Top 89 I Love You Kid Quotes

#1. Bella, I love you, kid, he said in case she could hear. Fear brushed the walls of his chest, circling inside him like a bat in a house. Then he got hold of it. He wanted to get something for her, anything, but he did not want her to feel him let go of her hand.

Thomas Harris

I Love You Kid Quotes #366365
#2. I love writing in first person more than third. I have to basically suspend my own world. I don't exist. I'm just a conduit. So I can be eight years old. I can be the mother of a kid that you find out certain things I'm not going to say.

Terry McMillan

I Love You Kid Quotes #1305422
#3. I love the fact that I have a show where you can run over a kid and everyone busts out laughing.

Dave Chappelle

I Love You Kid Quotes #1335549
#4. I love being a mom. But there's a certain kind of tedium to your life when your kid is young. Writing allows you to wander when your kid is napping in a crib ten feet away. So that's the great joy of writing fiction for me.

Gayle Forman

I Love You Kid Quotes #1296107
#5. Onething i have learnt is that parents should treat their kids in a way they would love in return, because growing up litteraly makes you a kid again. you will get it too.

Mohlalefi J Motsima

I Love You Kid Quotes #1282529
#6. When you're on TV in America, the girls love you. I'm not complaining.

Kid Rock

I Love You Kid Quotes #1268566
#7. I was a kid. I didn't know about love, that you see someone and whether or not they say much, they make the world suddenly different, a mysterious and more alive place that you can access only through them. And the new, better world falls lifeless and flat when they go away.

Rachel Kushner

I Love You Kid Quotes #1254114
#8. Chewie hugs him and purrs. "I'll be back. We're not done, you and I. We'll see each other again. I'm gonna be a father and no way my kid won't have you in his life." One more bark and yip as Chewie pets his head. "Yeah, pal. I know." He sighs. "I love you, too.

Chuck Wendig

I Love You Kid Quotes #1247935
#9. Every parent craves for a child, and once their wishes come true, they feel that it's not possible for them to love anyone more that the first born. But the fact is, after you have the second issue, the feeling is, how can I not love the kid?


I Love You Kid Quotes #1230195
#10. I still love comic books. When you have a kid, that's an excuse to keep reading all the comic books.

Jimmy Kimmel

I Love You Kid Quotes #1209923
#11. When I was a kid if I was unhappy, I'd stroke my dog. I was into bringing injured birds into the house, RSPCA activities. And the relationship that you have with animals, you can get that from your children: that unquestioning love and adoration and equal need.

Steve McFadden

I Love You Kid Quotes #1198966
#12. I've always loved The Simpsons, just because it was really, really funny. As a kid, you love the characters. You know that the dad is dumb and frustrated, and you know that the boy is smarter than everyone else around him and is constantly getting into mischief.

Alex Hirsch

I Love You Kid Quotes #1168738
#13. I do love foreplay," he whispered against her lips. "Days and days worth of it. I want to look forward to you like a kid looks forward to Christmas.

Leslie Kelly

I Love You Kid Quotes #1158439
#14. It [love about acting] is all about role playing - the same thing you do when you're a kid, when you play with dolls or toys and make up stories. I never grew out of it.

Morgan Freeman

I Love You Kid Quotes #1039059
#15. But honestly, it's pretty weird; there are girls who'd do absolutely everything just to get a backstage pass. I don't know what it is, but really, when you're on national TV in America the girls love you. They all want you! And I'm not complaining!

Kid Rock

I Love You Kid Quotes #1033293
#16. If it is a sin to be gay, then why did God make you that way to begin with? ... What kid of god would condemn someone for just being the way that they are? ... I do not believe for one second that God thinks we are unnatural or sinful because we love people of our same gender.

Jeff Erno

I Love You Kid Quotes #981798
#17. I love you like a fat kid love cake.

Curtis Jackson

I Love You Kid Quotes #948627
#18. I think open adoption is a great idea, because it allows a relationship between the birth mother and her child so that the kid isn't like, "Where did I come from?" And to have it be like, "Look, you have a bunch of people who love you."

Kathleen Hanna

I Love You Kid Quotes #937118
#19. If you pray enough for things, I am proof that they can happen. I feel like a kid on Christmas day now, every day. It's something I have wanted for a long time and I am as happy as anyone to be here. It is great to be back at my first love.

