Top 100 Sex And Men Quotes

#1. You see, women need to feel loved in order to want sex. And men need sex, in order to feel loved.

Jason Luke

Sex And Men Quotes #539968
#2. I am still shocking people today, and I don't know why. Is it because I'm a woman talking about sex and men? One magazine said that no one writes sex in the back of a Bentley better than Jackie Collins.

Jackie Collins

Sex And Men Quotes #1476980
#3. And I think maybe all women, if they just had a chance, would be romantic and believe in love and not sex. And men believe in sex and not love.

Beatrice Wood

Sex And Men Quotes #1654500
#4. The stereotype is the Eternal Feminine. She is the Sexual Object sought by all men, and by all woman. She is of neither sex, for she has herself no sex at all. Her value is solely attested by the demand she excites in others.

Germaine Greer

Sex And Men Quotes #8962
#5. The thought went through my mind that we should film ourselves in our sexual act, and project our frenzied copulation permanently onto the walls of the tea-room, as a lesson to wake up the boring people who drank tea here, and to show them what life was really all about.

Fiona Thrust

Sex And Men Quotes #10194
#6. Sex is the point of contact between man and nature, where morality and good intentions fall to primitive urges.

Camille Paglia

Sex And Men Quotes #11378
#7. CBS News on Tuesday had Bob Kerrey in a Vietnam scandal, Senator Bob Torricelli in a donor scandal and Arnold Schwarzenegger in a sex scandal. This confirms what we always knew. Bill Clinton does the work of three men.

Argus Hamilton

Sex And Men Quotes #11579
#8. In sex women are largely guided by their sensible bodies but men are driven crazy by their feverish minds. Men love to think and talk about sex; women enjoy it while it lasts, if they can, and have little interest in pre-match build-up or post-match analysis.

Michael Foley

Sex And Men Quotes #20093
#9. I could be content that we might procreate like trees, without conjunction, or that we were any way to perpetuate the world without this trivial and vulgar way of coition; it is the foolishest act a wise man commits in all his life.

Thomas Browne

Sex And Men Quotes #23093
#10. Men are sex machines, said Aunt Lydia, and not much more. They only want one thing. You must learn to manipulate them, for your own good.

Margaret Atwood

Sex And Men Quotes #25882
#11. He disapproved, he didn't believe in girls drinking, he was full of the conventions of a generation older than himself. Of course one drank oneself, one fornicated, but one didn't lie with a friend's sister, and 'decent' girls were never squiffy.

Graham Greene

Sex And Men Quotes #27636
#12. Men, accustomed to think of men as possessing sex attributes and other things besides, are accustomed to think of women as having sex, and nothing else.

Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi

Sex And Men Quotes #30015
#13. I'm a failure as a woman. My men expect so much of me, because of the image they've made of me - and that I've made of myself - as a sex symbol. They expect bells to ring and whistles to whistle, but my anatomy is the same as any other woman's and I can't live up to it

Marilyn Monroe

Sex And Men Quotes #46208
#14. Straight men who visit prostitutes are valiantly striving to keep sex free from emotion, duty, family
in other words, from society, religion, and procreative Mother Nature.

Camille Paglia

Sex And Men Quotes #49457
#15. Should men and women be equal in all things? Absolutely. But I'm old-fashioned in that I like the differences between the sexes. My male characters are neither Neanderthals nor Prince Charmings. They're flawed.

Sandra Brown

Sex And Men Quotes #61226
#16. If working-hours were natural, then employed men would only get erections between 5 p.m. and 9 a.m. ... during the week.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Sex And Men Quotes #62780
#17. Even at the person-to-person level, to be universally liked is to be relatively ignored. To be disliked by some is to be loved all the more by others. And, specifically, a woman's overall sex appeal is enhanced when some men find her ugly.

Christian Rudder

Sex And Men Quotes #63064
#18. The truth is Christmas evolved from the Roman holiday Saturnalia, a winter festival where men gave gifts to each other. They also would get drunk, have sex with each other and beat their wives

Huey Freeman The Boondocks

Sex And Men Quotes #69253
#19. Women were not and never had been the weaker sex, she reflected. They could make sacrifices from which men would ever shy away.

