Top 85 Cartoon Like Quotes

#1. Once you are successful, there's a very seductive rhythm at work that keeps you wanting to outdo yourself. By the end of 'Spirit' I felt like I didn't want to get into that trap. It almost makes you cartoon-like.


Cartoon Like Quotes #1494162
#2. One was a Cartoon Artist with a heart like chiffon and a wit as accidentally malicious as the jab of a pin in a flirt's belt.

Eleanor Hallowell Abbott

Cartoon Like Quotes #1461630
#3. A lot more people will want to hear a 5-minute singing cartoon about Communism in China than will want to read that PhD thesis, and that's the power of it even if a lot of details will be missing - that's the reason something like that often has more impact on society.

Jeffrey Lewis

Cartoon Like Quotes #1473259
#4. My grandmother was probably the first person who I thought was beautiful. She was incredibly stylish, she had big hair, big cars. I was probably 3 years old, but she was like a cartoon character. She'd swoop into our lives with presents and boxes, and she always smelled great and looked great.

Tom Ford

Cartoon Like Quotes #1422627
#5. I'm like a cartoon! I'll look this way when I'm eighty. I can see it now, people will be rolling me around in a wheelchair and I'll still have my big hair, nails, my high heels and my boobs stuck out!

Dolly Parton

Cartoon Like Quotes #1415904
#6. And there were sort of three toys for boys and three toys for girls. And the boys I can remember was, well, there was a Dan Dare Ray Gun. Dan Dare was a sort of a cartoon character. He was just sort of a - he was like a Battle of Britain fighter pilot, only in space.

Nick Lowe

Cartoon Like Quotes #1414235
#7. I was very briefly under contract to Disney Animation, to develop ideas for animated features. They don't like you to use the word "cartoon" around there.

Charles Busch

Cartoon Like Quotes #1411873
#8. I like the idea of bringing cartoon characters to life ... and although the Americans have already attempted this, their culture is not sufficiently humane to make it work.

Gerard Depardieu

Cartoon Like Quotes #1398018
#9. Okay, let's talk about cartoon labels for half a second - some people think anything with a dog or a car or a colorful alien is garbage, which is not true. Look at Big Moose Red. It's, like, a $6 wine with a cheesy label, and it's actually a solid wine.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Cartoon Like Quotes #1382040
#10. Watching Fox, that's like watching the Cartoon Network. Fox is nuts.

Jon Stewart

Cartoon Like Quotes #1356782
#11. I was influenced when I was younger by the cartoon movies that Disney put out, like Cinderella and what not. I watched those movies over and over when I was younger and the music is ingrained into my head. Nowadays, I'm still humming the tunes. It taught me the fundamentals.

Zac Efron

Cartoon Like Quotes #1277724
#12. When you throw punches at actors, you stop, you pull it, and it looks like you pulled it. When you throw punches at cartoon characters, they are not there, so you can swing through. It looks like you really decked them.

Brendan Fraser

Cartoon Like Quotes #1274865
#13. I've dealt with Hollywood about having my work made into a film or cartoon but nothing came of it. That's not to say I wouldn't like to see something happen.

Gilbert Hernandez

Cartoon Like Quotes #1263154
#14. I'm Vane Weston: The Last Westerly
Great- it sounds like something out of an anime cartoon.

Shannon Messenger

Cartoon Like Quotes #1241011
#15. For people like us, little people who went scurrying through the world like mice in a cartoon, sometimes laughing at the assholes was the only revenge you could ever get.

Stephen King

Cartoon Like Quotes #1231566
#16. it has left a neat bomb-shaped hole in the deck, just like a panicky Warner Brothers cartoon character passing at high speed through a planar structure such as a wall or ceiling.

Neal Stephenson

Cartoon Like Quotes #1221657
#17. We knew - but didn't want to know - what was going to happen, the sky descending upon our heads like the shadow of a falling piano in a cartoon.

Aleksandar Hemon

Cartoon Like Quotes #1204802
#18. I'm like a Dilbert cartoon.

David Spade

Cartoon Like Quotes #1182262
#19. I love wearing the exact same thing all the time because I think it makes you like a cartoon character. They always wear the same outfit and everybody always remembers them for it, so I feel like I should do the same thing.


Cartoon Like Quotes #1180006
#20. I like the old-school Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoons. I'm talking Wile E. Coyote, Road Runner, Bugs Bunny and Marvin the Martian!

Colin Kaepernick

Cartoon Like Quotes #1172462
#21. Weird, but sometimes I feel more like my cartoon character than I do Lizzie because she's a little more edgy and snappy.

Hilary Duff

Cartoon Like Quotes #1138232
#22. I can do a really high-pitched cartoon voice. Everybody always say they like that.

