Top 100 Quotes About I'll Always Remember You

#1. ... The other half wanted to say, I love you, come away with me, sit on my knee, I'll always remember you. You so full of your past, me so full of my future.

Julian Barnes

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #768859
#2. He said: "I'm going to send you over. The chances are you'll get off with life. That means you'll be out again in twenty years. You're an angel. I'll wait for you." He cleared his throat. "If they hang you I'll always remember you.

Dashiell Hammett

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1874260
#3. Cat Steven's song Wild World: Oh Baby, baby, it's a wild world, it's hard to get by just on a smile, Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world and I'll always remember you like a child.

Jennifer Connors

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #597164
#4. I want you to remember my lips beneath your fingers and how you told me things you never told another soul. I want you to know that I have kept sacred, everything you had entrusted in me and I always will.

Lang Leav

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #488617
#5. Water is sacred to all Human Beings. If you do not have water, you cannot have life. I always remember to honor and pour the water because it is traditional.

Autumn Morning Star

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #319798
#6. He died when he was only nineteen years old. I was still a baby at the time, so I didn't remember him. Growing up, I'd always told myself that was lucky. Because you can't miss someone you don't remember.
But the truth was, I did miss him.

Ernest Cline

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #481094
#7. You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting.

J.M. Barrie

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #473604
#8. You can't imagine how much it hurts to be ignored by people ... you respect. You don't know how loud the silence is or how deeply it cuts. It's bad enough watching the hatred touch my brothers. I'd rather die than see it touch you.

Lorraine Heath

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #471441
#9. Baby brother, you've got a heart of gold, you always have. I just wish you could remember that and see past the reflection in the mirror.

Ottilie Weber

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #455776
#10. I've always had a penchant for dialects. I remember getting detention and being told, 'Have a think about where doing these funny voices might get you someday.'

Nolan North

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #445641
#11. I remember hearing that the spirit was always next to you, so I would always make room in my bed for the spirit ... I'd make room for the teddy bears, Jesus and me. And then I'd wake up in the morning, and I'd squashed 'em all.

Michael Fassbender

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #431194
#12. We must practice the Presence of God. Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always" [Matthew 28:20]. Remember, Christ is always near us.

Billy Graham

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #428171
#13. People have always asked me why I'm drawn to material about kids, and for me, it's - I remember being at that age and feeling completely and utterly powerless. You know, there's so many things you wanna do and so many things you're told you can't do.

Ned Vizzini

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #400690
#14. I'll always remember that look on your face. You saw me. You've always seen me. And I think that's all that anyone wants. That's why Fito loves coming over here. He's been invisible all his life. And all of a sudden he's visible. Seeing someone. Really seeing someone. That's love.

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #398986
#15. depends on whose reality you're using for rules. You just have to remember that, and then you can see that nothing should be taken absolutely seriously. Personally, I always like to use my own reality as a standard.

Kristen D. Randle

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #397497
#16. (before playing Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet) I couldn't really come up with a short way to sum up this song, but I was watching the movie 'Adaptation' the other day and this sort of sums it up in my head. You are not who loves you. You are who you love. Always remember that.

Pete Wentz

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #397099
#17. I didn't think you remembered my name."Lucas narrowed his eyes back as a tiny smile flitted across his face. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and placed his mouth close to my ear. "Of course i did, love. I always remember the names i moan out in pleasure.

J.L. Paul

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #389471
#18. I will always remember you, even though you had no idea I was even in the room. My words wouldn't come, I could only dream. A crush or a love?

Walter Bradford Cannon

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #386649
#19. If you ask anyone in animation, how long they've been into animation, they'll pretty much always tell you that it's since they can remember, and I'm no exception.

Alex Hirsch

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #385325
#20. Oh, the odious wench.How I wish I were rid of her. I have always loathed women, from clew to earring; hook, line and sinker; root and branch.I always said this would happen, you remember; I was against it from the start. Damn it for a flibbertigibbet, the hussy.