Rosalind Laker

Sex And Men Quotes #69346
#20. I once read a book by a former alcoholic where she described giving oral sex to two different men, men she'd just met in a restaurant on a busy London high street. I read it and thought, I'm not that bad. This is where the bar is set.

Paula Hawkins

Sex And Men Quotes #73702
#21. Men have always wanted to have sex with as many fertile young women as possible. It's part of a man's basic programming. That hasn't changed. Civilization is nothing more than an artificial and very thin veneer hiding our deep-seated primitive urges.

Oliver Markus

Sex And Men Quotes #77268
#22. I think we have a very skewed idea of what sex is nowadays. TV, video games and the Internet are set up to raise men to be predators.

Pamela Anderson

Sex And Men Quotes #89007
#23. Celibate? He lived and breathed sex. Considered sex the eighth wonder of the world. Suffering blue balls was for teenagers. Not grown men.

Kate Angell

Sex And Men Quotes #90965
#24. Lincoln's stature and strength, his intelligence and ambition - in short, all the elements which gave him popularity among men in New Salem, rendered him equally attractive to the fair sex of that village.

John George Nicolay

Sex And Men Quotes #101537
#25. I lost myself there - my mind imaging what was under his towel and what I would like to do to him. - Emma

Martha Sweeney

Sex And Men Quotes #103347
#26. Life is surreal. When you step back and really take a look at it, the irony is absolute.

Julieanne O'Connor

Sex And Men Quotes #105669
#27. There's a lot of thought in art. People get to talk about important things. There's a lot of sex, you know, in art. There's a lot of naked women and men, and there's intrigue, there's fakery. It's a real microcosm of the larger world.

Steve Martin

Sex And Men Quotes #106479
#28. By the way, don't 'weep inwardly' and get a sore throat. If you must weep, weep: a good honest howl! I suspect we - and especially, my sex - don't cry enough now-a-days. Aeneas and Hector and Beowulf, Roland and Lancelot blubbered like schoolgirls, so why shouldn't we?

C.S. Lewis

Sex And Men Quotes #106904
#29. Relationships between men and women are only about sex. The rest of the sh*t is incidental.

Chad Kultgen

Sex And Men Quotes #107698
#30. What the deuse do we men go to school for? If our wits were equal to women's, we might spare much time and pains in our education: for nature teaches your sex, what, in a long course of labour and study, ours can hardly attain to.

Samuel Richardson

Sex And Men Quotes #119451
#31. Men feel about sex the way vampires feel about blood. They don't just like it, they crave it. That's why vampire stories always have strong sexual undercurrents. A vampire's hunger is simply a metaphor for a man's lust. And if a guy is paying attention to you, he wants to have sex with you.

Oliver Markus

Sex And Men Quotes #129223
#32. I once looked in the mirror at myself and noticed that, without a doubt, I am a sexy man. In fact, I don't think I'll ever get married ... it just wouldn't be fair for my spouse to catch me enjoying a look in the mirror more than having sex with her.

Zach Braff

Sex And Men Quotes #130324
#33. Male makeup is men's titles, status and paying for dates. Makeup is what both sexes use to bridge the gap between the power they have and the power they'd like to have. Both male and female makeup are compensations for feelings of powerlessness.

Warren Farrell

Sex And Men Quotes #142016
#34.'re dazzling. I'm dazzled, I'm upside down and inside out and...God, Vivian. I don't know what to say. There aren't words. I just want to crawl back under the blanket and spend my life doing that with you. And everything else we did today.

Beatriz Williams

Sex And Men Quotes #144271
#35. I see men come and go, but there'll be one who'll collect my soul.

PJ Harvey

Sex And Men Quotes #147459
#36. Be generous, kind and compassionate. These are true characteristics of successful people.

Archie Lee

Sex And Men Quotes #157586
#37. I'm not the kind of man that holds out on a need for nothing. I'm as lonely as any man around, I just don't like to pick 'em up and lay 'em down.

Toby Keith

Sex And Men Quotes #170051
#38. My father was a man, and I know the sex pretty well.

Elizabeth Gaskell

Sex And Men Quotes #174049
#39. Some day we'll awake, have a reformation of the heart, teach our kids honor and kill a few sex psychologists, put boys in high schools with men teachers (not sissies), close all the girls' finishing schools, shoot all the effeciency experts and become a nation of God's people once more.

