Top 100 Scream Quotes

#1. Cry if you must. Scream. Get it all out of your system, and then we'll have fun. It won't last forever, but it will keep you busy for tonight.

Jamie McGuire

Scream Quotes #1874155
#2. When you kill do you also conjoin somehow? In some horrible communion you will never shake? Is that why soldiers come home and scream at night and kill themselves? Because they have become their targets?

Peter Heller

Scream Quotes #1874746
#3. Compassion is a sign of superficiality: broken destinies and unrelenting misery either make you scream or turn you to stone.

Emil M. Cioran

Scream Quotes #1260712
#4. Our life may look glamorous, but we scream at the kids, and I have to tell Jamie to tidy up if we have guests coming over.

Louise Nurding

Scream Quotes #1160302
#5. I am not what i seem
look past my surface and
you might scream

Anastasia Wild

Scream Quotes #1161506
#6. And when a joke is powerful enough, you don't laugh, you scream. Yes, when the mask slips you scream out loud for all the terror in the world, and I screamed then.

Matt Haig

Scream Quotes #1162219
#7. The scream lasted for about a heartbeat, and then recognition flooded in - and relief.
"Oliver?" Great. She was relieved to see Oliver. The world was officially topsy-turvy, cats
were living with dogs, and life as she knew it was probably over.

Rachel Caine

Scream Quotes #1163560
#8. I'm under a microscope where my every facial expression is being studied. It makes me want to scream, but I can't, so I just swallow it like dirt and blood.

Katja Millay

Scream Quotes #1163648
#9. We can see the child moving rather serenely in the uterus. The child senses aggression in its sanctuary. We see the child's mouth wide open in a silent scream.

Bernard Nathanson

Scream Quotes #1164348
#10. I wanted to run at her, hit her, scream, but I was frozen in place.

Rachel Hawkins

Scream Quotes #1164960
#11. I've watched two-year-old humans with interest for centuries. They're miserable. They rush about, fall down, and scream almost constantly. They hate being human! They know already that it's some sort of dirty trick.

Anne Rice

Scream Quotes #1165087
#12. But once you put all the stupid things I do aside, I'm really not all that interesting. I like reading, staying home, going on walks with my dog - it's like I'm already a retiree. Who wants to hear about that? Especially when I would have to scream it over the music to which no one dances.

Jim Butcher

Scream Quotes #1167645
#13. The daily papers were beginning to scream about how terrible it would be if you didn't get your Christmas shopping done early. It would be terrible anyway; it always is. It

Raymond Chandler

Scream Quotes #1170492
#14. I think about what Devon would say. You have to Work At It Dad. You have to try even if it's hard and you think you can never do it and you just want to scream and hide and shake your hands over and over and over.

Kathryn Erskine

Scream Quotes #1172590
#15. A lot of times I wind up playing songs like (Alice in Chains') "Down in a Hole" that make me scream at the top of my lungs if I want to get frustration out from a bad day.

Bronson Arroyo

Scream Quotes #1173479
#16. No wonder they mistake this for peace. I want to scream at every Red face I pass. I want to carve the words on my body so everyone has to see. Trap. Lie. Conspiracy.

Victoria Aveyard

Scream Quotes #1176915
#17. Later he explained that when a person is beating you you should scream as loud as possible; maybe the whipper will become embarrassed or else some sympathetic soul might come to your rescue.

Maya Angelou

Scream Quotes #1177992
#18. It ... wasna a scream of fear, or even anger. It ... ehm ... well, it was the way a woman will scream, sometimes, if she's ... pleased." "In bed, you mean." It wasn't a question. "So do men. Sometimes." You idiot! Of all the things you might have said ...

Diana Gabaldon

Scream Quotes #1181026
#19. What does an atheist scream when they come?

Bill Hicks

Scream Quotes #1181649
#20. She is so feisty I can't decide if I want to squeeze her throat and watch her eyes gloss over with tears, or rip her tiny shorts off and bury my dick inside her, making her scream, making her so fucking dirty she'll never get clean.

Ker Dukey

Scream Quotes #1185017
#21. Laughter is just a slowed down scream of terror.

Thomas M. Disch

Scream Quotes #1185563
#22. I wrote from the time I was four. It was my way of screaming and yelling, the primal scream. I wrote like a junkie, I had to have my daily fix.

M.F.K. Fisher

Scream Quotes #1186687
#23. It's a snake, then.'
'Most likely.'
I was taking this extremely well. 'We have to kill it. By we, of course, I mean you. I'll stand here and scream.

Gini Koch

Scream Quotes #1187231
#24. You cannot just scream and yell unless you feel it in your whole body.

Esha Gupta

Scream Quotes #1188414
#25. How do you shut out a scream that comes from inside your mind?