Patrick O'Brian

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #384767
#21. Samuel, I've never considered our relationship to be tragic. I will always remember you as my first love. The first guy who opened me up and saw in me something passionate and strong that needed to be brought to life. Tragic ... never. Beautiful ... always.

Angela Richardson

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #376339
#22. I'm used to getting reviews. I try not to read much because you'll always focus on the bad ones and not remember the good ones, so it can be a negative thing for a performer.

Sam Trammell

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #369607
#23. You were always there, you know. Even when I couldn't remember ... you were always there

Colleen Hoover

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #359354
#24. Just remember this, when the scream at last has ended and you've turned on the lights: by the rules of the game, I must always lie.

Margaret Atwood

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #355796
#25. I know that each and everyone of you have felt, at one point, like you couldn't go on. But then you found hope. There's always a way to find hope. Remember that.

Nick Jonas

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #334819
#26. I always knew you had good taste, Mia. You should go talk to him." "I should go talk to him. I should also file my taxes on time, remember to floss regularly, and inherit seven million dollars. But I won't. Ever.

Sara Wolf

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #321313
#27. Always just remember that you can never know all; you're always going to be learning; there's always going to be something new. I don't think you'll ever have it all figured out.

Iain De Caestecker

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1851950
#28. Okay,' I said quietly. 'I'll do whatever you say. Just remember not to talk down to me. I'm not your student anymore. I'm your equal now.'
He glanced away from the side of the road just long enough to give me a surprised look. 'You've always been my equal, Roza.

Richelle Mead

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #762188
#29. Look at me, Hannah! I want you to watch everything I do to you and then you'll always remember.

A.J. Walters

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1803391
#30. I'll always remember when I first heard Lester [Young]. I'd never heard anyone like him before. He was a stylist with a different sound. A sound I'd never heard before or since. To be honest with you, I didn't much like it at first.

Count Basie

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1777054
#31. I met a man; broken as can be,
A smile upon his face; no shoes upon his feet,
He said one thing " young one , you listen clear"
The choices you make now; will always reappear,
Live to your heart but do wrong to none,
Because when your old like me; you'll remember all you have done.

Nikki Rowe

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1757433
#32. I'll always remember Apple like any man remembers the first woman he's fallen in love with." But he was also willing to fight with its management if need be. "When someone calls you a thief in public, you have to respond." Apple's

Walter Isaacson

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1584497
#33. When you look at this mirror I hope you'll remember that there's always another way of seeing things: that's the beginning of wisdom.

John Barth

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1314011
#34. One day we'll look back we'll smile and we'll laugh,but right now we just cry. Cuz it's so hard to say good-bye.

Miley Cyrus

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1301045
#35. If you take nothing else from what I've been through, at least remember this: make your choices well. Because you'll always be accountable for them. That's what being an adult is all about.

Sarah Dessen

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1203710
#36. I am not your average girl. That isn't me. I want you to notice when I'm not around. I want you to remember the little things. I want you to see me for who I am. I don't want to be like everybody else. I follow my heart and never look back. I'll go on shining no matter what ... Always shine.


Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1123173
#37. I worry all the time that I'm going to run out of ideas, you know? I always tell my mom my fashion ideas, because I know she'll remember them.

Alexa Chung

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1058137
#38. I remember the excitement of being a new artist. When up and coming artists ask me like, "Any advice you have for me?" I always say, "Take it all in because you'll never be a new artist again".

Brooke Valentine

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #1036438
#39. Something I'll always remember - when I was a kid, I shook hands with Orville Wright. Forty years later, I shook hands with Neil Armstrong. The guy that invented the airplane and the guy that walked on the moon. In a lifetime, that's kinda wild when you think about it.

Jonathan Winters

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #900145
#40. I will take my leave of you, but I will remember you always because you are the ones who encouraged me and lifted me up high. I will remember you forever, forever, even in the afterlife.

Samia Gamal

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #494297
#41. The very first time I kissed you, I got a taste of your soul and it was everything that I am not; it was light to my darkness; cheerful to my worries.

