Top 100 Quotes About Picture Day

#1. Everyone has a bad hair day; the trick is not to have one on picture day.

Mark R. Woodward

Quotes About Picture Day #429638
#2. I kept hiding my smile in pictures throughout middle school and most of high school until picture day came my senior year.

Uzo Aduba

Quotes About Picture Day #51774
#3. Lists, she thought, are the stories of our lives; they give a picture of who we are and what we do every day. The

Alexander McCall Smith

Quotes About Picture Day #1104026
#4. Look at the smaller picture, and before you know it, the day is done and you've accomplished far more than you ever imagined,

Melody Anne

Quotes About Picture Day #750848
#5. The whole idea is to enable you to see mentally the picture at all hours of the day.

Claude M. Bristol

Quotes About Picture Day #1039333
#6. There is no "End" to be written, neither can you, like an architect, engrave in stone the day the garden was finished. A painter can frame his picture, a composer can notate his coda, but a garden is always on the move.

Mirabel Osler

Quotes About Picture Day #1029763
#7. A picture perfect day for a picture perfect wedding.

Melody Snow Monroe

Quotes About Picture Day #1015325
#8. La Inca shook her head. She was looking at her favorite picture of his mother on her first day at private school, one of those typical serious DR shots. What always happens. Un maldito hombre.

Junot Diaz

Quotes About Picture Day #997334
#9. You said that you would've taken back that day if you were given a chance. But I ask you why? All things happen for a reason, right? We don't understand the details of our lives because we're so busy living day to day. We need to take a few steps back and take the whole picture in.

Amy Astorga

Quotes About Picture Day #973756
#10. Doctor." Gideon set one ankle on the opposite knee and settled back, creating a picture of unyielding decisiveness.
"The only way I'm keeping my hands off her is if I'm dead. Find another way to fix us."
Chapter 3 pg 50

Sylvia Day

Quotes About Picture Day #968492
#11. I know a lot of people think L.A. and they see a picture in their head, but those people obviously don't know me, because I sit on a couch every day. That's my idea of a good time - just being in a sweat suit.

Hayley Williams

Quotes About Picture Day #962750
#12. Any big task if you look at the grand picture ... it seems to big to accomplish, so just watch the footstep in front of you ... And that's what I do; try and win little battles every day.

Forrest Griffin

Quotes About Picture Day #946959
#13. [God] has in mind a picture of what He intends to create. He breaks, cracks, chisels, and polishes until one day there emerges His vision ... God has not yet finished with us.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Picture Day #939248
#14. I'm not a 'big picture' sort of guy. I prefer making small improvements each day.

Luke Donald

Quotes About Picture Day #927511
#15. Any poll is a picture of an unfinished horse race except the Election Day polls.

William J. Clinton

Quotes About Picture Day #921677
#16. My husband is that rare man who is blessed with the ability to see the big picture but will not ignore the smallest detail. He will work an 18-hour day and still find time to help the kids with their homework.

Nita Ambani

Quotes About Picture Day #912793
#17. The directing of a picture involves coming out of your individual loneliness and taking a controlling part in putting together a small world. A picture is made. You put a frame around it and move on. And one day you die. That is all there is to it.

John Huston

Quotes About Picture Day #897799
#18. I can picture certain things in my mind, while writing the script, but then I can also tell that everyone else might be a little confused about what it's supposed to look like at the end of the day. But it all works out. I find a way.

Rob Zombie

Quotes About Picture Day #884909
#19. When I try to picture heaven, I see a place where it's always December, every radio station plays hair bands, and every time I check my pockets they're full of Hershey's Kisses. There's a Christmas parade on every street, every day is my birthday, and the sun always sets at 4:58 p.m.

Damien Echols

Quotes About Picture Day #856607
#20. I want to get away from couture just being done for a picture or for a single moment on the red carpet. I want to try and convince women that couture can be worn in the day and that there's a reality and relevance there, because that's what Mr. Christian Dior wanted.

Raf Simons

Quotes About Picture Day #837766
#21. For example, Adria came home from nursery school one day with a picture she was excited to show off. She immediately interrupted something important her mother was doing and wanted her mom to celebrate her picture with her. Another time, her mother might

Carol Tuttle

Quotes About Picture Day #835981
#22. And in fact I don't believe there is such a thing as a definitive picture of something. The land is a living, breathing thing and light changes its character every second of every day. That's why I love it so much.

