Top 80 Wake Up From Sleep Quotes

#1. The very FIRST Step to making your dreams come true ... is to wake up from sleep.

George Akomas Jr

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1063379
#2. I'll see the sprouts in the morning when you wake up from sleep, and with glee look at the way the bright sun, I'll see it ... And then I have no more desire for others the whole day. Everything, everything is covered with these expectations.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1641621
#3. Sometimes you may undermine yourself when you are worthy but you need to wake up from sleep and know yourself better.

Auliq Ice

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #996322
#4. In the ancient recipe, the three antidotes for dullness or boredom are sleep, drink, and travel. It is rather feeble. From sleep you wake up, from drink you become sober, and from travel you come home again. And then where are you? No, the two sovereign remedies for dullness are love or a crusade.

D.H. Lawrence

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #571646
#5. With plastic surgery, the general anesthetic is like a black-velvety sleep, and that's what death is - without waking up to someone clapping and going, 'Joan, wake up, it's all over and you're looking pretty'.

Joan Rivers

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #170956
#6. I dream of a morning when Filipinos can wake up from the centuries-long sleep that took them from their past and denied them their destiny as a people.

Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #267079
#7. Enough, woman who needs no sleep! It is past my bedtime! But I will ponder your suggestions in the morning when I wake up, which will be long after you've already risen.

Mike Brown

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #234318
#8. I don't want to sleep,' my mother said. 'I want
for God's sake, I want to wake up.

Claire Messud

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #229697
#9. Every day, I would wake up and think you were perfect and every night I'd go to sleep thinking that, somehow, during the day, you got even more perfect.

Kristen Ashley

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #229245
#10. I write in my sleep. I don't know how, but I'll work on a song, go to sleep and it's finished when I wake up.

Miley Cyrus

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #213179
#11. Expect bad days and tears. but it's not how you wake up, it's how you go to sleep. always remember that

Les Simple

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #210758
#12. When I saw him I thought I could curl up inside him and go to sleep and never wake up." "Men are no good for that, Masha. They'll always want you working, when you're not softening their fall into bed at the end of the day.

Catherynne M Valente

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #209228
#13. Death in my mind isn't a finality. There's a continuum: It's like at night, you go to sleep and in the daytime you wake up, or whenever you wake up, and it's a new day.

David Lynch

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #205622
#14. I wake up hip-hop,
Go to sleep hip-hop,
Dream 'bout hip-hop,
'Cause I AM HIP-HOP.

Joell Ortiz

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #201429
#15. Denna rolled herself into my blanket and curled up with her back to the fire. "I will allow you to ponder my vast cleverness while I sleep. Wake me when you need anything else figured out.

Patrick Rothfuss

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #197732
#16. I decided we should get married no more of this running-through-the-rain shit. We should live in the same place, sleep in the same bed at night, wake up together in the morning, and whenever there's a tornado, I can take care of you and watch Baseball at the same time.

Curtis Sittenfeld

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #185815
#17. We owe it to our troops to let them sleep in their own beds, wake up in the morning, have a delicious breakfast, and drive to war.

Daniel Tosh

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #184621
#18. The better to kill me in my sleep?" "It would be rude to wake you first.

Rosamund Hodge

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #180730
#19. It is always easy to wake up a person who is fast asleep, but never those people who pretend to be deep in sleep.


Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #177513
#20. Hero, let hostile spirits sleep, and every gentler genius wake:


Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #175746
#21. A novelist's characters must be with him as he lies down to sleep, and as he wakes from his dreams. He must learn to hate them and to love them.

Anthony Trollope

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #172189
#22. That you can know what i have in me and still want me as much as i want you. i go to sleep every night afraid i'll wake up and you'll be gone.or that i scared you away ... that i dreamed you-" "no. Gideon." jesus he broke my heart every day. shattered me.

Sylvia Day

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1877267
#23. I used to take Sharpies and draw on my pillowcases, and then go to sleep on them and wake up with red marker from the drool all on my face.

Kid Cudi

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1419849
#24. Commander! Sir! Wake up!
Jack surfaced from sleep, wondering who the commander was and wishing he'd respond so he could go back to sleep - until he remembered that he was the commander.

Cinda Williams Chima

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1858871
#25. From this point of view, the only time we ever know what's really going on is when the rug's been pulled out and we can't find anywhere to land. We use these situations either to wake ourselves up or to put ourselves to sleep.

Pema Chodron

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1838847
#26. From morning when I wake up until I go to sleep, I am working. I go to bed and I want to switch off, but the brain doesn't switch off.

Frank Lowy

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1834527
#27. dressed in pajamas, snatched from sleep, and dead before she ever had a chance to wake up.

Kayti Nika Raet

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1818153
#28. I wasn't born an early bird.
It took three different alarms clocks blasting in my ear every morning to wake me up. And on special occasions when I'd sleep through the bird caws, beeping, and extreme drum solos, Stella would have the privilege of yanking me from my bed.