That moment will always stay with me. You may forget the story of us, but I'll always remember.

Calia Read

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #734696
#42. I love you, Trace. I always have. Just remember that, okay? Hold on to it. No matter what I say or what I do ... and trust me, I'll do some terrible things. Just know. I love you. With every fiber of my being.

Rachel Van Dyken

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #705129
#43. I always remember is that no matter how good I might be in a movie, I'll never be any better. It's frozen. But in theatre I can be better tomorrow night, I can be better the night after that and I can be better in a week. The journey you go through as an actor is incredible.

Kevin Spacey

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #690798
#44. I wouldn't change it," Simon said. "I wouldn't give up loving you. Not for anything. You know what Raphael told me? That I didn't know how to be a good vampire, that vampires accept that they're dead. But as long as I remember what it was like to love you, I'll always feel like I'm alive.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #675033
#45. If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together. ... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But, the most important thing is, even if we're apart ... I'll always be with you.

Emily Murdoch

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #647363
#46. Thank you so much, Dobby, for rescuing me from that cellar. It's so unfair that you had to die, when you were so good and brave. I'll always remember what you did for us. I hope you're happy now.

J.K. Rowling

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #562561
#47. I asked him: Why didn't you just tell me? He said: 'If I tell you, you'll just forget at some critical point. If you figure it out for yourself, you'll always remember.

Merrie Haskell

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #529964
#48. Please remember that you can talk to me about anything. I know it's hard to talk to your old mom about things, but I'll always help you in whatever way I can. I'm serious. You have to remember that I used to hold you right here in my arms.

Matt Abrams

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #522428
#49. Now comes the part where I relieve you, the little people, of the burden of your failed and useless lives. But remember, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go, go with a smile.

Jack Nicholson

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #514907
#50. I want you always to remember me. Will you remember that I existed, and that I stood next to you here like this?

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #510912
#51. Yes, Mel. That's exactly why I left without explaining. Because I think about you before I think about myself. Always remember that, Little Ballerina. Always.

L.J. Shen

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #499856
#52. It seems to me that the experiences that stay with you, the things you'll always remember, aren't the ones you can force, or go looking for. I've always thought of those things as the ones that somehow find you.

Jessi Kirby

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #122057
#53. The music I was always attracted to and the shows I was really into like, you know, those weekend Don Kirshner shows, "Midnight Special," those shows, I remember watching those and the music was just on; it was the greatest radio stations.

Bobby Cannavale

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #186208
#54. If you remember yourself, you will remember me. I am always a part of you. I am your mother.

Emma Michaels

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #179829
#55. Of course I remember you. You were the only one who ever looked at me like a human being."
"You've always known?"
"Adam, I'd recognize your eyes anywhere in the world.

Tahereh Mafi

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #173806
#56. You won't remember me. You won't need me anymore.
You will leave me again.
I forgive you. I forgave you. I will always forgive you.
You should know that for a little while, you were not alone.Not alone.
I loved you when you were pixels on a screen.

Julio Alexi Genao

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #171413
#57. Well I mean I just sit at the piano and maybe figure out some harmony or melody or both. Sometimes you can hear it in your head. Sometimes you don't always have to write it down. You just write it down so you can remember it.

Roy Hargrove

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #169418
#58. Yes, it was scary, but every time I got a frisson of fear I tried to remember what Frank Quinn was always telling me. "Susan, believe in yourself. You are the person writing your story.

Susan Boyle

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #166054
#59. Has any woman ever touched you?" she asked as she splayed her fingers over his thigh.
"Do you want a woman to touch you?"
She stilled, and Clay pushed himself up. He cradled her check in his palm. "I want you to touch me.

Lorraine Heath

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #165057
#60. Maybe when we were shooting in the school, I was feeling more like it. Every time I go back to a school for work, I always feel so huge. Everything seems so little. The lockers seem smaller than I remember and the length of the hallways seem shorter when you're a kid.

