Top 100 Love My Kid Quotes

#1. I cannot believe how much I love my kid. It's a beautiful thing.

Scott Baio

Love My Kid Quotes #1475517
#2. Eddy, I've made my own way since I was a kid, and when I marry it's going to be because the man I love and a girl named Tina are traveling together in the same direction at approximately the same speed, and each under his own power. I won't be steered, towed, nor provided with an icebreaker. ( ... )

Theodore Sturgeon

Love My Kid Quotes #1163945
#3. I love fashion. I always have. When I was a kid, I was in almost full-on costumes when I went to school, and I've retained a bit of that in my adulthood.

Lake Bell

Love My Kid Quotes #1186052
#4. I love playing the bad guy getting away with stuff. I was that kid who learned from my older brothers who got away with everything by smiling.

Kellan Lutz

Love My Kid Quotes #1160698
#5. The problem is there's still a big kid inside me who likes to have fun. I am passionate about my cricket and I love my family, but I'm also a kid and maybe I need to grow up ... And maybe I don't.

Shane Warne

Love My Kid Quotes #1145206
#6. I love to be with my kid in Yorkshire. I love it there.

Sean Bean

Love My Kid Quotes #1141969
#7. If I was told to sacrifice something to prove my devotion to God , if I was told to do what all monotheists are told to do and admire the man who said 'Yes I'll gut my kid to show my love of God.

Christopher Hitchens

Love My Kid Quotes #1118294
#8. I love Godzilla, but my favorite was on this TV Show, Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot. I used to love the idea of having a giant robot under my control. That was like a dream come true for a kid.

Ice Cube

Love My Kid Quotes #1112882
#9. Even as a kid, I would always imagine horrible circumstances in which I would find myself in my head, and imagine how I would feel, and act it out a bit for myself, because I was a bit of a freak like that. I love doing things like that, and I get a real buzz from it afterwards.

Laura Fraser

Love My Kid Quotes #1070222
#10. I was kind of a weird homie; I was a weird kid. Nobody in my family loved books. I'm the only one.

Luis J. Rodriguez

Love My Kid Quotes #1069258
#11. My biggest dream since I was a kid was to be the woman sneaking on the pirate ship dressed like a man, who was this great sword fighter, and the captain fell in love with her.

Maria Bello

Love My Kid Quotes #960684
#12. My mother encouraged it so much. She was so supportive. Even if as a kid, I would do the dumbest trick, which now that I look back on some things, she would love it, she would say that's amazing, or if I'd make the ugliest drawing, she would hang it up. She was amazing.

David Blaine

Love My Kid Quotes #933832
#13. If you pray enough for things, I am proof that they can happen. I feel like a kid on Christmas day now, every day. It's something I have wanted for a long time and I am as happy as anyone to be here. It is great to be back at my first love.

Robbie Fowler

Love My Kid Quotes #930803
#14. I paint because this is what I love to do. I have been painting since I was a kid and my dream was to become a well known professional artist

Leonid Afremov

Love My Kid Quotes #926504
#15. You're weird." "I know." I lifted my head so my chin rested on his chest. "But you love me?" His lips tipped up at the corners. "I love you as much as a kid loves Santa." I laughed. "That's serious." "Hardcore," he murmured.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Love My Kid Quotes #900261
#16. Back when I was a kid, I never liked the kind of kids that my kids have become. They're privileged and have things very easy. But I'm proud of them. None of my kids are getting high, they love school, they're very popular.

Mike Tyson

Love My Kid Quotes #874868
#17. 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind.' Big, big, big smash for me. My birth of the love of cinema was born with 'Close Encounters' and '2001.' Those sci-fi movies I saw when I was a little kid.

Denis Villeneuve

Love My Kid Quotes #873611
#18. But your book is wrong, Mrs. Strunk, says George, when it tells you that Jim is the substitute I found for a real son, a real kid brother, a real husband, a real wife. Jim wasn't a substitute for anything. And there is no substitute for Jim, if you'll forgive my saying so, anywhere.

Christopher Isherwood

Love My Kid Quotes #847102
#19. I'll be a little bummed out if I make it to my 70s and didn't have a kid. I have two dogs and I know how much I love them. I would like to love and raise a kid.

John Corbett

Love My Kid Quotes #817064
#20. My mom is awesome. She's really young. My mom is 40, and she raised me listening to Nirvana and Courtney Love and Coldplay, Gin Blossoms, The Cranberries, and stuff. Like, my early, early memories are of being a little kid running around in floral skirts and Doc Martens when I was, like, three.


