Top 100 Peter McWilliams Quotes

#1. Most people, once they graduate from the School of Hard Knocks, automatically enroll in the University of Adversity.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #6446
#2. Our thoughts create our reality-not instantly, necessarily, as in "Poof! There it is" - but eventually. Where we put our focus - our inner and outer vision - is the direction we tend to go. That's our desire, our intention ...

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #11186
#3. As with most consensual crimes, this prohibition of hemp is both silly and sinister.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #12773
#4. Choosing what you want to do, and when to do it, is an act of creation.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #19220
#5. The reason we feel hurt and anger when things and people outside us let us down is because we believe those things and people shouldn't. Well, sorry, that's not life here on earth.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #42231
#6. If our early lessons of acceptance were as successful as our early lessons of anger how much happier we would all be.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #45376
#7. Your Master Teacher knows all you need to learn, the perfect timing for your learning it, and the ideal way of teaching it to you. You don't create a Master Teacher
that's already been done. You discover your Master Teacher.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #50067
#8. To visualize is to see what is not there, what is not real - a dream. To visualize is, in fact, to make visual lies. Visual lies, however, have a way of coming true.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #121389
#9. Send the light of your own loving ahead of you. When you get there, the loving will have prepared a place for you. Be kind, gentle, and enjoy the journey.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #125741
#10. The ongoing successful treatment of my depression is the single most important positive step I have taken in my life, hence my enthusiasm for the subject.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #178442
#11. It is a risk to love.
What if it doesn't work out?
Ah, but what if it does.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #204242
#12. E are trained as children to get good grades, get a good job, get a good spouse, get children, get ahead. In all this getting we get something else: anxiety and depression.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #211691
#13. To the degree we can live without the things of this world, to that degree we are wealthy.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #226034
#14. Mistakes, obviously, show us what needs improving. Without mistakes, how would we know what we had to work on?

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #236130
#15. Drugs, gambling, and prostitution are the Big Three underground 'moneymakers' in consensual crime. There would be, however, significant boosts to the economy if the stigma attached to the other consensual crimes were eliminated through legalization.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #251677
#16. Laughter is essential to our equilibrium, to our well-being, to our aliveness. If we're not well, laughter helps us get well. If we are well, laughter helps us stay that way.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #275358
#17. If we're not enjoying what we've got ... and even if we do get 'more,' we won't enjoy that, either.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #282811
#18. The willingness to do creates the ability to do.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #295364
#19. Whenever something good happens, write it down. Buy a special notebook ... and use it to list all the good in your life.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #321565
#20. You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #341551
#21. I must conquer my loneliness alone. I must be happy with myself or I have nothing to offer you. Two halves have little choice but to join; and yes, they do make a whole. But two wholes when they coincide ... that is beauty. That is love ...

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #351888
#22. Gays seem to be at the bottom of the pecking order: no matter how far down the pecking order another group is, its members still feel superior to and have no problem picking on gays.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #358093
#23. As the world gets dumber and dumber, I feel more and more at home.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #358294
#24. Happiness requires courage, stamina, persistence, fortitude, perseverance, bravery, boldness, valor, vigor, concentration, solidity, substance, backbone, grit, guts, moxie, nerve, pluck, resilience, spunk, tenacity, tolerance, will power, chutzpah, and a good thesaurus.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #388237
#25. Heroes became heroes flaws and all. You don't have to be perfect to fulfill your dream.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #417384
#26. Because people are afraid of fear, they give up acre after acre of their own life.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #428590
#27. Nothing adventured, nothing attained.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #462290
#28. When we realize one Dream, sometimes a deeper Dream reveals itself. At other times a parallel Dream appears. The one that scares the hell out of you is probably it.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #501450
#29. In life, we have either reasons or results

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #502814
#30. Learn to ask for what you want. The worst people can do is not give you what you ask for which is precisely where you were before you asked.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #558743
#31. Ultimately, censorship comes down to taste. What offends me may enlighten you. Do you want me deciding-based on my taste-what you should or should not be exposed to?

