Top 100 Quotes About Deaf

#1. He's blind, and nearly deaf in the bargain," Mrs. Martello said proudly. "And he's going in surgery just as soon as they get him all fixed up for it. He's got a malignancy.

Eudora Welty

Quotes About Deaf #1139654
#2. Just as Jean-Baptiste can hear without ears, his father can become deaf at will.

Patricia Cornwell

Quotes About Deaf #1372949
#3. Say what you want to say about the rest of his presidency, including his tone-deaf response to Katrina and a war waged in Iraq on false pretenses, Bush connected with Americans in the aftermath of 9/11 because he looked as frail and unforgiving as we felt.

Ron Fournier

Quotes About Deaf #1369260
#4. It was the same way with silence. This was more than silence. A deaf person can feel vibrations. Here there was nothing to feel.

Madeleine L'Engle

Quotes About Deaf #1366562
#5. I already know the words. I just need to learn the beat. This tone-deaf white girl will try to make music out of recovery.

Rachel Cohn

Quotes About Deaf #1363523
#6. I'm not really deaf; I just faked it to win the Oscar KIDDING.

Marlee Matlin

Quotes About Deaf #1355601
#7. Even though I am nearly deaf, I seem to be gifted with a kind of inner hearing which enables me to detect sounds and noises which the ordinary person does not hear.

Thomas A. Edison

Quotes About Deaf #1355478
#8. Raising awareness about the Deaf culture is a huge cause that I advocate. Because both of my parents are deaf, I am passionate about it in an entirely different way.

Grace Gealey

Quotes About Deaf #1350975
#9. The most happy marriage I can picture or imagine to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Quotes About Deaf #1348544
#10. I placed over a thousand deaf people in jobs throughout my career working for the deaf.

Camryn Manheim

Quotes About Deaf #1340025
#11. I wanted to be a lead singer in a band. I can't sing. I'm almost tone deaf. I still play. Next life, rock'n'roll for sure.

Jorja Fox

Quotes About Deaf #1335366
#12. I was the ref. I was the ref they didn't know about. Deaf and dumb. Invisible as a wall. I wanted no one to win

Roddy Doyle

Quotes About Deaf #1332376
#13. Love is blind, and a deaf-mute too.

Patrick Rothfuss

Quotes About Deaf #1328511
#14. I know what it's like to be growing up, called 'deaf and mute' and 'deaf and dumb.' They're words that are very degrading and demeaning to people who are deaf and hard of hearing. It's almost ... it's almost libelous, if you want to say that.

Marlee Matlin

Quotes About Deaf #1326090
#15. Colour is the touch of the eye,
Music to the deaf,
A word out of darkness.

Orhan Pamuk

Quotes About Deaf #1325938
#16. When destiny is calling even the deaf can hear him.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes About Deaf #1322830
#17. They said the stock market crashed, or something, but since I'm deaf I didn't hear it (ha-ha).

Stephen King

Quotes About Deaf #1322731
#18. But you learn to smother the living breathing soul, go deaf to it, and this violence to the self is what is commonly called sanity in the places where I have lived.

Philip O Ceallaigh

Quotes About Deaf #1319089
#19. I am at the moment deaf in the ears, hoarse in the throat, red in the nose, green in the gills, damp in the eyes, twitchy in the joints and fractious in temper from a most intolerable and oppressive cold.

Charles Dickens

Quotes About Deaf #1317348
#20. I was actually tone deaf until I had tumors in my ears - I had very small ear canals - removed. Once they fixed that, I was actually able to sing in a pleasant manner.

Lauren Worsham

Quotes About Deaf #1316045
#21. Getting married, having children, and staying together long after all love has died, saying that it's for the good of the children (who are, apparently, deaf to the constant rows).

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Deaf #1315749
#22. I'm a tone-deaf siren, a wallflower at the mating dance. And I do wonder why men can't want me for me. I'm smart, I don't defer, and I didn't put making babies number one on my list of priorities.

Arthur C. Clarke

Quotes About Deaf #1304293
#23. Most women are all too familiar with men like Calvin Smith. Men whose sense of prerogative renders them deaf when women say, "No thanks," "Not interested," or even "Fuck off, creep." Smith

Jon Krakauer

Quotes About Deaf #1302789
#24. So I'm half deaf - and dyslexic. How about that? Nobody's perfect, and I'm proud of my defects.

Carmen Busquets

Quotes About Deaf #1301776
#25. He felt blind and deaf, the way he did when he was close to a good idea but couldn't tap into it. He'd told Lizzie about that feeling once, and Lizzie had said, That just means you aren't very smart, Reeve. Smart people have good ideas without having to be blind and deaf first.