Fay Godwin

Quotes About Picture Day #824725
#23. Jung Min made my nickname. An animal called otter. At first I didn't know what exactly an otter was. So I didn't like it and said I didn't look like an otter. But one day, one of our fans upload its picture. It looked so cute. Since then, I've liked it.

Heo Young-saeng

Quotes About Picture Day #815121
#24. How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most.

Stephen R. Covey

Quotes About Picture Day #803835
#25. I credit the motion picture industry as the strongest environmental factor in molding the children of my day.

Lenny Bruce

Quotes About Picture Day #795368
#26. Every hour of every day spent with him, the slow slope of falling for this boy in more than just a carnal fashion has been like slowly pulling the strings on some great tapestry. Every day the weave becomes tighter, the picture clearer, everything more complete.

A.L. Davroe

Quotes About Picture Day #768312
#27. At the end of the day, no one gets a prize for simply getting it accurate. A bit of artistic theatrics can go a long way in making a painting a piece of artwork instead of just another picture.

Richard McKinley

Quotes About Picture Day #1427470
#28. If I had a camera,' I said, 'I'd take a picture of you every day. That way I'd remember how you looked every single day of your life.

Nicole Krauss

Quotes About Picture Day #1347305
#29. The hair and makeup is very important in a fashion picture. When I create a look for a girl, it starts with the makeup. Sometimes it takes an entire day to find the look.

Carine Roitfeld

Quotes About Picture Day #1426631
#30. In the age of camera phones and screenshots and Twitter ... At the end of the day, I want to share my life with somebody, you know? I want picture albums. I want to look back at our time together. And I also want kids. And if you want kids, then you want marriage.

Joe Manganiello

Quotes About Picture Day #1420210
#31. I always say that you cannot tell what a picture really is or what an object really is until you dust it every day and you cannot tell what a book is until you type it or proof-read it. It then does something to you that only reading it never can do.

Gertrude Stein

Quotes About Picture Day #1412695
#32. I was scrolling through my Twitter feed one day, and somebody had tweeted me a picture of Justin Bieber that had been Photoshopped with makeup or something. And I thought it was funny and so I hit retweet - I just retweeted a tweet - and all of a sudden, the remarks were coming in.

Drake Bell

Quotes About Picture Day #1412075
#33. I don't think about that day the crazy lady tried to shoot Abby but got you instead. It was an awful day. When it does cross my mind, I turn it around and think about something nice, like Abby's pussy. I just take a deep breath and picture it in my mind. It's my happy place.

Sophie Oak

Quotes About Picture Day #1381037
#34. Citizen Kane is perhaps the one American talking picture that seems as fresh now as the day it opened. It may seem even fresher.

Pauline Kael

Quotes About Picture Day #1379166
#35. The only time I go on the set is when I have a cameo to do in the picture. I go to the set and I do my little cameo and I meet all the people. It's a great way to spend the day. And then I go back to my own world.

Stan Lee

Quotes About Picture Day #1378244
#36. I have the picture of Barack [Obama] and me dancing right outside of my dressing room door, I see it every single day, and it makes me very happy.

Ellen DeGeneres

Quotes About Picture Day #1376862
#37. Well, in brief, I was discovered by a lady called Beth Boldt. She had also been a model. She used to take pictures of the girls she found, and she took a picture of me one day in my school uniform, and it all kind of started from there.

Naomi Campbell

Quotes About Picture Day #1376255
#38. And when I picture his mind, I hear my name as a shy crystal ping that occurs once, maybe twice, a day and quickly subsides. I just wish he thought about me as much as I do him.

Gillian Flynn

Quotes About Picture Day #1358530
#39. One should, each day, try to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if possible, speak a few reasonable words

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes About Picture Day #1354125
#40. Picture yourself five years from now. Where do you want to be? Remember that. Every day. That's how you'll get there.

Mary E. Pearson

Quotes About Picture Day #1113436
#41. I still can't picture what he does in his every day life when he's not busy with school or misdemeanors or me.

