Top 100 Quotes About Your Mother And Father

#1. Sometimes it's blood memory ... not the blood your mother and father gave you ... but that which stretches back two or three thousand years.

Martha Graham

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #8433
#2. For the hand of a beauty with honest words and sensibilities so mighty."
Though your mother and father had hoped for something more fragile (and flighty),

Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #168289
#3. This is something an ordinary man can never know. You will enter the House of Dreams, Juanito, where you will live forever. Your mother and father and sisters and brothers, your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, all you will greet in their dreams. And only you, among them, will be safe.

Barry Gifford

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #288254
#4. "I'm a victim of sexual discrimination."
"No, you're the victim of a cruel sexual experiment performed by your mother and father.

Harry Enfield

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #434538
#5. The only reason, for example, that you are not a rattlesnake is that your mother and father weren't rattlesnakes. You deserve very little credit for being what you are

Dale Carnegie

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #533214
#6. The purpose of writing is to make your mother and father drop dead with shame.

J.P. Donleavy

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #591806
#7. For their entire lives, even before they met you, your mother and father held their love for you inside their hearts like an acorn holds an oak tree.

Anthony Marra

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #641272
#8. Every guy has feminine qualities. You're raised by your mother and father, and so you get qualities from your mother and father. I was mostly with my mother, but I think the pictures turned out good. Whatever.

Justin Bieber

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #775693
#9. There are things that you cannot talk to your mother and father about, there are things that you cannot talk to your children about.

Shirley Knight

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #875692
#10. I think that every child grows up with the ideas that what we are given, is our society. Your education, and your mother and father, they tell you this is how it is, but then you hit adolescence and you think, 'Is it? Why? Why is it like that?' Sometimes that questioning leads to something more.

Alice Englert

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1262728
#11. You don't have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you.

Meryl Streep

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1270948
#12. When you serve your mother and father it is okay to try to correct them once in a while. But if you see that they are not going to listen to you, keep your respect for them and don't distance yourself from them. Work without complaining.


Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1579717
#13. Bullshit! Li-ar! Your mother and father are dead like everybody else. Everybody is dead.

Joyce Carol Oates

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1593556
#14. The strange fact that out of millions of people in the world, your mother and father met and decided to get married to each other. And out of the millions of sperm, that the one with your genes was the one that made it to the egg and fertilised the egg. I'll never forget it.

A. J. Jacobs

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1633659
#15. Your heavenly Father has known you from your mother's womb. Only He really understands you and the things that have fought hard to wound your soul and steal your confidence. He sees you through eyes uncluttered by human hindrances and social sentiment.

Victoria Boyson

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #17632
#16. A well-bred duckling spreads his feet wide apart, just like his father and mother, in this way. Now bend your neck, and say 'quack.'" The

Hans Christian Andersen

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #53116
#17. So if you don't like your life, change it. How would you change it? You decide. There's no action without first decision. Decision is the mother or the father of action, and action is what changes your life.

Tony Robbins

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #57711
#18. How long has it been since you looked into the eyes of your mother and, holding nothing back, spoke those welcome words, 'Mother, I truly love you'? How about Father, who daily toils to provide for you? Fathers appreciate hearing those same precious words from the lips of a child, 'I love you.'

Thomas S. Monson

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #63445
#19. Sometimes I try to remember things my mother told me about the awful way he was raised. But why does he have to keep on going? Why would you take something bad out of your mouth and hand it to another, saying, Here, eat this?

Elizabeth Berg

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #98017
#20. My mother and my father both, you know, the term would be, 'suck it up and just get on with it'; 'don't let bad things that happen to you stop you'; 'you're in control of your life,'" recalls Bloomberg. That advice is one of his sharpest childhood memories.

Joyce Purnick

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #127148
#21. My father, my mother, and then my father was always on top of me - 'Keep your nose clean. Do you love what you're doing?' 'Yes.' 'Then be aware, or you're going to lose it.'