Harry S. Truman

Sex And Men Quotes #176652
#40. Men love a submissive woman, Damon said simply. Even when they say the don't. There's just something about a beautiful, soft woman looking to them to protect and take care of them that inspires a man to greatness.

Maya Banks

Sex And Men Quotes #178159
#41. Women fake orgasms and men fake finances.

Suze Orman

Sex And Men Quotes #179144
#42. Through all the relationship stuff I've gone through in the past few years, I know there are fundamental differences in how men and women view sex and how they view their futures.

Aaron Eckhart

Sex And Men Quotes #179394
#43. Boredom turns a man to sex, a woman to shopping, and it drives newscasters berserk.

Bruce Herschensohn

Sex And Men Quotes #181470
#44. [She] is one of those young ladies who seek to recommend themselves to the other sex by undervaluing their own, and with many men, I dare say, it succeeds. But, in my opinion, it is a paltry device, a very mean art.

Jane Austen

Sex And Men Quotes #183889
#45. Some men say get them crying on your shoulder and you have the sheets half-unfurled already. Other fellows say get them laughing. I say get them drunk. I ordered up more Riesling ...

Stewart Hennessey

Sex And Men Quotes #187028
#46. I have tried sex with both men and women. I found I liked it.

Dusty Springfield

Sex And Men Quotes #187771
#47. Men. And they think that we're the weaker sex. At least we don't whine about every little thing, now, do we?

Jennifer Estep

Sex And Men Quotes #191036
#48. You guys are not leaving me out there. They're going to talk books and sex. And the books are about sex. Who knew women were so damn chatty about sex? Men don't do that. We just look at a girl, announce we did her, and everyone moves on.

Lexi Blake

Sex And Men Quotes #199859
#49. I don't think Roger Dodger is really about men. I think it is more about relationships and about how you present yourself, not only to the opposite sex, but to yourself. What lies are you going to tell yourself in order to get through the day?

Jennifer Beals

Sex And Men Quotes #201866
#50. Lust, pure gorgeous lust: the sacred energy that elevates us, and makes us feel so special.

Fiona Thrust

Sex And Men Quotes #211675
#51. It seems a lot of straight men need a word coach or a lawyer when it comes to discussing 'Sex and the City.'

Michael Patrick King

Sex And Men Quotes #213214
#52. The modern man, finding that Humanism and Sex both fail to satisfy, seeks his happiness in Science ... But Science fails too, for it is something more than a knowledge of matter the soul craves.

Fulton J. Sheen

Sex And Men Quotes #213790
#53. The first class opposition that appears in history coincides with the development of the antagonism between man and woman in monogamous marriage, and the first class oppression coincides with that of the female sex by the male.

Friedrich Engels

Sex And Men Quotes #221901
#54. Observe the ugly mess which most men make of their sex lives - and observe the mess of contradictions which they hold as their moral philosophy.

Ayn Rand

Sex And Men Quotes #228210
#55. All men are dogs, Nichelle, and if you don't feed your dog, you can't be surprised when he's in the neighbor's trash looking for food.

Norian F. Love

Sex And Men Quotes #228767
#56. He (Hitler) is thinking about the peasant girls. When they stand in the fields and bend down at their work so that you can see their behinds, that's what he likes, especially when they've got big round ones. That's Hitler's sex life. What a man.

Ernst Rohm

Sex And Men Quotes #230461
#57. I smile at you, hinting at the pleasures ahead, and silently point to the zip at the back of my dress ...

James Lusarde

Sex And Men Quotes #232249
#58. Personally, I like sex and I don't care what a man thinks of me as long as I get what I want from him
which is usually sex.

Valerie Perrine

Sex And Men Quotes #233798
#59. Men are able to sustain a career into their 50s and 60s and still present themselves as sex symbols. With women, on the other hand, people say, 'Why doesn't she retire?'

Tracy Chapman

Sex And Men Quotes #234096
#60. men and women perform a different sexual calculus. As Harper's put it perfectly: "Women are inclined to regret the sex they had, and men the sex they didn't.

