Top 100 Gregory Benford Quotes

#1. Will searching for distant messages work? Is there intelligent life out there? The SETI effort is worth continuing, but our common-sense beacons approach seems more likely to answer those questions.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #8947
#2. No matter how much you plan for it, the real thing seems curiously, well, unreal.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #30625
#3. The talk shows I've done are all radio for exactly this reason: I don't want to wear a rubber mask.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #36501
#4. When the chemistry is right, all the experiments work.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #43761
#5. But a lady forced is never a lady won

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #57235
#6. (Crank theories) always violated the first rule of a scientific model: they were uncheckable.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #76712
#7. We have a name for people who create universes - they're called gods. There is no greater hubris than to think that we could take the place of godlike implications.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #86291
#8. With a knock, a slim army lieutenant came in, introduced himself as James Benford, and handed Groves a briefing summary folder. "You have to approve these, sir." Karl

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #105724
#9. The peers just fill the air with their speeches.""And from what I've seen, vice versa.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #168134
#10. I'm a very big Faulkner fan 'cause I'm a Southerner.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #177994
#11. I like audacious ideas.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #211707
#12. Look, it's not love that makes the world go round, it's inertia,

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #220808
#13. Even their stable societies oscillated between banquets and barbarism.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #263689
#14. True twins share womb chemistry and endure many fateful slings and arrows together. The fabled connection between twins is true in my case.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #281043
#15. In science fiction, basic doubts featured prominently in the worlds of Philip K. Dick. I knew Phil for 25 years, and he was always getting onto me, a scientist. He was a great fan of quantum uncertainty, epistemology in science, the lot.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #287605
#16. Cynic' is a word invented by optimists to criticize realists.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #299871
#17. Fermi started to calculate on his own, saying nothing, and in a direct, simple way found the essential point. The ability of a centrifuge to separate U-235 from U-238 was proportional to its length and to the fourth power of the peripheral speed of its rotor. Karl

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #318168
#18. Certainly I see no reason why society should prevent grieving parents from having a baby cloned from the cells of a dead child if they wish.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #319355
#19. I have an artificial left shoulder, wired back together after a softball accident.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #336043
#20. Life has two important dates - when you're born and when you find out why. - Mark Twain 1.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #338777
#21. I knew personally many figures in this novel: Harold Urey, who greeted me at the grad students reception at UCSD in 1963; Karl Cohen, my father-in-law;

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #339923
#22. You don't actually have ideas; ideas have you.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #345541
#23. Government regulations had limited fabric lengths, banished pleats, and forbade having more than one pocket. Men now had a slim trim in the pant legs and women looked more military - gray flannel suits, low-heeled shoes in polished fake leather, shoulder-strap bags, berets and felt cloche hats.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #346829
#24. Disintegration of structure equals information loss.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #362820
#25. 'Star Trek' is notorious for looting the more thoughtful work of writers for their striking effects, leaving behind most of the thought and subtlety.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #374671
#26. People fear their hidden selves, afraid that they will burst out.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #397431
#27. The universe of artifacts was a human one.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #469815
#28. Civilization was a defense against nature's raw power.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #477921
#29. Remembering a narrative alters it.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #506373
#30. The personal was, compared with the tides of great nations, a bothersome detail.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #519995
#31. Freeman murmured at his elbow, "Let him go. I'm working on an even bigger nuclear rocket, called Orion. We might take a cruise out to Saturn on it by the 1980s or

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #522539
#32. Between people long-married there is a diplomacy of the eyes

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #536088
#33. Fandom grew first through individual correspondence. It was cheap and quick, continent-wide contact for a penny stamp.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #553229
#34. Any technology that is distinguishable from magic is not sufficiently advanced.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #578338
#35. The thing that most critics miss about Faulkner is that his famous storytelling voice is, in fact, a standard Southern storytelling voice that is typical of the Gulf Coast - Mississippi, Alabama and so on.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #611536
#36. Sometimes being human is harder than it looks.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #614922
#37. Indeed, the history of 20th century physics was in large measure about how to avoid the infinities that crop up in particle theory and cosmology. The idea of point particles is convenient but leads to profound, puzzling troubles.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #681597
#38. Religions do not teach doubt.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #693153
#39. Around them small animals scampered along knotted cables and flaking vines, chirruping, squealing, venting yellow farts. Everywhere was animation, purpose, hurry. Momentum.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #716271
#40. Because the desire to possess the other is ... love

