Top 100 Knowing You Sayings
#1. I love getting fan mail. Often, as a writer, you never know what your readers think of a book ... you get critical reviews and sales figures, but none of that is the same as knowing you've made a person stay up all night reading, or helped them have a good cry, or really touched their life.
Jodi Picoult
#2. Once I got to know you, I would come to find it was that I wouldn't want to watch another sun rise or set without knowing you're mine. I don't have a lot to offer you yet, but without you, I'll never be anything. Together, we can do anything, and I promise to keep you safe for all of eternity.
Jody Morse
#3. You know what's worse than being a sick son-of-a-bitch? Knowing you're a sick son-of-a-bitch.
T.M. Frazier
#4. I'd never had a host that was capable of superstition. It was an interesting sensation. Like knowing you were being watched without being able to find the watcher. It raised goose bumps on the nape of my neck.
Stephenie Meyer
#5. Novel writing is mostly triage (this now, that later) and obstinacy. Trying something, and when that doesn't work, trying something else. Welcoming clutter Surrendering a good idea for a better one. Knowing you won't find the finish line for a year or two, or five ...
Richard Russo
#6. Loving someone so much and knowing you can't be with them was cripplingly painful.
Marie Coulson
#7. All these girls jog. You know what that means, right? It was nice knowing you, Blake Hunter.
Jay McLean
#8. Because there was only one thing worse than dying. And that was knowing you were going to die. And where. And how. ("Death Ship")
Richard Matheson
#9. Your presence we will always miss, but the memories I will treasure, we had some happy times dear friend knowing you was a gift of pleasure.
Susan Smith
#11. When I was a kid, there was no collaboration; it's you with a camera bossing your friends around. But as an adult, filmmaking is all about appreciating the talents of the people you surround yourself with and knowing you could never have made any of these films by yourself.
Steven Spielberg
#12. If you go to the line knowing you have given it absolutely 100% in every training session you have done, you know that there's nothing else you could have done and that helps you to deal with the pressure.
Chris Hoy
#13. I've watched you barely escape death several times, and each instance killed me a little inside. They may be dormant now, but we have enemies both cunning and cruel. Knowing you possess the power to defeat most of them doesn't threaten me, luv. It relieves me to my very core.
Jeaniene Frost
#14. There is somewhere someone who will feel lucky knowing you. And if lucky enough, loving you.
Isabel Vincent
#15. Fight death all your days, and die knowing you know nothing.
Ardel Wray
#16. When they said you wouldn't amount to anything, God saw the best in you. You can smile and have joy knowing you have favor in Him. God qualified you.
Amaka Imani Nkosazana
#17. I love stories of female empowerment. I love stories of, "Hey, I'm an ordinary person." "No, you're not!" I love stories about not knowing you have it in you, but when called to task, you rise and you find out who you are.
Joseph McGinty Nichol
#18. Then come out," said the king, helping him, "knowing you'll never die of a fall unless the god himself drops you.
Megan Whalen Turner
#19. Hey, I know you're beaten down. But get up. Get up until you can't anymore. Then, when you go, you go knowing you gave it all.
Andy Hyland
#20. It is better to wake up alone, knowing you are alone, than to wake up with someone, still being lonely.
Liv Ullmann
#21. Knowing you still have possibilities is a luxury.
Jojo Moyes
#22. We shared. Parents. Home. Pets. Celebrations. Catastrophes. Secrets. And the threads of our experience became so interwoven that we are linked. I can never be utterly lonely, knowing you share the planet.
Pam Brown
#23. The thing about knowing you're broken is that knowing is not enough to fix it.
John Goode
#24. I will not die. I will not break. I will not move. Face it. You'll go to your grave knowing you never had what it took to stop me.
Henry Rollins
#25. She tried not to think about what it would be like running across the airfield to the radio room an hour from now, under fire. But she did it. Because you do. It is incredible what you do, knowing you have to.
Elizabeth Wein
#26. Which was worse? Mourning the loss of something without knowing you never actually had it, or mourning the loss of what you thought you had and never had at all?
Susan Meissner
#27. Knowing you want to do something isn't the same as knowing how to do it, and even knowing how to do something isn't the same as actually doing it well.
Meg Jay
#28. Is there anything more solid, more right, than knowing you child was where she ought to be?
Jodi Picoult
#29. Part of the danger of living so long, knowing you were going to come back and back again, was putting off your life until you never lived it at all. Just so it was possible. Just so long as you could, you never actually did. Just so you didn't ruin it.
Ann Brashares
#30. You took me to adventure and to love. We two have shared great joy and great sorrow. And now I stand at the gate of the paddock watching you run in an ecstasy of freedom, knowing you will return to stand quietly, loyally, beside me.
Pam Brown
#31. At best, love is simply the slipping of a hand in another's, of knowing you are where you belong at last, and of exchanging through the eyes that all-consuming regard which ignores everybody else on earth.