Judy Greer

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #153716
#61. Puck winced. Ouch. Well, you know what they say - you always hurt the one you love. Or is that the one you hate? I can never remember.

Julie Kagawa

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #150163
#62. It was easier than I expected, maybe because I was too angry and too afraid to really pay attention to what I was doing. Things are always easy when you refuse to let yourself remember how dangerous they are.

Seanan McGuire

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #146950
#63. Do what you will,
Walk where you like,
your steps
Do as you please, I'll
back you up.
I remember thinking
sometimes we walk
sometimes we run away
But I know
no matter how fast we are running
Somehow we keep
Somehow we keep up with each other.

Dave Matthews Band

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #134658
#64. Angela looked fondly reminiscent. We've had some good times together, haven't we? I'll always remember them. After you go away.

Sarah Rees Brennan

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #124694
#65. You're writing like a freshman.' And he replied- I remember this very distinctly: 'We always look for doctors but sometimes we're lucky to find a frosh.

Mark Z. Danielewski

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #187186
#66. As far back as I can ever remember, without really knowing it I wanted to be an actor. I was always dressing up, you know, playing pretend, putting on mothers hats and things. I'm sure Freud would have something to say about that. It was very much in my blood.

Peter Cushing

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #105181
#67. I'll always remember taking your hand and telling you that everything would be okay.

Elizabeth Scott

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #97757
#68. Growing up, I'll always remember knowing from movies and TV that there was a possibility that you wouldn't fall in love. I always thought, 'Oh my God, I hope I'm not that person.'

Isabel Gillies

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #90532
#69. My grandmother always used to say, "If you know your past and you know where you have to go, why do you rehearse?" I always remember this and it's true. You have to start each day again-you can't repeat what you did.

Marian Seldes

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #86557
#70. I may not always be with you
But when we're far apart
Remember you will be with me
Right inside my heart

Marc Wambolt

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #79952
#71. They say you always remember the big firsts in your life. I will never forget the morning I was outwitted by an almost-four-year-old for the first time.

E.L. Phillips

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #60507
#72. I have always read all my reviews, the bad along with the good (although you remember the bad much more than the good!). I am just too curious to see how it's playing with the audience, and I have a thick-enough skin to handle the less charitable assessments.

Frank Spotnitz

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #54448
#73. Good." Matty took a deep breath. "See the North Star?" Rob squeezed his hand. "No." "Well, it's up there. And you told me once to always remember." Rob swallowed hard and took hold of Matty's chin, bringing his gaze from the sky to meet Rob's own. "I remember, Matty." "Well, good. Don't forget.

Leta Blake

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #42148
#74. My grandmother's house was just a place of comfort. I mean, I remember going in there, and the kitchen always had pots cooking with the lids were always bump, bump, bump, bump, bubbling, you know?

Kay Robertson

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #28815
#75. I know you meant that you would always remember me, Cassia, but I'm afraid you might forget.

Ally Condie

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #26070
#76. Even if you forget everything else I want you to always remember that you are a person of value, and you have a friend who loved you enough to give you his most valued possession.

Bette Greene

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #21923
#77. I rise, I fall
Always trying.
I succeed, I fail
Seldom crying.

You've been so far
Yet near to my heart.
I remember you
Seldom crying.

You've left me
I've been so lonely.
I try to laugh and end up,
Seldom crying.


Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #270975
#78. I remember telling my creative writing teacher that you never want to have a journal, because if you lose it, then someone's going to know all your secrets. And then she stopped using a journal, but I always write everything down ... Anytime I travel, I try and fill up notepads.

Garrett Hedlund

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #312853
#79. I know it's not easy for you, living this life, but try to remember, always try to remember, you're not the only one with troubles.

Laini Taylor

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #308105
#80. Sometimes I struggle. Sometimes I falter. Sometimes I live in gray. But always I remember the yarrow you've grown in the spaces of my rib cage. I now love with roses from my heart, with lilacs from my mouth.