Marie Lu

Scream Quotes #1189831
#26. Approached literally, there's but a hair's difference between You'd better not pout, you'd better not cry, and Don't scream.

Dana Gould

Scream Quotes #1193428
#27. Honestly, Bob: how do you carve a scream?

Ilsa J. Bick

Scream Quotes #1193705
#28. The window didn't shake when she yelled. I looked, but it didn't even rattle. Her scream was less screamy than Dad's.

Megan Squires

Scream Quotes #1194144
#29. Do you know why it is that, even today, women are counseled to scream "fire" instead of "rape"? Because the fundamental truth about humanity is that most people would rather look away.

Michelle Hodkin

Scream Quotes #1197427
#30. Maybe I should punch myself in the face and see if you scream.

H.D. Gordon

Scream Quotes #1197593
#31. From one moment to the next, my whole body was saturated with pain. It was like a million tiny needles were stabbing into my body simultaneously and trying to tear me apart. Even then, I didn't scream.

Cristina Rayne

Scream Quotes #1198762
#32. Never till this day Did life disturb the dense eternity Of joyless quiet; never skylark's song, Or storm-bird's prescient scream, or eaglet's cry, Made vital the gross fog. The very light Is but an alien that can find no welcome

Hartley Coleridge

Scream Quotes #1199969
#33. That tug against my heart, the painless, invisible cord trying to pull me forward, rips something from me like the shirt being torn from my back, and I scream as part of me is left behind.

Celine Kiernan

Scream Quotes #1200187
#34. In high school no guys wanted to be in a band with me unless I was going to play bass or play grindcore or be in a scream-o band, so it was fun to finally have that experience of having my songs backed by a drummer and a bassist who were just as excited about it as I was.

Weyes Blood

Scream Quotes #1202368
#35. Let your work speak,
Let your work scream,
Let your work live,

Akash Lakhotia

Scream Quotes #1204306
#36. It requires courage to utter truth; for the higher Truth lifts her voice, the louder will error scream, until its inarticulate sound is forever silenced in oblivion

Mary Baker Eddy

Scream Quotes #1205411
#37. Monique stood, arms akimbo, some six or seven paces away from Sophronia, and letting forth a scream of unadulterated anger, she hurled a cheese pie at Sophronia's head.

Gail Carriger

Scream Quotes #1209068
#38. If you don't say what you need to say when you have a chance ... you'll regret it. Even if you're mad, say it. Scream it into the world while you still have a chance to. Because once life passes you by, it's gone. And so are the words left unspoken.

Brittainy C. Cherry

Scream Quotes #1211701
#39. I'd date a fan as long as she didn't scream in my face.

Niall Horan

Scream Quotes #1212590
#40. I could sit and watch nature documentaries with Jenks and the kids the rest of the night if I wanted. And trust me, watching a dozen pixies scream as a crocodile chomped on a zebra was something not to be missed. They invariably cheered for the crocodile, not the zebra.

Kim Harrison

Scream Quotes #1213021
#41. Why not stand up, pump your fists in the air, and scream like a maniac? -

Hayley Williams

Scream Quotes #1213264
#42. Celaena's scream was still echoing through the passageway as Chaol leapt off the stairs and hurtled through the misty portal after Fleetfoot.

Sarah J. Maas

Scream Quotes #1214435
#43. I sing because I've forgotten how to scream.

Harry Connick Jr.

Scream Quotes #1214752
#44. Evanlyn opened her mouth to scream. But the horror of the moment froze the sound in her throat and she crouched, openmouthed, as death approached her. It was odd, she thought, that they had dragged her here, left her overnight and then decided to kill her.
It seem such a pointless way to die.

John Flanagan

Scream Quotes #1216624
#45. She wonders how often anger manifests itself as sadness, how it's firmly taught to a certain kinds of woman that it is better, more productive, to cry instead of scream.

Lynn Steger Strong

Scream Quotes #1219734
#46. It's just ... wow, I'm happy for you. I think this is great. Its love- the real kind you make sacrifices for. The kind where you scream 'screw it' to everyone else. That's envy-worthy.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Scream Quotes #1220457
#47. And she realized that she still wanted Jared when all thoughts of passion were dead, when other consolation seemed like a cruel joke - that she wanted to be with him when the thought of being with anyone else was unbearable, when the thought of someone else touching her made her want to scream.

Sarah Rees Brennan

Scream Quotes #1220992
#48. I think up to a point people's characters depend on the toilets they have to shut themselves up in every day. You get home from the office and you find the toilet green with mould, marshy: so you smash a plate of peas in the passage and you shut yourself in your room and scream.

Italo Calvino

Scream Quotes #1222400
#49. The things which are most important don't always scream the loudest.

Bob Hawke

Scream Quotes #1222673
#50. Being pregnant was very much like falling in love. You are so open. You are so overjoyed. There's no words that can express having a baby growing inside of you so, of course, you want to scream it out and tell everyone.

