Top 100 Spin It Quotes
#1. Directing is mystifying. It's a long, long, skid on an icy road, and you do the best you can trying to stay on the road ... If you're still here when you come out of the spin, it's a relief. But you've got to have the terror if you're going to do anything worthwhile.
Mike Nichols
#2. You have to figure out a way to endure that little bit of time with the media. Any question they ask you; beautiful thing is, you get the last word. You can spin it any way you want to ... If you can go third person on yourself, you can sit down and have a 10-15 minute conversation.
Warren Sapp
#3. From this day on, I refuse to let anyone bring me to a point where I can't take a horrible situation and spin it into something beneficial. I will never let anyone make me feel anything I don't want to feel again or rob me of the passions that make me who I am.
Chris Colfer
#4. The Obama administration appears to regard intelligence leaks and briefings more or less like briefings by the Democratic National Committee or White House flack Jay Carney. You use any information at hand, classified or not, and you spin it any way you like, fairly or not.
Elliott Abrams
#5. A turbo: exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens and you go faster.
Jeremy Clarkson
#6. To be sure, administrations since Ronald Reagan had gone out of their way to massage and 'spin' news to the president's advantage, while the media did its best to un-spin it.
Nigel Hamilton
#7. I know I'm not bipolar or schizophrenic, but this career allows you to explore, to take some facets of yourself and spin it.
Jeff Daniels
#8. Storytelling in general is a communal act. Throughout human history, people would gather around, whether by the fire or at a tavern, and tell stories. One person would chime in, then another, maybe someone would repeat a story they heard already but with a different spin. It's a collective process.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
#9. The U.S. invaded the wrong country, destroying an odious government that was not responsible for 9/11. I don't know how you recover from invading the wrong country, no matter how you spin it.
Richard Engel
#10. He went up to the globe and gave it a spin. It emitted a faint creak and moved about one inch, bringing into his purview a daddy long legs which had died on it in latitude 44.
John Galsworthy
#11. India is an incredibly vibrant market, which Virgin already, through Virgin Atlantic, has the pleasure of working in. I am delighted that Virgin Comics will not only help to launch the Indian comic market and spin it into the West, but will develop new and exciting talent.
Richard Branson
#12. You can make a story mean anything Meoraq. But that's the think with you religious people, isn't it? God is this glorious intangibility, so no proof becomes proof just by how you spin it.
R. Lee Smith
#13. Then I thought, with the same clubhead speed, the ball's going to go at least six times as far. There's absolutely no drag, so if you do happen to spin it, it won't slice or hook 'cause there's no atmosphere to make it turn.
Alan Shepard
#14. I want you to inject this into a red-top Vacutainer and spin it down." "Okay. What tests do you want done?" "A CBC and a standard Chem-20. But don't throw any serum away. I may do some more tests,
Greg Iles
#15. Life's a wheel of fortune and it's my chance to spin it.
Tupac Shakur
#16. It is always challenging bowling abroad - you don't get much spin, bounce. You do get bounce, but you don't get sideways spin. It is always drifting kind of spin you get.
Harbhajan Singh
#17. Suicide is like the ejector button in the cockpit of an F-15. If life goes into a permanent tail spin, it's nice to know the option is there.
Dov Davidoff
#18. I am not so weak as to submit to the demands of the age when they go against my convictions. I spin a cocoon around myself; let others do the same. I shall leave it to time to show what will come of it: a brilliant butterfly or maggot.
Caspar David Friedrich
#19. I bet on everything. Everything. It's just like, 'I bet you I can spin my chair longer.' Everything, I say 'I bet you.' I love to win.
Kellan Lutz
#20. It sounded like the wheel on Wheel of Fortune, do you want to spin or do you want to solve the puzzle? Remember that if you try to solve the puzzle and fail, you will be put out into the snow beside the Connecticut Turnpike and the wolves will eat you.
Stephen King
#21. There are so many ways of being despicable it quite makes one's head spin. But the way to be really despicable is to be contemptuous of other people's pain.
James Baldwin
#22. This guy makes my head spin. He's just so reasonable. I don't have any defense against it. Against him and his damn sexy self. Damn it.
Kristen Callihan
#23. This is the world we live in, isn't it? Tons of spin-offs; people reboot things very quickly. I was amazed how quickly they made a Wolverine movie, then, 'Let's do another origins Wolverine movie.'