Caroline B. Cooney

Quotes About Deaf #1296561
#26. Deaf people talk with their mouths full.

Darynda Jones

Quotes About Deaf #1292750
#27. Listen to all the conversations of our world, between nations as well as between individuals. They are, for the most part, dialogues of the deaf.

Paul Tournier

Quotes About Deaf #1289897
#28. My view is that you cannot close your mind and say I don't want to listen to this or that. Because if you can't appreciate the bad for being bad, you can't appreciate the good. If you turn a deaf ear to everything but one style, pretty soon it's not going to work out.

Billy Eckstine

Quotes About Deaf #1285450
#29. Sir, can you hear me?" Another cry. But this time, a voice I don't detest.
"Sire, please, can you hear me-"
"I've been shot, Delalieu," I manage to say. I open my eyes. Look into his watery ones. "I haven't gone deaf.

Tahereh Mafi

Quotes About Deaf #1279843
#30. Trying to describe my life and feelings to you is like trying to describe coulours to the blind, or music to the deaf. It's simply not possible.

Tabitha Suzuma

Quotes About Deaf #1278947
#31. I would say that we are living in an age that is increasingly spiritually blind and morally deaf. The man who does not shout is not going to be heard.

Richard Platt

Quotes About Deaf #1274676
#32. The big men are all deaf; they don't want to hear the little squeaking as they walk across the street on cleated boots.

Sylvia Plath

Quotes About Deaf #1273337
#33. Love is blind but not deaf.

Gilbert Adair

Quotes About Deaf #1272075
#34. Thank you for explaining that my eye cancer isn't going to make me deaf. I feel so fortunate that an intellectual giant like yourself would deign to operate on me.

John Green

Quotes About Deaf #1271618
#35. Metaphorical tone deafness is when people are unable to discern what is of value in something. I think I'm tone deaf to poetry, for instance. Despite having studied it into a second year of university, most of it just leaves me cold.

Julian Baggini

Quotes About Deaf #1269388
#36. Those who hear and do not understand are like the deaf. Of them the proverb says: "Present, they are absent."


Quotes About Deaf #1264908
#37. And beeping, obviously sure that I was either too stupid or too deaf to hear the racket.

Mary Higgins Clark

Quotes About Deaf #1255930
#38. It doesn't matter if she's deaf, he says, My aunty Demi can listen with her eyes, and whisper with her hands.

Chrissie Perry

Quotes About Deaf #1255010
#39. How to get a job: Speak up and show some life about you. Almost anyone who can give you a decent job these days is half deaf.

Liz Carpenter

Quotes About Deaf #1254381
#40. Doomed to total failure in a deaf world of ignorance and indifference, he inexorably kept on cutting out his diamonds, his dazzling diamonds, of whose mines he had a perfect knowledge.

Anton Webern

Quotes About Deaf #1250864
#41. I love you, Aubrey. Can't you see that? I am head over heels in fucking love with you. I love you more than anything in this entire world. When I look into your eyes, I don't just see you, I see my children. Hell, I see an entire farm of children and deaf, dumb and blind goats.

Penelope Ward

Quotes About Deaf #1239353
#42. If you are the master be sometimes blind, if you are the servant be sometimes deaf.

R. Buckminster Fuller

Quotes About Deaf #1238407
#43. I never gossip - but after all, a tongue is given one to speak with, and I'm not deaf mute.

That you most certainly are not. A tongue, Henet, may sometimes be a weapon. A tongue may cause a death - may cause more than one death. I hope your tongue, Henet, has not caused a death.

Agatha Christie

Quotes About Deaf #1237299
#44. Be deaf to those who love you most of all; they pray for bad things with good intentions.


Quotes About Deaf #1237226
#45. Pleasure and revenge
Have ears more deaf than adders to the voice
Of any true decision.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Deaf #1235184
#46. I appreciate a straightforward apology the way a tone-deaf person enjoys a fine piece of music.

Gillian Flynn

Quotes About Deaf #1233754
#47. A world government run by the UN will be like getting an old, purblind, half-deaf substitute teacher.

P. J. O'Rourke

Quotes About Deaf #1228125
#48. The deaf who deny they are deaf will never hear; the sinners who deny there is sin deny thereby the remedy of sin, and thus cut themselves off forever from Him Who came to redeem.

Fulton J. Sheen

Quotes About Deaf #1226452
#49. Or is it this: To be sick and send away the comforters, and to make friends of the deaf, who never hear your requests?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About Deaf #1219622
#50. When late I attempted your pity to move,
Why seemed you so deaf to my prayers?
Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love
But-why did you kick me downstairs?

