Top 100 Quotes About Andrea
#1. Andrea raised her eyebrows. "Look at you, all high-speed."
"Yeah, you'd think I was a detective or something."
Andrea held her hand out. "You'll jinx it.
Ilona Andrews
#2. I have a vamp body for you," Andrea said. "It's in the freezer."
I gave her a nice smile. "You shouldn't have.
Ilona Andrews
#3. Andrea stared at me. "You're not taking me seriously!"
"That's probably because you're not excited enough," Derek said. "You should clench your fists like they do in the movies, shake them, and yell, 'This is bigger than any of us! It goes all the way to the top!
Ilona Andrews
#4. Habits, Andrea, are concrete forms of rhythm, are that portion of rhythm which helps to keep us alive.
Julio Cortazar
#5. [Andrea] Leadsom has compassion ... a real steel and a real determination and that velvet glove of compassion that she really cares about people.
Iain Duncan Smith
#6. Unhappy is the land that breeds no hero!
No, Andrea ... unhappy is the land that needs a hero.
Bertolt Brecht
#7. It's not a loup cage, you know,' I told her. 'It's a holding cell. Or safe room. or secure room. I don't think Jim ever settled on a term he could live with.'
'Aha. It's a loup cage.' Andrea cleared her throat. 'I touched it with my finger and it hurt. Is that in case of marital problems?
Ilona Andrews
#8. Jolene came bounding into my room at sunset, hopping up and down on the bed, bouncing me off onto the floor. I sat up and glared at her. "Andrea gave you espresso, didn't she?" "Nope!" she crowed. "But she showed me how to work the machine!" "Augh!
Molly Harper
#9. Why is everyone so surprised that I have a stun gun?" "Because I've seen you staple your hand to a purchase order," Andrea told me.
Molly Harper
#10. And waking, once again, face smudged into Andrea's couch, the red quilt humped around her shoulders, smelling coffee, while Andrea hummed some Tokyo pop song to herself in the next room, dressing, in a gray morning of Paris rain.
William Gibson
#11. Andrea raised her hand. "This is the hand that slapped Aunt B."
"Maybe you should have it gold-plated."
"Here, you can touch it, since you're my best friend.
Ilona Andrews
#12. I stopped the blade two inches before it touched Andrea's neck. Because she was my best friend, and sticking knives into your best friend's windpipe was generally considered to be a social faux pas.
Ilona Andrews
#13. Let me first of all congratulate both of the candidates who have made it through - both Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom are formidable politicians and they have fought great campaigns and they deserve to be in the final two.
Michael Gove
#14. Definitely beats my first kiss. Seventh grade, Andrea Williams, behind the gym after school. She came over to my table at lunch, whispered the proposition in my ear, and I had a hard-on for the rest of the day.
Jay Asher
#15. Ah, Caderousse,' said Andrea, 'how covetous you are! Two months ago you were dying with hunger.'
'The appetite grows by what it feeds on,' said Caderousse.
Alexandre Dumas
#16. Andrea told me after that film that there was too much Matt Haig in Matt Haig. She was kind of joking but kind of on to something. So for me, anything that lessens that extreme sense of selfe, that makes me feel me but at a lower volume, is very welcome. ( ... ) Travel has been one of those things.
Matt Haig
#17. I don't know if you picked up on the elephant in the room ... but we're witches. Angela, Andrea, me, and Evelyn and Celia back home.
Aunt Maddy from The Ragtime Coven
Bruce Jenvey
#19. I picked up the phone and dialed Andrea's extension.
"He glued the chair to my ass."
Ilona Andrews
#20. I've come to ask you where Seth is." "Funny," said Andrea. "We were going to ask you the same thing." I was taken aback. "How would I know?" They both just stared. "I don't!
Richelle Mead
#21. Andrea writes for a newspaper. "This is for the Living section," she says. I know what that means, it used to be the Women's Pages. It's funny that they now call it Living, as if only women are alive and the other things, such as the Sports, are for the dead.
Margaret Atwood
#22. You're now getting a new breed of people like Il Divo and Andrea Bocelli and I think that's why people feel less intimidated by classical music than they once did.
Katherine Jenkins
#23. I want to offer particular congratulations to Andrea Leadsom on her stunning achievement. She is now well placed to win and replace the absurd gloom in some quarters with a positive, confident and optimistic approach, not just to Europe, but to government all round.
Boris Johnson
#24. What about the presents?"
"Yeah, I don't think that's what Christmas is about," he commented.
