Top 70 Have The Decency Quotes
#1. Is he a scumbag in training?" Richard glanced at the gunman. "At least have the decency to hold the gun properly, you fool. If you don't know how, pass it to someone who does. I'm not going to suffer being shot at by anything less than a full- fledged lowlife. (Richard)
Ilona Andrews
#2. Listen, young people, I understand narcissism - clearly. But at least I have the decency to hate myself. And that's what's missing from the young people. They don't have the debilitating self-loathing and the second guessing.
Janeane Garofalo
#3. People who don't know how to keep themselves healthy ought to have the decency to get themselves buried, and not waste time about it.
Henrik Ibsen
#4. Because you didn't and someone did, and that has made all the difference! So either have the courage to ask her out prior, or have the decency to watch her with someone else.
Sarvesh Jain
#5. At least have the decency in you / To leave me alone, when you freaks see me out / In the streets when I'm eating or feeding my daughter
#6. I hate that about guys. At least girls have the decency to be fake and pretend everything's okay when shit gets weird. Whenever guys get upset, they get all angry and scary
Lauren Barnholdt
#7. Everyone's too busy having a good time to care about anyone else."
"This sucks," Alex said sullenly. "If someone murders you and you get revived and come back to wreak vengeance on your killers, they could at least have the decency to notice you.
Meg Cabot
#8. A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
W.C. Fields
#9. I thought you'd have the decency to change. But babe, I guess you didn't take that warning, cause I'm not about to look at your face again.
Avril Lavigne
#10. If you are not going to be a comfort, have the decency to be an empty space.
Jennifer Crusie
#11. Faye, if you got eaten by another shark, would you please at least have the decency to say so? My time is kind of limited, if you know what I'm sayin'.
Elle Lothlorien
#12. All this because one race did not have the decency to be ashamed of dealing in human flesh.
Whitney Otto
#13. Suddenly I am furious, that with my life on the line, they don't even have the decency to pay attention to me. That I'm being upstaged by a dead pig.
Suzanne Collins
#14. We always assume someone else will come to the rescue, but it's never us. Surely somebody will have the decency to be the hero. Right? It doesn't work like that. Not when everyone assumes someone else will do the right thing.
Jeff Goins
#15. There are some midshipmen who will never have the decency to lie down and die, whatever the circumstances. Because they are born to be hanged, no doubt,' added the lieutenant darkly.
Patrick O'Brian
#16. If you can't say anything nice, at least have the decency to be vague.
Susan Andersen
#17. A child is not an adult, a child didn't ask to be here. Any man that doesn't take care of his responsibilities to his family and to his children, do me a favor STOP calling yourself a man..at least have the decency to admit that you're a boy. You don't know what manhood is.
Stephen A. Smith
#18. His eyes were on my behind. And when caught? Didn't even have the decency to blush. Naughty boy.
Alice Clayton
#19. You're a great brother. You give us a heart attack worrying about your heart attack, which you didn't even have the decency to have!
Groucho Marx
#20. Your own brain ought to have the decency to be on your side!
Terry Pratchett
#21. If you have the indecency to steal my book, at least have the decency to write a review.
Grea Alexander
#22. I pray that if a god watches over us, it will have the decency to avoid the tasteless maneuver of voyeuristic trespass.
Joshua Emmet
#23. The Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004 helps address the continuing degradation on the broadcast airwaves and helps send a clear message to the broadcast industry that Alabama families, like the rest of American families, have had enough.
Mike Rogers
#24. And you dared to go counter to your father's wishes? They should have been a command to you. Give me one reason, only one, why, flinging decency to the winds, you demeaned yourself by becoming a baker.'
W. Somerset Maugham
#25. I might be capable of making figures that have heart, conscience, passion, emotion and decency. But there's no call for that at all in the world. People are only interested in monsters and freaks, so I give them their monsters. Monsters are what they want!
Joseph Roth
#26. To do the right thing you must sometimes defend people who don't understand you, or who fear you, or who are angry at you. There are times when you have to operate purely on faith and continue to trust human decency even when it is no longer visible.