John Philip Kemble

Quotes About Deaf #1217086
#51. The great movement of the spiritual life is from a deaf, nonhearing life to a life of listening.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Quotes About Deaf #1214402
#52. Faith is blind ... to impossibilities and deaf to doubt. It listens only to God.

S.D. Gordon

Quotes About Deaf #1207537
#53. My father spoke with his hands. He was deaf. His voice was in his hands. And his hands contained his memories.

Myron Uhlberg

Quotes About Deaf #1203249
#54. I know a little bit about deaf culture because a friend of mine has been in the deaf culture for awhile. Over the course of 25 years, she and I have talked about many of the issues and concerns for deaf people and deaf culture.

John Scalzi

Quotes About Deaf #1202457
#55. After becoming deaf, I realized that I'd better get an education if I was ever to do anything with my life.

I. King Jordan

Quotes About Deaf #1199913
#56. Love can blind you, but woe if you also become deaf.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes About Deaf #1189020
#57. I would write plays for my grandmother, who was stone deaf, my mother and the dog, that was our audience.

Jayne Meadows

Quotes About Deaf #1183143
#58. A burst of Beethoven that would have made the composer glad he was deaf erupted from her i-Phone.

Ian Simpson

Quotes About Deaf #1176059
#59. I always have my Beats by Dr. Dre headphones turned up high. I'll probably be deaf by age 50.

Rutina Wesley

Quotes About Deaf #1175998
#60. None so deaf as those that will not hear; none so blind as those that will not see.

Nancy Holder

Quotes About Deaf #1172116
#61. Relationship and connectedness are the pre-condition for change. Every meeting, every process, every training program has to get people connected first. Otherwise the content falls on deaf ears. So small groups are an essential building block to any future you want to create.

Peter Block

Quotes About Deaf #1171470
#62. The lions sing and the hills take flight. The moon by day, and the sun by night. Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool. Let the Lord of Chaos rule.
-chant from a children's game heard in Great Arvalon, the Fourth Age

Robert Jordan

Quotes About Deaf #1171396
#63. I would certainly not want my child to be schizophrenic. I wouldn't want him or her to be a criminal either. If, on the other hand, I had a deaf child, it would help that I have developed a real admiration for Deaf culture.

Andrew Solomon

Quotes About Deaf #1168131
#64. Art thou deaf when friends are banned as foes?


Quotes About Deaf #1167083
#65. Some of us go full circle. Some of us blindly go nowhere. The circle doesn't have to be very large to make a point, kick your ass and/or be entertaining. Remember that and stay light. Even the deaf know good music when they hear it.

Jason Mraz

Quotes About Deaf #1164949
#66. I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days during their early adult life. Darkness would make them more appreciative of sight; silence would teach them the joys of sound.

Helen Keller

Quotes About Deaf #1155785
#67. Hear the birds? Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm deaf and I try to imagine what it's like not to be able to hear them. It's not that bad.

Larry David

Quotes About Deaf #1155453
#68. You [the Gallaudet students] have brought the deaf community together ... You are my heroes.

Tom Harkin

Quotes About Deaf #1153055
#69. During a visit to California, when a friend of my grandmother's told my parents that I must be deaf because I was not responding to sounds, my father was absolutely convinced that I was simply being stubborn.

Marlee Matlin

Quotes About Deaf #1151149
#70. I will tell no one what I know of the two of you. But I would ask one small price for my silence. (Damien)
And that is? (Rowena)
If you still believe in God, then say a prayer for me. He turned a deaf ear to my pleas long ago. (Damien)

Kinley MacGregor

Quotes About Deaf #1150356
#71. I don't know what makes a writer's voice. It's dozens of things. There are people who write who don't have it. They're tone-deaf, even though they're very fluent. It's an ability, like anything else, being a doctor or a veterinarian, or a musician.

Paula Fox

Quotes About Deaf #1148010
#72. And as I grew older, I then auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music in London, and they said, well, no, we won't accept you, because we haven't a clue - you know - of the future of a so-called 'deaf' musician. And I just couldn't quite accept that.

Evelyn Glennie

Quotes About Deaf #1145070
#73. They say love is blind, but in your case I'm assuming it's also deaf, dumb, and completely brain dead.

Michelle M. Pillow

Quotes About Deaf #1142869
#74. Find your happiness before the music of this world falls on deaf ears.

