Top 12 Vanessa Veselka Quotes

#1. I like to think of myself as a coworker with lots of experience rather than a boss, Franklin said.
I like to think of myself as a boss more than a slave but mostly I prefer to not think about it at all because when I think about it, I can't stop.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #34970
#2. The gentle rustle of armies crawling the planet like ants. Anybody with any sense knows what's coming.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #194820
#3. I was not afraid of horror, I was afraid of beauty, of what it could do to me if I let it.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #586166
#4. I felt my pride like a prison.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #609263
#5. The equation Bubble Tea = Something to Look Forward To depressurizes the misery of capitalism and is a Hello Kitty band-aid on the festering wound of Neo-Liberalism.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #969961
#6. I would love to love something, especially if I could do it without feeling like I was watching it die right in front of me.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #1168259
#7. Because that's the way it is when a possibility opens up; the body doesn't know any better. It reaches for the glittering incongruity.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #1331119
#8. But I know what it means to crave what you're not. To want to sew up that rift because it's exhausting to hold it open. Sometimes you just need to be someone else, someone who doesn't care about anything at all. I know I do. I want emptiness but I can't have it.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #1486204
#9. Some things are so sad that they have no name. I have tried to name them and I can't.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #1581100
#10. I paid my bill. Save your fucking pennies for a gun and a history book ...

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #1658455
#11. The world is a violent child none of us will get to see grow up.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #1821486
#12. I looked around at the smoke and people. I couldn't find any hate in me anywhere. The world is a violent child none of us will get to see grow up. I decided to love it anyway.

Vanessa Veselka

Vanessa Veselka Quotes #1863497

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