Top 40 A Date Night Quotes

#1. I'm a real low profile guy. So a date night for me is kind of curled up at home and watching something ... have a nice glass of wine, a nice meal and we're all set.

Vincent Piazza

A Date Night Quotes #1106948
#2. Our life before moving to Washington was filled with simple joys ... Saturdays at soccer games, Sundays at grandma's house ... and a date night for Barack and me was either dinner or a movie, because as an exhausted mom, I couldn't stay awake for both.

Michelle Obama

A Date Night Quotes #1761508
#3. We have a family calendar and it's how everybody runs. In truth, there's no trick to balancing it. If you look at the calendar and you've seen you've gone 10 days without a date night, you know you need to prioritize more.

Kristen Bell

A Date Night Quotes #677568
#4. Make time for one another. Don't forget about those date nights. Put on a sexy dress and some sexy high heels and have a great night and enjoy each other. Also, incorporate your husband. Get him involved and let him know how important he is with taking care of your joy.

Tia Mowry

A Date Night Quotes #1072287
#5. Not being able to enter a quote of my own stinks worse than a skunk on date night!


A Date Night Quotes #1801217
#6. How do you feel about going on a date with me? I'm abroad for another two weeks; you've got plenty of time to prepare yourself. It will be the best night of your life, of course.

Lucy Robinson

A Date Night Quotes #1123934
#7. Thursday, the-night-of-the-date, comes and goes, leaving a school bus tire track across Desi's heart, fear abrading her mind until she can think of nothing except what the future will be like if something develops between her dad and Libby.

Sara Stark

A Date Night Quotes #1140121
#8. I began writing with a Michael Buble mentality. I think he's fantastic, and it's the perfect music for any date night, ever.

Joe Jonas

A Date Night Quotes #1250126
#9. The advice I would give myself is: "Don't date that guy, don't drink that, go right home, get a good night's sleep."

Jessica Pare

A Date Night Quotes #1287798
#10. I fell in love with Ryan, you got jealous, then I fell out of love with him because he seemed needy, you tied me up, I got half a chubby because it reminded me of Octavio, and now you have a date with Ryan. Oops. I mean Todd. Gosh, I'm beat. What a long night.

T.J. Klune

A Date Night Quotes #1400994
#11. Ah," Caspar exclaimed when he walked into the kitchen. "The grey is a good choice. Makes you look much less demon-of-the-night."
"Please, Caspar," he implored. "A date with a live woman. Soon.

Elizabeth Hunter

A Date Night Quotes #1474192
#12. We try to live by the secret of sevens. A friend, who has been married for over 40 years, told us about this magic. Make and keep a date every seven days, take a night away alone, for yourself, every seven weeks, and schedule an adult-only vacation every seven months.

Summer Sanders

A Date Night Quotes #1479772
#13. Let's face it: a date is a job-interview, that lasts all night. The only difference between a date and a job interview is: not many job-interviews is there a chance you'll end up naked at the end of it.

Jerry Seinfeld

A Date Night Quotes #1498493
#14. I know a woman loves me when she leaves me leftovers in the fridge from the date she went on the night before.

Jarod Kintz

A Date Night Quotes #1548657
#15. Dating is pressure and tension. What is a date, really, but a job interview that lasts all night?

Jerry Seinfeld

A Date Night Quotes #1610650
#16. Is it just me or is Sunday a bizarre night for a first date? All wrong, like Saturday morning or Monday at 2 p.m.

Helen Fielding

A Date Night Quotes #1685315
#17. Then why are you here?" Emma demanded. "Oh, is this one of those missed-connections things? We met the other night, you felt a spark? Sorry, but I don't date trees."
"I am not a tree." Iarlath looked angry, his bark peeling slightly.

Cassandra Clare

A Date Night Quotes #1692653
#18. I wanted you to feel the rage boil in my blood when I found out you were going on a date ... with him tonight," he cursed the word, "after being with me last night. I wanted you to feel the same pain I did. The goddamn same debilitating pain.

Nicole Williams

A Date Night Quotes #1707391
#19. I had a date last night with my boyfriend on batteries. What does a girl have to do to get laid by a real penis?

Sandi Lynn

A Date Night Quotes #1718183
#20. The hottest look for a night out is a deep side part. If that part is not at least three inches in length, then start over. The wider the part, the more open your eyes appear. It is an alluring and seductive look that will keep your date's attention the entire night.