Corbin Bleu

Cartoon Like Quotes #1124708
#23. He's a man, but he's got, like, cartoon princess skin. Don't ever tell him I said that, even though I mean it in the best possible way. He's got the manliest cartoon princess skin.

Laini Taylor

Cartoon Like Quotes #1615943
#24. What?" Holden said, a brief image of the asteroid sneaking up like a cartoon villain on the two circling warships popping into his head. "Yeah,

James S.A. Corey

Cartoon Like Quotes #1850950
#25. What would a respectful political cartoon look like?

Salman Rushdie

Cartoon Like Quotes #1793161
#26. I love an underdog. No, I don't necessarily mean the cartoon. I mean like David, as in Goliath, or the Bears, as in The Bad News Bears.

Nancy Lublin

Cartoon Like Quotes #1766123
#27. I'm terrible about people wanting to take pictures with me. I'm a giant baby about it. They treat you like a cartoon. There's nothing you can do except make light of it.

Zach Galifianakis

Cartoon Like Quotes #1764984
#28. I'm a collector of cartoons. All the Disney stuff, Bugs Bunny, the old MGM ones. It's real escapism, it's like everything's alright. It's like the world is happening now in a far away city. Everything's fine.

Michael Jackson

Cartoon Like Quotes #1736203
#29. In Nirvana, it is you, my friend, who goes away. You take an eraser and erase yourself. It's like the Road Runner cartoons where in the middle of the cartoon, the hand of the artist appears on the screen and erases the Road Runner.

Frederick Lenz

Cartoon Like Quotes #1725357
#30. Back then, my idol was Bugs Bunny, because I saw a cartoon of him playing ball - you know, the one where he plays every position himself with nobody else on the field but him? Now that I think of it, Bugs is still my idol. You have to love a ballplayer like that.

Nomar Garciaparra

Cartoon Like Quotes #1647940
#31. I love Saturday morning cartoons. What do you like to do on a Saturday morning?

Wayne Brady

Cartoon Like Quotes #1646406
#32. Ray Toro is a very eccentric, crazy genius type guy. I think he's a genius. He just got this thing at the VMA. The way he played, it makes you go 'Jesus!' He's really sweet, really kind of lovable. He's like a cartoon character.

Gerard Way

Cartoon Like Quotes #1642984
#33. Promise? Ooh, I like that smolder, it's very Flynn Ryder." "You're comparing me to cartoon characters now?

Kristen Callihan

Cartoon Like Quotes #1617600
#34. In American films, Russians are often portrayed like cartoon villains without clear motivations.

Yuliya Snigir

Cartoon Like Quotes #1001266
#35. You work like hell to get yourself ahead in the business. You could go anywhere before, and suddenly you can't go anywhere. It's like being a cartoon character.

Robert Redford

Cartoon Like Quotes #1608998
#36. John flung himself into a pseudo-karate stance, one hand poised behind him and one in front, posed like a cartoon cactus. I thought for an odd moment he had moved his limbs so fast they had made that whoosh sound through air but then I realized John was making that sound with his mouth.

David Wong

Cartoon Like Quotes #1605356
#37. Every mode of violent death available to Renaissance man, including a lye pit, land mines, a trained falcon with envenom'd talons, is employed. It plays, as Metzger remarked later, like a Road Runner cartoon in blank verse

Thomas Pynchon

Cartoon Like Quotes #1603129
#38. My cartoon life is in my office, and it's very separate and getting very in my own head. My television life is I'm begging one of the actors to say the line in the way I'd like them to.

Bruce Eric Kaplan

Cartoon Like Quotes #1575522
#39. I didn't want to start acting like a cartoon.

Rachael Leigh Cook

Cartoon Like Quotes #1552976
#40. I don't know how to describe the magnificence of Carlsbad Caverns without making it sound like a cartoon or a drug trip or a cartoon of a drug trip. The only thing I can say is that it is one of those dear places that make you love the world.

Sarah Vowell

Cartoon Like Quotes #1547787
#41. I started to look like a cartoon character with the fringe and the catsuits. Yes, I want to change and mix it up. I want to change my hair, change my style. I want to be allowed to grow.

Jessie J.

Cartoon Like Quotes #1537304
#42. I quite liked Sharkey and George and then there was a cartoon with rapper MC Hammer in it - Hammertime - I loved that cartoon, it was genius! They don't make cartoons like that anymore.

Robert Pattinson

Cartoon Like Quotes #1500876
#43. I kind of see myself as a cartoon that's on its way to becoming a real person that has to find that special amulet or mushroom to get to that next realm or level. I don't feel like anything is that tangible. It freaks me out, why I feel unhappy or conflicted and why that can change on a dime.