Love My Kid Quotes #786748
#21. I'm a big kid. I love drinking chocolate milk. I'm not afraid to watch some cartoons once in a while when I'm with my nieces and actually be attentive.

Billy Horschel

Love My Kid Quotes #758426
#22. When I'm panicked about my love handles, I go to the YMCA and get obsessed with Kid Rock videos as I'm on the running machine.

Emily Mortimer

Love My Kid Quotes #745952
#23. How far would you go for someone you love ? I heard this story, about this woman, who actually lifted a car off of her baby. 'Course I would have said, Dude! Back up. But, wasn't my kid. When I was born, if I'd have known all the stuff my dad was going to do for me, I'd have crawled right back in.

Christopher Titus

Love My Kid Quotes #745576
#24. Find your lady, kid. Once you do, don't ever let her go. Not all of us are given the chance to be with the one we love, my man.

Jen Naumann

Love My Kid Quotes #735501
#25. My girl and my kid get the best. Always.

Abbi Glines

Love My Kid Quotes #716316
#26. I saw the prequels in the theater," Gabe said. "When I was a kid. I thought they were awesome"
"And now?" she asked.
"They're my first love," he said. "I can't be objective.

Rainbow Rowell

Love My Kid Quotes #700816
#27. I love stories. I loved stories when I was a kid. My mom read stories to me all the time.

Tony DiTerlizzi

Love My Kid Quotes #1363544
#28. When I think of my career, I can't help but think of the kid with his ball, falling in love.

Steve Nash

Love My Kid Quotes #1482474
#29. I am an official slow-roasted, honey-baked ham. Ever since I was a kid, my thing is that I love attention. All my report cards are like, 'He would be wonderful, but he just can't stop being a clown in class.'

Terry Crews

Love My Kid Quotes #1470063
#30. I love Kashi. I eat cereal like a little kid. I carry it in my purse.

Carrie Underwood

Love My Kid Quotes #1452094
#31. I love the South. Although I grew up primarily in Memphis, my family moved around a ton when I was a kid. I guess I never stayed in one place long enough to pick up the accent, but I definitely identify as a Southerner.

Chris Hardwick

Love My Kid Quotes #1433957
#32. I've followed Leeds since I was a little kid. I used to come home from sport in the afternoon, me and my brother, and watch 'Match of the Day.' I love the club. I want nothing but success for the club.

Russell Crowe

Love My Kid Quotes #1433259
#33. I love my children beyond all reason. They're my joy, even when they're wild with kid energy.

Christopher Meloni

Love My Kid Quotes #1433216
#34. My dad was a low budget film director. I grew up as a kid making movies, based on the love of seeing what my dad was doing.

Robert Stromberg

Love My Kid Quotes #1408559
#35. 'The Secret Garden' was the first musical that I fell in love with when I was a kid. My mom took me to see it, and it was the first one that I owned the soundtrack to and listened to over and over again.

Allison Tolman

Love My Kid Quotes #1400669
#36. My dad used to love Steely Dan, the Stones, Jethro Tull and all that. There was always Steely Dan going in my dad's car, but I remember The Royal Scam in particular because it has 'Kid Charlemagne' on it.

St. Vincent

Love My Kid Quotes #1399426
#37. I really love sharing my gift with others. At the same time, I'm just a normal kid having fun and that's what life is all about-having fun at the same time as helping people.

Akiane Kramarik

Love My Kid Quotes #1392344
#38. Life is all about the friendship and the love and the music. It sounds silly, but it is. I want to have that experience as much as I can as an adult, not as a kid doing something that people are telling her she has to do. If anyone gets in my way, I'm going to get them out of my way.

Fiona Apple

Love My Kid Quotes #1385096
#39. I'm thankful that I proved myself in music which is my first love, my first passion before I got involved in this media. I am hoping to bring it back to the music now.

Kid Rock

Love My Kid Quotes #1381386
#40. I love that song 'I Could Have Danced All Night' from 'My Fair Lady' so much. I love that song because watching it as a kid, it was such an unbridled expression of joy.

Elizabeth Meriwether

Love My Kid Quotes #654174
#41. I also love being able to do something that kids and families can enjoy because I have two children of my own and I want them to grow up watching all the fabulous animated movies and cartoons that I loved to watch as a kid.