Andrea huffed. "That is what Christmas is about. Anyone who says differently is trying to make themselves look all spiritual and shit. I keep it real.
Jennifer L. Armentrout
#25. Tension fled from me. Tomorrow I would worry about Hugh d'Ambray and Andrea and
Roland, but now I was simply happy. Aaahh. Home. My place, my smells, my familiar rug under my feet, my kitchen, my Curran in the kitchen chair ... Wait a damn minute.
Ilona Andrews
#26. Nonhumanity is a dangerous label. If someone is nonhuman, they have no rights, Andrea. No protection.
Ilona Andrews
#27. I spent the last week of Ryan's life in Indiana, Indianapolis, with Jeanne and Andrea, Jeanne, his mother, Andrea, his sister, and some other beautiful people who came. And it taught me a lesson.
Elton John
#28. Instead of being lionized and admired for her genius, instead of being able to earn a decent living as a writer, Andrea Dworkin was misrepresented and demonized.
Catharine MacKinnon
#29. I'd love to work with Michael Buble, with Tony Bennett, with Damian Marley, with Andrea Bocelli.
Kat Dahlia
#30. Sir?" "Come in here." Andrea appears at the doorway,
E.L. James
#31. What in the bloody hell are you?"
"Andrea Nash," I said. "This is my associate, Robin of Loxley.
Ilona Andrews
#32. An exceptional book to read on!
The author has a writing style and cared!
I do not tell you more click on this book and give us your opinion.
Andrea Novick
Philippe Le Douarec
#33. I love fashion from the 1930s and '40s - shoulder pads, high waists, things with structure. That is classy for me. Andrea Riseborough from the Madonna movie 'W.E.' had an amazing wardrobe.
Eva Green
#34. Andrea Leadsom promises to publish tax return tomorrow if she gets on ballot - it's boring.
Laura Kuenssberg
#35. On the Italian side, we can trace the family back 2,000 years. I have a cousin in Rome, a famous archaeologist, Count Andrea Carandini, who was in Lombardy and came across some pottery with the original name of the family, Carandinus, painted on it.
Christopher Lee
#36. A compelling and important story of First Word War Scotland, a time when women redefined the word hope as the world was losing its innocence. Andrea MacPherson writes beautifully, balancing the lives of her characters between history and the poetry of gesture, secrets and love.
Ami McKay
#37. She has a high opinion of herself," Andrea said. "Oh yes. When she gets into a car, her ego has to ride shotgun.
Ilona Andrews
#38. In every century, there are a handful of writers who help the human race to evolve. Andrea is one of them.
Gloria Steinem
#39. Here's probably a short answer - I never feel in this piece that I'm stepping out and being Andrea Martin. I always feel like I'm Golde, so whatever Golde would do within those realms, that's what I would do.
Andrea Martin
#40. They [Andrea Leadsom and Theresa May] both went to state schools, they are both women, hey, that's pretty quirky for the Tory party. Isn't this the new sort of Tory party ?
Tim Loughton
#41. Do you have spies in Clan Heavy?"
"I have spies everywhere."
I looked at Andrea, who was hoarding bacon on her plate.
"She had tea with Mahon's wife." Andrea said.
Aunt B looked at her. "You and I need to work on your air of mystery.
Ilona Andrews
#42. Andrea Leadsom also denies any tax avoidance, says she 'shopped around' for a good deal and it was from a British bank that booked the biz in Jersey.
Laura Kuenssberg
#43. Jane gave me an expression she called the "stink-eye." I returned it with the bitch-brow. And we sat back and let the two expressions battle it out.
"What do we do now?" Andrea whispered to Gabriel.
"Stay still and try not to attract their attention?" Gabriel whispered back.
Molly Harper
#44. Andrea Jaeger plays tennis like she's double-parked.
Mary Carillo
#45. A shadow crossed Andrea's face. "I don't want to be his TWT-IHFB." "What does that mean?" "That Weird Thing I Haven't Fucked Before." I choked.
Ilona Andrews
#46. On the other hand, Andrea had decided last month, on the occasion of her twelfth birthday and for no discernible reason (at least, none that an adult could discern), that from then on her given name would be Fitzwinkle. And then
Alan Dean Foster
#47. Room 10 [a short film she codirected with Andrea Buchanan] nailed my personal theme: love and choosing to stay in the room when the going gets tough.
Jennifer Aniston
#48. I feel defensive about my character because I really love Andrea, and we share the same heart.