G. Willow Wilson
#27. I feel deeply my responsibility to teach sacred things. I am so aware that the world is changing and will be vastly different from the one I have known. Values have shifted. Basic decency and respect for good things are eroding.
James E. Faust
#28. And yet I have known the sea too long to believe in its respect for decency. An elemental force is ruthlessly frank
Joseph Conrad
#29. Personally, I'm tired of hearing the whole have-you-no-decency routine from people who have made quite clear that they possess none themselves.
Glenn Reynolds
#30. Once you've stopped loving someone breaking his or her heart's just an unpleasant chore you have to get behind you. My God, you really don't love me anymore, do you? No matter your decency the victim's incredulity's potentially hilarious. You manage not to laugh.
Glen Duncan
#31. Once I fucked you, it would be all over for me. I had to have a guarantee I could get you back. Christ, Blue, the first time I saw you, I wanted to throw you over the couch and fuck you."
Blue flushed but smiled a little. "So why didn't you?"
"Common decency."
"Highly overrated.
S.E. Jakes
#32. You should have had the decency to die when you needed to."
"Sorry," I admitted. "I've been going through a bit of a rebellious streak. I swear it's almost over.
Ally Carter
#33. Do you have no sense of decency?
He pauses, seems to think about this, then turns and walks out the door.
Carolyn Crane
#34. The greatest progress we have made, and the greatest progress we have yet to make, is in the human heart. In the end, all the world's wealth and a thousand armies are no match for the strength and decency of the human spirit.
William J. Clinton
#35. And yet, I have this sense that this place is holier than back home. Gluttonous, fat, oversexed, overconsuming, materialist home, where we're too lazy to see our own faults. At least here, Rodriguez has the decency to worry about hell.
Phil Klay
#36. I am inspired by my mother's faith and the teaching I receive under the leadership of Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer. I am also inspired by hard work and powerful people who have maintained a sense of integrity, decency, and kindness. Love really inspires me.
Erica Tazel
#37. That's why you have to like a guy like Charles Manson. Say what you will about Manson - he's one of the only people with the decency to look like a dangerous maniac the first time you meet him.
Richard Jeni
#38. If it weren't happening, he would have sworn that their reproduction speed alone violated the laws of thermodynamics - or at least common decency. The
Evan Currie
#39. There was a time when people had the decency to wait until they were approaching 50 to have a mid-life crisis. Now it seems many thirtysomethings find themselves succumbing to existential navel-gazing.
Mark Barrowcliffe
#40. Liberty is the parent of truth, but truth and decency are sometimes at variance. All men and all propositions are to be treated here as they deserve, and there are many who have no claim either to respect or decency.
Samuel Johnson
#41. A good many of our higher-bracket businessmen might have been just as rich, just as powerful, but more respected and infinitely happier, if they had taken the slower and longer road of absolute ethical integrity and moral decency.
Og Mandino
#42. Most of us care about one another. Human beings have considerably more in common with one another than they do differences. One's religion, political persuasion, family, financial and social status, or vocation does not hamper the common thread of personal decency running through most of humankind.
Jon M. Huntsman Sr.
#43. I should have gone through life half awake if you'd had the decency to leave me alone. Awake intellectually, yes, and emotionally in a way; but here--" He pointed with his pipe stem to his heart; and both smiled. "Perhaps we woke up one another. I like to think that anyway.
E. M. Forster
#44. It was easy for me to be ridiculed and for both men and women to perceive that maybe I'm a bit crazy because I'm educated in the West and I have lost some of my basic decency as an African woman.
Wangari Maathai
#45. What have I always believed?
That on the whole, and by and large, if a man lived properly, not according to what any priests said, but according to what seemed decent and honest inside, then it would, at the end, more or less, turn out all right.
Terry Pratchett
#46. These 'Supernatural' conventions are such a great time. The fan base is like none other, and I'm sure I'll never experience a fan base that support is the same with - their kind of unbridled decency towards the actors makes me not have to worry about going into the crowd.
Matt Cohen
#47. The first monster that an audience has to be scared of is the filmmaker. They have to feel in the presence of someone not confined by the normal rules of propriety and decency.