Elijah Noble El

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #295350
#81. It is funny that people always assume you have a bigger part in a movie than you actually do. I remember a lot of people thought 'Adventureland' starred me and Kristen Wiig. But we were like, 'No, we're only in the movie for like ten minutes!'

Bill Hader

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #288986
#82. I know you mean well, but you have to remember that things don't always work out like they do in your storybooks.

Melissa Hill

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #288801
#83. I believe the stars are the headlights of angels driving from heaven to save us
to save us ... Won't you look at the sky?
They're driving from heaven into our eyes. And though final words are so hard to devise, I promise that I'll always remember your pretty eyes.

David Berman

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #282345
#84. Remember me with joy, for this is how I always thought of you. That is what I want, more than anything. I want you to smile when you think of me. And in your smile, I will live forever

Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #281010
#85. Livvy: Look. Since then, Ty's learned so much about the way people say things they don't mean, about tone not matching expression, all that. But he trusts you, he's let you in. He might not always remember to apply that stuff to you. I'm just saying - don't lie to him. Don't lead him on.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #277755
#86. I remember my late father, who was the biggest football fan I have ever known, used to stress when I was younger that, win or lose, you always have to compete with honor.

Adam Richman

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #277238
#87. Why do you hold a razor in one hand?
So men remember that I am sharp as any edge.
And why do you hold broken glass in the other?
So men remember that I am always watching.

Susan Dennard

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #275884
#88. When I have interns, I always say, 'Handwritten thank-you notes can make a difference.' People remember that - not an e-mail, a handwritten note in an envelope.

Andre Leon Talley

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #274935
#89. What I saw wasn't a ghost. It was simply
myself. I can never forget how terrified I was that night, and whenever I remember it, this thought always springs to mind: that the most frightening thing in the world is our own self. What do you think?

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #319324
#90. When I was on Broadway when I was little, I remember always driving through Times Square with my dad to the theater. Now when I go back, you can't even drive on Broadway in the 40s. New Times Square is too touristy to me.

Jenna Ushkowitz

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #270271
#91. I want people to say at the end of my day, you know, like I used to say about Sidney Poitier and James Cagney and Joan Crawford and Red Skelton and those guys and Bill Cosby. They did quality and substance. You always remember them.

Bernie Mac

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #270230
#92. When you miss me just look up to the night sky and remember, I'm like a star; sometimes you can't see me, but I'm always there.

Jayde Nicole

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #251584
#93. I remember what it was like to grow up in the South in the 1960s and 1970s. Discrimination isn't something that's easy to oppose. It doesn't always stare you in the face. It moves in the shadows. And sometimes it shrouds itself within the very laws meant to protect us.

Tim Cook

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #248585
#94. You always have to give back to the fans. I remember being a fan of television and film when I was growing up and if I would've had the opportunity to meet somebody that I watched on television, it would've made my day, it would've made my life.

Jon Huertas

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #236089
#95. You're not alone, and you never have been. I might not be here anymore, but you have people who care about you. Don't allow your past to dictate your future. And always remember that I love you.

Tamsyn Bester

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #218257
#96. The accidents are things that audiences always remember most, I've found on my own movies. The things that they like the most are the things that were just by accident. So you have to create a situation where nothing but accidents can happen the entire time.

Robert Rodriguez

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #203852
#97. I've always been a fan at home. That's the one joke I have with Sam [Champion]. "I've always loved you! I remember wanting to be you in grade school!"

Chris Cuomo

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #196727
#98. Fortunate is the one who knows the name of their heart. They are the ones whose hearts are never truly lost. They can always call their heart back home.
Do you remember the name of your heart, Simon Lewis?"
"I think so," Simon whispered.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #192292
#99. I want to be the first one to show you everything and to be the one you'll always remember for the rest of your life.

Penelope Ward

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #189115
#100. The ancient world is always accessible, no matter what culture you come from. I remember when I was growing up in India and I read the 'Iliad' and the 'Odyssey.'

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Quotes About I'll Always Remember You #188508

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