Joddie Zeng

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1816103
#29. But I also wanted to watch her sleep, and then watch her wake up and see me, and gauge her feelings from that first, unfiltered reaction.

Christina Lauren

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1792167
#30. Wake up, Sleeping Beauty," Jace said softly from my right.
"Call me that again, and I'll tell the whole Pride you sleep in Scooby-Doo underwear."
"I don't sleep in Scooby-Doo underwear. Hell, I don't sleep in any underwear.

Rachel Vincent

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1721233
#31. Maia did not want to wake up. Sleep lay on her like a dead bear and she had no strength to struggle out from under it.

Kim McDougall

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1659385
#32. Every time you come in from cheating on someone, they'll just whip out the most adorable term of endearment. Like, they'll wake up, bright and early, sleep in their eyes and say: "Hey, perfect."

Dane Cook

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1458592
#33. You don't realize what a strain it is on the nerves to write or think-of-writing all day long, and to sleep full of nervous dreams, and to wake up not knowing who one is: this all stems from anxiety about finishing the book, about time 'growing short', etc., and the perpetual strain of invention.

Jack Kerouac

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #604232
#34. You think my life is camouflage?" Ben held the stare. "Sir, I think everything you do from the moment you wake up to the moment you let yourself sleep is nothing more than a shadow dance.

John Wiltshire

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1264751
#35. At other times I wake up from the half sleep I'd fallen into, and hazy images with poetical and unpredictable colours play out their silent show to my inattention.

Fernando Pessoa

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1197033
#36. And then I was asleep. That deep, can-still-taste-her-in-my-mouth sleep, that sleep that is not particularly restful but difficult to wake up from all the same.

John Green

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1196544
#37. I'm essentially working from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. It's my biggest hobby but also my favorite career that I could ever have. Every single platform is important.

Tyler Oakley

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1107186
#38. The scriptures say to wake up from the deep sleep of ignorance, remain fully awake, remain conscious, & go on learning.

Rama Swami

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1059435
#39. Should founders of our lands one day wake up for a moment from their lasting sleep to see the lands and things they founded, they shall really have so many reasons to ponder over their lasting footprints!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #1053171
#40. I will lift mine eyes unto the pills. Almost everyone takes them, from the humble aspirin to the multi-colored, king-sized three deckers, which put you to sleep, wake you up, stimulate and soothe you all in one. It is an age of pills.

Malcolm Muggeridge

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #913620
#41. George goes to sleep at a bank from ten to four each day, except Saturdays, when they wake him up and put him outside at two.

Jerome K. Jerome

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #800032
#42. On the day the Gjallerhorn is blown, it will wake the gods, no matter where they are, no matter how deeply they sleep.

Heimdall will blow Gjallerhorn only once, at the end of all things, Ragnarok.

Neil Gaiman

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #35169
#43. I find it so all-encompassing when acting that there's no room for anything else when you're in it; you're just locked into thinking about it all day, you go to sleep with it, wake up with it, and when I come back, I really need time to recover.

Sophie Okonedo

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #103910
#44. I like to sleep so much that I wake up exhausted from sleeping so hard.

Nicole Richie

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #102931
#45. I sleep completely naked to make me believe you are here, but when I wake up it is not the same thing. Most of all, don't deceive me with other women any more.

Camille Claudel

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #81061
#46. As I lay me down to sleep, this I pray. That you will hold me, dear. Though I'm far away, I whisper your name into the sky. And I will wake up happy.

Sophie B. Hawkins

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #72714
#47. In the space between wake and sleep, where the real world juxtaposes with the imagination, that's where I live.

Mica Rossi

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #70126
#48. There would be nights when I would wake up and couldn't get back to sleep. So I would go downstairs and write. The staff had a pool going on how many pages of typing I would bring in here in the morning.

Harold H. Greene

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #52969
#49. Every day we wake up into a new world, each sleep causes yet another reincarnation.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #47344
#50. I can't wait to wake up and try something new. I can't sleep at night because I want to try something new.

Rodney Mullen

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #45973
#51. No one stops to think, though - that maybe there is a reason for the darkness. Maybe people have to be reminded of it - of its power. At night, we go to sleep against the darkness. And if we wake up before morning, a lot of times we're afraid. We need it all though - the darkness and the light.

Jacqueline Woodson

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #35305
#52. I usually doze off between 7:30 and 9 p.m. while putting my baby to sleep. Then I suddenly wake up remembering I'm an adult with no bedtime. I spend the next four hours catching up on reading, e-mails, and other adult pursuits until I collapse for good until sunrise.

Padma Lakshmi

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #104516
#53. Dear to me is sleep: still more, being made of stone,
While pain and guilt still linger here below,
Blindness and numbness
these please me alone;
Then do not wake me, keep your voices low.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #28382
#54. Cold be hand and heart and bone, and cold be sleep under stone: never more to wake on stony bed, never, till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead. In the black wind the stars shall die, and still on gold here let them lie, till the dark lord lifts his hand over dead sea and withered land.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #28218
#55. You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.

