Top 100 Marshall McLuhan Quotes

#1. Historians and archaeologists will one day discover that the ads of our time are the richest and most faithful reflections that any society ever made of its entire range of activities.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #31416
#2. Diaper backwards spells repaid. Think about it.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #37229
#3. There is no individualism in Eastern or oral cultures.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #86607
#4. Where the whole man is involved there is no work. Work begins with the division of labor.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #86790
#5. Phenomenology is dialectic in ear-mode - a massive and decentralized quest for roots, for ground.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #117753
#6. The winner is one who knows when to drop out in order to get in touch.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #137281
#7. [On Jimmy Carter] Huck Finn. Loss of identity drives people to nostalgia. Electronic man has no physical body, so he puts nostalgia in its place.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #140093
#8. The ignorance of how to use knowledge stockpiles exponentially.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #144066
#9. Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #147756
#10. One main condition of aristocratic life was present in the South and not in the North
personal responsibility to other human beings for education and material welfare. (A Carnegie or a Ford, like a bureaucracy, molds the lives of millions without taking any responsibility.)

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #161055
#11. The logic of the photograph is neither verbal nor syntactical, a condition which renders literary culture quite helpless to cope with the photograph.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #179900
#12. Attention as a communication medium just because it has no "content." And this makes it an invaluable instance of how people

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #209657
#13. You can be a French Canadian or an English Canadian, but not a Canadian. We know how to live without an identity, and this is one of our marvellous resources.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #272545
#14. Food for the mind is like food for the body: the inputs are never the same as the outputs.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #286462
#15. What we call art would seem to be specialist artifacts for enhancing human perception.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #312752
#16. if it works it's obsolete

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #330654
#17. Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #337520
#18. Any ad consciously attended to is comical. Ads are not meant for conscious consumption. They are intended as subliminal pills for the subconsious in order to exercise an hypnotic spell, especially on sociologists.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #361595
#19. Even mud gives the illusion of depth.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #363229
#20. Innovation for holders of conventional wisdom is not novelty but annihilation.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #399672
#21. What is very little understood about the electronic age is that it angelizes man, disembodies him. Turns him into software.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #400017
#22. The present is only faced in any generation by the artist.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #401981
#23. The TV generation is postliterate and retribalized. It seeks by violence to scrub the old private image and to merge in a new tribal identity, like any corporate executive.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #407735
#24. A commercial society whose members are essentially ascetic and indifferent in social ritual has to be provided with blueprints and specifications for evoking the right tone for every occasion.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #413164
#25. The artist is the person who invents the means to bridge between biological inheritance and the environments created by technological innovation.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #444229
#26. Money is just the poor man's credit card.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #454385
#27. There ain't no grammatical errors in a non-literate society.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #493284
#28. We have to find the environments in which it will be possible to live with our new inventions.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #503153
#29. The rythms of typing favour short, concise sentences, sentences with oral form.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #513153
#30. The mother tongue is propaganda.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #515141
#31. All media work us over completely.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #522376
#32. The family circle has widened. The worldpool of information fathered by the electric media
movies, Telstar, flight
far surpassesany possible influence mom and dad can now bring to bear. Character no longer is shaped by only two earnest, fumbling experts. Now all the world's a sage.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #531660
#33. Explore the situation. Statements are expendable. Don't keep on looking in the rearview mirror and defending the status quo which is outmoded the moment it happened.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #543139
#34. The fall or scrapping of a cultural world puts us all into the same archetypal cesspool, engendering nostalgia for earlier conditions.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #545475
#35. The reader is the content of any poem or of the language he employs, and in order to use any of these forms, he must put them on.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #564004
#36. First we shape our tools, thereafter they shape us

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #574951
#37. Most people are alive in an earlier time, but you must be alive in our own time.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #585161
#38. Mass man is a phenomenon of electric speed, not of physical quantity.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #664539
#39. The wheel ... is an extension of the foot.
The book ... is an extension of the eye ...
Clothing, an extension of the skin ...
Electric circuitry, an extension of the central nervous system.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #688767
#40. All discoveries in art and science result from an accumulation of errors.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #688958
#41. A typewriter is a means of transcribing thought, not expressing it.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #690576
#42. The greatest discovery of the 21st century will be the discovery that Man was not meant to live at the speed of light.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #705243
#43. World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #717286
#44. Information and images bump against each other every day in massive quantities, and the resonance of this interfacing is like the babble of a village or tavern gossip session.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #747461
#45. As the unity of the modern world becomes increasingly a technological rather than a social affair, the techniques of the arts provide the most valuable means of insight into the real direction of our own collective purposes.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #747613
#46. North Americans have a peculiar bias. They go outside to be alone and they go home to be social.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #747785
#47. The global village is a place of very arduous interfaces and very abrasive situations.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #772434
#48. Violence, whether spiritual or physical, is a quest for identity and the meaningful. The less identity, the more violence.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #774542
#49. To say that a body or its gravitational field 'bends in space' in its vicinity is the discuss visual space in acoustic terms.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #789104
#50. Language as the technology of human extension, whose powers of division and separation we know so well, may have been the "Tower of Babel" by which men sought to scale the highest heavens. Today computers hold out the promise of a means of instant tr