Laurie Holden
#49. I'm Andrea Thompson, and unless you've been living in a cave, you probably already know that.
Andrea Thompson
#50. Andrea Gibson is a truly American poet, or rather, she represents the America I want to live in. Her work lights a candle to lead us where we need to go.
Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz
#51. Oh, Lady Emma ... I like to think there's a little bit of witch in all of us. Don't you agree?
Andrea from Angela's Coven #covenbooks
Bruce Jenvey
#52. Kneel!" he ordered.
My head raised in defiance, I stepped forward. "I am Princess Andrea de Montemaior. I will kneel to no one," I said to the shadows inside.
Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban
#53. The person that takes over needs to have the skills to manage that ... I believe Andrea [Leadsom] has the edge.
Iain Duncan Smith
#54. Can we get a whiteboard,like on Law and Order?" Andrea asked.
Dick nodded. "I was thinking official 'Keep Jane from Being Murdered Task Force' T-shirts.
Molly Harper
#55. Andrea's breath hurt, but wit her fear came rage, a killing anger. They'd taken her mate A female defending her mate was the most fearsome of Shifters, and whoever had done this to Sean didn't yet know the meaning of terror.
Jennifer Ashley
#56. I'd say Carrick has the qualities of a Scholes, Andrea Pirlo and Sergio Busquets.
Gary Neville
#57. Don't worry, Njrea," said Vrem, but everyone went just a little bit still when Trals's raptor got close. Andrea stared down at the wide, yellow eyes, the twitching taloned fingers. The little beast opened its mouth and chuckled at her, like a crow with a dirty joke on its mind.
Daniel M. Bensen
#58. Too much excitement, Your Majesty?" I asked.
"He was standing too close."
"He was asking about Andrea."
"Too close. I didn't like it." Curran wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started walking,
steering me away from the group. His Possessive Majesty in all of his glory.
Ilona Andrews
#59. So how was it?" she asked. "Kissing Curran?"
"I can't let him kiss me again, because if he does, I'll sleep with him."
Andrea blinked. "Well," she said finally, "At least you know where you stand.
Ilona Andrews
#60. I'm ready to do something with Lady Gaga or Andrea Bocelli. I'm really grateful that nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
Carlos Santana
#61. I look up to Andrea Boccelli and Sarah Brightman. The best part about 'America's Got Talent' was performing with her!
Jackie Evancho
#62. And I was beginning to suspect that Andrea was slipping extra espresso into her magical mystery coffee potions because "caffeinated Jane" amused her.
Molly Harper
#63. Aha," Andrea said. "I'm going to ignore that you just referred to yourself as 'sugar woogums'.
Ilona Andrews
#64. We can do subtle," I assured her.
"It's our middle name," Andrea added.
For some odd reason Rene didn't look convinced.
Ilona Andrews
#65. Let's see, the last guy I dated - is there a word for someone who's sexually attracted to Muppets? Andrea's elegant persona was destroyed as she laughed so hard martini shot out of her nose.
Molly Harper
#66. I know how to use the safety.-Andrea, the Walking Dead S3 finale
Robert Kirkman
#67. Dr. Grime carries a Tide stain pen. He does not use his own spit. Art conservators do. "We make cotton swabs on bamboo sticks and moisten the swab in our mouths," says Andrea Chevalier, senior paintings conservator with the Intermuseum Conservation Association.
Mary Roach
#68. Reaching up, reaching out
but still we take you..."
~ Andrea Koehle Jones, My Persephone
Andrea Koehle Jones
#69. Daryl Dixon: [to Andrea] Shoot me again? You best pray I'm dead.
The Walking Dead
#70. Andrea: " ... I think a dog is a great idea. I just never pictured you with a mutant poodle."
Kate: "He isn't a poodle. He's a Doberman mix."
Andrea: "Aha. Keep telling yourself that.
Ilona Andrews
#71. It's your duty as my best friend to be outraged with me."
"I'm outraged!" I snarled. "That bastard!"
"Thank you," Andrea said.
Ilona Andrews
#72. We sailed to Italy on the Andrea Doria, a year before it sank, and Zoot (Sims) and I played a lot of ping-pong on deck during that trip. Zoot sparked that [Gerry Mulligan's] sextet in an extraordinary way, soloing with joyous abandon and infusing the ensemble parts with his special brand of swing.
Bill Crow
#73. I have had it up to here with my wedding," I said. "The other day Andrea tried to explain to me that apparently I am supposed to have a new thing, an old thing, a blue thing, and something stolen."
