Top 100 Ally Condie Quotes

#1. I know you meant that you would always remember me, Cassia, but I'm afraid you might forget.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #26070
#2. Right then I knew we were feeling the same thing. I knew we loved Cassia, if not exactly the same way, then the same amount. And the amount was: completely.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #57048
#3. He's throwing everything he can into the air on the chance that something might take flight. And we're the smallest, weakest bird.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #86983
#4. The Society made it clear: we're not to injure each other. That's for the Enemy to do.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #95393
#5. His voice can be as cold or as warm as a stone, I realize.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #103452
#6. Sometimes you can't speak, not because others won't let you, but because you are afraid of what you'll say.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #128304
#7. Things happen whether you deserve them or not

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #161615
#8. I couldn't tell anyone.
I never, ever wanted Ben to be dead.
But sometimes I wanted him gone.
And then he was.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #165638
#9. Something in her is still drowning a little from loss.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #167718
#10. Why are some things easier to write than say?

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #169804
#11. It's good to see you jealous once in a while." He smiles, sun in the woods.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #201470
#12. I never needed the Society to Match me.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #227983
#13. His tone is mild, but there is, and always has been, something a little deeper and more resonant about his voice. It has a slightly different timbre than more voices. Its the kind of thing you forget until you hear it again and remember. Oh yes, His voice has music.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #246803
#14. But who would read them?" I ask, laughing. "I would," he says.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #249278
#15. Somewhere," I say out loud and hope she hears, "this water is nothing at all. It is lighter than air.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #249470
#16. Its okay to wonder.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #250513
#17. When it rains, I remember

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #258625
#18. At first, I thought it was having the picture that made it special, but it's not even that. It's looking at something without being watched, without being told how to see. That's what the picture has given us.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #273165
#19. I close my eyes as his lips touch warm on my cheek. I think of the cottonwood seeds brushing against me that day on the air train. Soft, light, full of promise.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #323559
#20. For what is the point of
having something lovely if you never share it?
It would be like having a poem, a beautiful wild poem that no
one else has, and burning it.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #324989
#21. Every minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #361215
#22. In the forest, I thought I'd made the wrong choice. I thought she had the Tennyson poem because it was a Rising poem, and I'd missed my chance to be in the rebellion with her.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #363582
#23. He has traveled through canyons of his own and come through changed. And

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #370241
#24. Physic himself must fade.
All things to end are made;
The plague full swift goes by.
I am sick, I must die

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #378180
#25. Do not go gentle into that good night.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #383111
#26. The best way to fly would be with hands full of earth, so you can always remember where you came from, how hard walking could sometimes be.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #419366
#27. I came up on the screen, too, Cassia. But he was the one you chose to see.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #427134
#28. That word, calm, sounds impossibly beautiful, gloriously uncomplicated. A water-smooth word, a word that can take the edge away from fear, gloss it over, make it shiny. Calm. Gentle.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #473161
#29. Burning the napkin with that part of his story on it is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Like the books out at the Restoration site, like Grandfather's poem, Ky's story, bit by bit, is turning into ash and nothing.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #501267
#30. If I couldn't name it, would I even know what it is? Would I even feel it at all?

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #522473
#31. I think of how many invisible injuries are possible. Ones scored on your heart, your brain, your bones. How do we all stand? I wonder. What is is that keeps us moving?

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #522482
#32. And that is how it's always been with Ky, I realize now, looking back. We have always seen him swimming along the surface. Only that first day did we see him dive deep.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #557003
#33. I did not reach Thee But my feet slip nearer every day Three Rivers and a Hill to cross One Desert and a Sea I shall not count the journey one When I am telling thee.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #557127
#34. Because once you love, it is gone. You love and you cannot call it back.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #572042
#35. Inside me are the real things that give me strength - my thoughts, the small stones of my own choosing. They tumble in my mind, some polished from frequent turning, some new and rough, some that cut.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #588575
#36. Loss is a feeling you can't fight your way out of easily.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #610546
#37. His uniform seems threadbare and tired, and so does he, as though he's coming apart along the edges.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #620728
#38. I shouldn't have been surprised by the way at the way she fell in love with Ky because it's the way I wanted her to fall in love with me: completely.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #652647
#39. I wonder if death will always taste this good

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #675599
#40. But before I do,
I open the case and watch the spinning arrow. It settles on a point, but I still spin, wondering where to go.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #684523
#41. Do not go gentle

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #714049
#42. Death," I say. " It's the one thing they haven't fully conquered. They want to know more about it.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #766139
#43. And I wonder how the Society ever caught her that day on the ocean.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #768261
#44. How is it that these two boys who are so different are connected in such unexpected, deep ways? Maybe we all are, I think, and we don't know how to see it anymore.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #775608
#45. Xander, that's nothing but a glorified work project. They want some free labor and they're bribing us with ice cream.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #782702
#46. I have never seen him run like this, fast, free, strong, wild. He looks so beautiful, his body moves so right.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #792112
#47. I'm just a butterfly, a mourning cloak, sealed inside a cocoon with blnd eyes and stiky wings. And suddenly I wonder if the cocoons sometimes do not open, if the butterfly inside is ever simply not strong enough to break through.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #803490
#48. I see too many things. I always have. Words and pictures connect together in my mind in strange ways and I notice details wherever I am.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #836957
#49. I want so much: happiness, freedom, love.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #842692
#50. People fall in love', I say, my voice hoarse. 'It happens.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #859733
#51. And I think, If i dared to ever open that paper, this would be the place.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #890301
#52. I have to admit that there have been times when I wished something bad would happen to the people of the Boroughs in Oria. Like the time the Society took me away and no one but Cassia ran after me. Or when the people laughed during the showings because they didn't understand death.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #900124
#53. Do not go gentle. So I fight. I fight the only way I know how.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #903096
#54. I believe in a new beginning. And so do many others out there - those writing on scraps to hang in the Gallery, those who continue to work hard to take care of the sick, those who dare to believe that we can all be the pilots of something new and better.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #910208
#55. Good-bye, I say to Grandfather, and to my father, and I hold the tube in the river and pause a moment. We hold the choices of our fathers and mothers in our hands and when we cling on or let them slip between our fingers, those choices become our own.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #919743
#56. When you can't cry because all you are is pain, and if you let some of it out, you might cease to exist.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #921453
#57. Don't wait for me anymore.
I hope for love for you.
I hope for this more than anything else, maybe even more than my own happiness.
And in a way, perhaps that means I love Xander best of all.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #945001
#58. There's a reason they didn't keep this poem. This poem tells you to fight.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #972584
#59. You left me before you left Oria.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #981212
#60. It's not exactly easy to save things for the future when the present is so uncertain. (Xander)