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #801643
#51. New media are new archetypes, at first disguised as degradations of older media.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #802544
#52. The electric age ... established a global network that has much the character of our central nervous system.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #819410
#53. Playboy: Have you ever taken LSD yourself?
McLUHAN: No, I never have. I'm an observer in these matters, not a participant.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #864892
#54. Violence is the quest for identity. When identity disappears with technological innovation, violence is the natural recourse.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #899355
#55. Art is whatever you can get away with.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #925164
#56. I am an intellectual thug who has been slowly accumulating a private arsenal with every intention of using it. In a mindless age every insight takes on the character of a lethal weapon. Every man of good will is the enemy of society.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1019452
#57. The bible belt is oral territory and therefore despised by the literati.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1051243
#58. The suddenness of the leap from hardware to software cannot but produce a period of anarchy and collapse, especially in the developed countries.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1083263
#59. Everybody tends to merge his identity with other people at the speed of light. It's called being mass man.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1099675
#60. If a work of art is to explore new environments, it is not to be regarded as a blueprint but rather as a form of action-painting.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1142863
#61. Today the tyrant rules not by club or fist, but disguised as a market researcher, he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1157332
#62. The media have substituted themselves for the older world.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1165003
#63. When things come at you very fast, naturally you lose touch with yourself.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1166612
#64. Control over change would seem to consist in moving not with it but ahead of it. Anticipation gives the power to deflect and control force.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1192559
#65. Our permanent address is tommorrow.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1198315
#66. While Poe and the Symbolists were exploring the irrational in literature, Freud had begun to explore the resonant figure/ground double-plot of the conscious and unconscious.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1252387
#67. The alphabet was one thing when applied to clay or stone, and quite another when set down on light papyrus.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1280110
#68. Education is civil defence against media fallout.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1305132
#69. The task confronting contemporary man is to live with the hidden ground of his activities as familiarly as our literate predecessors lived with the figure minus ground.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1314413
#70. In Jesus Christ, there is no distance or separation between the medium and the message: it is the one case where we can say that the medium and the message are fully one and the same.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1327595
#71. Logos is the formal cause of the kosmos and all things, responsible for their nature and configuration.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1330903
#72. They will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1336236
#73. It is perhaps typical of very creative minds that they hit very large nails not quite on the head.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1356085
#74. All forms of violence are quests for identity. When you live on the frontier, you have no identity. You're a nobody.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1362622
#75. The school system is the homogenizing hopper into which we toss our integral tots for processing.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1384325
#76. When information overload occurs, pattern recognition is how to determine truth.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1468096
#77. Far more thought and care go into the composition of any prominent ad in a newspaper or magazine than go into the writing of their features and editorials.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1486144
#78. My main theme is the extension of the nervous system in the electric age, and thus, the complete break with five thousand years of mechanical technology. This I state over and over again. I do not say whether it is a good or bad thing. To do so would be meaningless and arrogant.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1518355
#79. There is an enormous redundancy in every well-written book. With a well-written book I only read the right-hand page and allow my mind to work on the left-hand page. With a poorly written book I read every word.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1522011
#80. Nobody can commit photography alone.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1524075
#81. The answers are always inside the problem, not outside.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1525145
#82. In the century of jazz we are likely to overlook the emergence of the waltz as a hot and explosive human expression that broke through the formal feudal barriers of courtly and choral dance styles.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1539555
#83. We don't know who discovered water, but we know it wasn't the fish.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1616637
#84. Computers can do better than ever what needn't be done at all. Making sense is still a human monopoly.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1629487
#85. The world of visual perspective is one of unified and homogeneous space. Such a world is alien to the resonating diversity of spoken words. So language was the last art to accept the visual logic of Gutenberg technology, and the first to rebound in the electric age.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1671554
#86. Today it is not the classroom nor the classics which are the repositories of models of eloquence, but the ad agencies.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1687773
#87. Art is anything you can get away with.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1715929
#88. The constant broadcast and reception of ghostly images via radio and television, according to this notion, had weakened the sense, particularly among youth, of possessing physical the sense, particularly among youth, of possessing physical bodies and private identities.
McLuhan CD-ROM

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1737550
#89. The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1739283
#90. Any understanding of social and cultural change is impossible without a knowledge of the way media work as environments.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1752405
#91. The artist must ever play and experiment with new means of arranging experience, even though the majority of his audience may prefer to remain fixed in their old perceptual attitudes.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1785834
#92. When new technologies impose themselves on societies long habituated to older technologies, anxieties of all kinds result.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1795041
#93. Diaper spelled backwards is repaid , think about it.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1822137
#94. It has always been the artist who realizes that the future is the present and uses his work to prepare the grounds for it

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1823102
#95. The modern nose, like the modern eye, has developed a sort of microscopic, intercellular intensity which makes our human contactspainful and revolting.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1825362
#96. Ads push the principle of noise all the way to the plateau of persuasion. They are quite in accord with the procedures of brainwashing.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1836790
#97. The future masters of technology will have to be light-hearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1843786
#98. That outering or uttering of sense which is language and speech is a tool which made it possible for man to accumulate experience and knowledge in a form that made easy transmission and maximum use possible.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1851304
#99. Everybody at the speed of light tends to become a nobody.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1873542
#100. The logos of creation, 'And God Said ... ' formed the basis of Christian interpretation of the 'Book of Nature.

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan Quotes #1879145

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