Top 100 You Can't Blame Others Quotes

#1. Kicking the proverbial can down the road only increases the size of the can.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #40172
#2. Katie leaned forward conspiratorially. Oh, sweetie, I just said that because Alice is an old bag. You go after Devon. The man is fine. I don't blame you for changing your look for a shot at that. When the pool about you two gets going at Petie's Pub, I'm putting my money on you.

Susan Meier

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #49447
#3. Peace is a place of unhindered enjoyment of friendship beyond guilt, suspicion, blame of inferiority

Francois Du Toit

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #48056
#4. I have to blame myself for not finding any way of reaching him, but I can't feel that either Ruth or I had anything much to do with his corruption.
His personal motives were freedom and pleasure, and he misread them both.

Wallace Stegner

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #47147
#5. You've always got a choice. You have a choice now, and you certainly had a choice then. Don't blame them for the choices you made.

Nicole Williams

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #46062
#6. Pain is inevitable. It is actually a great opportunity for growth, but when we blame or fail to take responsibility for our suffering, the pain becomes stagnant, and stagnant pain can have a compounding effect if left unchecked.

Romany Malco

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #45957
#7. You can't blame anyone for being cynical about politicians.

Peter Capaldi

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #44509
#8. So when they win, it's their hard work
And when they lose, it's their bad luck

Sanhita Baruah

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #44461
#9. No one will ever blame you for trying to get it right.

Lorii Myers

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #44352
#10. It is easy to look backward and cast blame on others, but more difficult to gaze ahead and take responsibility for your own decisions and your own future. - GRIFFIN HARKONNEN, final dispatch from Arrakis It

Brian Herbert

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #43922
#11. Perhaps we invented the gods so that we could put the blame on them. They gave us permission to eat flesh. They gave us permission to play with unclean things. It's not our fault, it's theirs. We're just their children.

J.M. Coetzee

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #43835
#12. It makes one a better person to have had hardships and to have overcome hardships and not to blame anybody else for your mistakes.

Maureen Forrester

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #41959
#13. The only person I can count on is myself. It's up to me to create the life I want. I can't blame my parents or Scott or anyone else for the way things are.

Susane Colasanti

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #41425
#14. I like you but you mightn't feel the same way about me, and I wouldn't blame you. To save us both from any awkward moments I've figured out an easy way to do this. Nod if you're even slightly interested in getting to know me. Write a ten page explanation if you're not.

Bill Condon

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #51308
#15. I was the person, I think, who first said the evening of September 11 that we shouldn't hold this against the Arab community, the Muslim community. We should focus on the individuals and that groups that were involved and not participate in group blame.

Rudy Giuliani

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #38891
#16. If you think you control things that are in the control of others, you will lament. You will be disturbed and you will blame both gods and men.


You Can't Blame Others Quotes #38245
#17. Donald Trump is not my fault. You can blame certain things on me, but not Donald Trump.

Fran Lebowitz

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #37536
#18. I had a funny feeling he was sizing up the situation and somehow I was to blame for his sleepy
albeit really,really nice

Jennifer L. Armentrout

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #37262
#19. The wizards were civilized men of considerable education and culture. When faced with being inadvertently marooned on a desert island they understood immediately that the first thing to do was place the blame

Terry Pratchett

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #36980
#20. A dinery server behaving like a pureblood attracts trouble; trouble attracts blame; blame demands a scrapegoat.

David Mitchell

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #36292
#21. I blame my mother for nothing, but forgive her for everything.

Mary J. Blige

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #36157
#22. It is your own bad strategies, not the unfair opponent, that are to blame for your failures. You are responsible for the good and bad in your life.

Robert Greene

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #35991
#23. CNN's Rick Sanchez said the Jews run CNN. Ah, so that's who we blame for Rick Sanchez.

Conan O'Brien

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #34510
#24. Many have blamed the gasoline shortages and long lines at filling stations in 1973 on the Arab Oil embargo of that year. However, the shortages and long lines began months before the Arab oil embargo, right after price controls were imposed.