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #565496
#32. Fear is something to be moved through, not something to be turned from.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #578101
#33. By pursuing any one of our dreams, we can find fulfillment. We don't need to pursue them all.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #605645
#34. You need only look at what's in front of you and find something there to appreciate.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #618075
#35. And neither shall we learn to war with ourselves anymore.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #623401
#36. The amount of power freed by telling yourself you no longer choose to put energy into something can be remarkable. Be prepared for extra energy.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #626713
#37. You are powerful. Sorry. Hate to be the bearer of bad news. You are. You can continue arm wrestling with yourself, or you can use both arms, your whole heart, and all your strength to wrestle with greatness. The choice is yours.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #627435
#38. If we learned everything there is to know in kindergarten, it was promptly drummed out of us in first grade.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #669064
#39. Everyone thinks they can be a writer. Most people dont understand whats involved. The real writers persevere. The ones that dont either dont have enough fortitude and they probably wouldnt succeed anyway, or they fall in love with the glamour of writing as opposed to the writing of writing.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #688615
#40. To change rules that are already in place takes time, energy, perseverance and a lot of hard work. You only have so many of these assets at your disposal, so choose with care the rules you want to change.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #701534
#41. Anger begins as an inner twinge. We sense something long before it blossoms (explodes?) into an emotional tirade. If we listen to this twinge
and follow its advice
the emotional outburst (or in burst) is not needed.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #713218
#42. Fill your life with people who applaud your positive thoughts, feelings, and actions; who encourage you toward more and better; who know how to praise the good and beautiful.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #763229
#43. If you were arrested for being kind to yourself..would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #837843
#44. We are not responsible for every thought that goes wandering through our mind. We are, however, responsible for the ones we hold there. We're especially responsible for the one's we put there.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #846494
#45. If you want peace, stop fighting. If you want peace of mind, stop fighting with your thoughts.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #901735
#46. Be easier on yourself, on everyone, on everything. Suspend your judgments on the way things should be, must be, and ought to be. Suspending judgments gives you greater ease. Consider ease the antidote for disease.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #908287
#47. All the things you think you should have done that you didn't do, and all of the things that you shouldn't have done, accept them. You did (or did not) do them. That's Reality. That's happened. No changing the past.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #929119
#48. Some people think that meditation takes time away from physical accomplishment. Taken to extremes, of course, that's true. Most people, however, find that meditation creates more time than it takes.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #931076
#49. Running from fear only strengthens fear-you are demonstrating that fear has power over you. Fear must be faced and gone through.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #939965
#50. Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it's a small price to pay for living a dream.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #962042
#51. You're asking the government to control individual morality. This is a government that can't buy a toilet seat for under $600.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #964680
#52. When you start noticing even a small portion of all there is to be grateful for, you'll find there is no room for lack, hurt, or want. The attitude of gratitude: the great, full feeling.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #993782
#53. Ear is the energy to do your best in a new situation. The feeling of fear (anxiety, nervousness, shyness, or any of its other aliases) is really "preparation energy". It's getting you ready to excel, to succeed, to do your best and to learn the most.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #994538
#54. One of the great joys of life is creativity. Information goes in, gets shuffled about, and comes out in new and interesting ways.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1001936
#55. Negative thinking is always expensive
dragging us down mentally, emotionally, and physically
hence I refer to any indulgence in it as a luxury.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1001999
#56. Most of what's around us we take for granted. We ignore it. Appreciation-spending time looking for the good-helps us overcome one of the primary limitations to enjoying the wealth we already have: ignoreance.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1027124
#57. The media tends to report rumors, speculations, and projections as facts ... How does the media do this? By quoting some 'expert' ... you can always find some expert who will say something hopelessly hopeless about anything.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1040283
#58. Let your intentions create your methods and not the other way around.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1048318
#59. The comfort zone takes our greatest aspirations and turns them into excuses for not bothering to aspire.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1054837
#60. What's more important-your goal, or others' opinions of your goal?

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1091766
#61. Wealth is enjoying what we already have, not getting more of what we think will make us happy.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1162041
#62. The irony is that the person not taking risks feels the same amount of fear as the person who regularly takes risks.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1172071
#63. Some of what we learned early on turned out to be true (the earth is round; if you want a friend be a friend; cleanliness is next to impossible) and some of it turned out to be false (Santa Claus; the Tooth Fairy; Kansas is more fun than Oz).