Paul Anka

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #128659
#22. Your father is a piece of work," her mother said. "Every time, he breaks your hearts. And every time, he expects me to pick up the pieces." Pick up, sweep aside - same difference in her mom's world. Eleanor didn't argue.

Rainbow Rowell

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #134961
#23. You know you've built a product that can hit the mainstream when your wife, your father, and your mother-in-law can get involved.

Josh Kopelman

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #179401
#24. My mother plants her hands on her hips, peevish. "Is that the best welcome you can come up with? Why don't you come over here and give your father a hug?" Hug him? Touch him? How can she even suggest it?

Laura Wiess

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #189421
#25. Listen to your father who begot you, And do not despise your mother when she is old.


Quotes About Your Mother And Father #193976
#26. Loving your homeland is just as natural as loving your father or mother - after all, your country nourishes you, protects you, and in many ways makes you who you are. Just as it's a virtue to honor your parents, it's a good and admirable thing to honor the land you call home.

William Bennett

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #232501
#27. You are my son, then, I'll tell you' and your mother was a wicked slut to leave you in ignorance of the sort of father you possessed.

Emily Bronte

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #237859
#28. Mothers, your relationship with your daughter is of paramount importance, and so is your example. How you love and honor her father, his priesthood, and his divine role will be reflected and perhaps amplified in your daughter's attitudes and behavior.

Elaine S. Dalton

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #260197
#29. There are plenty to love you so try to be satisfied with Father and Mother, Sisters and Brothers, friends and babies till the best lover of all comes to give you your reward.

Louisa May Alcott

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #271501
#30. Sirrah, your Father's dead: And what will you do now? How will you live?
Son: As birds do, mother.
L. Macd: What with worms and flies?
Son: With what I get, I mean; and so do they.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #295454
#31. I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Graham Chapman

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #319165
#32. I am not sad, but I am melancholic. When you lose your mother at 20 and then your father soon after, melancholia is part of your life.

Patricia Kaas

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #337121
#33. Edward: "Take that, you beef-witted varlet!"
Gracie: "Who are you calling beef-witted?" she laughed at him. "Your mother was a hamster, and your father stank of elderberries!

Cynthia Hand

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #354656
#34. O Heavenly Children, you chant God's name but you have forgotten him. He does not want your verses, or the coins from your purses, but for you to love and embrace each other. To uphold truth, justice and peace - and to respect your father and mother, fellow sisters and brothers.

Suzy Kassem

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #356396
#35. This is old news, and stale," growled the Shavepate. "Your mother said the same of your father's kisses," Daario replied.

George R R Martin

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #402450
#36. The Divine has loved me as mother, as father, and as friend, behind all friends. I searched for that one Friend behind all friends, that one lover whom I now see glimmering in all your faces. And that friend never fails me.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #407872
#37. When the children were ready to go to bed, Katie did something very unusual. It was unusual because she was not a demonstrative woman. She held the children close to her and kissed them goodnight.
"From now on" she said ,"I am your mother and your father.

Betty Smith

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #408371
#38. Allow yourself to love him, Nicole. That's one of the greatest gifts a mother can give to her child, you know. To love her child's father. I firmly believe that once Gabe's heart heals, he'll discover that you and your child already have a place there.

Emily March

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #484022
#39. You can't love your mother or father if you don't also have the capacity to grieve their deaths and, perhaps even more so, grieve parts of their lives.

Glenn Beck

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #490387
#40. Distrust won't do good to you.
But still if you ever do.

Doubt you husband,
Maybe doubt your wife.
But never suspect,
your kid's father,
or the mother of your child.

Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #493530
#41. For to be overmindful of your debt is to doubt his generosity who has the free-hearted earth for mother, and God for father.

Kahlil Gibran

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #509749
#42. Your Mother was A Hamster
and you Father Smelled of elder berries

John Cleese

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #523350
#43. Although your father and mother are dead, if you propose to yourself any good work, only reflect how it will make their names illustrious, and your purpose will be fixed.