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1021086
#61. And then I got it. Leo wanted to go so badly because he wanted not only to be in the presence of greatness, but because he wanted to share something he thought was amazing with his dad.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1021467
#62. I want to reach out and grab his hand and hold it to me, right over my heart, right where it aches the most. I don't know if doing that would heal me or make my heart break entirely, but either way this constant hungry waiting would be over.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1047594
#63. I have been in the presence of a lot of greatness. And people I love who have loved me back. It might be the same thing.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1049500
#64. Ever minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs -Cassia, 'Matched

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1089394
#65. When suddenly across the June a wind with fingers goes.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1101414
#66. No one can break as many rules as I have and not get caught somehow, sometime.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1107454
#67. Something has gone crooked here; night is coming. Am I drawing close to the end? It almost feels like it - that there can't be much farther to go, having come so far already - and yet nothing feels finished.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1110493
#68. Ky pauses for a moment before he answers, his eyes wide and deep like the oceans in other tales or like the sky in his own.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1136206
#69. They have perfected the art of giving us just enough freedom; just enough that when we are ready to snap, a little bone is offered and we roll over, belly up, comfortable and placated like a dog.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1138055
#70. I can already feel some things slipping through my fingers like sand and water, like artifacts and poems, like everything you want to hold on to and can't.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1143405
#71. [..] I know he won't stop fighting. Even if it's the kind of quiet fight on the inside that you can't always see.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1147073
#72. Suddenly, I see the other side of choice. Of all of us having it. Sometimes we will choose wrong.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1175864
#73. I keep telling myself that, and most of the time I believe it.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1207233
#74. It is so strange to take this journey together when there is such distance between us.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1245905
#75. We can either try to change everything or just make the most of whatever time we have.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1272909
#76. The beauty of dystopia is that it lets us vicariously experience future worlds - but we still have the power to change our own.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1318038
#77. We're ready to leave you all behind and go someplace you haven't touched." "Why

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1329180
#78. I wanted to know more about this boy who lives among us, but who never truly speaks.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1369179
#79. I imagine giving someone such a gift and then having it returned. Parents are always giving things that are not taken.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1441780
#80. Cassia Reyes, the Society is pleased to present you with your Match.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1442176
#81. We are not lost mermaids with seaweed hair and coins for eyes, but human girls, alive and found.
We are sisters, and we did not drown.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1443573
#82. It's good to know that Xander's here. So that when I go down, she won't be alone.
"You walked through the Carving to find me," I tell Cassia softly. "I'm going to walk through this to reach you.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1457670
#83. You're smiling," Indie says.

"I know." I say.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1466045
#84. I weave the papers through the branches, in a long loop. Up and down, my knees bending. My arms above my head, like the girls I saw once in a painting in a cave. There is a rhythm to this, a keeping of time. I wonder if I'm dancing.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1471239
#85. Pictures painted with water. Poetry breathed between kisses. Too beautiful to last.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1494875
#86. The way the two of them look at each other is like touching.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1569660
#87. No one can ever really come in, and when it's time to let them, we don't know how.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1614112
#88. Would it be worth it to have the mutation if I knew she loved me? I wonder. If I could trade places with him right now, would I do it?

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1640492
#89. For a moment, I'm part of it all. Then I'm just apart

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1641151
#90. But i must count this journey,
For it has brought me Thee.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1668457
#91. It might be hard to be new when everyone else belongs.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1743867
#92. All these years he's been so careful, but now he's willing to take a chance. Because he's found someone who wants to know. Someone he wants to tell.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1777433
#93. Then, quick, he flips the fish out onto the bank. It flops and gasps for air, its body slick.
We all watch the fish die.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1780227
#94. Death will not take the people I love. Our journey will end differently.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1782915
#95. This summer I'd been spending a lot of time on other people's deaths. Harley's. Lisette's. But somehow it had helped me feel alive. Because they weren't my deaths. The ones that were my own were too hard to face.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1789803
#96. It doesn't have many roots,' I say. 'Not yet,' she says. 'That will come.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1797872
#97. In Ky's eyes is such complete love and hunger that it goes through me like the sharp, high note of a bird in the canyon, echoing all the way through my body. I am seen and known, if not yet touched. The

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1800321
#98. In the absence of real thunder, he's making his own.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1800509
#99. My mother looks at me with love and understanding, and I realize: she knows what my father did. She knows what I want. She knows and even though she would not destroy a tissue sample or love someone who is not her Match, she still loves us, even though we have done those things.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1841951
#100. I see a glint in her eye as she looks at me and it makes me smile. Hold our breath? she seems to say. Move the earth? We've been doing that all along.

Ally Condie

Ally Condie Quotes #1857733

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