Amy Poehler

Love My Kid Quotes #1334770
#42. I love writing in first person more than third. I have to basically suspend my own world. I don't exist. I'm just a conduit. So I can be eight years old. I can be the mother of a kid that you find out certain things I'm not going to say.

Terry McMillan

Love My Kid Quotes #1305422
#43. My unhealthiest habit is that I like eating white bread and butter. I don't know why, I just ate it as a kid. It's weird but I love it. My healthiest? I make a really good quinoa, chickpea and tahini lemon dressing salad, or I make a really bomb green smoothie.

Courtney Eaton

Love My Kid Quotes #1301830
#44. As a kid, I kind of spent my life being amazed by being tricked. I love being tricked. I still love it today.

Daniel Craig

Love My Kid Quotes #1264374
#45. One of the reasons I love devils so much is not based in my faith, but because as a kid, I grew up loving heavy metal and horror movies, and the devil is such a huge presence in both.

Victor LaValle

Love My Kid Quotes #1257579
#46. Chewie hugs him and purrs. "I'll be back. We're not done, you and I. We'll see each other again. I'm gonna be a father and no way my kid won't have you in his life." One more bark and yip as Chewie pets his head. "Yeah, pal. I know." He sighs. "I love you, too.

Chuck Wendig

Love My Kid Quotes #1247935
#47. I love mayonnaise. Every birthday when I was a kid I'd go to Black Angus and just dip my burger in mayo.

Blake Anderson

Love My Kid Quotes #1242579
#48. I was always talking about peace and love, even when I was a kid. That's how I grew up in my family.

Lenny Kravitz

Love My Kid Quotes #1218808
#49. When I was a kid, my parents encouraged me to take many different classes. Piano was one that I really fell in love with.

Noel Fisher

Love My Kid Quotes #1201314
#50. When I was a kid if I was unhappy, I'd stroke my dog. I was into bringing injured birds into the house, RSPCA activities. And the relationship that you have with animals, you can get that from your children: that unquestioning love and adoration and equal need.

Steve McFadden

Love My Kid Quotes #1198966
#51. ... sometimes when I close my eyes as I'm being taken, I can pretend that I'm someone special to these men. In my head I can be someone, someone worthy of love, not that white trash kid who left home on foot five years prior.

Candi Kay

Love My Kid Quotes #1194407
#52. Acting has always been my passion. It's always been my love, and I've always done it, since I was a kid.

Tanc Sade

Love My Kid Quotes #180814
#53. When I was a kid and I would play pretend, I would end up with blood everywhere and I would cut my feet up. I love the feeling of it being real.

Austin Butler

Love My Kid Quotes #334543
#54. I can't pass a puppy, a kid or a baby without stopping. It's really annoying to every boyfriend I've ever head. My mother will roll her eyes and go, "God, really?!" But, I find children funny and great, and I love them.

Minnie Driver

Love My Kid Quotes #329122
#55. I have children, and this notion - that there might be a single book that introduces children to literature - terrifies me. But you could do worse than Mary Norton's 'The Borrowers.' I loved it as a kid, and my kids love it, too.

Elizabeth McCracken

Love My Kid Quotes #312462
#56. I think that my love of cooking grew out of my love of reading about cooking. When I was a kid, we had a bookcase in the kitchen filled with cookbooks. I would eat all my meals reading about meals I could have been having.

Samantha Bee

Love My Kid Quotes #300279
#57. I grew up at my grandmother's house, and she had a beautiful garden. I used to hate mowing the lawn and weeding, which is what you do when you're a kid. I loathe gardening, but I love gardens, and I have two beautiful gardens.

Elton John

Love My Kid Quotes #292193
#58. My mother got me into music when I was a little kid. She used to play music, blast it, when she was cleaning the house, while I was crawling around. I just love loud music.

Pauly D

Love My Kid Quotes #286365
#59. I love comics and have since I was a kid. That is what gave me the idea to create my own.

Candace Kita

Love My Kid Quotes #278906
#60. Reggae is my heart since I was a kid. I love Reggae music.


Love My Kid Quotes #256520
#61. I was born with confidence in myself and who I am. Even when I was a little kid, I felt that, and I carried it all through my years. I'm 26 now, and I'm still that person. I think every woman needs to have that self-love.

Ricki-Lee Coulter

Love My Kid Quotes #253053
#62. I love acting so much that I have to have that as much as I have to have my time with my kid.

