calm down into a gigantic welfare state devoted to sporting, cultural and sexual exchange, with the accepted international currency being items of hifi equipment.

Julian Barnes

Quotes About Calm Down #657846
#52. When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, "What's your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act." And they do calm down.

Emil Cioran

Quotes About Calm Down #669586
#53. It's a safe bet that someone who tells you you need to calm down has never actually seen you when you needed to calm down.

Robert Breault

Quotes About Calm Down #674805
#54. And then she said, 'Let's play Truth or Dare' and then you fucked her."
"Wait, you fucked her? In front of the Colonel?" Takumi cried.
"I didn't fuck her."
"Calm down, guys," the Colonel said, throwing up his hands. "It's a euphemism."
"For what?" Takumi asked.

John Green

Quotes About Calm Down #675582
#55. One key symptom of alcoholism is that the individual comes to need a drink for every mood-one to calm down, one to perk up, one to celebrate, one to deal with disappointment, and so on.

Phyllis A. Balch

Quotes About Calm Down #675886
#56. Sometimes ignoring people's anger made them calm down.

Faith Hunter

Quotes About Calm Down #688590
#57. Ah ... ! What's happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What's my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now ... oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it?

Douglas Adams

Quotes About Calm Down #707459
#58. What are you doing, meditating?"
"No, I'm trying to calm down so I don't kick your ass," she said through clenched teeth.

Stacey Kade

Quotes About Calm Down #720033
#59. One of the great things about writing middle-grade books is that it's really a nice break, when you're writing super intense stuff like 'Coldtown', to be able to write something a little lighter - calm down and do something different.

Holly Black

Quotes About Calm Down #729056
#60. Do be kind to yourself. Fill pages as quickly as possible; double space, or write on every second line. Regard every new page as a small triumph, until you get to page 50. Then calm down, and start worrying about the quality. Do feel anxiety - it's the job.

Roddy Doyle

Quotes About Calm Down #740455
#61. It's important to let go, calm down, and get grounded. We need to listen to ourselves. When one becomes aware that our present-moment thoughts are not productive, one should simply let them go. Change a negative thought to a positive one.

Horst Rechelbacher

Quotes About Calm Down #756918
#62. Oh my God, calm down, Darwin. Don't get all crazy just 'cause I threw a vampire monkey wrench in your faulty Jesus-zombie logic.

Jenny Lawson

Quotes About Calm Down #761423
#63. Hey, calm down, OK? My penis isn't going to suddenly lunge at your face.

Charlotte Stein

Quotes About Calm Down #773173
#64. I used to get nervous so I took up Yoga to help me calm down.

Jim Sullivan

Quotes About Calm Down #807935
#65. I go to the ocean to calm down, to reconnect with the creator, to just be happy.

Nnedi Okorafor

Quotes About Calm Down #808458
#66. We had a very energetic floor manager and he was always jumping around all over the place. The director would send down messages like, Can you tell that actor to calm down?

Sarah Sutton

Quotes About Calm Down #809398
#67. Okay, that's enough. Everyone. Let's just calm down. We don't want to look bad in front of the psychopaths.

Tom Taylor

Quotes About Calm Down #816206
#68. Calm Down
what happens
happens mostly
without you.

Josef Albers

Quotes About Calm Down #834949
#69. Calm down? Calm done! What is it about those two words that make the fury inside me burn hotter? It's as though a match is lit, setting every muscle, every nerve ending in my body, in flames. Calm down. Those simple words cause an entirely different response in a person than they should.

Ashley Stoyanoff

Quotes About Calm Down #884213
#70. Only let the moving waters calm down, and the sun and moon will be reflected on the surface of your being.

Deepak Chopra

Quotes About Calm Down #908535
#71. Calm down Weston. It was just a window. I wasn't aiming for your head. - Samuel

Angela Richardson

Quotes About Calm Down #909066
#72. Let the mind calm down and the heart start to open. Then everything will be very obvious.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Quotes About Calm Down #914925
#73. I have to have a little bit of time to myself right before whatever it is that I have to do because most of the time I'm sitting in my head convincing myself to calm down, all right, show down.

Christina Milian

Quotes About Calm Down #915162
#74. Will you calm down for a minute, you psycho chicken, and tell me what the hell is going on?

Sarah Mayberry

Quotes About Calm Down #915173
#75. Calm down. Deep breaths. Go to your happy place. Oh, wait. I don't have one.

Richard Kadrey

Quotes About Calm Down #920387
#76. ... she was so exhausted and tired, so overwhelmed, that she needed a Red Bull, to calm down and fall asleep.


Quotes About Calm Down #935752
#77. I feel like saying we need to all calm down a little. Let's take the time to breathe. I have no intention of allowing myself be distracted.