Thomas Sowell

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #33445
#25. I even get tired performing standup, which is normally a low-impact exercise in futility but looks hard the way I do it. That's why I take a lot of breaks, often stopping in the middle of a joke to catch my breath, or blame the crowd for not laughing before the punchline.

Andy Kindler

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #32200
#26. As soon as men know that they can kill without fear of punishment or blame, they kill; or at least they encourage killers with approving smiles.

Simone Weil

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #57154
#27. There are times when we can blame a situation on others, but we own our reactions to them. There comes a point where we are the ones responsible for our choices and excuses don't carry weight anymore.

Penelope Douglas

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #64551
#28. You go against yourself when you judge or blame yourself for anything

Miguel Angel Ruiz

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #64233
#29. Until you stop blaming and become positively self-critical you are not going to move forward.

Bryant McGill

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #64094
#30. Always blame the guy," she said.

Gena Showalter

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #63577
#31. I love improvisation. You can't blame it on the writers. You can't blame it on direction. You can't blame it on the camera guy ... It's you. You're on. You've got to do it, and you either sink or swim with what you've got.

Jonathan Winters

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #63479
#32. To grow up is to stop putting blame on parents

Maya Angelou

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #63362
#33. If your everyday life seems poor, don't blame it; blame yourself; admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches

Rainer Maria Rilke

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #63144
#34. There are many Sheriff Arpaios. People who have taken to local city, county, and state governments across the county the idea that immigrants are the problem. That immigrants are to blame.

Zack De La Rocha

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #63112
#35. Mental wounds not healing, who and what's to blame. I'm going off the rails on a crazy train.

Ozzy Osbourne

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #62741

Andrew Matthews

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #62541
#37. Rule of thumb: When Democrats lose, they blame the candidate. When Republicans lose, they blame the opposition.

Timothy Noah

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #61913
#38. I don't blame you," Genevieve said. "Sunnyvale isn't exactly Paris.

Juliet Blackwell

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #58504
#39. Any time you get into a presidential campaign and the stakes are so high, all candidates - they want to be in complete control whenever they can. And you can't blame them for that.

Bob Schieffer

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #32167
#40. Children deprived of words become school dropouts; dropouts deprived of hope behave delinquently. Amateur censors blame delinquency on reading immoral books and magazines, when in fact, the inability to read anything is the basic trouble.

Peter S. Jennison

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #56094
#41. To incessantly blame others for my shortcomings is cowardice borne of fear, fed by fear, and haunted by fear. To be steadfastly accountable for my shortcomings is bravery borne of God, fed by God, and blessed by God.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #55867
#42. Pat Buchanan is so homo-phobic, he blames global warming on the AIDS quilt.

Dennis Miller

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #55563
#43. I have always told my subordinates that when they commit any mistakes, the blame must be laid on the superior officers.

Chiang Kai-shek

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #55277
#44. No blame. No regrets. Gratitude and happiness in every direction.

J.T. Gillett

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #54922
#45. Don't you dare take the lazy way. It's too easy to excuse yourself because of your ancestry. Don't let me catch you doing it! Now
look close at me so you will remember. Whatever you do, it will be you who do.

John Steinbeck

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #54713
#46. Blame is very tricky in that it seems like a way out when it is really a form of imprisonment.

Bryant McGill

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #53324
#47. Dictators have always played on the natural human tendency to blame others and to oversimplify.

Gerard K. O'Neill

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #53076
#48. I always wanted to take the blame. I've always been apologetic for other people's faults.

Lindsay Lohan

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #53024
#49. When Marxist dictators shoot their way into power in Central America, the Democrats don't blame the guerrillas and their Soviet allies, they blame United States' policies of one hundred years ago, but then they always blame America first.

Jeane Kirkpatrick

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #51829
#50. When everything goes wrong, it's better to remember
someone who is not going to question you or blame you for what
you have done. Not even offer some free advice.
That's the best thing about God.