Brenna Yovanoff

Quotes About Picture Day #1320456
#42. When you're a young actor you ring your agent every evening. It's not like when you're in Hollywood where you do one picture a year. You just hope you get a day on television.

Michael Caine

Quotes About Picture Day #1308829
#43. I did not have a script [of Close Up]. I made notes in the evenings and we filmed during the day over 40 days.I didn't sleep a wink for those 40 nights. I have a picture from the end of the shoot, and in it I have lost all my hair.

Abbas Kiarostami

Quotes About Picture Day #1305431
#44. People who want to know how stocks fared on any given day ask, "Where did the Dow close?" I'm more interested in how many stocks went up versus how many went down. These so-called advance/decline numbers paint a more realistic picture.

Peter Lynch

Quotes About Picture Day #1212777
#45. By the time we're twenty, Hasina used to say, Giti and I, we'll have pushed out four, five kids each. But you, Laila, you'll make us two dummies proud. You're going to be somebody. I know one day I'll pick up a newspaper and find your picture on the front page.

Khaled Hosseini

Quotes About Picture Day #1211162
#46. Oh, you mean fairy gossip, Eric," she giggled. "I get the picture," she said fluttering her lacy wings. "Don't look so sad, Eric. There isn't a day that passes when your nosy beak doesn't find its way into someone's business. I'm sure you'll find the best-ever story before

Caz Greenham

Quotes About Picture Day #1189495
#47. Every day look at a beautiful picture, read a beautiful poem, listen to some beautiful music, and if possible, say some reasonable thing.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes About Picture Day #1177135
#48. Style is innate to who I am. My father gave me a picture the other day. I must have been about seven, and I had on wing-tip shoes and some cool pants. I thought, 'Wow!'

Dylan McDermott

Quotes About Picture Day #1170997
#49. I do an hour's yoga and go running every day. Then I see a picture of myself and I still look like a skinny, potbellied idiot - and I thought I had turned into this superhunk!

Chris Martin

Quotes About Picture Day #1143055
#50. Try to spend a few moments each day holding a picture of your body and your mind in a state of splendid health.

Jean Houston

Quotes About Picture Day #1138791
#51. I've made 122 movies, and I daresay there's a picture of mine showing somewhere in the world every day.

Tony Curtis

Quotes About Picture Day #1129416
#52. I destroy things every day in the act of working and often recall a picture I had considered finished in order to rework it.

Frank Auerbach

Quotes About Picture Day #209057
#53. I think the general population of people just don't think. It's actually proven that people just use the part of the brain they have to, to get through the day. They don't sit there and ponder over the big picture stuff.

Mitch Lucker

Quotes About Picture Day #409342
#54. A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes About Picture Day #405802
#55. I have a picture of myself in my mind as I walk around every day, until I look in the mirror-and then I'm stunned.

Patty Duke

Quotes About Picture Day #364919
#56. It's very frustrating making a picture in Paris. We work hard all day at the studio to get a love scene just right. Then, on my way home, I see couples on every street corner doing it better.

Bob Hope

Quotes About Picture Day #335498
#57. And on some nights in bed, in that moment before sleep erased the day, I would picture the way the sky in Lapland looked the morning I left, how the train had sped south beneath a sky that was brighter than it had been in weeks. It had pulsed with reds and oranges, as though hiding a beating heart.

Vendela Vida

Quotes About Picture Day #332093
#58. As most people know, I am a vampire, so I have no reflection. Every day, I paste a picture of someone else on the mirror.

Meat Loaf

Quotes About Picture Day #327476
#59. Somebody showed me a picture of some event I went to back in the day, and I was really going heavy on the turquoise jewelry, and it was not good. I was like, 'OK, I guess that was a phase that needed to happen.'

Camila Alves

Quotes About Picture Day #325280
#60. One day my sister Virginia woke up feeling wolfish. She made wolf SOUNDS and did strange things ...

Kyo Maclear

Quotes About Picture Day #318498
#61. Nobody should feel lonely or embarrassed about liking something. Except for illegal sex picture stuff. And murder and dogfighting ...

Felicia Day

Quotes About Picture Day #302046
#62. I told [McCourt] the season is like a kaleidoscope. Every day it changes one degree and the picture is different.