Saim .A. Cheeda

Quotes About Deaf #1142517
#75. I am deaf, I love to read the ebook and regular books. But I am not picky any kind of books. I love all books are best authors.

Charlaine Harris

Quotes About Deaf #1141278
#76. Beethoven's last quartets were written by a deaf man and should only be listened to by a deaf man.

Thomas Beecham

Quotes About Deaf #969922
#77. I thought what I'd do was I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.

J.D. Salinger

Quotes About Deaf #1029682
#78. I had to keep on acting deaf if i wanted to hear at all.

Ken Kesey

Quotes About Deaf #1024979
#79. Some of the best music was composed by Beethovan,but he was deaf,some of the best poetry of nature was written by Milton,but he was deaf.possible is always inside the impossible ...

Shibin Mohammed

Quotes About Deaf #1020246
#80. Sorrow and frustration have their power. The world is moved by people with great discontents. Happiness is a drug. It can make men blind and deaf and insensible to reality. There are times when only sorrow can give to sorrow.

Winifred Holtby

Quotes About Deaf #1017454
#81. When I was young I knew I was deaf. I couldn't accept it.

Marlee Matlin

Quotes About Deaf #1006837
#82. There is a prodigious selfishness in dreams: they live perfectly deaf and invulnerable amid the cries of the real world.

George Santayana

Quotes About Deaf #1001896
#83. I'm almost completely deaf anyway. So I'm worried. I'm very worried.

Robert Pattinson

Quotes About Deaf #999744
#84. I hated my childhood. It was loathsome. My parents were deaf and dumb. Profoundly so. They could make noises when they were emotionally aroused, but they couldn't form it into speech.

Richard Griffiths

Quotes About Deaf #999250
#85. A great ancient poet was blind. A great classical composer was deaf. Many of us are dumb. What have we to show for it?

Vera Nazarian

Quotes About Deaf #996058
#86. Being deaf and partially blind means I don't really watch TV. I wouldn't know what to do with a remote control.

Eric Sykes

Quotes About Deaf #990517
#87. You see, the deaf have an intimacy with silence. It's there in their dreams.

Shane Koyczan

Quotes About Deaf #988350
#88. The artist must be blind to "recognized" and "unrecognized" form, deaf to the teachings and desires of his time. His open eyes must be directed to his inner life and his ears must be constantly attuned to the voice of inner necessity.

Wassily Kandinsky

Quotes About Deaf #988105
#89. People thinking that God abandoned them are deaf because they have no hope. How could God create life without hope?

Robin Sacredfire

Quotes About Deaf #987847
#90. Let's be honest: ignoring is acting, and nothing more - acting as though the words, or actions of your oppresors don't hurt. you hear the words, you feel the insults, and you bear the blows. you can act deaf and impervious to pain, but the stabs and the arrows pierce you anyway.

Frank E. Peretti

Quotes About Deaf #987540
#91. As long as one people sit on another and are deaf to their cry, so long will understanding and peace elude all of us.

Chinua Achebe

Quotes About Deaf #980696
#92. Eyes are a deaf man's ears. Ears are a blind man's eyes.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Deaf #978100
#93. The Lord heareth the prayers of those who ask to put aside hatred. But he is deaf to those who would flee from love.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Deaf #974331
#94. As people gain more authority, they often develop a lack of patience in listening to those under them. A deaf ear is the first indication of a closed mind.

John C. Maxwell

Quotes About Deaf #972195
#95. 'Mosaic' is about what we see and what we don't see. I learned how people can develop other senses to compensate for a missing one when I was a child. My best friend, Carol, who is profoundly deaf, saved me from an approaching car that she 'heard' when I didn't.

Gayle Lynds

Quotes About Deaf #913330
#96. Ring the bells for the blind and deaf.

Bob Dylan

Quotes About Deaf #921691
#97. You'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to think that this earth that we live in only has 6000 years of existence. It just doesn't.

Pat Robertson

Quotes About Deaf #920584
#98. People will make a life in their own terms, whether they are deaf or colorblind or autistic or whatever. And their world will be quite as rich and interesting and full as our world.

Oliver Sacks

Quotes About Deaf #917897
#99. Taste is one of the five senses, and the man who tells us with priggish pride that he does not care what he eats is merely boasting of his sad deficiency: he might as well be proud of being deaf or blind, or, owing to a perpetual cold in the head, of being devoid of the sense of smell.

E.F. Benson

Quotes About Deaf #913704
#100. She had passed her whole life as does everyone, rushing and dreaming in blind, deaf refusal of the miracle of each moment.

Umberto Bartolomeo

Quotes About Deaf #909766

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