Robbie Fowler

I Love You Kid Quotes #930803
#20. I guess I am basically most comfortable when I'm alone. As a kid, I was very much a loner. I love long distance running and long distance biking. A director once pointed out that those are all very isolated exercises you do for hours at a time.

Kevin Conroy

I Love You Kid Quotes #911833
#21. I don't have any great love for Chicago. What the hell, a childhood around Douglas Park isn't very memorable. I remember the street fights and how you were afraid to cross the bridge 'cause the Irish kid on the other side would beat your head in. I left Chicago a long time ago.

Benny Goodman

I Love You Kid Quotes #907722
#22. You're weird." "I know." I lifted my head so my chin rested on his chest. "But you love me?" His lips tipped up at the corners. "I love you as much as a kid loves Santa." I laughed. "That's serious." "Hardcore," he murmured.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

I Love You Kid Quotes #900261
#23. He put a quarter in and dialed. "You fuckin' proud of yourself?" he said. "Don't you fuck with me, kid. You think I won't break into your place and start a fire? You ready to watch every single thing you love fucking burn?

Isaac Oliver

I Love You Kid Quotes #892742
#24. Someone like my mum would say, Oh, you're just a kid, you don't know what love is.But I didn't think of anything else apart from being with Alicia, and the only time I felt like I was where I wanted to be was when I was with her. I mean, that may as well be love, mightn't it?

Nick Hornby

I Love You Kid Quotes #1578912
#25. When I was a kid, you listened to a certain genre. Now it's like, "I love indie rock, I love hip-hop, jazz, funk." Also, we knew it couldn't be the same thing each year.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

I Love You Kid Quotes #1859833
#26. Now I am in to fat chains, sex and techs, fly new chicks, new kicks,
I love you like a fat kid love cake.

Curtis Jackson

I Love You Kid Quotes #1854698
#27. I don't know what I'm saying, really, but I guess it's like having a kid, though I don't have any kids. It's yours, you made it, and no matter what happens, you have that pride of ownership. You love it, even it it didn't amount to much.

Kevin Wilson

I Love You Kid Quotes #1832912
#28. I find it weird the way people get so excited about celebrity. If my friends are on the phone, their friends will say: 'Is that kid from 'Love Actually' there?' And the phone gets passed round and I have to speak to this stranger asking: 'Are you famous?' I don't know how to answer.

Thomas Sangster

I Love You Kid Quotes #1811165
#29. Musically, I actually grew up listening to country music as a kid, like George Strait, Alan Jackson ... all those guys. So it was kind of weird crossing over from that to pop and R&B, but you know, I love Michael Jackson, Ne-Yo, Usher, R. Kelly, Drake, Boyz II Men.

Austin Mahone

I Love You Kid Quotes #1803457
#30. I love Valentine's Day. When you're a kid everyone gets a Valentine. It's like 'TO TIM, NICE PANTS, LOVE SCOTT'. It's Valentines galore!

Mike Birbiglia

I Love You Kid Quotes #1761765
#31. I've been drawing since I was a little kid, but it's not something I love to do every day. If there's one thing I love to do every day, it'd probably be acting. I can act every day. I'd happily do it, you don't have to pay me. But that's one thing I'd love to do and get paid for.

Vinny Guadagnino

I Love You Kid Quotes #1729786
#32. I love you like a fat kid loves cake!

Scott Adams

I Love You Kid Quotes #1707807
#33. It was a proud moment in giving me the confidence, that I was 'stamped' in the offices as much, you know, as I would get from the streets. To where it's like I'm getting the love from the streets and from the people in the building - and that's kinda dope.

Kid Ink

I Love You Kid Quotes #1626314
#34. I love IMDB. I love that people all over the country get that into it. When I was a kid, you literally had to go to the theater and stare at the poster to see who the hell was involved.

Allen Covert

I Love You Kid Quotes #1589757
#35. I know that," the Kid says smartly. "Some people are just not meant to be together. But that doesn't mean you can't love them.

T.J. Klune

I Love You Kid Quotes #876993
#36. You know, Joey, the medication has helped settle you down, but you have been a good kid all along. You are naturally good. I hope you know that about yourself. You have a good heart.