Tammy Blanchard

Love My Kid Quotes #246126
#63. I've always wanted to be a mom because I want to give a kid all of the magical gifts my mom gave to me, such as love and friendship. She and I had this incredible connection that was so unbelievable.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Love My Kid Quotes #202606
#64. I'm just going to try and be a good dad and not spoil the kid: give him love and encouragement but also discipline. Me and my woman, we don't want him to feel too entitled.

Julian Casablancas

Love My Kid Quotes #189791
#65. In all honesty, I didn't love reading when I was a kid. I'd rather be running around in the woods or doing my best to scare the pants off all the children in the neighborhood by pretending my house was haunted or making them play Bloody Mary in the bathroom.

Jennifer McMahon

Love My Kid Quotes #353486
#66. I love 'The Stand;' I read it when I was a kid - it was one of my favorite books when I was growing up. I love Stephen King; I think he's a remarkable writer.

David Yates

Love My Kid Quotes #178597
#67. Kids love me. I can bounce back and forth. I can discipline kids, and I can get into the mind of a kid. In my brain, I consider myself the ultimate video game player. The ultimate snack maker.

J. B. Smoove

Love My Kid Quotes #155389
#68. I did I Love My Wife on Broadway in 1978, and then went into television land. Now things are starting to come together in the way I thought they might when I was a kid.

Tom Wopat

Love My Kid Quotes #153101
#69. I like being what the girls call MOD-"my other Dad." What I've learned in the past year is that every kid is different. But as long as you love them and never forget that love, then you have the key. I think it's all about just being there and loving them because kids feel that every single day.

Ashton Kutcher

Love My Kid Quotes #139513
#70. Safer than we are." I told Franny. "Safer than love." "let me tell ya kid," Franny said to me, squeezing my hand. "Everything's safer than love.

John Irving

Love My Kid Quotes #138047
#71. I love the idea of making movies that kids and adults can go to together and both get something out of it, and not just, 'Oh, I've got to take my kid to the movie because they want to see the next, you know, 'Hannah Montana' movie or whatever.'

Rob Reiner

Love My Kid Quotes #98136
#72. Life was tough for me. When I was a kid, nobody played with me because they thought I looked ugly with my extra thumb. It pained me. So once I thought of getting it surgically removed. But I didn't. Slowly, I realized that the exterior is not the criterion for love and success.

Hrithik Roshan

Love My Kid Quotes #78146
#73. 'The Cape' is a really good comic! They invented the whole character, and now they've built a book of 'The Cape' for the show. When I was a kid, I used to love Batman, and I loved Spider-Man. My favorite was this guy called Judge Dredd. I know they made a movie of that in the '90s.

James Frain

Love My Kid Quotes #75867
#74. My dad wanted me to play when I was a kid, so I learned to play the guitar. I pursued a career in music because I love it so much and I enjoy what it does to those who hear it.

Randy Travis

Love My Kid Quotes #69166
#75. I do have a huge fascination for science, and I love to hear what my dad has to say. He used to take me into minor surgeries when I was a kid and let me watch, so I definitely have a passion for it, but it's not as big a passion as I have for acting and creating characters.

Daniela Ruah

Love My Kid Quotes #15878
#76. Oh I love horror movies, yeah. I think my favorite movie growing up was 'The Omen.' I actually wanted to be that little kid.

Norman Reedus

Love My Kid Quotes #4491
#77. When I was a kid, I used to love it when one of my friends would jump out from behind a door and try to scare me. I always did the same thing in response.

Patrick Carman

Love My Kid Quotes #558196
#78. The only exercise I got as a kid was fork to mouth. Food was equated with love in my household. I thought you left the table when the zipper was down and you'd explode if you took another bite. I'd eat my plate and then everyone else's leftovers.

Paul Stanley

Love My Kid Quotes #637177
#79. I wanted to be a witch when I was a kid. I was obsessed with witchcraft. At school, me and my two friends had these spell books; I always wanted a more magical reality. I had a little shrine at home and I did a spell to try and make the boy in the other class fall in love with me.

Florence Welch

Love My Kid Quotes #629429
#80. Love your kid as much as you possibly can, and do what you need to do for your family because my situation and what I do for my kid may not work for you.

Drew Lachey

Love My Kid Quotes #624154
#81. I love celebrating Mother's Day. Since I was a kid, it was a special day to tell my mother and grandmother how much I love them. Now that I'm a mom, it is a special day to spend with my children.

Kirsten Gillibrand

Love My Kid Quotes #623914
#82. I took piano lessons as a kid, and my daughter's played piano since before she started kindergarten, so classical piano is something I really love.