Carly Pope

Cartoon Like Quotes #1490672
#44. He'd woken up after flying from Boston to Montana to find his da cooking breakfast for them: sausage and pancakes shaped like deer. It wasn't just any deer, either - they looked like Bambi from the disney cartoon. Charles didn't want to know how his father had managed that

Patricia Briggs

Cartoon Like Quotes #219899
#45. I think you can get away with so much more offensiveness when you're operating behind a stuffed teddy bear or a cartoon or something that's not real, because it's forgiven. It's like having a little kid in a movie curse - it's funny because it's not natural.

Mila Kunis

Cartoon Like Quotes #443228
#46. CGI is to me like watching a cartoon. It can be effective, if it's done well. A lot of times you don't feel any real risk. You're watching a bunch of computer-generated graphics.

Karen Allen

Cartoon Like Quotes #379333
#47. I thought it was kind of funny when Dionysus ran a Dark-Hunter over with a Mardi Gras float a couple of years ago. That amused me for days on end. He laughed like an evil cartoon villian.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Cartoon Like Quotes #358938
#48. Mine is a stubborn and recalcitrant faith. It's all elbows and motion and kicked-up dust, like cartoon characters locked in a cloudy brawl. I'm still early in my journey, but I suspect it will go on like this for a while, perhaps until my last breath.

Rachel Held Evans

Cartoon Like Quotes #354824
#49. As for the coyote, he was nothing like his cartoon icon. He was sleek, fast, healthy and apparently without an anvil or Acme product of any kind.

Doug Fine

Cartoon Like Quotes #323281
#50. I had a great movement teacher - he showed me how to walk so I wasn't becoming like a cartoon.

John Leguizamo

Cartoon Like Quotes #313396
#51. [Voicing a cartoon] feels like going down a mysterious but joyful black hole. Once you relax for 15 or 20 minutes, and really go, "I don't care if I look like an ass," it's really fun to see what happens. You know that nothing is being visually judged.

Jim Parsons

Cartoon Like Quotes #287802
#52. Note to self: Try to stop reacting to surprises like a cartoon character.
Jane Jameson

Molly Harper

Cartoon Like Quotes #275803
#53. Some things that I write, you'll see a page with cartoon pictures or a drawing of a car - like a Ford - or a flag. I still do it on an occasion when a word is strange to me.

Andrae Crouch

Cartoon Like Quotes #264984
#54. I just felt like there was a world of cartoon voices that had to be discovered by me.

Tom Kenny

Cartoon Like Quotes #227812
#55. I was honestly a cartoon kid. I loved cartoons. That was more my dream than anything else. But now, it's the films of people like John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands. Those are the kinds of characters I want to play, and that's the kind of filmmaking I'm fascinated by.

Tatiana Maslany

Cartoon Like Quotes #443484
#56. If someone's a cartoon villain, you can dismiss them, but if they behave despicably but you kind of like them, they really get under your skin.

Michel Faber

Cartoon Like Quotes #178922
#57. The Cremulator" sounds like a cartoon villain or the name of a monster truck but is in fact the name of what is essentially a bone blender, roughly the size of a kitchen crockpot. I

Caitlin Doughty

Cartoon Like Quotes #152228
#58. I think you would like Warren. He drinks Courvoisier in a Coke can, and has a laugh like you'd find in a cartoon bubble.

Amy Hempel

Cartoon Like Quotes #134624
#59. Homey don't quit. What else are you gonna do? It's like those guys in the cartoon they get up in the morning, check the clock and fight all day and after it's over they check the clock and go home. That's how it goes.

Chubby Checker

Cartoon Like Quotes #131798
#60. I just like The Little Mermaid cartoon. Say what you want. I have a fish tank, it's a long story. I have a fascination with the ocean, and you put a hot chick in there, it just adds more to it! I liked The Little Mermaid. It's a cool movie. It's one of those I watch over and over again.

Gabriel Iglesias

Cartoon Like Quotes #105639
#61. Like the name of a cartoon Belgian detective said in a Scottish accent, it's 10:10.'11 It

Alan Partridge

Cartoon Like Quotes #102753
#62. My opinion is that somebody certainly has the right to do cartoons that make fun of somebody else's religion. But to reprint them just to provoke a fight and just to provoke it like thumbing your nose at someone else and going, What are you gonna do about it?

David Byrne

Cartoon Like Quotes #88977
#63. It's all about being comfortable, being easy and having you be able to wear something and not having it wear you. It's classic. Every time I've tried to be bold and crazy, I feel like a Japanese animated cartoon character.

Jennifer Aniston

Cartoon Like Quotes #83988
#64. Finn crossed his arms and glared at Volusian. It was kind of a bold move, considering Finn looked like a cartoon character and Volusian looked like he ate the souls of small children. For all I knew, he probably did.