Sheeja Jose

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #51496
#51. In other men we faults can spy,/ And blame the mote that dims their eye;/ Each little speck and blemish find;/ To our own stronger errors blind.

Benjamin Franklin

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #10202
#52. I cannot blame them, in truth, for desiring ... But they were like children, who have only just begun to grasp the idea of a thing. And like children, they had no notion of laboring to create, but only of having ... and no thought given to the cost, to others, of taking it.

Jacqueline Carey

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #16993
#53. Who is this vague "they" we blame for so many of our problems? "They" is the obscure party we use as our whipping boy to camouflage the fact that we - you and I and other specific human beings just like us - have to start doing things differently. "They" can't fix anything. We can.

Price Pritchett

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #15584
#54. The victim mindset produces a delusion of fault and blame that blinds you from the simple truth of cause and effect.

Steve Maraboli

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #14281
#55. We take men's obligation to earn money, and when they do it well, we blame them for having power and being oppressors. And when they don't do it all, women just don't marry men who are reading 'I'm Okay, You're Okay' in the unemployment line.

Warren Farrell

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #14212
#56. Blame is something that is shared and denied in equal measures.

Patrick Ness

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #13288
#57. You spend months barely acknowledging someone's existence and then BOOM, you're emotionally addicted to her. Science would probably blame it on chemicals, genetics or something equally logical, but it didn't feel like anything logical

C.K. Kelly Martin

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #13248
#58. Nobody in particular is to blame, that I can see, for the state in which things are ...

Charlotte Bronte

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #13216
#59. Nature does have manure and she does have roots as well as blossoms, and you can't hate the manure and blame the roots for not being blossoms.

R. Buckminster Fuller

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #12670
#60. When things don't go well they like to blame presidents; and that's something that presidents are paid for.

John F. Kennedy

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #12459
#61. When I am furious about something, I sometimes beat the ground or a tree with my walking stick. But I certainly do not believe that the ground is to blame or that my beating can help anything ... And all rites are of this kind.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #12352
#62. Why did you act in this way, you pitiable ones? Make a bow of repentance, recognize your fault, be sorry for your nakedness. Neither one of them could blame himself, neither of them had the least bit of humility.

Dorotheus Of Gaza

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #12326
#63. I'm very much to blame for not seeing it before, but who on earth goes about suspecting an impossible outlandish thing like murder? That's something that happens in books, not among people you know.

Mary Stewart

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #11265
#64. The only thing that frightens me a little is when I'm called Kevin rather than Fred, but that's how people have known me for so many years. So, I can't really blame them.

Fred Savage

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #17151
#65. The story of Genesis could only be a poorly written misconception that put needless blame on women. Estella

Ira Smith

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #7501
#66. Guilt kept me going. It was impossible not to blame myself for what had happened, but even guilt was a comfort. It was a human feeling, a sign that I was still attached to the same world that other men lived in.

Paul Auster

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #7380
#67. Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity. The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment. There always is the potential to create an environment of blame -or one that is conducive to loving-kindness.

Pema Chodron

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #6370
#68. A lot of young men are frustrated and looking for someone to blame.

Warren Farrell

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #5763
#69. She'd betrayed her country because she'd believed it was the right thing to do. Yet would she have done this, if not for Arin?
He knew none of it. Had never asked for it. Kestrel had made her own choices. It was unfair to blame him.
But she wanted to.

Marie Rutkoski

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #5582
#70. One of the most common ways of not acknowledging our faults is to blame others.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #2702
#71. Blame is for God and small children.

Dustin Hoffman

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #2495
#72. Placing the blame or judgment on someone else leaves you powerless to change your experience; taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgments gives you the power to change them

Byron Katie

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #2218
#73. Why should we think upon things that are lovely? Because thinking determines life. It is a common habit to blame life upon the environment. Environment modifies life but does not govern life. The soul is stronger than its surroundings.

William James

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #1613
#74. If something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who can't speak English.

