Top 64 Black Racist Quotes

#1. And my point was one I think that you'd agree with, which is there's no room in America for a black racist, a Latino racist, or a white racist, or an Asian racist, or a Native American racist. Now, we're either color blind or we're not color blind.

Newt Gingrich

Black Racist Quotes #424833
#2. What sorts of people dig up a black grandparent and then demand special privileges? What does it mean when these same people spew racist abuse at the rest of their ancestry? What does it signify when a society rewards them for this type of behavior?

Daniel Greenfield

Black Racist Quotes #1380017
#3. A 'black' man who draws a 'black' person with big lips is called observant. A 'white' man who does the same is called a racist.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Black Racist Quotes #1401475
#4. He just never understood how white people could be racist in South Africa. "Africa is full of black people," he would say. "So why would you come all the way to Africa if you hate black people? If you hate black people so much, why did you move into their house?" To him it was insane. Because

Trevor Noah

Black Racist Quotes #1379158
#5. They call me racist too just because I disagree with a president who happens to be black. You are not racists - you are patriots.

Herman Cain

Black Racist Quotes #1318021
#6. Barack Obama is the president of the United States of America. More specifically, Barack Obama is the president of a congenitally racist country, erected upon the plunder of life, liberty, labor, and land. This plunder has not been exclusive to black people. - Ta

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Black Racist Quotes #1135242
#7. I dug up some old John Buscema 'Conan' comics. Man, when Alfredo Alcala was inking, that was some of the most beautiful black and white comic art ever published. The stories are good, too, though early '70s comics based on Conan is a festival of sexist, racist stereotypes.

Ted Naifeh

Black Racist Quotes #1132862
#8. By the end of the seventies the feared yet desired black male body had become as objectified as it was during slavery, only a seemingly positive twist had been added to the racist sexist objectification: the black male body had become the site for the personification of everyone's desire.

Bell Hooks

Black Racist Quotes #1132726
#9. I think anybody who is racist is an idiot whether they are black or white.

Charles Barkley

Black Racist Quotes #1090636
#10. The racist conscience of America is such that murder does not register as murder really, unless the victim is whiteblacks knew that white blood is the coin of freedom in a land where for four hundred years black blood has been shed unremarked and with impunity.

Eldridge Cleaver

Black Racist Quotes #1083296
#11. As a black woman, I have no particular interest in maintaining the status quo. Why would I? The status quo is harmful; the status quo is significantly racist and sexist and a whole bunch of other things that I think need to change.

N.K. Jemisin

Black Racist Quotes #1070381
#12. We were the only black family in an estate with 1,000 white families. Liverpool being quite racist in the Sixties, it was a bit grim growing up.

Craig Charles

Black Racist Quotes #1031029
#13. We are real black characters with real character, not the stars of American racist spectacle. Blackness is not probable cause.

Kiese Laymon

Black Racist Quotes #984529
#14. If the tea party is so racist, how come when they have straw polls the black guy keeps winning?

Herman Cain

Black Racist Quotes #971659
#15. Well, you need to have at least one black friend, otherwise people think you're racist

Zach Braff

Black Racist Quotes #914901
#16. Racist dermatologists think all black people have really bad skin.

Anthony Jeselnik

Black Racist Quotes #892927
#17. You can't get more racist than hating black conservatives just because they're black.

Greg Gutfeld

Black Racist Quotes #866350
#18. What had begun as a movement to free all black people from racist oppression became a movement with its primary goal the establishment of black male patriarchy.

Bell Hooks

Black Racist Quotes #801311
#19. There's a lot of racism going on. Who's more racist, black people or white people? It's black people! You know why? Because we hate black people too! Everything white people don't like about black people, black people really don't like about black people.

Chris Rock

Black Racist Quotes #1414582
#20. Since anti-racist individuals did not control mass media, the media became the primary tool that would be used and is still used to convince black viewers, and everyone else, of black inferiority.

Bell Hooks

Black Racist Quotes #1416483
#21. I continue to care for President Obama and for his family. I think that in many ways they are very courageous people, and I honor that, because I know what it means to live as a black person in a racist America.