Joel Edgerton
#24. The tale of love and power was a continuum, much like the white carousel just outside of Acronis's hall. It turned around and around. Acronis was tired of the spin."
-Madison Thorne Grey, Sustenance
Madison Thorne Grey
#25. I thought if we made an album that tried to change the world, or give it hope, it would really happen. But all people found was death and destruction and misery and self-hate. I learned that the world doesn't want to be saved, and it will f**king punch you in the face if you try.
Gerard Way
#26. I make music that makes you dance, so I mean, it's appropriate, you know what I'm saying? I make the kind of music that DJs can grab a hold of and spin the record and people just love rocking out to the big Snoop D O double G.
Snoop Dogg
#27. That spin became so violent, it was hard to know how to get out of it. I was able to get it under control and break the speed of sound ... I could feel myself break the speed of sound. I could feel the air building up and then I hit it.
Felix Baumgartner
#28. His lips crashed against hers. If there had been air in her lungs, she wouldn't have known what to do with it. He kissed her fiercely, making her head spin wilder than a whirlpool, knocking every last puff of breath from her body.
Ophelia London
#29. My wife had an uncle who could never walk down the nave of an abbey without wondering whether it would take spin.
Alec Douglas-Home
#30. You blindfold yourself and spin around for 10 times and then open your eyes and try to chase it down.
Ric Suggitt
#31. If the universe is movement, it will not be in one direction only. We think of our lives as linear but it is the spin of the earth that allows us to observe time. Walk with me.
Jeanette Winterson
#32. I'm learning to hunt with rifles, because if you think about it, hunting gets you the healthiest meat - organic, free-range food. It's a totally yuppie spin on what I thought was kind of a redneck occupation.
Sarah Wayne Callies
#33. Doubt is always accompanied by a pervasive cynicism that unconsciously puts a negative spin on whatever it touches.
#34. With her words, the world could spin again. It took great restraint to not unfurl my wings and fly Abby around the mountain, pronouncing to anyone with ears that she loved me. Abigail Miller loved me.
Ashlan Thomas
#35. The life is a whipping top. When it ends the spin, life ends!
Deyth Banger
#36. Anyone can spin a victory, it's a total loss that demands creativity
Josh Stern
#37. We want to connect all these musical worlds together. We just improvise; we know straight away if its going to work or not. They're not covers - I hate the word cover. We do a transcription: mix it up, put our own spin on it. I think people will be surprised how powerful our show is.
Luka Sulic
#38. NASA has spin-offs, and it's a huge and very impressive list, including accurate and affordable LASIK eye surgery.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
#39. I just hope you have as much fun letting it spin as I did putting it together.
Lenny Kaye
#40. Takes a lot of spunk to spin gold from heartache, Mrs. Osgood. A lot of drive. Most of us can't do it. It's a mean world, Mrs. Osgood, mean and spiteful.
Lynn Cullen
#41. The only difference between fear and excitement is what we label it. The two are pretty much the same physiological/emotional reaction. With fear, we put a negative spin on it: "Oh no!" With excitement, we give it some positive english: "Oh, boy!"
Peter McWilliams
#42. Every age sort of has its own history. History is really the stories that we retell to ourselves to make them relevant to every age. So we put our own values and our own spin on it.
Terry Jones
#43. We do have a black president, and that means a lot. People ask, 'What has he done?' What he's done is change the color up, which you see on the screen. When the head of the free world is black, there's got to be some sort of spin-off from it.
Glynn Turman
#44. I find that it's nice to work with somebody and spin off on someone else's feelings. You get a little jaded by yourself.
Herb Alpert
#45. Do not work primarily for money; do your duty to patients first and let the money follow; our life is short, we don't live twice; the whirlwind will pick up the leaves and spin them, but then it will drop them and they will form a pile.
John Hersey
#46. The fable of us had been rewritten. With a spin that had exposed the truth. Instead of the happily never after we'd been dealt or with the happily ever after that was a lie, we were retelling the ending. Boone and Clara - happily even after. It was a great story. The greatest one I'd ever heard.
Nicole Williams
#47. When it comes to life, we spin our own yarn, and where we end up is really, in fact, where we always intended to be.