Ned Colletti

Quotes About Picture Day #250954
#63. The thing I loved most about pictures was that with time, it froze our emotions. Even years after taking that picture, after all we'd been through - the heartache, the struggles - when I looked at it, I felt the happiness we'd shared that day.

Claire Contreras

Quotes About Picture Day #240061
#64. Now, whereas we do not find it hard to accept the beauty of a flower for itself alone, in present-day, mechanical-industrial civilization, people will usually question the use of a picture. Things are estimated much more for what they do or will do than for what they are or will become ...

Paul Outerbridge

Quotes About Picture Day #228945
#65. The [concentration camps] were swarming with photographers and every new picture of horror served only to diminish the total effect. Now, for a short day, everyone will see what happened to those poor devils in those camps; tomorrow, very few will care what happens to them in the future.

Robert Capa

Quotes About Picture Day #428686
#66. Because Guillermo's [del Toro] obviously a painter painting a picture and my job is just to provide the color that he probably already has in his mind.

Charlie Day

Quotes About Picture Day #187377
#67. The room was dark and velvety from the royal blue wallpaper with its gold pattern, but even here the echo of the flaming day shimmered brassily on the picture frames, on doorknobs and glided borders, although it came through the filter of the dense greenery of the garden.

Bruno Schulz

Quotes About Picture Day #173516
#68. What sort of life would his be if, day and night, shadows of his crime were to peer at him from silent corners, to mock him from secret places, to whisper in his ear as he sat at the feast, to wake him with icy fingers as he lay asleep!

Oscar Wilde

Quotes About Picture Day #137790
#69. In the photo, he and some old girlfriend smiled - greasy faces idiotic with hope that the picture would one day remind them that for three seconds they acted happy and thought it final.

Sam Pink

Quotes About Picture Day #123123
#70. Every day is a good day if we are reading a picture book.

Vivian Kirkfield

Quotes About Picture Day #103297
#71. It doesn't help to follow every rise and fall of your portfolio. It's better to tune out the day-to-day shifts, in fact. But getting a handle on the larger picture will make you feel more secure, and that goes a long way in calming your fear.

Jean Chatzky

Quotes About Picture Day #99602
#72. Can you do it today? The notion of just trying to take each day as it came. The commitment to the present moment, and only the present moment, without worrying about the big and daunting picture of all the days that followed.

Andie Mitchell

Quotes About Picture Day #71559
#73. My last picture for Warners was Romance on the High Seas. It was Doris Day's first picture; that was before she became a virgin.

Oscar Levant

Quotes About Picture Day #64087
#74. You can film me 24 hours a day and you'll get a very accurate picture of who I am. You see the funny side, I work hard, and I try to be honest and just call it how it is.

Lisa Vanderpump

Quotes About Picture Day #51823
#75. 'The Lion' all began with a picture of a faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty, I said to myself, 'Let's try to make a story about it.'

C.S. Lewis

Quotes About Picture Day #32871
#76. I am one day going to be working openly in the motion picture industry. When that day comes, I swear to you that I will never sign a term contract with any major studio.

Dalton Trumbo

Quotes About Picture Day #7908
#77. People don't realize that one picture for you is just one picture. But for me, I take a thousand pictures a day. That adds up. It's tough getting somewhere on time when you have to stop that much.


Quotes About Picture Day #585031
#78. I have very talented art directors in my agency who start out telling me, 'Well, this is what the picture is ... ' I ask, 'Well, what's the headline?' and they say, 'We haven't done that yet, but it looks this way.' But I'm still writing copy, almost every day.

Jerry Della Femina

Quotes About Picture Day #737419
#79. I can't remember the last time I've enjoyed silence in an American theater. It's easy to believe that our audiences spend the day saying nothing, actually saving their voices for the moment the picture begins.

David Sedaris

Quotes About Picture Day #736252
#80. Cohen was on his knees taking a picture of a passing cloud, an unremarkable cirrus shaped as if it were sketched expressly for a meteorology textbook, its immortality assured only through the wild Polish luck of having passed the former concentration camp on the day of Cohen's visit.

Gary Shteyngart

Quotes About Picture Day #726276
#81. I can look a whole day with delight upon a handsome picture, though it be but of an horse.