Wes Craven
#48. It was a useful reminder that all men, even the most seemingly cold-blooded, have a core of decency, and that if their heart is touched, they are capable of changing.
Nelson Mandela
#49. At least Lester had the decency to weep at his act of perfidy. Reader, do you know what 'perfidy' means? I have a feeling you do, based on the scene that unfolded here. But you should look up the word in your dictionary, just to be sure.
Kate DiCamillo
#50. I attended the public schools.And I have happy memories and strong memories of those days and good memories of the good sense and the decency of my friends and my neighbors.
Samuel Alito
#51. I grew up in the Midwest, so I have sort of an honorable moral code. But I moved to a city and joined a sort of fast crowd. A lot of people who grew up in the city sort of aren't aware of manners and other ways of life and 'common decency.'
Derek Blasberg
#52. But I am not discouraged. I do not despair for our country. I believe tonight, as I always have, that the essential decency, compassion and common sense of the American people will prevail.
Jimmy Carter
#53. Harden our hearts to the innocents in the womb, and we have hardened our hearts to the need for compassion, and mercy, and fellow-feeling, and charity, and decency in this world.
Alan Keyes
#54. A politician must have some scruples, a certain decency; he cannot smear himself in the mud for the sake of a high ideal.
Boris Yeltsin
#55. Out of all the fighters that I have developed, clothed, financed, Gerrie Coetzee is the only one who had the decency to say 'thanks'.
Don King
#56. I just
I know my own heart and I love you, Turner. And if you have even the tiniest shred of decency, you'll say something because I've said everything I possibly can, and I can't bear the silence, and
oh for heaven's sake! Will you at least blink?
He couldn't even manage that.
Julia Quinn
#57. The jury had persuaded themselves that he was decent, because they had wanted to think that in his shoes they would have been decent too. They had no idea how decency, loyalty, courage, how it all shrivelled away when one was frightened.
Sarah Waters
#58. I have observed that the world has suffered far less from ignorance than from pretensions to knowledge. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress.
Daniel J. Boorstin
#59. Justice is the reason we have law, and law is man's feeble attempt to teach decency to others.
Joy Ratcliff Cagle
#60. I have found that the greatest help in meeting any problem with decency and self-respect and whatever courage is demanded, is to know where you yourself stand. That is, to have in words what you believe and are acting from.
William Faulkner
#61. If you had asked me why I had joined the militia I should have answered: 'To fight against Fascism,' and if you had asked me what I was fighting for, I should have answered: 'Common decency.
George Orwell
#62. If the story-tellers could ha' got decency and good morals from true stories, who'd have troubled to invent parables?
Thomas Hardy
#63. I have seen flowers come in stony places
And kind things done by men with ugly faces,
And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races,
So I trust, too.
John Masefield
#64. I've always felt, in all my books, that there's a deep decency in the American people and a native intelligence
providing they have the facts, providing they have the information.
Studs Terkel
#65. Yes, we have much to be seriously concerned about, much that needs to be corrected, improved, or dispensed with. But the vitality and creative energy, the fundamental decency, the tolerance and insistence on truth, and the good-heartedness of the American people are there still plainly. Many
David McCullough
#66. When a girl trudged through the rain at midnight to knock at the Devil's door, the Devil should at least have the depravity - if not the decency - to answer.
Tessa Dare
#67. We make up any excuse to preserve myths about people we love, but the reverse is also true; if we dislike an individual we adamantly resist changing our opinion, even when somebody offers proof of his decency, because it's vital to have myths about both the gods and devils in our lives.
Marlon Brando
#68. The point is, there is no feasible excuse for what are, for what we have made of ourselves. We have chosen to put profits before people, money before morality, dividends before decency, fanaticism before fairness, and our own trivial comforts before the unspeakable agonies of others
Iain Banks
#69. I should never have allowed the gates of the town to be opened to people who assert that there are higher considerations than those of decency.
J.M. Coetzee
#70. Fight against yourself, recover yourself to decency, to modesty, to freedom. And, in the first place, condemn your actions; but when you have condemned them, do not despair of yourself. For both ruin and recovery are from within.
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