Jack Gantos

I Love You Kid Quotes #1577403
#37. I just like observing people - it's something I've done ever since I was a kid, and I got really good at it. That's a big part of why I became a comedian. My audience is filled with every kind of person you can imagine, and I love that.

Ellen DeGeneres

I Love You Kid Quotes #1559410
#38. If my kid came to me and said 'I'm gay,' I'd say, 'Son, I love you.'

Kirk Cameron

I Love You Kid Quotes #1498443
#39. When I talk to other young people, I try to be as straightforward as possible. I'm a kid. I love getting outdoors. You should get outside, too!

Nolan Gould

I Love You Kid Quotes #1482565
#40. Girls that I dated, it's ok I am not mad yo Unless you stabbed me in the heart, no love ho.

Kid Cudi

I Love You Kid Quotes #1479311
#41. The key is that your children are aware that you love them a lot, and that you are there when they really, really need you. If a kid was ill, I would simply leave a meeting and go home.

Marian Wright Edelman

I Love You Kid Quotes #1446081
#42. We're just into toys, whether it's motorcycles or race cars or computers. I've got the Palm Pilot right here with me, I've got the world's smallest phone. Maybe it's just because I'm still a big little kid and I just love toys, you know?

Catherine Bell

I Love You Kid Quotes #1446040
#43. I never heard so many kids talk about just doing anything to be famous. I mean, yeah, fame is part of the deal when you're a kid and you think, I wanna go into music, but everybody that I knew was really doing it because of their love for it. I don't see so much of that anymore.

David Bowie

I Love You Kid Quotes #1383304
#44. Do you love me?"
I nodded like a kid that wanted ice cream. "Yes."
"Like love me so much that you wouldn't be able to kill me if I turned into a zombie?

Penelope Douglas

I Love You Kid Quotes #1375662
#45. I've changed for the better. I'm much more selfless and humble and you're reminded about what life's really about. You love your kid so much that you just want to be a brilliant role model for them. It cleans up your act a bit.

Curtis Stone

I Love You Kid Quotes #1368202
#46. As a kid, you just like anything fanciful that you're into, but as an adult, I really love that kind of place where the super hero mythos meets life, where it has that human story; that's what I think I was really drawn to when I started getting into the X-Men.

Cress Williams

I Love You Kid Quotes #236691
#47. I love my parents. But I'm almost 28 and it's not fun to be asked, 'What are you doing today? What do you want for dinner? When are you going to be home?' It just makes you feel like a kid. It's this juxtaposition of feeling annoyed and really lucky to have people who love you so much.

Jonah Hill

I Love You Kid Quotes #373460
#48. I would say that I probably had an unhealthy love affair with drinking. I grew up as this kind of insecure kid, you know, kind of making my way. And drinking took all of that away.

Michael Botticelli

I Love You Kid Quotes #367936
#49. I'm not comfortable in this stadium," I explained, trying to look calm.
"I know. And you hate Fang looking at those girls. But we're still having
fun, and Fang still loves you, and you'll still save the world. Okay?

James Patterson

I Love You Kid Quotes #354264
#50. I just wasn't raised a granola eating, peace love hippie type person. I'm from Michigan and was raised in and around Detroit where it is kind of you get respect and you give respect. That is how I feel.

Kid Rock

I Love You Kid Quotes #351208
#51. You're not going to ask about your boyfriend?" she asked.
"Don't have one," I told her.
"Well, there's a kid who has hardly left the waiting room since you got here," she said.

John Green

I Love You Kid Quotes #328744
#52. I have children, and this notion - that there might be a single book that introduces children to literature - terrifies me. But you could do worse than Mary Norton's 'The Borrowers.' I loved it as a kid, and my kids love it, too.

Elizabeth McCracken

I Love You Kid Quotes #312462
#53. I grew up at my grandmother's house, and she had a beautiful garden. I used to hate mowing the lawn and weeding, which is what you do when you're a kid. I loathe gardening, but I love gardens, and I have two beautiful gardens.

Elton John

I Love You Kid Quotes #292193
#54. It's kind of a Peter Pan thing: I want to stay a kid. I love it. But I guess you have to grow up someday. Everybody does.

Kodi Smit-McPhee

I Love You Kid Quotes #265112
#55. I did always dream of being a professional player. I think every kid does dream of being a pro, but to last the journey you have to love tennis as a sport and if you are lucky enough to make it in the pros, it is really a bonus.