Pauline Marois

Quotes About Calm Down #941160
#78. Sitting here and waiting on her to calm down enough to tell me who I needed to go beat the shit out of for making her cry wasn't easy.

Abbi Glines

Quotes About Calm Down #946016
#79. Easy, man." He slowly turned and his dark eyes narrowed. "Don't mess up your house. Or my face. You like us both. We'll deal with how to handle this as soon as you calm down.

Laurann Dohner

Quotes About Calm Down #973932
#80. I keep telling myself to calm down, to take less of an interest in things and not to get so excited, but I still care a lot about liberty, freedom of speech and expression, and fairness in journalism.

Kate Adie

Quotes About Calm Down #1000412
#81. There, there." Fruit cake. "Calm down - " "Don't

Penny Reid

Quotes About Calm Down #1008423
#82. Whoa, there. Calm down." "Don't tell me what to do." "Okay, fine. Freak out.

Chelsea M. Cameron

Quotes About Calm Down #1019368
#83. To be honest, I know this probably sounds corny or whatever because I'm a musician, but listening to music really helps me relax and calm down - listening to my favorite songs. Also, laughing and hanging out with my friends.

Austin Mahone

Quotes About Calm Down #1067300
#84. Okay. Hey. Calm down." The rage filled my body head to

London Casey

Quotes About Calm Down #1075281
#85. Calm down, Horus said.
"Don't tell me to calm down!"
Bast frowned. "I didn't."
"Talking to him!" I pointed at my forehead.

Rick Riordan

Quotes About Calm Down #1077117
#86. Focus less on whether or not you win in the end. You still have to be sharp; that's why you prepare well. But once you've prepared, you need to calm down. And you can. You know why? Because it really doesn't matter that much.

David Jensen

Quotes About Calm Down #1080820
#87. There was a time when the community that was on the Net was homogenous and civilized. Now it's not. We're in the middle of chaos. It may calm down. But the alternative is that there's a total meltdown of the system and that it becomes unusable. That would be a catastrophe.

Robert Cailliau

Quotes About Calm Down #1118944
#88. You'd got a baseball game, or a football game, basketball game, "USA! USA! USA!" Hey, calm down! Got a little German on it, don't you think?

Chris Rock

Quotes About Calm Down #1134586
#89. You need to calm down and remember that everyone grieves differently. Doesn't mean they don't care. You don't judge people in pain, and you damn sure don't lash out at them when they've lost what Syn has!

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Quotes About Calm Down #1150468
#90. I still want to be as approachable and relatable as possible - when I meet fans and they're crying, I'll say, 'Calm down, there's nothing to cry about.'

Katy Perry

Quotes About Calm Down #1155894
#91. Seven billion who need to be kept happy, and docile, until the end. How do you do that? What's the best way to calm down a scared kid, get them to go back to sleep? Tell them a story. Some shit about Jesus or whatever.

Neal Stephenson

Quotes About Calm Down #1176380
#92. Tiffany's Second Thoughts said: Hang on, was that a First Thought? And Tiffany thought: No, that was a Third Thought. I'm thinking about how I think about what I'm thinking. At least, I think so. Her Second Thoughts said: Let's all calm down, please, because this is quite a small head.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About Calm Down #1213836
#93. Calm down. Ghosts don't ring the doorbell.

Kelly Moran

Quotes About Calm Down #1234451
#94. Don't worry, I'll calm down by tonight when we go out. Provided you keep your clothes on all day and manage not to commit any felonies."
Praline mumbled a promise to do his best, though even he worried that it might not be possible.

Marshall Thornton

Quotes About Calm Down #1235645
#95. There often seems to be a playfulness to wise people, as if either their equanimity has as its source this playfulness or the playfulness flows from equanimity; and they can persuade other people who are in a state of agitation to calm down and smile.

Edward Hoagland

Quotes About Calm Down #1237880
#96. When all this fame first comes, it's like being hit by a giant wave. You panic and think if you can just calm down and see where it's going, you'll be okay. Then you become more relaxed.

Julia Roberts

Quotes About Calm Down #1239819
#97. In my experience, it's all wonderful with girls until about 16. Around that time, boys kind of calm down and start focusing their testosterone. Girls get a little challenging, especially for fathers.

Tim Allen

Quotes About Calm Down #1256911
#98. I have so much chaos in my life, it's become normal. You become used to it. You have to just relax, calm down, take a deep breath and try to see how you can make things work rather than complain about how they're wrong.

Tom Welling

Quotes About Calm Down #1267212
#99. Stories are really important to people and can really change the way they understand, and even live, their lives. As such, I don't agree much with people who say, 'Calm down, it's just a story.'

Tim Pratt

Quotes About Calm Down #1306015
#100. Let the fame calm down first and then do something. I don't act on emotion, I don't spend on impulse.


Quotes About Calm Down #1313565

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