Quotes About Your Mother And Father #525129
#44. He suddenly pulled up, staring down at her for several moments, his eyes fierce and serious. "It means you belong to me. No other. Not your brother your father your mother your uncle. Not even Master. Me. Only me. Always and forever.

Lucian Bane

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #539239
#45. My parents were very volatile but very loving. My father would get jealous if my mother looked at somebody. I used to be insanely jealous. It comes out of insecurity. It can come and go, but you get to the point in life where you don't have this raging jealousy and protectiveness about your world.

Felicity Kendal

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #552073
#46. Most fathers and ... Mothers. Only your grandmother and Ghengis Khan know how to do it.

Bill Cosby

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #557962
#47. I complained to a friend that although I had completed six years in therapy, my mother still wouldn't let me go. He replied, "She's not supposed to let you go. Your father is supposed to come and get you.

Don Elium

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #563673
#48. There was a young man in Rome that was very like Augustus Caesar; Augustus took knowledge of it and sent for the man, and asked him "Was your mother never at Rome?" He answered "No Sir; but my father was."

Francis Bacon

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #566492
#49. You are born into your first one. Your mother plays the lead. She shares the stage with your father and siblings. Or perhaps your father is absent, an empty stool under a spotlight. But he is still a founding member, and if he surfaces one day, you will have to make room for him.

Mitch Albom

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #582572
#50. Do you really think we'll ever
"I do," he said with certainty, not letting me finish. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I know it, Sassenach, and so do you. You were meant to be a mother, and I surely dinna intend to let anyone else father your children.

Diana Gabaldon

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #586080
#51. Three great ways to lose a lover:
Talk to him the way your mother talked to your father.
Berate him in public because everybody loves an audience.
Contrast him to your friends, and compare him with his predecessors.

Perry Brass

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #619648
#52. There are two facts that all children need to disprove sooner or later; mother and father. If you go on believing in the fiction of your own parents, it is difficult to construct any narrative of your own.

Jeanette Winterson

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #644149
#53. When my father died, my mother was still alive. And I think when your second parent dies, there is that shock: 'Oh man, I'm an orphan.' There's also this relief: It's done; it's finished; it's over.

Roz Chast

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #655462
#54. *marissa tries to get her single, working mother's attention by suggesting something outrageous, to which mom replies:*

'You're a smart girl. Use your head and avoid any guy who reminds you of your father.

Camille Pagan

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #658264
#55. So (if) some cracker come and tell you 'Well, my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,' you better hold your pocket. That ain't nothing to be proud of. That means their forefathers was crooks.

Al Sharpton

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #665218
#56. Even God would say"Finish the task you have undertaken". He would never recommend breaking her mother's heart, damaging her parents' lives. "Your mother and then your mother and then your mother," the Prophet had said, "and then your father." But what about her own life? What is to become of that?

Ahdaf Soueif

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #666340
#57. If you're not getting work, make your own work. I think that's a good mentality. I suppose I take my drive from my mother and my practicality from my father.

Sophie Kennedy Clark

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #739351
#58. Your lifelong rebellion against all forms of authority stems from the infant's desire to murder the father and possess the mother.

Donald O'Donovan

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #755388
#59. See all living beings as your father or mother, and love them as if you were their child


Quotes About Your Mother And Father #802257
#60. People in England were coming up to me, saying, My mother and father turned me on to your music. This happened to me 20 years ago. When I was 40 they were saying that.

Roy Ayers

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #809841
#61. No matter what Joe Hoffman and Wade Preston say, it's not gender that makes a family; it's love. You don't need a mother and a father; you don't necessarily even need two parents. You just need someone who's got your back.

Jodi Picoult

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #813479
#62. Be able to confide your innermost secrets to your mother and your innermost fears to your father.

