Top 100 Jojo Moyes Quotes
#1. block three times in search of a suitable parking space. We got there, and almost before I had closed the door behind him he said all the work was terrible. I
Jojo Moyes
#2. All babies look like currant buns to me.
Jojo Moyes
#3. He will be out there, living his life to the full, when she seems to have put hers perennially on hold.
Jojo Moyes
#4. I clicked on the link, which showed a picture of a reed-thin blond woman with an artfully tousled chignon smiling as she stood
Jojo Moyes
#5. I thought he was the saddest person I had ever met, in those moments when I glimpsed him staring out the window.
Jojo Moyes
#6. The morning sagged and decided to last for several years. I couldn't remember the last time minutes and hours stretched so interminably.
Jojo Moyes
#7. I'm going to end up like my mother. She left it too late to remember who she actually was before she became a wife.
Jojo Moyes
#8. The morning dragged and lasted two years.
Jojo Moyes
#9. I wanted to live as Edouard did, joyfully, sucking the marrow out of every moment and singing because it tasted so good.
Jojo Moyes
#10. The city, compelling as it was, felt like a glamorous couture dress I had bought in haste but that didn't quite fit me after all.
Jojo Moyes
#11. Marveling at the 180 degree swings of life in general.
Jojo Moyes
#12. Life was a series of obstacles that just had to be negotiated,
Jojo Moyes
#13. I hadn't realized that music could unlock things in you, could transport you to somewhere even the composer hadn't predicted. It left an imprint in the air around you, as if you carried its remnants with you when you went.
Jojo Moyes
#14. She was beautiful. As always she looked like she'd meant to head for somewhere else but at the last minute she'd decided to stop by you, as a favor, you understand.
Jojo Moyes
#15. The dark was oppressive, unrelieved by any neighbouring buildings or sodium light. It felt primeval,
Jojo Moyes
#16. I felt a sudden wave of sympathy for her. It couldn't be easy being my mother.
Jojo Moyes
#17. I had put on a bright yellow T-shirt in the hope that it would make me look happier than I felt.
Jojo Moyes
#18. She was always tired, these days. She put on one of those smiles that wasn't really a smile at all, and they went on.
Jojo Moyes
#19. At his apartment she peed with the bathroom door open. It sounded like a visiting horse was relieving itself.
Jojo Moyes
#20. So I stuck that in the back of my mental filing cabinet too, under the drawer labeled: Unthinkable.
Jojo Moyes
#21. I always think this is the kind of place that people come back to. When they've become tired of everything else. Or when they don't have enough imagination to go anywhere else.
Jojo Moyes
#22. His stomach, a packed elevator, began a slow descent toward his feet.
Jojo Moyes
#23. Perhaps we all harbor a perverse need to get close to things that might destroy us.
Jojo Moyes
#24. I don't think he'll be able to see you over the radio," Frances ventured. "But I still want to look nice for him." Margaret
Jojo Moyes
#25. It was nice to feel something other than anxiety, or mute fury, the twin emotions that seemed to make up so much of my daily life.
Jojo Moyes
#26. Good things happen to good people.
Jojo Moyes
#27. I felt the music like a physical thing; it didn't just sit in my ears, it flowed through me, around me, made my senses vibrate. It made my skin prickle and my palms dampen.
Jojo Moyes
#28. It was as if I had lost a layer of skin - I woke up laughing, or crying.
Jojo Moyes
#29. Vicariously,'" she said slowly. "You'll have to tell me what that means, Anthony." The way she said his name induced a kind of intimacy. It promised something, a repetition in some future time. "It means" - Anthony's mouth had dried - "it means pleasure gained through the pleasure of someone else.
Jojo Moyes
#32. The fact that I am no longer tormented by your proximity, or presented with daily evidence of my inability to have the one thing I truly want, has not healed me. It
Jojo Moyes
#33. We want a macho high-earner - with the sensitivity of Gok Wan. We want a man with Brad Pitt's six-pack - but one who's prepared to overlook our own muffin top. No wonder most men don't know if they're coming or going.
Jojo Moyes
#34. Just a few weeks away from home could rub the familiarity right off someone.