Tabatha Coffey

A Date Night Quotes #1767124
#21. I ordered, Dad paid, just like old times when life was simple, and Daddy was always there to be my Friday night date whenever my latest boyfriend had been a jerk.

Karen Marie Moning

A Date Night Quotes #1771036
#22. Kiss me, babe."'
"No, really." Beneath the light of a sixty-watt bulb on her porch, Adele Harris placed a hand on the chest of her latest date. "I've had enough excitement for one night.

Rachel Gibson

A Date Night Quotes #671521
#23. Adept Lu spent a night at Stone Date, and the gatekeeper asked: Where are you from? From the House of Confucius, replied Lu. Isn't he the one who knows it's hopeless, but keeps trying anyway?


A Date Night Quotes #20452
#24. I told Chiquita if a man hadn't made a date with her for a Saturday night before Saturday night, he didn't want to be bothered with her on a Saturday night.

Eric Jerome Dickey

A Date Night Quotes #62205
#25. You can't make a date in death's dateless night.

Joe Haldeman

A Date Night Quotes #62861
#26. I was meant to date the captain of the football team, I was going to be on a romantic excursion every Saturday night, I was destined to be collecting corsages from every boy in town before prom, accepting such floral offerings like competing sacrifices to a Delphic goddess.

Elizabeth Wurtzel

A Date Night Quotes #94875
#27. Will you go on a date with me Friday night? A real date, not a pretend one? I'll probably be so clumsy that you won't go out with me a second time, but please say yes.

Carolyn Brown

A Date Night Quotes #133586
#28. I've never been on a date before," Isabella said to Mary as she got ready that night.
"You've been on plenty of dates," Mary said.
"No," Isabella said. "I've been out to eat with boys who were my boyfriend, but that's not dating. That's just parelle eating.

Jennifer Close

A Date Night Quotes #249573
#29. Fun? "Katrina, I didn't request to be set up on a date. I can't go meet a complete stranger and ... ." he scanned the email again. " ... and spend the night with her?

Lia Davis

A Date Night Quotes #252643
#30. He found Fraden, the department head, exactly how he hoped she'd be. They soon had a standing date to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer every Tuesday night at her house. As

D.T. Max

A Date Night Quotes #354831
#31. I let a friend set me up on a blind date. It was a disaster. She ended up being a burn victim. By the end of the night.

Anthony Jeselnik

A Date Night Quotes #539354
#32. I don't think there's a date minimum or maximum. I don't get the whole 'All right, you've got to wait three days to call after the date.' If I got a number from a girl, I'd call that night. There's no science to it for me. You just do what it is that you feel like doing.

Channing Tatum

A Date Night Quotes #992841
#33. On Friday night, if you want to go out on a date with your wife or your girlfriend, nothing on Netflix competes with that, right? Because you're getting out; that's what you're doing. If you don't want to put your shoes on, nothing in the cinema competes with the worst thing on Netflix.

Ted Sarandos

A Date Night Quotes #731829
#34. T.V. found me. I was offered jobs. It came in handy when I started having babies. Just one night's work, and then I could go home. I loved 'Surprise Surprise', but it was hard work. 'Blind Date' was a doddle by comparison.

Cilla Black

A Date Night Quotes #747015
#35. So you interrupted my date to make fun of me for still living with my parents. Couldn't you have done that on a night I didn't have a date? That's most nights, in case you're curious.

Cassandra Clare

A Date Night Quotes #791550
#36. One week before my 17th birthday, I had a blind date with June Rose, a television actress on network soap operas, a model, and a regular on the popular Dick Clark's Saturday night 'American Bandstand' show from New York. We were married five years later, one week after my graduation from Columbia.

Robert C. Merton

A Date Night Quotes #799981
#37. So come on, tell me all the dirt about your date. Did he tie you up with his black belt? Show off his mystic knowledge of Eastern sex practices? What?" I let my head slump into my hands. "He gave me a kiss and said good night." "He didn't! The bastard.

J.L. Merrow

A Date Night Quotes #899644
#38. Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.

Woody Allen

A Date Night Quotes #939045
#39. Living in LA is like not having a date on Saturday night.

Candice Bergen

A Date Night Quotes #939938
#40. I can be a guy's guy and go to a game. But at the end of the night, I can still get dressed up for a date. There are a million different personalities that are part of me.

Kaley Cuoco

A Date Night Quotes #992483

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