Christian Rudder

Sex And Men Quotes #236306
#61. There is no evil, Makin," I said. "There's the love of things, power, comfort, sex, and there's what men are willing to do to satisfy those lusts.

Mark Lawrence

Sex And Men Quotes #245979
#62. One-night stands were invented to free men from worrying about the size of their penis. And to free women from worrying about the size of their stretch marks.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Sex And Men Quotes #246639
#63. I look at history, there's not a government on the planet I respect. No country in history was ever safe to its women; internet sex is $100 billion a year industry, and 15-20 million men a day have sex with a child in sexual slavery.

Patch Adams

Sex And Men Quotes #267078
#64. Women are now more aggressive than men! And I don't put them down for it. I think it's great. My attitude with sex with any woman I've ever been with is, I want you to be exactly who you want to be behind closed doors. Don't ever hold back with me.

Andrew Dice Clay

Sex And Men Quotes #275164
#65. You know, I'm not even sure how we ended up living together."
"I am," Jake said, turning back to the lake. "Sex. It's a powerful force, my boy, and women use it."
"Is that why you gave them up?" Will asked, sympathetically. "Did paranoia drive you to celibacy?

Jennifer Crusie

Sex And Men Quotes #275204
#66. We were so hungry for 'Sex and the City' that even though it was heightened and written by gay men, we just needed to see different women on television. Give us another movie.

Beth Littleford

Sex And Men Quotes #278567
#67. Men had it so simple. When it wasn't about Sticking It In, it was about Having The Gun, a variation that allowed them to Stick It In from a distance.

Thomas Pynchon

Sex And Men Quotes #291963
#68. I love cooking for men and making love with them'not just reproductive lovemaking but I like sex for the sake of freaking out with men.

Kola Boof

Sex And Men Quotes #293264
#69. I loved men and was going mad with suppressed desire. It pushed me into a series of affairs with dubious jazz musicians. Sex was not what I imagined. It was tension, scent and prosaic misalliance. It was sweet and sad revelation, and all expectation dashed.

James Ellroy

Sex And Men Quotes #293394
#70. Men must be stripped of arrogance and women must become independent for any mutually nurturing alliance to endure between the sexes.

Erica Jong

Sex And Men Quotes #305941
#71. The danger of illicit sex influences is, and always has been, in inverse proportion to the degree to which women approximatedto equality with men, in social dignity and in opportunity for public responsibility.

Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi

Sex And Men Quotes #309815
#72. If a footballer presents himself as a family man and goes and has sex with a prostitute, should he gag her?

Nicky Campbell

Sex And Men Quotes #313339
#73. I'm in a serious monogamous relationship, and I don't want to keep having different boyfriends, and I have this instead - with men and women. It's better. Instead of having sex, we have art.

Sheila Heti

Sex And Men Quotes #319376
#74. It is a myth that women are the more complicated sex. Men too, have their moods and whims. They too, respond to every gauntlet that is thrown at them, either overtly or covertly.

Sandhya Jane

Sex And Men Quotes #321183
#75. She--the unnamed lady--simply drew his hands to the Paleolithic places men always have grown tumid from feeling, like the outward cradle of the hips within which a fetus will reside and her breasts that will nourish it, once born.

Edward Hoagland

Sex And Men Quotes #323712
#76. All patriarchists exalt the home and family as sacred, demanding it remain inviolate from prying eyes. Men want privacy for their violations of women ... All women learn in childhood that women as a sex are men's prey.

Marilyn French

Sex And Men Quotes #325420
#77. Aw, so he used you as a penis cozy and then left? Guys are pigs.

Thomm Quackenbush

Sex And Men Quotes #326047
#78. Men didn't feel the same way women did about sex. They'd take it when offered, same as they wouldn't pass up a cookie warm from the oven. No, it was the women who counted calories and fell in love.

Kristan Higgins

Sex And Men Quotes #326968
#79. They say that dog is man's best friend, and I think it's true. My dog does a lot of the same stuff my best friend does, like drool on my couch, mooch my food and hump my wife.

Brad Wilkerson

Sex And Men Quotes #327176
#80. It matters little which party has gotten lazy about delivering what their partner craves. It doesn't take too many days or weeks for an unsatisfied partner to start to feel love-starved and sadly unfulfilled. If you want great sex in the bedroom, show love to each other outside the bedroom.