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1176843
#64. Write 10 times: 'Fear is my friend. Fear is the energy to do my best in a new situation.' You don't have to believe it; just write it.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1238176
#65. You can have anything in life you really want - but you can't have everything in life you really want. Decide.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1276183
#66. To overcome a fear, here's all you have to do: realize the fear is there, and do the action you fear anyway.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1303127
#67. We are all, right now, living the life we choose.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1309173
#68. Pettiness seems to go hand in hand with vindictiveness. The smaller the person, the larger the need for revenge. This may account for the fact that some consensual crimes have stiffer penalties than do most crimes with innocent victims.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1311189
#69. If you change the belief first, changing the action is easier.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1335383
#70. There is no answer to any of these questions. It's a matter of time and timing, of seas and seasons, of breathing in and breathing out. It's a matter of balance.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1369148
#71. Do what you love and the necessary resources will follow.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1394630
#72. The road to positivity is strewn with the abandoned vehicles of the faint-hearted.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1407400
#73. There are many misconceptions about depression-mostly negative. Unfortunately, because depressed people think negatively about depression and its treatment, they don't get help, which allows the depression to worsen, which leads to more negative thinking, which produces a vicious cycle of suffering.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1415095
#74. Stubborness is also determination. It's simply a matter of shifting from "won't power" to "will power.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1440859
#75. Although a lot can be learned from adversity, most of the same lessons can be learned through laughter and joy.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1450290
#76. The Bible, taken as a whole, can be used to praise or condemn practically any human activity, thought, belief, or practice.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1459165
#77. Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1465341
#78. Emotion is energy in motion.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1472518
#79. The most recent studies, ... both behavioral and biological, indicate one's sexual orientation is genetic, something one is born with.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1490565
#80. Definition of a victim: a person to whom life happens.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1522173
#81. People who want to appear clever rely on memory. People who want to get things done make lists.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1527457
#82. Every time we give our word, it counts. For the most part, most people give it entirely too often. Our word is a precious commodity and should be treated as such ...

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1529631
#83. The news media are, for the most part, the bringers of bad news ... and it's not entirely the media's fault, bad news gets higher ratings and sells more papers than good news.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1540123
#84. Do we indulge our heart, or cater to our fear?

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1572893
#85. If we aren't actively pursuing what we want, we don't really want it.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1592722
#86. Ecause when medical marijuana is fully accepted for what it is, we will see a phenomenon that makes Viagra's phenomenon seem limp.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1631140
#87. It's your life. Live it with people who are alive. It tends to be contagious.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1636530
#88. Courage, contrary to popular belief, is not the absence of fear. Courage is the wisdom to act in spite of fear ...

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1637758
#89. Life is not a struggle. It's a wiggle.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1647774
#90. To avoid situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake of all.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1656303
#91. Many people weigh the guilt, they will feel against the pleasure of the forbidden action they want to take.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1669748
#92. Learn to forgive fully and completely. If you want health, wealth, and happiness, you can't afford the luxury of lugging around all those unforgiven, unforgotten past events. Let them go.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1674660
#93. Guilt is anger directed at ourselves - at what we did or did not do. Resentment is anger directed at others - at what they did or did not do.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1676266
#94. Ince depression is a genetic biological illness, like diabetes, or low thyroid, it wasn't lack of character, laziness, or something I could "snap out of"-it would be like trying to snap out of a toothache.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1693711
#95. Depression is an illness that robs one of the meaning of life. Heal the illness. As the depression heals, enthusiasm, well-being, and a sense of life's purpose will return.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1754896
#96. If you're not playing a big enough game, you'll screw up the game you're playing just to give yourself something to do.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1763203
#97. If you want peace with others, don't fight them. Go your own way. Live your own life. If some walk with you, fine. If you walk alone for awhile, fine. If you don't like what's going on somewhere, leave. Maintain a portable paradise within yourself.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1783782
#98. In order to truly master the comfort zone, you have to learn to love it.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1786685
#99. Our thoughts create our reality
where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1810369
#100. When people don't understand that being uncomfortable is part of the process of achievement, they use the discomfort as a reason not to do. They don't get what they want. We must learn to tolerate discomfort in order to grow.

Peter McWilliams

Peter McWilliams Quotes #1823624

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