Alice Walker

Black Racist Quotes #1441253
#22. The racist dog policemen must withdraw immediately from our communities, cease their wanton murder and brutality and torture of black people, or face the wrath of the armed people.

Huey Newton

Black Racist Quotes #1473473
#23. The thing about the black market is, it's racist. White children make useful slaves, too.

M.C. Humphreys

Black Racist Quotes #1488429
#24. I would have been completely brainwashed by this lopsided and racist view of the world if it weren't for my father. He was a deep thinker and an irrepressible problem solver. He was a Black Socrates, asking why and then spoiling ready-made replies.

Walter Mosley

Black Racist Quotes #1488729
#25. For far too long we've allowed the other side to paint us as racist, as sexist, inhumane war mongers - well, today as a conservative black Republican and former solider, I'm here to set that record straight.

Allen West

Black Racist Quotes #1573300
#26. First we have to recognize that the cause of poverty is both structural and behavioral. And the first thing about the behavior part is that we need a moral revolution within the African American community. Look - no white racist makes you get pregnant when you are a black teenager.

Henry Louis Gates

Black Racist Quotes #1644622
#27. In life, you learned that not all white people are racist, not all black folks are criminals, let's admit it and love one another..

Werley Nortreus

Black Racist Quotes #1655177
#28. I'm racist against non-black people.

Keegan-Michael Key

Black Racist Quotes #1659278
#29. Wigger: a young white who wants desperately to be down with hip-hop, who identifies more strongly with Black culture than white. (What's disturbing about this expression is its racist implications: if white kids down with hip-hop are "wiggers," what does that make Black kids down with hip-hop?)

Bakari Kitwana

Black Racist Quotes #1725632
#30. We are all a little bit racist. White people, y'all are the first people to denounce it. I'm not racist. I'm incapable of being racist. My best friend is black ... He's also my chauffeur, but he's my best friend.

Aries Spears

Black Racist Quotes #1737031
#31. Ben Starling, you better not have bought your token black friend a racist shirt

John Green

Black Racist Quotes #1761346
#32. I was born black, I attended all Negro schools including college, I grew up in the segregated South during Jim Crow. If anybody knows a racist, I do. Pat Buchanan ain't no racist.

Ezola B. Foster

Black Racist Quotes #1860892
#33. A people who have suffered so much for so long at hands of a racist society must draw the line somewhere ... the black communities of America must rise up as one man to halt the progression of a trend that leads inevitably to their total destruction.

Bobby Seale

Black Racist Quotes #1876186
#34. My dad was a complicated man. He was a huge racist, my dad, but he still tried to be a good father, you know? Like, he would tell me that Santa Claus was black - that way, when I found out he didn't exist, it wouldn't be that big a let down.

Anthony Jeselnik

Black Racist Quotes #387714
#35. Stop saying you're not racist because you have a friend that's black. That's like saying you're not a pedophile because you have a friend that's a kid.

Daniel Tosh

Black Racist Quotes #4166
#36. Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday?

Joy Behar

Black Racist Quotes #28246
#37. The double jeopardy of being black and female in a racist and sexist society may well make one less afraid of the sanctions against success. A non-subservient black woman is by definition a transgressive- she is the ultimate outsider.

Mamphela Ramphele

Black Racist Quotes #89655
#38. Want to shut a racist white guy's mouth. Put him around Super human athletic black dudes.


Black Racist Quotes #127978
#39. If I go into a club now, all the blonde girls leave my corner and all the black girls come into my corner. It's as if I'm racist towards white girls!

Boris Becker

Black Racist Quotes #214682
#40. We won't organize any black man to be a Democrat or a Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and the Democratic Party is more racist than the Republican Party.

Malcolm X

Black Racist Quotes #223662
#41. I am often asked why I started to write poetry. The answer is that my motivation sprang from a visceral need to creatively articulate the experiences of the black youth of my generation, coming of age in a racist society.

Linton Kwesi Johnson

Black Racist Quotes #225907
#42. Donald Trump insisted yesterday that he is not racist, because one time an African-American won Apprentice. Because nothing says 'not racist' like making a black man run your errands.