Dan Castellaneta

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #1494
#75. Antony said to Poemen, 'Our great work is to lay the blame for our sins upon ourselves before God, and to expect to be tempted to our last breath.

Benedicta Ward

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #1421
#76. Sorrow shatters my heart; And men distress it with blame, Because it follows love.

Moses Ibn Ezra

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #25846
#77. When we advance more confident claims and they fail to come to fruition, this constitutes much more powerful evidence against our hypothesis. We can't really blame anyone for losing faith when this occurs

Nate Silver

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #31942
#78. I've only myself to blame. It would be easy for me to blame others but I have to look at myself.

Craig Bellamy

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #31797
#79. You can get past a mistake, but it's much harder to get past being a cruel person.

Jennifer Brown

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #28915
#80. I don't blame my own parents for the way I grew up, as quite often there is little choice in these issues.

Peter Garrett

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #28784
#81. Don't blame, forgive, All healing is self-healing

Albert Schweitzer

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #28526
#82. People today think ancient Egypt was ineffably cool. I blame this misconception on hieroglyphics and (to a lesser extent) on the Bangles.

Kevin Hearne

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #28005
#83. I look up at Eric,sniffing "I tried to...and..."I shake my head.
"You tired to what?" asks Eric
"Kiss me," says Tobias. "And I rejected her,and she went running off like a five-year-old. there's really nothing to blame her for but stupidity.

Veronica Roth

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #27506
#84. One doubts existence of free will [because] every action determined by heredity, constitution, example of others or teaching of others." "This view should teach one profound humility, one deserves no credit for anything ... nor ought one to blame others.

Charles Darwin

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #27265
#85. The rules of transcendence insist that you will not advance even one inch closer to divinity as long as you cling to even one last seductive thread of blame.

Elizabeth Gilbert

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #27249
#86. It's not natural disasters that are to blame for the deprivation of the North Korean people, but the failed policies of Kim Jong Il.

John Bolton

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #26703
#87. When you cease to blame your spous eand own the problem as yours, you are then empowered to make changes to solve your problem.

Henry Cloud

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #26400
#88. The Chinese mom is not the helicopter mom. I would never do their homework for them. It's all about: Take responsibility, don't blame others. Be self-reliant. Never blame the teacher.

Amy Chua

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #26049
#89. After a while, the anger I felt just sort of became part of me, like it was the only way I knew how to handle the grief. I didn't like who I'd become, but I was stuck in this horrible cycle of questions and blame.

Nicholas Sparks

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #1105
#90. But why should they blame her? They should blame the men who won't let her alone,

Jean M. Auel

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #24814
#91. Mistakes,' he said with effort, 'are also important to me. I don't cross them out of my life, or memory. And I never blame others for them.

Andrzej Sapkowski

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #24313
#92. I am sorry for you with all my heart. But you cannot blame us, for you came to kill us if you could.

Richard Adams

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #23865
#93. It sounds so perfect. He's defending me because Carey would want him to. It's not about me. It never is, with these two boys. Blake lets me take the blame, and Carey uses me.

Corrine Jackson

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #22719
#94. I don't blame him for being in love with her. I just wish, for her sake, she wasn't in love with him.

Tiffany Reisz

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #20671
#95. The door vibrated with the soft bump of Travis' forehead against the door. "I don't want you leave, but I wouldn't blame you if you did.

Jamie McGuire

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #20211
#96. No more excuses. I can't blame anything on my parents. I'm responsible for my mistakes and my choices.

Brad Pitt

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #19580
#97. I think that we need to change the culture, not blame the people that are playing the only game that exists.

Gloria Steinem

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #19518
#98. Ninety percent of politics is deciding whom to blame.

Meg Greenfield

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #18882
#99. Accepting blame when it's not really due sometimes makes the point better.

Malcolm Forbes

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #18830
#100. We didn't intend to hurt each other, and we don't have time to do so. Life is too short to blame others. It's now the past. I hope that everybody will do well in the long run.

Jay Park

You Can't Blame Others Quotes #18741

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