Top 100 Ally Carter Quotes

#1. Sure, this was where her father had planned the De Beers diamond heist when she was three. It was the very room where her uncle had orchestrated the hijacking of eighty percent of the world's caviar when she was seven.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #20590
#2. And I didn't choose it, Kat. I chose you.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #26242
#3. Small changes. Big differences

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #63643
#4. Sometimes people run ... to see if you'll come after them

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #77604
#5. Another door swung open, and another guard appeared, this time with Gabrielle, who wore a black catsuit and rappelling harness.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #86132
#6. Note to self: Rachel Morgan is a totally awesome liar.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #98619
#7. Cammie: I never knew there were this many stars.
Zach: I can't see them. I just see you.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #103179
#8. Tell me Zach." I don't know if it was the wind or the adrenaline, but I shivered. "And don't lie to me.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #129975
#9. That's a lovely piece," Kat said, pointing at a Louise XV armoire near the fireplace.
The man raised his eyebrows. "Did you come to steal it?"
"Darn it," Kat said with a snap of her fingers."I knew I should have brought my big purse.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #147522
#10. Angus looked at Hamish. "I hate it when Mom and Dad fight."
Hamish smoothed his brother's messy hair. "Me too.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #203739
#11. I also packed explosives."


Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #289989
#12. She thought she kept seeing him because she wanted to see him," Macey explained.
"Ooooh," Bex and Liz sighed together.
"It's a by-product of very dramatic kissing," Macey went on like a doctor identifying a common side effect.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #309502
#13. That's good; don't deny it. Denying the undeniable just makes you sound like a fool as well as a liar. In this profession, you can be one- sometimes the other. But never both.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #347796
#14. Rome, Abby." I ignored him and turned to my aunt. "A month before my father disappeared, he needed you in Rome. Now I need you in Rome.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #352390
#15. Because sometimes not liking someone is easier.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #370955
#16. Did you say something Macey?' I asked, but she cut me a look that could kill. She reached into her bag, ripped off a sliver of Evapopaper, and scribbled:
'Can we study tonight? (Tell anyone, and I'll kill you in you sleep!)

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #382314
#17. I know. I'm sorry. And the bizarre part is that I really am. I want to be good, to use the right fork and wear a pretty linen dress to breakfast. I want to be the girl in the pictures upstairs. But I can't be. That girl is dead.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #414402
#18. It was easy to believe, between lessons on Shakespeare and Dickens and Austen, that all of the great stories had already been written by dead Europeans. But every time I saw 'The Outsiders', I knew better. It was the first time I'd realized that real people write books.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #420492
#19. That's the thing about being a criminal," Kat told her. "Nothing ever goes according to plan.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #429926
#20. You never know how you're going to react to something. To anything. Tragedy, joy, heartache. They affect us all in different ways in different times and different places.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #430223
#21. I wouldn't mind meeting a dashing thief," the woman's friend whispered. Hale winked at Kat.
Kat raised her eyebrows and whispered, "I'd like to meet one of those, too.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #456557
#22. The obvious," Noah goes on, a little out of breath, "being that he is probably some super secret assassin or something. And I'm not as tough as I look."
"That's OK," I tell him. "I'm way tougher than you look.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #502466
#23. Somtimes people run to see if you'll ever come after them. -Joe

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #503186
#24. All these years I'd thought being a spy was challenging. Turns out, being a girl is the tricky part.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #572475
#25. I drink caffeine" she said calmly "lot's of it gives you pep

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #592425
#26. No, Preston snapped. But he didn't protest long because, if I'm going to be honest-which is kind of the point of these reports-I was already unzipping his pants.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #607946
#27. Just so you know Gallagher Girl,' he whispered softly, 'I'm going to kiss you now.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #648542
#28. The Bagshaws aren't boys. They're bombs with very colorful fuses.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #664162
#29. You're still running." "He's right, you know." Kat stopped at the sound of the voice. Her hand was on the doorknob, freedom just inches away, but it was like she'd forgotten how to unlock a door when she turned around and saw Hale sitting alone at the top of the stairs.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #675054
#30. Acting like you don't care is a whole lot easier when you don't care

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #678146
#31. Townsend shrugged. 'With all due respect to the good doctor, I highly suspect he's a moron,

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #689039
#32. Eventually, we all end up alone.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #692011
#33. Macey shrugged. "I have a jet," she said, because I guess "free jet" is an asset that should never be undervalued.
"Guys, that's awesome, but I can't go to Rome. You know that right?"
"But ... " Macey started, then trailed off, pointed at her name. "Jet.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #702380
#34. And that's how the Peacock saved the Chameleon