Marilyn Vos Savant

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #829476
#63. My mother is an incredibly beautiful woman who has laughed at every single thing my father's ever said. At a young age, my brother and I understood that if you can make girls laugh, you can punch well above your weight class.

Seth Meyers

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #851216
#64. Your mother says she will be brave and keep a stiff upper lip," said Father. "Americans are heartless. I will cry into my pillow every night.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #853261
#65. And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance. I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #855962
#66. His mother had died at eighty, his father at ninety. Aloud he said to them,
"I'm seventy-one. Your boy is seventy-one." "Good. You lived," his mother replied, and his father said, "Look back and atone for what you can atone for, and make the best of what you have left.

Philip Roth

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #866238
#67. Old is the tree and the fruit good,
Very old and thick the wood.
Woodman, is your courage stout?
Beware! the root is wrapped about
Your mother's heart, your father's bones;
And like the mandrake comes with groans.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #880428
#68. He opened his eyes and whispered to me. "Kind of incredible. She is you, she is your mother, your father, your country." He kissed her head and leaned down to whisper in my ear.
"She is Poland.

Ruta Sepetys

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #895721
#69. Mrs. Morelli opened the door to us and smacked Joe on the side of the head. "Sex fiend. Just like your father, God rest his rotten soul."
Morelli grinned down at his mother. "It's a curse.

Janet Evanovich

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #896388
#70. I was born in an elevator, and - as my mother said - naturally it was going down. She said, "All I remember is telling your father, 'That's it! Never again!'" That's why I'm an only child.

Jack Lemmon

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #946737
#71. My mother and my father were very nurturing and wonderful examples of how to live your life. I really had a cool foundation.

Jeff Bridges

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #959525
#72. When your mother and your father are having a fight, do you want them to kill each other? Or do you just want them to stop fighting?

Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #969246
#73. What's important is that you can be a wife and mother or you can be a devoted daughter all your life. You can't be both. Not when Thomas Jefferson is your father. You have to choose, Patsy. His

Stephanie Dray

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #990118
#74. The only really good piece of advice I have for my students is, 'Write something you'd never show your mother or father.' And you know what they say? 'I could never do that!'

Lorrie Moore

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #990968
#75. So reality your mother builds you a room in which to run and test, your father give you the stuff on which to handle. Tests and everything needed and you just upgrade yourself!

Deyth Banger

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #996200
#76. God, you don't just barge in on my father, and definitely not my mother.
No way. You check with their personal secretaries first. Check out their moods. Then you make an appointment to slip in. There are basic things you learn when your parents run a planet.

Mike Shepherd

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1013711
#77. I think that I was raised by two of the best people ever. My mother and father are just the definition of hard work, like what hard work brings to you. They've taught me and my brothers and sisters to set your goals high and to give everything to reach them.

Josie Loren

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1023915
#78. When your mother is the grave and your father is a lightning bolt it tends to make you kind of horny. And death has a way of removing one's inhibitions.


Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1042937
#79. You understand Teacher, don't you, that when you have a mother who's an angel and a father who is a cannibal king, and when you have sailed on the ocean all your whole life, then you don't know just how to behave in school with all the apples and ibexes.

Astrid Lindgren

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1044592
#80. I think that I learned music. And also you learn recommendations that you can use in your life. When you travel, you all the time remember what your mother teach you. You know in the African family the mother has a big role to play because the father is outside in the fields or going to work.

Baaba Maal

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1053660
#81. Unfortunately, in self-discovery, you get the culty types who want the father figure or mother figure to tell them everything to do. They don't want to do any work. They want to hang on your energy and try to drain it.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1061688
#82. You come from a wonderful family: Your father is the Divine. Your mother is the Earth. You have many siblings. And you are loved.

Robbie Vorhaus

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1093069
#83. Our Father, here I am, at your disposal, your child, to use me to continue your loving the world, by giving Jesus to me and through me, to each other that we allow Jesus to love in us and through us with the love with which His Father loves him.