Cathy Burnham Martin

Sex And Men Quotes #327267
#81. Suffering pain is what made you a woman. Most of the milestones in a woman's life were accompanied by pain, like her first time having sex or birthing a child. For men, it was all orgasms and champagne.

Brit Bennett

Sex And Men Quotes #340447
#82. Many men have deep rooted problems regarding the status of women, and during sex these problems come out. They consciously or unconsciously project anger and hate towards women they have sex with. This energy enters a woman's subtle physical body and damages it.

Frederick Lenz

Sex And Men Quotes #340751
#83. Feminists are forever discovering subtle new forms of sexism and then beating men around the head and shoulders with it. It is left to the rest of us to suffer the inevitable backlash this provokes among men. Besides, the feminists have the Federal Government behind them.

Mona Charen

Sex And Men Quotes #344530
#84. I have always detested the belief that sex is the chief bond between man and woman. Friendship is far more human.

Agnes Smedley

Sex And Men Quotes #364292
#85. There is no such thing as a sphere for sex. Every man has a different sphere, in which he may or may not shine, and it is the same with every woman, and the same woman may have a different sphere at different times.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Sex And Men Quotes #368034
#86. A horny man is seen. A horny woman is heard.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Sex And Men Quotes #369574
#87. Many people felt much closer to their own sex than to what was seen as the literally "opposite" - and alien - sex. In letters and diaries, women often referred to men as "the grosser sex.

Stephanie Coontz

Sex And Men Quotes #376358
#88. Man is always something worse or something better than an animal; and a mere argument from animal perfection never touches him at all. Thus, in sex no animal is either chivalrous or obscene. And thus no animal invented anything so bad as drunkeness - or so good as drink.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sex And Men Quotes #377804
#89. A husband is indeed thought by both sexes so very valuable, that scarce a man who can keep himself clean and make a bow, but thinks he is good enough to pretend to any woman ...

Mary Astell

Sex And Men Quotes #395991
#90. Sex and racism have always been tied together. Look at the thousands of black men who got lynched and castrated. The reason the Klan came into being was to protect white southern women.

Spike Lee

Sex And Men Quotes #406811
#91. Gone now was the tease. Gone was the lesson on the how's and why's. Now came the need ... The need to finish, the need to come, and the need to be part of the other person.

Ella Frank

Sex And Men Quotes #408840
#92. Ironically, survey after survey shows that married men are happier and healthier than unmarried men. Oh, and they also have more sex.

Michael Kimmel

Sex And Men Quotes #412631
#93. Mmm, carry me."
I laughed, reaching for my sweatpants. "I carry girls, boys, and women, not fully grown capable men."
"Slacker." He grinned, shoving me.

Shaye Evans

Sex And Men Quotes #412710
#94. Condoms should be marked in 3 sizes: jumbo, colossal and super colossal, so that men do not have to go in and ask for the small.

Barbara Seaman

Sex And Men Quotes #421237
#95. If Men and Women took their Pleasures as noisily as the Cats, what Londoner could ever hope to sleep of nights?

Aldous Huxley

Sex And Men Quotes #423021
#96. Many of my ex-girlfriends were habitual half-asian daters. These women considered half-asian men 'exotic,' 'sexy,' and 'just-like-Keanu Reeves-in-the-Matrix. I consider these stereotypes appropriate because I got laid.

Kip Fulbeck

Sex And Men Quotes #425903
#97. The bed smells like sex and chocolate."
He moaned. "Don't tell me that while I'm stuck in a room with six men.

Tiffanie DeBartolo

Sex And Men Quotes #428969
#98. Girls, like men, want to be petted, pitied, and made much of, when they are diffident, in low spirits, or in unrequited love. These are services which the weak cannot render to the strong and which the strong will not render to the weak, except when there is also a difference of sex.

George Bernard Shaw

Sex And Men Quotes #434067
#99. There's no biological reason why a man shouldn't just try to have sex with every woman he meets - all of them get pregnant and your genetics are winning.

Russell Brand

Sex And Men Quotes #442566
#100. I admit, that the brain does not govern the body as well as one might wish- else all men would be saints and hell would be empty of lechers.

Meredith Duran

Sex And Men Quotes #454708

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