Richelle Mead

Cartoon Like Quotes #4065
#65. On my door is a cartoon of two turtles. One says, 'Sometimes I would like to ask why he allows poverty, famine and injustice when he could do something about it.' The other turtle says 'I am afraid that God might ask me the same question.'

Peter Kreeft

Cartoon Like Quotes #620455
#66. I am definitely not scared of Mike Tyson. I am at the top of the food chain and he is looking to knock me off. Mike's an arrogant imbecile. He sounds like a cartoon character.

Lennox Lewis

Cartoon Like Quotes #961773
#67. I am like a cartoon strip; I am like Donald Duck; everybody knows me in Italy.

Roberto Benigni

Cartoon Like Quotes #950342
#68. Like a cartoon world, where the figures are flat and outlined in black, jerking through some kind of goofy story that might be real funny if it weren't for the cartoon figures being real guys ...

Ken Kesey

Cartoon Like Quotes #933309
#69. It makes a lot of sense to me that I would be a cartoon. I feel like a cartoon as a person. I really, really do.

Jenny Slate

Cartoon Like Quotes #927422
#70. My favorite thing is when cartoon fans show up to my live gigs! They are always the most kick-butt audience members 'cause they're not trying to act all cool like a lot of the music fans do!

Grey DeLisle

Cartoon Like Quotes #879218
#71. The padlock clicked open. A voice soundingoddly like South Parks's Cartman echoed through my quivering brain. Goddammit!

Jennifer Rardin

Cartoon Like Quotes #820629
#72. I know my own limitations. And if somebody says, "I need songs for a cartoon garage band - they look like this and they should sound like this," it gives you a direction. I like having that kind of assignment.


Cartoon Like Quotes #781136
#73. It hurts that, you know, the media's made me into sort of this like punching bag or cartoon character-they think that I don't have any feelings, and, you know, it hurts like anyone else.

Paris Hilton

Cartoon Like Quotes #770212
#74. They don't tend to feature the kind of vaginas I like in adult films. I tend to like a thick, heavy pussy - the kind of pussy that looks like it just smoked an exploding cartoon cigar.

Jim Norton

Cartoon Like Quotes #697391
#75. Damn straight" said Connor. " So yeah, I look at you and I could suck start a leaf blower, or drill a Kevin-shaped body hole into the wall, like a cartoon.

Z.A. Maxfield

Cartoon Like Quotes #667759
#76. I was hesitant to do 'Mulan II.' For me, I felt like the story that needed to be told, this legendary character of Mulan, was already encompassed in the first movie, and I was worried they would try to create this crazy cartoon character out of this legendary character of China.

Ming-Na Wen

Cartoon Like Quotes #1093074
#77. If you were to look at an old 'Betty Boop' cartoon or an 'Out of the Ink Well' animation, there are many things about 'Adventure Time' that really remind you of that, even though it doesn't look like any of those cartoons.

Fred Seibert

Cartoon Like Quotes #582799
#78. Kids cannot follow stories. They don't know what the hell is going on in a cartoon. They like to see funny visual things happening.

John Kricfalusi

Cartoon Like Quotes #572959
#79. The daily calendar seemed, to me, like a kind of cartoon black hole, and you didn't have to be a rocket scientist to know that that couldn't be sustained indefinitely. That's why I pulled the plug on that one after the '02 edition. Kind of a preemptive strike.

Gary Larson

Cartoon Like Quotes #552282
#80. A normal day in my life - well right now it's kinda just like hang out and be lazy .I'm just kinda like enjoying my break, basic, what everybody does. Hang out in my pajamas and eat cereal and watch cartoons.

Drake Bell

Cartoon Like Quotes #538910
#81. No health care for poor kids? You know, I thought something like that was only done by cartoon villains. You're (Pres. Bush) slowly going from being Nixon to Mr. Burns.

Jon Stewart

Cartoon Like Quotes #527604
#82. We listened patiently to Lester, words skittering out of his mouth like cartoon dogs on fresh-waxed linoleum, frantically going nowhere.

Amy Tan

Cartoon Like Quotes #504132
#83. There was a mattress, discolored and waterlogged, like a cartoon-strip drunk slumped against a pole.

Philip Roth

Cartoon Like Quotes #503598
#84. I wanted draw the cartoon characters, and then it all started to make sense as I was watching these classics come back to the theater like Lady and the Tramp and so forth. If you want to animated the dog, you have to know where the ribcage is and the hip bone and all that.

Andreas Deja

Cartoon Like Quotes #491642
#85. I was an only child and was obviously really bored, so I would entertain my parents by imitating cartoon voices like Scooby Doo, Boo Boo and others.

Justin Timberlake

Cartoon Like Quotes #457178

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