Conan O'Brien

Black Racist Quotes #230605
#43. You know, growing up, I lived in a neighborhood in Long Island where there was basically one black family. And I remember hearing all the parents and the kids in the neighborhood say racist things about this family.

Lorraine Bracco

Black Racist Quotes #245146
#44. "Not being virulently and overtly racist against black people" and "treating gay people like human beings" are necessary conditions of greatness.

Mallory Ortberg

Black Racist Quotes #248489
#45. And although black civil rights leaders like to point to a supposedly racist criminal justice system to explain why our prisons house so many black men, it's been obvious for decades that the real culprit is black behavior - behavior too often celebrated in black culture.

Jason L. Riley

Black Racist Quotes #260521
#46. I hate painting with a broad brush, but I think the birther thing, at its root, is racist. The guy was born in Hawaii. A black guy is president. It's cool. Get over it. Just deal with it. There's nothing you could show these birther people that would shut them up.

Henry Rollins

Black Racist Quotes #321963
#47. I'm not racist, I've got a black president.

Dane Cook

Black Racist Quotes #346752
#48. FACT: The black family (and the black male/black female relationship) was systematically DESTROYED by over 500 years of institutionalized slavery, racism, and racist media stereotypes. The white family was not.


Black Racist Quotes #362054
#49. At times we are the worst racist enemies of our black selves.

Gloria D. Gonsalves

Black Racist Quotes #371138
#50. America's put American Black Folks in such a bad position, empty plates and glasses now get us full.

Darnell Lamont Walker

Black Racist Quotes #789645
#51. I don't think Steve Scalise has a racist bone in his body. Steve and I have worked on issues that benefit poor people, black people, white people, Jewish people. I know his character.

Cedric Richmond

Black Racist Quotes #468387
#52. I am not antiwhite, because I understand that white people, like black ones, are victims of a racist society. They are products of their time and place.

Shirley Chisholm

Black Racist Quotes #510389
#53. Jeremiah Wright is one of the greatest prophetic preachers that black America has produced. What I find striking is that many white brothers and sisters miss the fact that there would be no black church if the white church wasn't political and racist in refusing to worship with us.

Michael Eric Dyson

Black Racist Quotes #523887
#54. 'I Spy' represents the absence of the tension of the black man or black woman or anyone of that color walking in, so that the white racist person can become entertaining to a viewer.

Bill Cosby

Black Racist Quotes #545340
#55. They made you an Amendment and convinced you it meant 'American.

Darnell Lamont Walker

Black Racist Quotes #552937
#56. I can't stand black guys. I would never touch one. It's gross?

Paris Hilton

Black Racist Quotes #584913
#57. I could never live with you; not 'cause I'm racist or nothing. It's just 'cause as a black man in America, I need to have someone I can come home and complain about white people to. And that just don't work with my white wife.

J. B. Smoove

Black Racist Quotes #595473
#58. But, on the other hand, I get bored with racism too and recognize that there are still many things to be said about a Black person and a White person loving each other in a racist society.

Audre Lorde

Black Racist Quotes #614157
#59. This is laid down with a groove funkier and blacker than anything Prince of Michael Jackson
or any other black artist of the recent years for that matter
has come up with.

Bret Easton Ellis

Black Racist Quotes #624848
#60. For black Americans, we know that gun control ... sprouts from racist soil - be it after the or during the infamous Dred Scott case where black man's humanity was not recognized.

Niger Innis

Black Racist Quotes #643923
#61. He was a professional rugby player in the area that I played as a youngster. So a lot of people who I went to school with knew who he was and knew that he was black. So I would get racist taunts in school.

Ryan Giggs

Black Racist Quotes #676869
#62. The tea baggers. The one thing they hate is when you call them racist. The other thing they hate is black people. But they won't say it.

Bill Maher

Black Racist Quotes #686899
#63. I'm racist? How can that even be possible? I was a friend of Michael Jackson's back when he was black.

Joan Rivers

Black Racist Quotes #744805
#64. Raising Black children - female and male - in the mouth of a racist, sexist, suicidal dragon is perilous and chancy. If they cannot love and resist at the same time, they will probably not survive.

Audre Lorde

Black Racist Quotes #772020

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