Jojo Moyes
#35. A stylish person, for me, is one who draws your eye without necessarily being showy; they wear clothes that are beautifully cut, flatter the wearer, and show that they are not impervious to fashion, but not a slave to it either.
Jojo Moyes
#36. What do you say, Will? Going to give me a whirl?"
"Come on. Let's give these fuckers something to talk about.
Jojo Moyes
#37. Especially when he is plainly unable to move,
and is saying, gently, 'Clark. Please. Just come
over here. Please,
Jojo Moyes
#38. You don't have to let that one thing be the thing that defines you.
Jojo Moyes
#39. Time seemed to have stretched and become meaningless anyway, its passage blurred by endless drinks and meandering conversations.
Jojo Moyes
#40. It's like he's determined not to see the good in anything.
Jojo Moyes
#41. things will be hard but once you get past the hard part, it will get easier
Jojo Moyes
#42. secured in the back, and his smart jacket hung neatly over
Jojo Moyes
#43. It is the death of hope that comes as the greatest relief
Jojo Moyes
#44. No more nightmares about the Fishers?"
"Last night," Tanzie said, "I dreamed about a cabbage that could roller-skate. It was called Kevin."
Mum gave her a long look. "Right.
Jojo Moyes
#45. Moving on doesn't mean you loved my dad any less, you know.
Jojo Moyes
#47. We are all part of some great cycle, some pattern that it was only God's purpose to understand.
Jojo Moyes
#48. My characters make incomprehensible decisions until you stand in their shoes. Then it makes more sense. Life is very rarely black and white, and most people are trying to do their best. I try not to judge.
Jojo Moyes
#49. I ache, I rattle with supplements, and my grandchildren cannot believe I have ever been anything but prehistoric.
Jojo Moyes
#50. Check his wheelchair for anthrax and ammunition
Jojo Moyes
#52. What are you saying?" He fought to keep his voice under control. "You love me but there's no hope for us?
Jojo Moyes
#53. I simply believe that sometimes the fates have a future for us that we cannot imagine. And to enable them we just have to keep believing that good things will happen.
Jojo Moyes
#54. So Lily's mouth would open and nothing would come out, then Louisa would start rattling on about meeting her grandmother or whether she had eaten something and she had realized she was on her own.
Jojo Moyes
#55. I want him to live if HE wants to live. If he doesn't, then by forcing him to carry on, you, me ... we become just another shitty bunch of people taking away his choices.
Jojo Moyes
#56. You should just keep your mouth shout! It gets very tedious having you make a snarky comment about everything that someone says in this group.
Jojo Moyes
#57. How is it possible to exist with so much pain?
Jojo Moyes
#58. Hannah ran past, beaming. I remember that feeling
when you're a kid and it's your birthday and for one day everyone makes you feel like the most special person in the world.
Jojo Moyes
#59. I am not plain, but I don't think anyone is ever going to call me beautiful. I don't have that graceful thing going on.
Jojo Moyes
#60. Don't think of me too often. I don't want to think of you getting all maudlin. Just live well. Just live.
Jojo Moyes
#61. My voice, when it emerged, cracked a little. I'm not in love with a ghost.
Jojo Moyes
#62. I'm still a doughnut, okay?" I said. "I want to be a bun. I really do. But I'm still a doughnut.
Jojo Moyes
#65. Do you know how hard it is to say nothing? When every atom of you strains to do the opposite? I had practiced not saying anything the whole way from the airport, and it was still nearly killing me.
Jojo Moyes
#66. This was the story of our lives: minor insurrections, tiny victories, a brief chance to ridicule our oppressors, little floating vessels of hope amid a great sea of uncertainty, deprivation and fear.
Jojo Moyes
#67. but we men are so thumpingly incapable of seeing what is before us. It
Jojo Moyes
#68. I love you, babe. And, satisfied, he rolled off, threw an arm back over his head, and was asleep within minutes. When
Jojo Moyes
#69. Sometimes just getting through each day requires almost superhuman strength.
Jojo Moyes
#70. Teenagers are basically toddlers with hormones - old enough to want to do stuff without having any of the common sense.
Jojo Moyes
#71. It seemed unfair that despite the fact he could not use them, or feel them, his extremities should cause him so much discomfort.