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #734840
#41. amateur gynecology.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #774477
#42. Mathematics cannot handle physical quantities like density that literally go to infinity.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #789024
#43. Modern economics and the welfare state borrowed heavily on the future.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #800945
#44. abstract himself out of the moment

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #821914
#45. The moon's closeness is a huge advantage: To make it habitable, we would first have to bombard it with water-ice comets, a tricky endeavor best attempted with the many resources waiting on and near Earth.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #828481
#46. One of the laws of nature," Gordon said, "is that half the people have got to be below average.""For a Gaussian distribution, yeah," Cooper said. "Sad, though.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #875013
#47. Human life is a voyage on a sea of meaning, not a net of information.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #898654
#48. Genre pleasures are many, but the quality of shared values within an ongoing discussion may be the most powerful, enlisting lifelong devotion in its fans.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #903880
#49. If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #917539
#50. We've got two parties." "No you do not. You have only the party of the banks, of the money men, and they divide it into two pieces for your voting.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #933640
#51. Invoking nature with its implied supremacy ignores that many cultures have fundamentally differing ideas of even what nature is, much less how it should work.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #939201
#52. Electromagnetic theory and experiment gave us the telephone, radio, TV, computers, and made the internal combustion engine practical - thus, the car and airplane, leading inevitably to the rocket and outer-space exploration.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #945454
#53. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #957964
#54. Definitions, her grandmother once said, had to be like a fat man's belt - big enough to cover the subject but elastic enough to allow for change.
The Sunborn

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #966162
#55. Terrors can be mirrors, too.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1004703
#56. Science fiction writers didn't predict the fade-out of NASA's manned space operations, and they weren't prepared with alternative routes to space when that decline became undeniable.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1005955
#57. Fermi turned to Bohr with weary eyes and a slanted smile, and shrugged. "So we thought we had discovered new elements. We even named them - hesperium, ausonium. Wrong! Mythical! They were ordinary old barium and iodine. We were careful - too careful.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1010404
#58. How human, to ruminate even when in mortal danger

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1034990
#59. Once you've grown up in space, moving on means moving out, not going back to Earth. Nobody wants to be a groundpounder.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1090959
#60. Reared in rural southern Alabama, we enjoyed an idyllic Huck Finn boyhood. But education there was casual at best. Our mother and father were high school teachers and challenged the pervasive easy-going ignorance.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1097374
#61. 'Star Trek's insight lay in the promise of going to the stars together, with well-defined stereotypes who could supply the emotional frame for the potentially jarring truths of these distant places.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1175587
#62. It turns out that if you optimize the performance of a car and of an airplane, they are very far away in terms of mechanical features. So you can make a flying car. But they are not very good planes, and they are not very good cars.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1197373
#63. Dinner at college high table is one of the legendary experiences of England. I could remember keenly each one I had attended; the repartee is sharper than the cutlery.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1212534
#64. A view of nature as dense and nonlinear is at the core of our contemporary science. Process and order emerge subtly.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1228033
#65. Very carefully he thought about nothing.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1240948
#66. Experience shows that if you put more ethicists on a problem, you can end up with more problems.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1258813
#67. As fandom grew more variegated, genzines reflected a broadening of interests, carrying personal columns of humor and reflection, science articles, amateur fiction, stylish gossip, and inevitably, thoughtful pieces on the future of fandom.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1279294
#68. To deliver vast new resources to humanity, we must pioneer and occupy the moon, Mars, and perhaps even beyond.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1314480
#69. Whatever the life form, evolution selects for economy of resources.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1330265
#70. It was getting the results that made science worth doing; the accolades were a thin, secondary pleasure.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1334505
#71. he knew from studying maps in preparation: the broad avenues leading to the Brandenburg Gate. He had played Bach's Brandenburg Concertos records many times, intricate magic alive in the air. The gate that led to the town of Brandenburg an der Havel.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1344428
#72. Ugliness is nature's contraceptive.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1362240
#73. Virtuality - connection without proximity - is a major attraction in both fandom and the Net. Nobody knows you're a dog through the U.S. mail, either. Fans could be utterly different in their fanzine persona, which may be why both fandom and the Net were invented by individualistic Americans.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1420120
#74. The physical laws are but the bars of a cage.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1438067
#75. catch me with an unexpected result,