"Borrowed, Kate," Barabas murmured.
"Who the hell even makes up those rules?
Ilona Andrews
#74. He's quite horrible, Virek, I think . . ." Marly hesitated. "Quite likely," Andrea said, taking another sip of coffee. "Do you expect anyone that wealthy to be a nice, normal sort?" "I felt, at one point, that he wasn't quite human. Felt that very strongly.
William Gibson
#75. An opera singer is like an athlete before a match. An athlete cannot overdo anything. In order to perform at the highest possible level, you need to refrain from activities so as to be able to express this power.
Andrea Bocelli
#76. We are all instruments pulling the bows across our own lungs. Windmills, still startling in every storm. Have you ever seen a newborn blinking at the light? I wanna do that every day. I wanna know what the kite called itself when it got away, when it escaped into the night ...
Andrea Gibson
#77. Men have defined the parameters of every subject. All feminist arguments, however radical in intent or consequence, are with or against assertions or premises implicit in the male system, which is made credible or authentic by the power of men to name.
Andrea Dworkin
#78. What do you mean fainted?
Took a dive, kissed the pavement. Swooned like a southern belle after her first kiss. Had a dreadful case of the vapors.
Ilona Andrews
#79. Coffee should be drunk in equal parts with sugar.
Andrea Cremer
#80. Are you in pain?' I asked, because I know that everything in the world that matters shows up as some kind of pain. Or pang. Joy included.
Andrea Seigel
#81. Hey, can you teach me the word for friend that you wrote on my card?"
"Peng you," I say.
"Peng you," she says, only instead of pung yo, it sounds like penguin. "Shee shee for being my penguin," she says.
Andrea Cheng
#82. TV's not the problem, and I'm tired of it being posed as this antithesis to creativity and productivity. If TV's getting in your way of writing a book, then you don't want to write a book bad enough.
Andrea Seigel
#83. Adam's hands wrapped around her waist, his fingers splayed across her lower back, pulling her against him and eliminating the space between them. His kiss deepened as his tongue moved against hers.
Andrea Johnson Beck
#84. Other people sing in the shower, but I don't.
Andrea Corr
#85. The cultural institutions which embody and enforce those interlocked aberrations-for instance, law, art, religion, nation-states, the family, tribe, or commune based on father-right-these institutions are real and they must be destroyed.
Andrea Dworkin
#86. The Nick Boles text is kiboshed [Mike] Gove's chances. It undermined people's confidence in him. It made it look as if he's been conspiring all along. It did more damage to his reputation than anything else.
Andrea Leadsom
#87. Every lover is a storm chaser.
Every good heart has lost its roof.
Andrea Gibson
#88. To be honest, she may be kind of scared of the register. Or maybe she can't add. She is a Christian. I don't think they believe in math.
Andrea Portes
#89. Roan rubbed his eyes, restraining the urge to ask if "light domination" meant he liked having his dates order for him in restaurants.
Andrea Speed
#90. Severe mental illness like psychosis can lead to a tragedy like this - that people can see things that aren't real and hear things that aren't real and believe things that aren't real, and act in that distorted reality.
Andrea Yates
#91. In three long strides, Chris was leaning into me, pressing my back up against the building His palms flattened against mine, our fingers interlocking above my head. "Let me uncomplicate things for you." He closed his eyes, leaned his head forward, and pressed his lips against mine.
Andrea K. Robbins
#94. Do you think anger is a sincere emotion or the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain?
Andrea Gibson
#95. Men are distinguished from women by their commitment to do violence rather than to be victimized by it.
Andrea Dworkin
#96. [On women in previously all-male fields:] I think it will change in a lot of workplaces. I'm not so sure it will ever change on Capitol Hill until more women are in powerful positions. Because this is the last plantation for men.
Andrea Mitchell
#97. I learned everything I ever need to know about questioning artful dodgers by covering the most artful of them all, Ronald Reagan. For Reagan, performance was as much a part of governing as understanding the details of the federal budget.
Andrea Mitchell
#98. I wish for a heart you can see straight through, for a voice that glows in the dark, and a few really good friends to say, That's the way to go.
Andrea Gibson
#99. He fills my thoughts, my dreams, and my nightmares. The memory of him, and his touch, pound on the door to my soul with such force that cracks are forming in the wood. I do my best to act like no one is home by keeping the door locked and the lights off.
Andrea Randall
#100. I'm going to keep on loving you until you tell me to stop. But don't, please. Don't tell me to stop.
Andrea Randall
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