Beyonce Knowles

Scream Quotes #1230395
#51. It's great to be happy, but not all the time. Let yourself feel. When you're sad let yourself cry, when you're mad let yourself scream. Experience your emotions, feel them. Just do not remain there with them. - Sheila Burke

Bryant McGill

Scream Quotes #1230673
#52. If you are messing around all day and then scream for certainty, you're not going to get it. If you spend energy and do the work and develop that certainty, you'll get to where you need to be, even if you don't know exactly where that is.

Yehuda Berg

Scream Quotes #1230867
#53. It was the kind of scream that would be in a horror movie right before someone got chopped up into little bitty pieces.

Missy Lyons

Scream Quotes #1232985
#54. She screamed, the high scream that was neither human nor animal but something terrible in between, the sort of sound that you never forget no matter how many beautiful things you hear afterward.

Maggie Stiefvater

Scream Quotes #1233482
#55. When in doubt or danger, run in circles, scream and shout.

Laurence J. Peter

Scream Quotes #1233575
#56. I would just go in my room and just scream out of anger because I didn't understand how a person could be so vicious and mean.

Michael Jackson

Scream Quotes #1234552
#57. She did not like seeing her loved ones like this, bent over with sorrow; everything in her wanted to cry out, to thrash and scream at the sight of it. But she knew that great grief came from great love, and that their grief was an honor to her. And she did love them so very much.

Anne Ursu

Scream Quotes #1236357
#58. Bite me, hit me, scream at me. I don't care. I want to feel it. Fucking hurt me, K.C. Let me see you.

Penelope Douglas

Scream Quotes #1236890
#59. In space, no one can hear you scream.

Johan Harstad

Scream Quotes #1240889
#60. You're my obsession, I'm your possession You own the deepest part of me You crawled into the darkness, set my monster free So scream, bleed, call out to me But never say stop, never flee

Pepper Winters

Scream Quotes #1241388
#61. No one to hear, you might as well scream.

Melissa Etheridge

Scream Quotes #1241540
#62. They chant until his name no longer sounds like his name. It sounds like the primal scream of an ancient race.

Veronica Roth

Scream Quotes #1244548
#63. That would be the most surprising lesson I'd learn at Bradley: You only scream when you're finally safe.

Jessica Knoll

Scream Quotes #1247477
#64. When you feel like you've had it up to here, and you're mad enough to scream, but you're sad enough to tear, that's rock bottom.


Scream Quotes #1248257
#65. It's so ridiculous, I can barely stop. I can hardly breathe, you make me wanna scream. You're so fabulous, you're so good to me baby, baby.

Avril Lavigne

Scream Quotes #1249196
#66. Where dark woods hide secrets and mountains are fierce and bold. Deep waters hold reflections of times lost long ago. I will heed every story, take hold of my own dream. Be as strong as the sea is stormy, be as proud as an eagle's scream.

Julie Fowlis

Scream Quotes #1251448
#67. Some people do want to stand on the rooftop and scream out their story. Others are cowering in the corner, or sitting with a blank face in class, and not knowing how to tell their story.

Lauren Myracle

Scream Quotes #1254629
#68. You can scream at me, call me for a shoot at midnight, keep me waiting for hours - as long as what ends up on the screen is perfect.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Scream Quotes #1255742
#69. Suddenly a scream froze her in her tracks. It

Dan Simmons

Scream Quotes #1256429
#70. You must be practically a hero to retain your composure in the midst of universal panic. But just try to scream and tear around when everyone else is going about his business
that takes a lot of audacity.

Lidiya Ginzburg

Scream Quotes #1257269
#71. I've only seen a couple horror movies in my lifetime. I don't like the ones that make you scream out in terror.

Megan Charpentier

Scream Quotes #1257988
#72. His body jerks twice as the bullets hit him. I scream, but no sound leaves my mouth. I'm frozen in pure terror.

Sarah Hunter Hyatt

Scream Quotes #1378366
#73. Hazel screamed at the top of her lungs, but it was a scream of delight. For the first time in her life-in her two lives-she felt absolutely unstoppable.

Rick Riordan

Scream Quotes #1343475
#74. The human race was dying out Noone left to scream n shout People living on the moon Smog will get you pretty soon
Ship of Fools

Jim Morrison

Scream Quotes #1349774
#75. If Im so brave, why do I feel like I might just ...

Maria Padian

Scream Quotes #1351438
#76. Wayde yelled, and I hit him again, adrenaline pulling a scream of outrage from me. He went quiet, and I held my breath to make sure I could hear him breathing. I suppose I could have used my magic on him, but this was a lot more satisfying.