Julia Glass
#48. Actually, power is like money; neither good nor bad. Its negative or positive spin depends upon how we use it.
Pat Heim
#49. Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin was, at one time, going to have a second level to it. You can still see the balcony where the cabs would have passed by outside. During the early days, there would be a band playing up there.
Ken Pellman
#50. Truth is better for humanity than ignorance, lies, or spin. And it's more interesting.
Steve Sailer
#51. I really don't have a lot of interest in national politics, and it's because I'm a skeptic. I think you can accomplish a lot more locally. I don't want to spin the wheels and not get anything done.
Ron Conway
#52. Exercise and writing are so therapeutic to me. I try to write every day and I make it a huge priority to find time to work out, even if that means taking a spin class at 7am before work.
Sadie Calvano
#54. But before I do,
I open the case and watch the spinning arrow. It settles on a point, but I still spin, wondering where to go.
Ally Condie
#55. 'Press Your Luck' was probably the most exciting because of the unpredictability of the game and how I won on one of the three days on the very last spin against all odds. It was one of those great unpredictable game show moments.
Randy West
#56. You have to live on this twenty-four hours of daily time. Out of it you have to spin health, pleasure, money, content, respect, and the evolution of your immortal soul.
Arnold Bennett
#57. It all comes out in the wash. It's just the spin cycle that makes you crazy
Burl Barer
#58. I grew up playing on unprepared surfaces where your wicket depended on quickly adapting to the bounce. As a kid, I could never differentiate off-spin from leg-spin. All I looked to do was to try to hit the ball before it pitched.
Gautam Gambhir
#59. Spin Me Round was number one all over the world, everywhere. It changed the face of pop music, no question. We took technology further than Trevor Horn.
Pete Waterman
#60. Doing a quick spin, she mouthed the words full report tomorrow, then proceeded toward the exit as if it wasn't completely obvious why she was leaving in such a hurry.
Terri Osburn
#61. I box a lot, I spin and I surf. I try to mix it up. I obviously have to be in shape 24 hours and the gym can be super monotonous, so I just get outside and try to make it fun so my body doesn't get bored.
Marisa Miller
#62. Odds are you're going to like this lively spin on the true story of six MIT mathletes who broke the Vegas Bank. It's a kick to watch Kevin Spacey and a gifted young cast use smarts to deal audiences a winning hand.
Peter Travers
#63. He had already been so long in the world: he had seen it change and seem to spin faster with every passing year, and he felt like a remnant from some long-buried time, a thorny weed still stretching up, for as long as it possibly could, towards the sun.
Robert Seethaler
#64. In skating there's always another jump or another spin variation or another thing to learn, and that's what I liked about it.
Gracie Gold
#65. Language tethers us to the world; without it we spin like atoms.
Penelope Lively
#66. It's t'ai chi every time. I'm using your positive energy, and I'm blowing off it. See, most guys can't push, they got to lean. When they lean, I spin.
Shaquille O'Neal
#67. This is my body, and I can make it do things. I can make it spin, flip, fly.
Megan Abbott
#68. People always put their own spin on things, remember what they want to remember, and somewhere in the middle of it all is the truth - the real version - one you could only write yourself if you were willing to.
Jessi Kirby
#69. Everything starts with a little truth, then I spin my webs around it-sometimes I spin completely from it. But the point it, I don't start with nothing.
Rainbow Rowell
#70. Look at other people and ask yourself if you are really seeing them or just your thoughts about them ... Without knowing it, we are coloring everything, putting our spin on it all.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
#71. There's a way in which these guys all think absolutely media, day and night. Access is what it's all about, so they spin 24 hours a day and that's a problem.
Michael Ignatieff
#72. I know that spinning sets me in a trance; it soothes me and charges my batteries at the same time. When times are tough I sit down to spin during the news-broadcasts, with therapeutic results.
Elizabeth Zimmermann
#73. But doesn't add something to what has come before; but takes something away. At its most daring, it can feel like a Bat Turn, a 180-degree spin int the Batmobile. Make that a But Turn.
Roy Peter Clark
#74. Let's live a lie for today.
You'll spin tales
and pretend to love me.
And I'll smile; you'll not realize it's fake
Then I'll pretend
your pretensions don't cause me pain.
