Top 12 Date Night Ideas Quotes

#1. If you give to get something, you're not giving, you're trading. Your motives are second in importance only to your actions

Jose Silva Jr.

Date Night Ideas Quotes #41329
#2. But some people don't appreciate my bossiness.

Cindy Crawford

Date Night Ideas Quotes #102419
#3. There lives at least one being who can never change-one being who would be content to devote his whole existence to your happiness-who lives but in your eyes-who breathes but in your smiles-who bears the heavy burden of life itself only for you.

Charles Dickens

Date Night Ideas Quotes #222498
#4. Selfishness is one of the more common faces of pride. 'How everything affects me' is the center of all that matters - self-conceit, self-pity, worldly self-fulfillment, self-gratification, and self-seeking.

Ezra Taft Benson

Date Night Ideas Quotes #265605
#5. The Asia had sixty-four heavy guns. For weeks it roamed the waters of New York Harbor, its weapons pointed at the city, looking something like an Imperial Destroyer from Star Wars. To stand

Jeff Wilser

Date Night Ideas Quotes #294952
#6. You've got to grow up sometime.

Winona Ryder

Date Night Ideas Quotes #687640
#7. Sourdough? Well, next to the Bible, sourdough is the most important possession on the frontier. You can make flapjacks and biscuits with it, patch a crack in the cabin, treat wounds, and even make brew.

Maggie Brendan

Date Night Ideas Quotes #842888
#8. A revolution does not march a straight line. It wanders where it can, retreats before superior forces, advances wherever it has room, attacks whenever the enemy retreats or bluffs, and above all, is possessed of enormous patience.

Mao Zedong

Date Night Ideas Quotes #863715
#9. We had 90 percent taxes before in America. All right? Didn't work.

Kenneth Langone

Date Night Ideas Quotes #1068937
#10. when the fortress of the body is besieged on all sides the mind must at length succumb.

Marcel Proust

Date Night Ideas Quotes #1424515
#11. Gabe pulled the card from the envolope.

I want to help you.

He flipped the card over.

You are the best thing to ever happen to Vernon.

Then in the tiniest script were words that Gabe had to squint to read:

PS. The dog's name is Guppy.

Audrey Shafer

Date Night Ideas Quotes #1694256
#12. I'm like a big old hen. I can't cluck too long about the egg I've just laid because I've got 5 more inside me pushing to get out.

Louis L'Amour

Date Night Ideas Quotes #1746912

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