Kristan Higgins

Love My Kid Quotes #617874
#83. I always loved the idea of a spy movie and part of it came from my personal love of spy movies. It started when I was growing up as a little kid in the 60s.

John Lasseter

Love My Kid Quotes #616713
#84. As a kid, I used to love to play baseball and be in Little League and sleep outside with my friends and do all those kind of things.

Gary Wright

Love My Kid Quotes #615737
#85. It's weird to think I have fans now, so I appreciate all of the people that follow and support me - and I love them to death. But yeah, when I start looking on Twitter, and I see, 'I want to name my kid after you,' I'm like, 'Whoa!' I'm a little surprised.

Ryan Guzman

Love My Kid Quotes #613057
#86. My voice softens. 'How old are you?'
'I'll be eleven next year.'
I grin. 'So you're ten years old?'
He crosses his arms. Frowns. 'I'll be twelve in two years.'
I think I already love this kid.

Tahereh Mafi

Love My Kid Quotes #603469
#87. Loan me your lace of yellow, sister
Lend me your fine kid gloves
Tonight is the bridal ball, sister
Tonight I'll meet my love
Present me a sash of blue, sister
Gift me a ribbon of white
My love awaits me below, sister
I am a bride tonight

Shannon Hale

Love My Kid Quotes #600310
#88. Will I be some kid's dad one day? Are any future people lurking deep inside mine? ... Which girl's carrying the other half of my kid, deep in those intricate loops? What's she doing right now? What's her name?

David Mitchell

Love My Kid Quotes #586445
#89. I've seen everything from 'Wicked' to 'The Book Of Mormon,' and I don't make any bones of the fact that I love both. But 'Les Mis' is not only my favorite musical, but it's also my favorite story. I love the book, which I read as a kid, and I identified so much with Jean Valjean.

Corey Taylor

Love My Kid Quotes #648424
#90. I love Manchester. I always have, ever since I was a kid, and I go back as much as I can. Manchester's my spiritual home. I've been in London for 22 years now but Manchester's the only other place, I think, in the country that I could live.

John Simm

Love My Kid Quotes #548423
#91. I love to work. When I was a kid, I would invite my friends over to play, then I would take them over to a recycling plant and we would haul glass all day. They hated me for this, but I thought it was fun.

James Marsters

Love My Kid Quotes #533076
#92. I love hanging out at home with my kid. It's hard to get me to leave the house.

Angela Kinsey

Love My Kid Quotes #457643
#93. I love science fiction. I always have, ever since I was a kid. I love a lot of science fiction writers. William Gibson is one of my favorite writers.

Tahmoh Penikett

Love My Kid Quotes #434388
#94. Ever since I was a little kid, I used to love doing the evil laugh: 'Mwahaha!' I could really do it! And there's a little bit of that inside everybody. Still, as a kid, it was like my favorite thing.

Tom Everett Scott

Love My Kid Quotes #424575
#95. I love Westerns and I remember as a kid climbing up on the couch and make it into a saddle and shoot guns and fall off. I would lay there after my death and my mom would tell me to eat lunch and I'd say, 'I'm still dead, Mom!' I was Method, even then.

Creed Bratton

Love My Kid Quotes #417094
#96. One I built when I was a kid, and it was a real miniature of Disneyland. I fell in love with the park when I went there with my parents on my 12th birthday.

Bobby Sherman

Love My Kid Quotes #388800
#97. As a kid, I would look at my dad and ask him why he was wearing jeans with his tux. Today I love to do it. It's just fun to be a little more unique.

David Lauren

Love My Kid Quotes #379777
#98. I love my parents. But I'm almost 28 and it's not fun to be asked, 'What are you doing today? What do you want for dinner? When are you going to be home?' It just makes you feel like a kid. It's this juxtaposition of feeling annoyed and really lucky to have people who love you so much.

Jonah Hill

Love My Kid Quotes #373460
#99. Sure. I'd like to live regular. Go home to a good looking wife, a hot dinner, and a husky kid. But I guess I got film in my blood. I love this racket. It's exciting. It's dangerous. It's funny. It's tough. It's heartbreaking.


Love My Kid Quotes #369360
#100. I would say that I probably had an unhealthy love affair with drinking. I grew up as this kind of insecure kid, you know, kind of making my way. And drinking took all of that away.

Michael Botticelli

Love My Kid Quotes #367936

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