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #705805
#35. Might have a couple of kinks to work through, Hale admitted then reached for her hand. As soon as he touched her, Kat knew there was no such thing as curses. People make and break their own fortunes
they are the masters of their own fate. And right then Kat wouldn't have changed a thing.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #709474
#36. My name is Cammie!" I didn't think about all the people I could have woken, all the alarms that might have gone off. I just snapped, "How did you know about Boston? Why are you working with Mr. Solomon now? Are you my friend or are you my enemy, Zach? Or, wait, let me guess, you can't tell me.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #716789
#37. Despite popular belief, hitting someone with a closed fist actually hurts the hitter almost as much as the hittee.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #740202
#38. I think the canary left some feathers in there after you ate it.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #760761
#39. Someday you will know that the heart is not always as wise as it is strong. - Uncle Eddie

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #761530
#40. Ooh, the silent treatment.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #782686
#41. You can't really yell at your boyfriend for stealing your seat and your best friend. You also can't yell at your best friend for stealing your boyfriend. Or you can ... but Hi seemed like a much easier way to start the morning.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #792089
#42. You don't have to do this, Kat." "I've been hearing that a lot lately." "He's right." "I didn't say who had said it," she countered. "You didn't have to." He looked out at the water. "You two are good together." "We're not together," Kat said automatically. "Sure you are. You just don't know it yet.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #815506
#43. We were two girls who got lucky, and luck's not a skill that anyone can learn

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #823817
#44. Switzerland didn't exactly work out. Neither did France. Or Norway." "Three schools?" Hale asked. "Well, technically, five schools - three countries.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #832461
#45. Do you want to hold it?' she asked, dangling the padded envelope in front of Hale with two fingers.
'Do you want to touch it and kiss it and wear it around your neck?'
'Don't be silly,' he told her. 'Everyone knows green isn't my color.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #853592
#46. What?" He cut a grin at Kat when he saw the impressed look on her face. "Corporate espionage is my second greatest passion.'
"With your first being ... " Kat prompted.
"Gelato," Hale said, and turned back to the group.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #913981
#47. Denying the undeniable just makes you sound like a fool as well as a liar.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #991215
#48. Every good operative knows that the world is small, but the planet is big.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #999432
#49. And with that, Kat closed her eyes. She didn't see the first flakes of snow fall outside her window. She didn't feel Hale cover her with a blanket. She was already fast asleep.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1006641
#50. For the first time I realize how perilous peace can be. I appreciate the tightrope that my grandfather has spent his whole life trying to walk. And now, more than ever, I grow terrified that I'm going to make us all fall down.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1056466
#51. Give me everything you have," I told [Preston].
"Really, Cammie. I never knew you thought of me that way.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1127130
#52. I'll be here when you get back.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1136788
#53. The Princess and the Pea?" Gabrielle suggested.
"Not enough time," Kat said
"Where's Waldo?" Gabrielle went on.
"No." Hamish recoiled. "I am still not allowed back in Morocco.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1148363
#54. Hamish smiled and rubbed his hands together. "Sure we can. What do you say? Pigs in a Blanket?" He leaned over the cool counter and raised his eyebrows at Gabrielle.
"The only way I'll get under a blanket with you is if both of us are on fire," she told him.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1149246
#55. But I wasn't the girl I'd been when I left, and I knew it.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1172125
#56. You're the gallagher girl. figure it out.- zach

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1191464
#57. A lot of people think that being a Gallagher Girl means not being afraid of anything. Actually, that couldn't be further from the truth. It's not about ignoring fear. It's about facing it, knowing the risks and the costs and sacrificing safety and security anyway.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1217149
#58. You are back, Cam. Which means for the first time since you left, it's okay for us to be mad at you for leaving.
- Macey

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1226512
#59. Sometimes the biggest lies we tell are to ourselves.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1232759
#60. You're girls!' he shouted as if the fact had totally eluded him until then.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1246365
#61. Is Joe your father, Zach?'
I don't know where the question came from, but it was out, and I couldn't take it back even if I'd wanted to.
'No.' Zach shook his head. 'I never knew my dad. I don't know anything about him.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1256242
#62. Five decades on the throne and this is how they treat me, Ms. Blakely. Makes me wish I'd been a teacher." His voice drops. He almost sounds a little wistful. "I would have liked to have been a teacher.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1263376
#63. 'Tell Suzie she's a lucky cat.' Have sexier words ever been spoken?