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1469285
#76. In a tough situation, don't avoid acting just because it's easier or comfortable. Don't lapse into a passive state. People who give up, die.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1514722
#77. It really helps if you know your subject matter immediately. I find that enormously useful because then you can concentrate on all the usual novelistic things - the character, the plot and so forth - and you don't have to spend an enormous amount of time learning another trade, essentially.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1527647
#78. Because I've been a full professor doing research and lecturing at the University of California, I didn't have a lot of time to write, so I have always used my unconscious a great deal to do the really heavy lifting.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1536476
#79. I know that humans are fond of seeing their kind rendered in other media.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1550658
#80. Aging is mostly the failure to repair.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1562411
#81. The movies are most people's exposure to ideas about the future.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1579360
#82. The common liberal orthodoxy that living close to the land leads to eco-awareness is historically naive, considering that Mesopotamia, northern Africa, and the Mayan civilization were ruined by people who had lived there quite a long while.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1601509
#83. Sour grapes, the champagne of the intelligentsia.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1604948
#84. Humans and animals regard each other across a gulf of mutual incomprehension. With aliens, that has to go double.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1645722
#85. Dawidoff, Nicholas. The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg. New York: Vintage, 1994. de

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1648584
#86. Maybe it was common for intelligent beings anywhere to think of themselves as the crown of creation - The People - and everybody else as a smart animal at best.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1721331
#87. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, thought as a child, behaved as a child. But when I became a woman, I put away manly things.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1725869
#88. To be a leader meant that sometimes you had to look away from the pain

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1732853
#89. Everybody feels he has a right to a life of luxury - or at least comfort - so there's a lot of frustration and resentment when the dream craps out.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1732857
#90. In temperate zones, winter is the best insecticide; it keeps the bugs in check. The tropics enjoy no such respite, so plants there have developed a wide range of alkaloids that kill off nosy insects and animals.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1735002
#91. In the end, postmodern art is obscene not because it is offensive, but because it is boring.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1735341
#92. Karl remembered his great truth, learned in the project: Never pass by a chance to shut up.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1735807
#93. Then the 1956 Peace Prize went to Eisenhower and Khrushchev for agreeing not to build the hydrogen bomb. That agreement was now also called the Szilard Treaty. Today the H-bomb was a threshold no one dared cross without exciting hostile moves by all other powers.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1770219
#94. Peter Watts delivers-solid, inventive hard sf about the deep sea, but as we've never seen before. This moves like the wind.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1783097
#95. Scientists require apparatus, but mathists splendidly require only writing tools and erasers. Better, philosophers do not even need erasers

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1796964
#96. the strategic situation foreseen by Robert Heinlein in the death dust story was like "a duel in a vestibule with flamethrowers," anticipating mutual assured destruction and its acronym quite nicely. Tolstoy famously

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1823304
#97. The earliest depiction of libertarian eugenics may have appeared in a science fiction novel, Robert Heinlein's 1942 tale 'Beyond This Horizon.'

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1842918
#98. Riemann conjecture,

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1857592
#99. My feeling is that science is virtually an unexplored ground. It's very visible - more so all the time - but there's no fiction that tells us how scientists think, and they really don't think the way that other people do.

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1865687
#100. Yet how could the Empire possibly have kept itself stable, using such crude creatures as humans?

Gregory Benford

Gregory Benford Quotes #1867298

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