Mother Teresa

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1114033
#84. 8 My son, hear the instruction of your father; reject not nor forsake the teaching of your mother. 9 For they are a [victor's] chaplet (garland) of grace upon your head and chains and pendants [of gold worn by kings] for your neck. 10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.


Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1140592
#85. My courage is nothing but borrowed courage." "Not borrowed," said Mother. "Stored up. In us. Like a bank. We've seen your courage and we saved some for you when you temporarily ran out and needed some of it back." "Cash flow problem, that's all it was," said Father.

Orson Scott Card

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1147421
#86. When my mother died I was very young, And my father sold me while yet my tongue Could scarcely cry weep weep weep weep. So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.

William Blake

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1150386
#87. It is likely your own eyes were closed when you were born, so that you left the safe place of your mother's womb - or, if you are a seahorse, your father's yolk sac - and joined the treachery of the world without seeing exactly where you were going.

Lemony Snicket

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1155576
#88. a liberated man, and what I do has nothing to do with anybody but me and my whore of a mother. She has to pay." "I thought that your parents lived down south, Hugh?" "You were meant to. I watched my father die under a tractor, and spat on his dead face. Later, I fixed my mother and

Michael Kerr

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1160060
#89. There is no home as comfortable as your father's arms and no bed as soft as your mother's lap.

Faraaz Kazi

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1162999
#90. It's all right. I'm not upset. After all, they were just things. When you've lost your mother and your father, you can't care so much about things, can you?

Kazuo Ishiguro

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1172357
#91. The Fifth Commandment of the Decalogue demands that one honor one's mother and father. That is not about calling home. It is about this: Their God is your God, their friends are your friends, their debts are your debts, their enemies are your enemies and their fate is your fate.

George Friedman

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1181470
#92. Okay, Troy ... you're right. I'll take care of your baby for you ... cause ... like you say ... she's innocent ... and you can't visit the sins of the father upon the child. A motherless child has got a hard time. From right now ... this child got a mother. But you a womanless man.

August Wilson

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1202856
#93. Is Jensen really your name?" she asked when he sat down again, closing the knife and tucking it back into his pocket.
"Does it matter? I've used any number of names. Jensen, Davidson, Wilson, Madsen."
"In other words your mother didn't know who your father was.

Anne Stuart

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1208302
#94. For the spouse of someone in the service, you are your own provider, your own lover, you own best friend while that person's gone - the mother and father if you have kids.

Jessy Schram

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1220171
#95. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and build your body - it's a blessing.

Lou Gehrig

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1230857
#96. He and Onno had once come to the conclusion that you had to decide for yourself whether after your death you wanted to return to your father, then you must go into fire, because that was spirit, but your mother was of course the earth, the body.

Harry Mulisch

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1254543
#97. I truly think comedy is - being funny is DNA. My dad was a doctor, a wonderful doctor, and people still come up to me today, 'Your father helped my mother die.' You know what I'm saying? He made her laugh 'til she died. My father was always very funny.

Joan Rivers

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1267916
#98. My mother was born in your state, Mr. Walter, and my mother was a Quaker, and my ancestors in the time of Washington baked bread for George Washington's troops when they crossed the Delaware, and my own father was a slave.

Paul Robeson

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1281188
#99. No one is ever quite ready; everyone is always caught off guard. Parenthood chooses you. And you open your eyes, look at what you've got, say "Oh, my gosh," and recognize that of all the balls there ever were, this is the one you should not drop. It's not a question of choice.

Marisa De Los Santos

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1311275
#100. My mother and father were supportive. But in an Italian family, you kind of work with your hands, or you are an engineer or a doctor. But an actor was something they couldn't get hold of. They were afraid I wouldn't be able to make a living, and for many years, they were right.

Michael Rispoli

Quotes About Your Mother And Father #1363041

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