Laurie Lee
#32. Use the powerful tool of thought and develop your mindset to believing and knowing you can change anything to your favour; yes, you have God's Word so fashion your thought according to God's Word.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
#33. Always go into a sales call knowing you're going to close the sale.
Timi Nadela
#34. Few pleasures are greater than knowing you can close your door, ignore the world and create your own.
Tibor Fischer
#35. One idea I explore in my stand-up show is whether, if you try looking at the universe rationally and avoid coping mechanisms like mysticism or religion, you can still be happy knowing you are going to die after a brief time on this spinning ball.
Robin Ince
#36. You feel like a criminal. Knowing you can knock somebody out and know you can put somebody in a temporary coma, that's what you want to go for. It shows how strong, how powerful a person can be to be able to do that.
Henry Cejudo
#37. The saddest feeling is knowing you deserve freedom and still feeling caged.
Janelle Gray
#38. A Soul Knowing: You are the sum total of the Body, Mind, and Soul, and each of these aspects of you has a purpose and a function, but only one has an agenda: the Soul.
Neale Donald Walsch
#39. There is an unfair responsibility that comes with being an only child - you grow up knowing you aren't allowed to disappoint, you're not even allowed to die.
Gillian Flynn
#40. Having you in my life has mended my soul, helped me to believe I'm more... that I matter. Knowing you has made me whole.
RaShelle Workman
#41. You know home isn't really about what color your couch is or what you hang on the wall... Home is about knowing you are in the right place with the right people.
Jay Crownover
#43. As a developer, it's a great feeling knowing you have made an impact. There's also a lot of responsibility that goes with that: you have to really put the city's needs first. It's not all about making money.
Stephen M. Ross
#44. Peace comes by knowing you're dearly loved by the Lord, Who gives to His children the Holy Spirit to dwell within, to make their witness strong, so that one day they will be as a tree, fruitful and blessed with the wisdom of the forest.
Calvin W. Allison
#45. There are aspects of small town life that I really like - the routine nature of it, the idea of people knowing you and your likes and dislikes.
Cress Williams
#46. Maybe I am losing it. They say a big sign of mental illness is not knowing you have it. But isn't it real insanity to go through the world ignoring people in front of you? All your friends were strangers before they became friends. I sneak glances at the darling strangers on the subway.
Dakota Lane
#47. I was a dancer of no repute. But dance taught me a lot. You walk into a dance studio knowing you have to walk out with a dance. You improvise.
Dan Phillips
#48. Be patient with all that is unsolved in your life. Learn to love the questions themselves, until some distant day, without your knowing, you will have lived into the answers.
Rainer Maria Rilke
#49. I shall leave the world, I feel, with more satisfaction for having come to know you. Knowing you persuades me more than the Bible of our immortality
Herman Melville
#50. There is no better insurance than the knowledge of how to do something the right way. There is no greater peace of mind than knowing you did it the right way.
Jerry G. West
#51. You're not supposed to look perfect while you're making babies. Making babies is the perfection. It's about feeling good in clothes and knowing you can get dressed up in the evening, work it for a minute, and maybe get back in a certain pair of jeans. But there's just no such thing as perfection.
Drew Barrymore
#52. The good news is I survived knowing you. The bad news is you were something I had to survive.
Fortesa Latifi
#53. Chasing your dreams is like running a race in the dark, you may quit disheartened, not knowing you were one step away from the finish line.
Prerna Kumar
#54. You shrunk and bottled in a glass jar, you're a portable saint. Knowing you is like knowing Jesus. There are billions of us and only one of you so I don't expect much from you personally. There are no answers to my life. But I'm touched by you and fulfilled just by believing.
Chris Kraus
#55. There's nothing better than seeing people you know being able to work and support their families. Knowing you have a little hand in it? Now, that really makes you feel good.
Kid Rock
#56. ... love born of the worst kind of loss, of knowing you could lose, and of the sobering knowledge that these cherished moments they chose to grasp this night were stolen from the hands of time.
Susan Rodgers
#58. You only live once and you don't know it because of the everyday activities, but if you walk around knowing you only have one time on this planet, you'll make a whole lot more of it.
Jordan Knight
#59. Well, unless you've suffered from panic attacks and social anxiety disorders, which is what I was diagnosed as having, it's hard to explain it. But you go on stage knowing you're actually physically going to die. You will keel over and die.
Donny Osmond
#60. Children, Landon said, are good at getting lost, because "the key in survival is knowing you're lost": they don't stray far, they curl up in some sheltered place at night, they know they need help.
Rebecca Solnit
#61. To be censored is one sure way of knowing you have been taken dead seriously. It also speaks to the continuing power of the printed word, almost fifteen hundred years after that amazing invention.
Felice Picano
#62. For of all hard things to bear and grin, / The hardest is knowing you're taken in.