Richard Kronick

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #28135
#56. I'm afraid we shall waste an awful lot of time."
"Don't worry," answered Snufkin, "we shall have wonderful dreams, and when we wake up it'll be spring.

Tove Jansson

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #26169
#57. A Seattle lawyer once interrupted his lengthy cross-examination of a witness and exclaimed, "Your Honor, one of the jurors is asleep." "You put him to sleep," replied the judge. "Suppose you wake him up."

James Keller

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #24775
#58. Those who have compared our life to a dream were right ... we were sleeping wake, and waking sleep.

Michel De Montaigne

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #19349
#59. I was in my bed trying to figure out why sometimes you can wake up and go back to sleep and other times you can't

Stephen Chbosky

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #17730
#60. When you lay down with neglect & sleep around with excuses, you wake up with failure ...
When you marry your goals & remain intimate with your vision, you'll give birth to your dreams.

Jay Danzie

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #13937
#61. I sleep seven hours. If I go to bed at two, I wake up at nine. If I go to bed at midnight, I wake up at seven. I don't wake up before - the house can fall apart, but I sleep for seven hours.

Karl Lagerfeld

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #50
#62. When I go to sleep, someone wakes up to get their hustle on, that's why I get my 2 hours, their 2 hours and overseas 2 hours in. I'll make sure no one can catch me.

Behdad Sami

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #136366
#63. Sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. SIng me to sleep, sing me to sleep, and then leave me alone. Don't try to wake me in the morning because I will be gone. Don't feel bad for me. I want you to know, deep in the cell of my heart, I will feel so glad to go.

The Smiths

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #167011
#64. Just because a baby cries, I discovered, doesn't mean there's always something wrong. Sometimes babies wake up for no real reason. They just want to check if they're doing it right. "This is Sleeping, right?" "Exactly." "I just lie here?" "That's right." "Okay." Then back to sleep they go.

Paul Reiser

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #166742
#65. They say it's better to bury your sadness in a graveyard or garden that waits for the spring to wake from its sleep and burst into green.

Conor Oberst

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #165488
#66. At Night
Love said, "Wake still and think of me,"
Sleep, "Close your eyes till break of day,"
But Dreams came by and smilingly
Gave both to Love and Sleep their way.

Sara Teasdale

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #164397
#67. Throughout Finnegans Wake Joyce specifies the Tower of Babel as the tower of Sleep, that is, the tower of the witless assumption, or what Bacon calls the reign of the Idols.

Marshall McLuhan

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #159899
#68. When I wake up, I immediately pray. When I go to sleep, I pray. Honestly, a prayer every second, in every breath. I suggest the whole world to do it. Prayer is amazing.

DJ Khaled

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #152851
#69. For some it is harder to wake up to the truth of life than it is to fall into the sleep of death

Dean Cavanagh

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #146303
#70. I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps

Frank Sinatra

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #144652
#71. I wake when my wife wakes, at 7:30 A.M. I'd like to sleep longer, but she has to go off to work, and I'd be plagued with guilt.

Said Sayrafiezadeh

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #142902
#72. You say that every morning."
Miles shrugged. "You're late every morning."
"Then wake me up sooner."
"I have a better idea - why don't you go to sleep when I tell you to?"
"I'm not tired then. I'm only tired in the mornings."
"Join the club.

Nicholas Sparks

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #168436
#73. You must return to the fairy cave while children sleep. Fairies only exist if children believe in Fairyland. If you return after they wake from their dreams, you could remain frozen between two worlds for all eternity.

Caz Greenham

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #127691
#74. Never Ever Knock My Dignity. Underneath our life we all are same. We sleep once in a day and wake up
Loud and Clear!

Sundeep Lal

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #126380
#75. Traditionally, wake-up calls are meant to wake you up rather than send you to sleep: the clue is in the wording. But those who talk of wake-up calls tend to have an easy-going way with words.

Craig Brown

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #125608
#76. His proxy turned and thrashed in his sleep, but Knox didn't wake him. His dreams, like everyone Else's, were his own. So were his nightmares.

Alex London

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #125444
#77. If I wake up during a dream I can usually go back to sleep and finish the story.

Marion Cotillard

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #124482
#78. I usually record all through the night, but I'm known for waking up early in the morning. Even if I had recorded till 3 or 4 in the morning I might wake up at 9 or 10. I never sleep till 1 o clock.

Gucci Mane

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #110628
#79. There are many who don't wish to sleep for fear of nightmares. Sadly, there are many who don't wish to wake for the same fear.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #110597
#80. You might plan how to sleep but you can't plan how you wake up. He who plans how to sleep is a Planer, he who plans how to wake up is a Dreamer.

Amen Muffler

Wake Up From Sleep Quotes #108384

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