Sreesha Divakaran
#75. Lookit, I've done it their way this far and now it's my turn. I'm my own handler. Any questions? Ask me ... There's not going to be any more handler stories because I'm the handler ... I'm Doctor Spin.
Dan Quayle
#76. Just like I believe God is everywhere, I believe that whether it's nature, whether it's sitting on a bike in spin class, that can be church, too, for me.
Lisa Rinna
#77. Sometimes I loved the disruptive student in class who livened up lectures with wisecracks - it put a spin on things, added flavor, made me laugh. Other times, I wished the heckler would just shut up so I could learn something.
Kaui Hart Hemmings
#78. This perplexing, good natured boy who can spin out lies so convincingly to be hopelessly in love with me ... and I admit it there are moments when he makes me believe it myself.
Suzanne Collins
#79. Part of the art of bowling spin is to make the batsman think something special is happening when it isn't.
Shane Warne
#80. It is part of politics to make things look better than they really are. What is a spin doctor but a serial euphemiser?
Nigel Rees
#81. Every single time it was grand. I loved the moment when you announce the stickup and everything suddenly goes brighter and sharper and the world seems to spin faster. You show them the gun and say hand it over and there's no telling what's going to happen in the next tick of the clock.
James Carlos Blake
#82. After I had written seventeen full-length mysteries, two volumes of mini-mysteries, a travel guide and some quiz books, not to mention a spin-off Roman Mystery Scrolls series, I thought it was time I moved to new historical pastures.
Caroline Lawrence
#83. It was a business that engaged a significant part of the nation; the wool was given to village women to comb and to spin before being sent to the weaver; to this day, an unmarried woman is known as a spinster.
Peter Ackroyd
#84. Heralds don't sing about men who lived in orthodoxy or played it safe, they sing about men who lived an uncertain future and took enough risks to make your head spin.
Evan Meekins
#85. A wealth of experience and wisdom doesn't have to be a dead giveaway to your increasing years. The spin you put on it is what will keep you young. Don't let it make you bitter. Learn from it, and let it make you better.
Jayleigh Cape
#86. People don't change. The world carries on spinning inexorably around but people don't spin with it. They dig their heels into the shifting sand and cling on for dear life.
Tamar Cohen
#87. The only thing I can't control is the spin in the press. And so if I know I can't control that, I have to let it go.
Taylor Swift
#88. Is it scarier than Jocko's teddy bear being full of spiders waiting for bedtime so they can crawl in his ears when he sleeps and spin a web in his brain and turn him into a spider slave?
Dean Koontz
#89. No, it will never have enough power until I can spin the wheels at the end
of the straightaway in high gear. Too much power is never enough ...
Mark Donohue
#90. A story needs rhythm. Read it aloud to yourself. If it doesn't spin a bit of magic, it's missing something.
Esther Freud
#91. It is as if Quincey has replaced the sun in my universe and it is around him that I spin.
Kate Cary
#92. Grace! It's Christmas for goodness sake! Think about the baby Jesus. Up in that tower letting his hair down, so that the three wise men could climb up and spin the dreidel and see if there's six more weeks of winter!
Karen Walker
#93. I've always been a fan of science fiction films, and I've never been able to put my particular spin on it.
Ivan Reitman
#95. May there only be peaceful and cheerful Earth Days to come for our beautiful Spaceship Earth as it continues to spin and circle in frigid space with its warm and fragile cargo of animate life.
Thant Myint-U
#96. I felt that 'Deep Space' was the way to do a spin off series of an existing franchise where you really are doing a very different show. It's a different format. It's a different feeling.
Ronald D. Moore
#97. I'm an engineer," Gareth said, spitting out the word so violently it gave him a degree of spin. "Did eight years on Tycho Station! I'm not going to get used like a fucking technician.
James S.A. Corey
#98. That's the whole point of a talent show,' says Dee, doing a spin onstage. 'It's illogical, chaotic, stupid, and a whole hell of a lot of fun.' Dee nods to Dum. 'It's what sets up apart from monkeys. What other species put on talent shows?
Susan Ee
#99. Spin is overrated. It is strategy, not spin, that wins elections.
Dick Morris
#100. The first light-field camera array I saw at Stanford had a bunch of applications, like to do special effects like you see in 'The Matrix,' where you spin the camera around in frozen motion. It took up an entire room.
Ren Ng
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