Phoebe Cary
#63. A partner to share the ups and downs with. Honor and strength, and knowing you're stronger together than apart
Donna Alward
#64. The other side is beyond knowing. You cannot know what you experience on the other side, here. Wisdom is beyond the grasp of the conscious mind.
Frederick Lenz
#65. There is no greater impotence in all the world like knowing you are right and that the wave of the world is wrong, yet the wave crashes upon you.
Norman Mailer
#66. It turns out the mark of a happy life isn't staying just one step ahead of the grim reaper. It's knowing you're strong.
Robyn Carr
#67. But she did it. Because you do. It is incredible what you do, knowing you have to. A
Elizabeth Wein
#68. I know what that's like," he says. "The way you can be saved without ever knowing you were in trouble.
Megan Abbott
#69. [He] said don't let them take you over. Walk into the room knowing you are the best. Shoulders back, chin up. Their attitudes will totally change.
Misty Copeland
#70. When you do nothing you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.
Maya Angelou
#71. I like the idea of feeling small. Sometimes life can seem bigger than you, you know? But knowing you're less than a speck in the whole scheme of things takes the pressure off, sort of.
Anna Banks
#72. Simply knowing you exist, ain't good enough for me
Kate Nash
#73. Walk into a room, knowing you are somebody, somebody special. Don't ever let them smash that or pull you down.
Arthur Mitchell
#74. I'm tough on myself in terms of the standards I want to live up to, but that's also part of my pleasure: Knowing you are being your fullest self. Being your fullest self is a lot of work.
Natalie Portman
#75. You always worry and you always fear what's next. But you eventually just push forward knowing you can't really do much about getting rid of the anxiety. You see people get pets after their kids leave the house because they're so used to having something around to dote on and worry about.
Drew Magary
#76. The grace is not about forgetting, but knowing you can start anew.
Ana Tejano
#77. All my parents do is drink. They hate me. Do you know what it's like waking up every morning knowing you're not good enough? there are only two things wrong with me-everything I do and everything I say. They'll never be happy until I'm dead
Ben Mikaelsen
#78. Pocahontas, look at me, I'd rather die tomorrow than live 100 years without knowing you.
John Smit
#79. If you are thinking without knowing you are thinking, you are confused about who and what you are.
Sam Harris
#80. Sometimes knowing you're not alone in your feelings - especially your tragedies - can make all the difference.
Lisa Kessler
#81. To grow up knowing you're loved is astounding. It's a huge gift to a child.
Ted Danson
#82. I do, 'Merama,' Deven piped up. 'I know exactly what she means. We need to send them love and see them coming home in our mind. If we wish and believe we can be together again.'
'Yas!' said Zahra strongly. 'Young one has knowing. You must that do!
Marcha A. Fox
#83. You know, Maude ... somebody meeting you for the first time
not knowing you were cracked
might get the wrong impression of you.
Preston Sturges
#84. It's one thing knowing you people cheering you on, yet another to know they have walked in your footsteps.
Christine Magnus Moore
#85. It was a nice feeling. Like starting out on a long walk, and knowing you're headed in the right direction.
Barry Martin
#86. I never get sick of writing my own stories because there's a certain comfort in knowing you will never run out of material. It's relaxing, actually, to write.
Augusten Burroughs
#87. Life is so impermanent that it's not about somebody else or things around me, it's about knowing you are completely alone in this world and being content inside.
K.d. Lang
#88. Nothing ruins a good thing quite like knowing you share your opinions with mindless little tits.
Yahtzee Croshaw
#89. Learn to watch your drama unfold while at the same time knowing you are more than your drama.
Ram Dass
#90. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that's so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end.
Bob Marley
#91. Because after a time having a secret and nobody knowing you have a secret is no fun. And although you don't want others to know what the secret is, you want them to at least know you have one.
E.L. Konigsburg
#92. Just knowing you're not alone is often enough to kindle hope amid tragic circumstances.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#93. Avoid doctors like the bubonic plague. On some level I know it's ignorant, but I think the stress of knowing you have a fatal disease kills faster than the disease itself.
Emma Chase
#94. The hardest part about being a kid is knowing you have got your whole life ahead of you.
Jane Wagner
#95. Confidence comes from hard work. It comes from facing different situations and making putts. It comes from knowing you've worked on the right things, so when you get under the gun, you can execute what you've practiced.
David Duval
#96. Fulfillment in knowing you are doing what God called you to do is far better than merely feeling comfortable.
Lorna Dobson
#97. There's a lot of satisfaction that comes from knowing you're doing your best, and there's even more that comes when it begins to pay off. I
Alex Ferguson
#98. Wisdom is knowing you know nothing
#99. A mother draws a map for her child and places herself at the center of it. Her death wipes that map clean. She leaves you knowing you must redraw it to survive and yet not knowing where to start.
Kate Kerrigan
#100. It was about knowing you were going to be underestimated by everyone and then punishing them for those very thoughts.
Carrie Brownstein
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