Jojo Moyes
#72. I have always written. I was one of those kids who would always fill exercise books with girls and telepathic ponies.
Jojo Moyes
#73. He smelled of warm, sleepy male. She had forgotten what a weirdly potent scent that was.
Jojo Moyes
#74. But then I knew better than anyone how the persona you chose to present to the world could be very different from what was really inside. I knew how grief could make you behave in ways you couldn't even begin to understand.
Jojo Moyes
#75. Can't you feel this ? Don't walk away ... ", she wills him silently.
"Please don't walk away from me ...
Jojo Moyes
#76. She abhorred a conversational vacuum.
Jojo Moyes
#77. So with the loss of my family as well as the man I had loved, every thread that had linked me to who I was had been abruptly cut. I felt as if I had simply floated off, untethered, to some unknown universe.
Jojo Moyes
#78. Handsome husband, who adores you, and a wardrobe any woman
Jojo Moyes
#79. Do you know how stifling it is to be told you are never going to be able to change? For the rest of your life? Because nobody else wants you to? Do you know how awful it is to feel stuck?
Jojo Moyes
#80. I know I shouldn't be," he murmured, "but I woke up really happy." His face scanned hers. "I mean, like, really, stupidly happy. Like even though my whole life is a disaster, I just ... I feel okay. I look at you, and I feel okay.
Jojo Moyes
#81. Spring arrived overnight, as if winter, like some unwanted guest, had abruptly shrugged its way into its coat and vanished, without saying good-bye.
Jojo Moyes
#82. Studies course, so they can take me for the beginning of the next term." "What about Thomas?" "There's a nursery on campus. We
Jojo Moyes
#83. When you looked at me with those limitless, deliquescent eyes of yours, I used to wonder what it was you could possibly see in me. Now I know that is a foolish view of love. You and I could no more not love each other than the earth could stop circling the sun.
Jojo Moyes
#84. All the stuff that was important or interesting about me was what I couldn't share.
Jojo Moyes
#85. The young are right to be fearless, she reminded herself. Remember yourself at that age.
Jojo Moyes
#86. I started writing novels by not thinking about actually writing a whole novel - that felt altogether too daunting. I thought out a rough idea, then wrote chapter by chapter, and then by the time I'd hit 40,000 words, it was a challenge just to see if I could get to the end.
Jojo Moyes
#88. Bringing in an old woman with breathing problems, caught
Jojo Moyes
#89. watering the Japanese anemones naked again last week and you know what the police said about that. Liv x The last
Jojo Moyes
#90. He had a dozen arguments with her before breakfast, and a thousand passionate reconciliations before he went to sleep.
Jojo Moyes
#91. I sang in the shower, lay awake dreaming. I wore my old dresses, my brightly colored cardigans and my satin pumps, and let myself be enclosed in a bubble of happiness, conscious that bubbles only ever existed for so long before they popped anyway.
Jojo Moyes
#92. Because there would be lonely days. And bad days. And days when I wondered what the hell I had just agreed to be part of. Because that was all part of the adventure too.
Jojo Moyes
#93. Will's eyes locked onto mine and despite everything,
Jojo Moyes
#94. And all babies were God's blessing, even those who said bugger quite a lot, and whose presence meant that half the potential wage earners in our family couldn't actually go and get a decent job.
Jojo Moyes
#95. Heartbreak was a luxury too costly for the single parent.
Jojo Moyes
#96. I write in all sorts of places; it's a legacy of my time as a journalist, where I could turn out copy in a hotel corridor. But I have a little office that I rent in my local town, and that's my ideal place.
Jojo Moyes
#97. I couldn't tell him that I wasn't sad when i was with him. I couldn't tell him that he made me so happy I was afraid of it.
Jojo Moyes
#98. You know, you don't dress like someone from round here. I quite look forward to seeing what insane combination you're going to turn up in next.
Jojo Moyes
#99. I . . . I'm not someone who can just . . . leave someone behind.
Jojo Moyes
#100. Sit here long enough you get to know everything. You listen, see ?"
She taps the side of her head.
"Nobody listens any more. Everyone knows what they want to hear, but nobody actually listens.
Jojo Moyes
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