Samantha Stosur

I Love You Kid Quotes #256837
#56. Virtually every kid is exposed to giants and ogres and talking wolves, and so forth. And magic. And I think you never outgrow your love for those imaginative, fanciful, farfetched, fantastic characters and situations.

Stan Lee

I Love You Kid Quotes #247589
#57. As a kid, I always loved serialized books. It's the reason why people love 'Harry Potter.' Serialization is amazing. It works in television. It works in film and it works in books. Especially when you're a young kid, you get attached to these characters.

Mindy Kaling

I Love You Kid Quotes #399798
#58. I love mythology, grew up loving it. I'm a middle kid, big family, that's the thing you did in the farm country. I lived in Iowa, I loved mythology. I don't know, we're like that.

Kellan Lutz

I Love You Kid Quotes #205808
#59. Girl they love me like I'm Prince, like the new kid with the crown. Bunch of underground kings, thought you knew how we get down.


I Love You Kid Quotes #160996
#60. You're probably also wondering how in the hell I can possibly be twenty-five years old when just yesterday I was four. I know, it's a tough pill to swallow. I'm not a foul-mouthed, cute little kid anymore. I'm now a foul-mouthed, cute adult.

Tara Sivec

I Love You Kid Quotes #152642
#61. I like being what the girls call MOD-"my other Dad." What I've learned in the past year is that every kid is different. But as long as you love them and never forget that love, then you have the key. I think it's all about just being there and loving them because kids feel that every single day.

Ashton Kutcher

I Love You Kid Quotes #139513
#62. You're like a song I heard when I was a little kid but forgot I knew untill I heard it again

Maggie Stiefvater

I Love You Kid Quotes #121690
#63. I still let myself be a fan of music and that motivates me to want to be better than certain people or just getting the same love. Nothing is new under the sun so you cant be afraid to take things from others and try to flip them and make them your own at the end of the day.

Kid Ink

I Love You Kid Quotes #108638
#64. I love the idea of making movies that kids and adults can go to together and both get something out of it, and not just, 'Oh, I've got to take my kid to the movie because they want to see the next, you know, 'Hannah Montana' movie or whatever.'

Rob Reiner

I Love You Kid Quotes #98136
#65. I have a complicated relationship with the horror genre. I love it; I loved it as a kid growing up, and I watched Chiller Theater in New York. So I loved it, but then you do feel if you do it too much, you're stuck there.

Zach Galligan

I Love You Kid Quotes #74109
#66. Of course I love you, So let's have a kid. Who will say exactly What its parents did; "Of course I love you, So let's have a kid. Who will say exactly What its parents did; 'Of course I love you, So let's have a kid Who will say exactly What its parents did -'" Et cetera. -NOBLE CLAGGETT (1947-1966)

Kurt Vonnegut

I Love You Kid Quotes #14224
#67. I just don't get it. You've been in love with this bloke since you were a kid, and he's never once got his hair cut short enough that it doesn't poke him in the damn eye.

Kristina Adams

I Love You Kid Quotes #1153
#68. I've loved thrillers and spy stories since I was a kid. It's probably not a bad rule of thumb to write the kinds of stories you love to read.

Barry Eisler

I Love You Kid Quotes #680833
#69. But your book is wrong, Mrs. Strunk, says George, when it tells you that Jim is the substitute I found for a real son, a real kid brother, a real husband, a real wife. Jim wasn't a substitute for anything. And there is no substitute for Jim, if you'll forgive my saying so, anywhere.

Christopher Isherwood

I Love You Kid Quotes #847102
#70. I'd love another kid like Nathan. Or maybe a little girl like you.

Jaci Burton

I Love You Kid Quotes #844317
#71. You initially become funny as a kid because you're looking for attention and love. Psychologists think that's all to do with mother abandonment. I think John Cleese has his depressions, and Terry Gilliam's the same. All of us together make one completely insane person.

Eric Idle

I Love You Kid Quotes #805143
#72. I love Sweden. In Sweden, the women are just so hot. Their vibe is so amazing. You feel like every girl out there was genetically altered to just be hot. I did not see one ugly woman out there, it was just a line of continuously hot girls.

Kid Cudi

I Love You Kid Quotes #799196
#73. Don't bother this love is a lie.
I'm a chemical kid,
You're a mechanical bride.

Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides By Pierce The Veil

I Love You Kid Quotes #757427
#74. If I weren't making music, I'd be the kid who writes into the magazines and says, "why don't you guys ever cover anything that's different? Hip hop is so much of the same thing over and over again." I love hip hop, so I wanted to make an album from that standpoint, 'cause that's who I am.

Mike Shinoda

I Love You Kid Quotes #756227
#75. I took in a foster kid that I wanted to adopt in the state where I live, and I pay taxes, said to me, based on not your morality, not on how good you are as a mother, not on how much you've given to foster kids in Florida, based on the facts that you're in love with a woman, you can't keep her.

Rosie O'Donnell

I Love You Kid Quotes #754558
#76. How far would you go for someone you love ? I heard this story, about this woman, who actually lifted a car off of her baby. 'Course I would have said, Dude! Back up. But, wasn't my kid. When I was born, if I'd have known all the stuff my dad was going to do for me, I'd have crawled right back in.

Christopher Titus

I Love You Kid Quotes #745576
#77. I think storytelling is all about children. We human beings love to hear stories being told - and it first happens when you're a kid.

David Chase

I Love You Kid Quotes #723104
#78. As a young kid I was in love with breakdancing. I practiced the uprock style, which is a battle style of dance that looks like fighting. It comes from the gangs in New York in the 1960s and '70s. It's beautiful, almost like a martial art, and it can be funny, too, because you make fun of each other.

Jose Parla

I Love You Kid Quotes #706069
#79. You're like a song that I heard when I was a little kid but forgot I knew until I heard it again.

Maggie Stiefvater

I Love You Kid Quotes #888492
#80. The idea of it was I was thinking about how when you're a kid you get this unconditional love and you spend the rest of your life trying to find that, but you can't because everyone's in it for their own thing. It's kind of cynical.

Sam Endicott

I Love You Kid Quotes #669464
#81. Playing a concert for 2 hours is pie. I would do that every minute of every day if I could. I love to perform. It's the 22 hours before the next show that kills you.

Kid Rock

I Love You Kid Quotes #663059
#82. The only exercise I got as a kid was fork to mouth. Food was equated with love in my household. I thought you left the table when the zipper was down and you'd explode if you took another bite. I'd eat my plate and then everyone else's leftovers.

Paul Stanley

I Love You Kid Quotes #637177
#83. Love your kid as much as you possibly can, and do what you need to do for your family because my situation and what I do for my kid may not work for you.

Drew Lachey

I Love You Kid Quotes #624154
#84. I'm a hopeless romantic and I believe that you can find love in many different places and be very conflicted. I've discovered as I've grown up that life is far more complicated than you think it is when you're a kid. It isn't just a straightforward fairytale.

Rachel McAdams

I Love You Kid Quotes #623206
#85. When I was a child, I loved 'The Marble Faun' by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The reason I liked it was because it had a beautiful binding. When you're a kid, you like books because they're pretty to look at, and this one had a white calfskin cover and gold edges. That was enough to make me love it.

Edmund White

I Love You Kid Quotes #622817
#86. It's weird to think I have fans now, so I appreciate all of the people that follow and support me - and I love them to death. But yeah, when I start looking on Twitter, and I see, 'I want to name my kid after you,' I'm like, 'Whoa!' I'm a little surprised.

Ryan Guzman

I Love You Kid Quotes #613057
#87. My voice softens. 'How old are you?'
'I'll be eleven next year.'
I grin. 'So you're ten years old?'
He crosses his arms. Frowns. 'I'll be twelve in two years.'
I think I already love this kid.

Tahereh Mafi

I Love You Kid Quotes #603469
#88. When I was a kid I would write songs, little plays, and poetry in school. If you're an adult and you're a poet, it's all about love and pain, but if you're a kid it's, "Does anyone know a word that rhymes with shark?"

Mike Birbiglia

I Love You Kid Quotes #449009
#89. I'd get this, I luuuuuuuv you, buddy! stuff, and I'd just look at him like, Who are you talking to, guy? What does that mean, your dad 'loves' you and hasn't a [bleep]ing clue who you are? What's he love then? Some kid in Happy Days. Not me.

Lionel Shriver

I Love You Kid Quotes #442044

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