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1269577
#64. Oh you're heist-drunk Kitty Kat. And you have been since the Henley.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1270018
#65. You know, it's okay to admit a little weakness now and then, Cammie. It won't kill you. In fact, I hear it makes you stronger.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1293632
#66. I didn't move; I just waited out the night. The school was quiet around me, and I let the silence calm my heartbreak, lull me into a sleepless trance as I stared past my reflection in the dark glass, and whispered, "Happy birthday, Daddy.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1322656
#67. Do you have any idea how hard it is to tail an eighty year-old woman Its hard. Really hard. Really ... slow. -Grabrielle

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1332587
#68. Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1376866
#69. I came back, Uncle Eddie. Last year, after the Henley, I could have gone to any school in the world
I could have done anything, but I came back."
"You ran away, Katarina."
"And now I'm back."
"You're still running.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1409274
#70. He looked as though I'd just run over his pet puppy (though no actual puppies were harmed in the formation of that metaphor).

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1410144
#71. But maybe because sometimes a girl just really needs to snap at someone who she knows will forgive her later.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1411329
#72. bad things for good reasons,

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1468448
#73. So, your dad's hot."
"Thanks. He was that way when I met him, so I can't really take credit.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1476384
#74. What is a Gallagher Girl?
She's a genius, a scientist, a heroine, a spy ... a Gallagher Girl is whatever she wants to be.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1484650
#75. And no matter how many people surround you, that is still the loneliest place on earth.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1485016
#76. But when Mr. Stein sipped his hot coffee and watched Kat drink hers, he smiled the way he might if he saw a replica of his favorite childhood toy in a shop window - happy that something he loved wasn't entirely gone from the world.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1498149
#77. No, you misunderstand, Madame Prime Minister. I'm not just good at staying alive. I'm also really, really good at drugging people. - Grace

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1534152
#78. Life is classified. There is always so much that goes unsaid.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1554814
#79. But I kept it to myself
maybe because I didn't think it mattered, but probably because, in a place where everyone knew my story, it was nice to know there was a chapter that only I had read.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1570274
#80. And I remembered with a pang what had happened to me the previous summer - that even Gallagher Girls aren't always as strong as they need to be.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1586153
#81. It's not safe out there," he says, too close to my ear.
"Yeah ... well ... " I look at him. "Maybe it's not safe in here either.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1588488
#82. Macey couldn't decide whether to be intrigued that Hale was walking around with a state-of-the-art covert communications device or be jealous because she'd been caught without one of her own.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1600495
#83. You should always trust the instincts of children.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1629701
#84. Karina!" I yell,

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1651673
#85. Fear is a weakness. It makes a person lose her nerve and her cool. It makes people jumpy and organizations nervous, and when that happens, there is always a chance to take advantage.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1671290
#86. She looked at him, watched hum toss the remote on the table and say, So maybe I'm going to handcuff myself to you the next time you decide to take a stroll.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1674575
#87. You wanted to be treated like grown-ups? Well, that includes both the good and the bad.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1690132
#88. Trust. We stake our lives on it, but it's a subject that not even the Gallagher Academy can teach. When do you let your guard down? Who do you let in? And I knew at that moment, as I sat beside my mother, bathing in the warm spring light, that those were the questions a good spy never stops asking

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1700897
#89. Well, see, there's this cave in Switzerland I really need to find.' She slipped on her sunglasses; was already in the middle of the street when she turned and looked back at Hale and Gabrielle. 'You coming?

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1723753
#90. I shouldn't be alive

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1752128
#91. If you don't mind me saying, Mr. Hale. She's a keeper. He pointed in Kat's direction.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1784614
#92. Rule of thumb: when in doubt, find a marine.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1785324
#93. And Zach was taking his jacket off and draping it around my shoulders, which (according to Liz, who double checked with Macey) is the single-sexiest thing a guy can do.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1787073
#94. If we hadn't hated him a lot, we might have liked him a little at that moment. But we did. So we didn't.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1795957
#95. In a restaurant, tangoing couples circled past, and the look in Hale's eyes was especially mischievous when he told her, Oh, I see. You brought me here so you can have your way with me on the dance floor.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1800190
#96. You still don't get it, do you, Margaret?' Kat smiled almost sadly. 'We never had to steal the Antony. All we had to do was get it next to the Cleopatra and switch the signs.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1805344
#97. Honor is overrated.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1812890
#98. How'd you get in here?"
She raised her eyebrows. "You pick pockets." Kat watched his hand fly to his back pocket. "I can pick locks. Looking for this?" she asked, holding up his wallet. "Oops. Maybe I can pick pockets too.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1816578
#99. But the downside of being con artist is that it very hard to con. Even if the lies you tell are to yourself.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1844100
#100. I don't answer. I'm not staging a rebellion here. I stay quiet because I don't want to break down, and I learnt a long time ago that, sometimes, the only way to silence the cries is by making no sound at all.

Ally Carter

Ally Carter Quotes #1856185

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