Thomas Browne

Quotes About Picture Day #722832
#82. Players should know that if you can't make the contribution of the winning shot, that your attitude every day when you come to practice, or the positive contribution you make through cheering and keeping up team morale, is just as important in the overall picture.

Sue Wicks

Quotes About Picture Day #715688
#83. One day we will all be a photo, a lifeless picture! But this thought is valid only for now, it may not be valid after now! All truths can change, all truths are valid only at this very moment we are in!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About Picture Day #697501
#84. People talk about my image like I come in two dimensions, like lipstick is a sign of my declining mind, like what I happen to be wearing the day that someone takes my picture is my new statement for all womankind.

Ani DiFranco

Quotes About Picture Day #662470
#85. Moe Berg. Until he's finished reading a paper, he considers it 'alive' and refuses to let anyone else touch it. When he's done, it's 'dead' and anybody can read it. Says he wants to integrate everything from various papers, get a picture - every day." "Then

Gregory Benford

Quotes About Picture Day #654168
#86. I share with the painters the desire
To put a three-dimensional picture
On a one-dimensional surface

from Cotton Candy on a Rainy Day

Nikki Giovanni

Quotes About Picture Day #625061
#87. Night and day a picture of the showcase of the Lame Novelty Company and its gambling content would seem to appear before my eyes. Then I realized that I could not rest content and continue practising to become a magician until I knew what those gambling gimmicks in that showcase click.

John Scarne

Quotes About Picture Day #607488
#88. I try to focus more on the positive, but it's half the time I'm getting, "Oh you're only in the gym to take a picture," and it's like, "So what the f - k, I'm in here every day, I drove an hour just to take a picture?"

Khloe Kardashian

Quotes About Picture Day #601938
#89. Practically the first action of the Neanderthal - on the happy day he evolved out of the monkey egg - was to draw a picture on a cave wall of a man with an enormous willy. Or, indeed, perhaps it was the first action of a woman. After all, we're more interested in (a) cocks and (b) decorating.

Caitlin Moran

Quotes About Picture Day #739308
#90. I was actually privately in the White House like invited by Clinton to screen Independence Day, so I know how the private residence looks. I didn't snap a picture, but I have a photographic memory and then I could take a guided tour in the West Wing.

Roland Emmerich

Quotes About Picture Day #550859
#91. If I go out in the street and one guy gets a picture, then someone calls the press to say Mario was there. The day after in the press, it's, 'Mario was there'. That's normal, I just walk in town like a normal guy.

Mario Balotelli

Quotes About Picture Day #548612
#92. One picture will have to be enough.
Just like
one day
will have to be

Lisa Schroeder

Quotes About Picture Day #547885
#93. Beautiful," she said. I turned the page, and she smiled. It was a picture of the day when we built the human pyramid in my backyard, and I was at the top. The caption read: One day, all these Mexicans built a pyramid to the Sun. "You were my pyramid," she whispered. "All of you.

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Quotes About Picture Day #543649
#94. One of the best bits of advice I can give is, early on, when you're building a new business, try to find somebody to run it on a day-to-day basis to free yourself up to look at the bigger picture.

Richard Branson

Quotes About Picture Day #514383
#95. Really?"
"Yeah. I see that asshole every day when I look in the mirror. I don't need a picture of him."
"Thank you," she said enthusiastically.

J.M. Darhower

Quotes About Picture Day #504346
#96. Representative Chris Lee was forced to resign after sending a shirtless picture of himself to a woman on Craigslist. On the bright side, he DID surprise his wife for Valentines Day.

Conan O'Brien

Quotes About Picture Day #488682
#97. Everybody hates to edit my film. Back in the day, we called it film - now, my digital cards. But I shoot an awful lot of pictures. I don't want to hesitate, because I believe the moment is everything in a picture. So, I take the pictures.

Carol Guzy

Quotes About Picture Day #479244
#98. Having the big picture in mind enables us to overcome the day to day routines that attempt to distract us from pursuing our dream.

Assegid Habtewold

Quotes About Picture Day #471226
#99. It rained cats and dogs non-stop at this wedding. Later during the reception, the rain stopped as the sun was setting, and the sky turned pink. The bride later said that this picture made the rainy day totally worth it!

Julie Roberts

Quotes About Picture Day #460352
#100. One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes About Picture Day #438686

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