Kim Harrison

Scream Quotes #1352005
#77. I do not write feelings, emotions i do not write
After that day on love anything i do not write
My silence scream somewhere inside me
These are my Bloody wounds on paper,
words i do not write

Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Scream Quotes #1353138
#78. They scattered with no melody, no harmony, no rhythm to hold them. If music was emotion and emotion came from thought, then this was the scream of chaos, of the irrational, of the helpless, of man's self-abdication.

Ayn Rand

Scream Quotes #1354801
#79. When the time comes to leap in faith whether you have your eyes open or closed or scream all the way down or not makes no practical difference.

Lois McMaster Bujold

Scream Quotes #1356977
#80. [Now SCREAM for your life!]

O. Penn-Coughin

Scream Quotes #1357170
#81. I'll dissolve when the rain pours in,
When the nightmares take me,
I will scream with the howling wind,
'Cause it's a bitter world and I'd rather dream.

Owl City

Scream Quotes #1358586
#82. And muddy. The long sleeves keep getting caught on thorns and branches as I run through the woods. The pack of muttation tributes draws closer and closer until it overcomes me with hot breath and dripping fangs and I scream myself awake. It's too

Suzanne Collins

Scream Quotes #1361299
#83. I find it surprising, however, that many German politicians generally oppose referendums, but then when it's an EU matter, they immediately scream for a plebiscite.

Martin Schulz

Scream Quotes #1365275
#84. I just try to do what I have to do and let the people out there do what they have to do, which is have fun, scream, yell and jump around. I try to do what I have to do, which is play baseball, and I can only play in that piece of area there, so that's what I try to do.

Pedro Martinez

Scream Quotes #1365753
#85. Obscenities are too often used for shock value, as a kind of shorthand for real expression of emotion. You've got to scale down your monstrosities. A scream is not a discovery.

John L'Heureux

Scream Quotes #1367904
#86. You reap what you sow!" I scream at him as he fades. All the rage I've felt swells in me, blinding me, and fills me with a pulsing, tangible hatred that seeps away only as Apollo's boots deactivate and he tumbles down through the swirling storm. I

Pierce Brown

Scream Quotes #1369108
Veterans scream in their dreams, reliving nightmares so that we can sleep peacefully

Kamil Ali

Scream Quotes #1370459
#88. I just want to scream: "I'm being honest, I swear!" Maybe it's embarrassing, but I don't care anymore.

Angel Olsen

Scream Quotes #1372983
#89. Fake it, I scream at myself inside my head. You must remember how. Let's get this over with or you'll be here all night. Bestir yourself. Move your flesh around, breathe audibly. It's the least you can do.

Margaret Atwood

Scream Quotes #1376503
#90. I would love for my phone to scream if I am about to miss an important thing in my life and never bother me if I'm doing something very important and the information coming in is less important than what I'm doing.

Sundar Pichai

Scream Quotes #1388935
#91. Lettuce mustard our strength, celery-brate and have bun while I scream, relish the day!

Tom Althouse

Scream Quotes #1400358
#92. If you buy your husband or boyfriend a video camera, for the first few weeks he has it, lock the door when you go to the bathroom. Most of my husband's early films end with a scream and a flush.

Rita Rudner

Scream Quotes #1399695
#93. Don't worry, tracker. You'll know when our deal is up ... I'll be certain you hear it when I make her scream.

Leigh Bardugo

Scream Quotes #1398721
#94. Sometimes, the anger built up so much that people had to scream out their treasonous thoughts just to keep on breathing. Maybe not all of the were really crazy, but it was best for everyone involved to pretend that they were.

Ken Liu

Scream Quotes #1397237
#95. Punk was a protest against work and against boredom. It was a sign of life, a rant, a scream, a rejection of bourgeois morals. But have things improved since then? Arguably, they've got worse.

Tom Hodgkinson

Scream Quotes #1393832
#96. When fans come up to me and Vanessa, they're really sweet and ask for autographs - but once they see the guys, the girls tend to scream.

Ashley Tisdale

Scream Quotes #1391041
#97. You want to hear an agent scream, say, 'I'm thinking about doing a collection of short stories set in the Ozarks.'

Daniel Woodrell

Scream Quotes #1389809
#98. And put me down right this minute or I'll scream bloody murder, then do the job for real!"
"I already hid all the electrical appliances, and I'm not taking a shower without locking you in the closet first.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Scream Quotes #1389698
#99. But it's not enough. I don't look human. If I went outside, people would scream at the sight of me. Looks matter to most people. That's reality in the world."
"Not my world."
I petted Pilot. "I like your world, Will, but it doesn't have a very big population. I'm going to let her go.

Alex Flinn

Scream Quotes #1379379
#100. Sorrow like a ceaseless rain Beats upon my heart. People twist and scream in pain
Dawn will find them still again; This has neither wax nor wane, Neither stop nor start.

Edna St. Vincent Millay

Scream Quotes #1380103

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