Top 100 I Look Back Quotes

#1. I look back on the last 10 years and I have to say I'm proud of what I have accomplished, because I've been able to raise two beautiful children.

Pamela Anderson

I Look Back Quotes #1318918
#2. All these people, all these things came into my life, and they're all blessings from God. And now that I look back, I realize that these are His fingerprints all over my story.

Jeremy Lin

I Look Back Quotes #858761
#3. When I look back on my life-and an extraordinary transformation is happening again to me right now - I describe it as my "point of observation" is moving. It is moving because my range of frequencies I am accessing is becoming greater. It's not because I'm something special because anyone can do it.

David Icke

I Look Back Quotes #871473
#4. I had an older brother, an older sister and a younger brother, and though I look back fondly on my childhood, I think that when you've got four siblings sharing the same resources and a single kids' bathroom, it's going to get a little tense at times.

Jeff Kinney

I Look Back Quotes #872549
#5. When I look back, I can see why people thought I was aggressive. My first single, 'Do It Like A Dude,' resulted in a lot of misconceptions about me. I'm confident - but I'm not arrogant.

Jessie J.

I Look Back Quotes #875915
#6. I look back at pictures of myself and I remember thinking, "I was so fat when I was growing up. I was 165 pounds when I graduated from high school. I was a mess".

Viola Davis

I Look Back Quotes #888962
#7. Sometimes when I look back on myself on those earlier records, there was so much effort going in, so much trying. With this, I was trying to make it much more laid back.

Kate Bush

I Look Back Quotes #889860

Darynda Jones

I Look Back Quotes #890074
#9. When I look back to when I had my first son, I was unhappy. I couldn't understand why the weight wasn't just falling off.

Nicole Sullivan

I Look Back Quotes #900088
#10. I've been really fortunate that I've been at a lot of critical crossroads in my musical journey. When I look back, there are some pretty interesting things to look at.

Robbie Robertson

I Look Back Quotes #900977
#11. When I look back at many of the moments of wonder, awe, or terror that I've got from science fiction, it's often been because I've been put in the head of one of the characters.

Alastair Reynolds

I Look Back Quotes #905314
#12. All my success seems to come straight away, and it's not until later that I get to appreciate it. Like with 'Popstars,' I won the competition, and now I look back and go, 'God, I was lucky to have number-one singles and albums.'

Sophie Monk

I Look Back Quotes #906950
#13. As I look back on it now, it's obvious that studying history and philosophy was much better preparation for the stock market than, say, studying statistics.

Peter Lynch

I Look Back Quotes #911075
#14. There's something I forgot to do. I know I left something I didn't mean to.But when I look back in the rear-view mirror, no one's there. There's nothing at all. Nothing.

Alexandra Bracken

I Look Back Quotes #916138
#15. I learnt my best lessons from some of the worst people & I look back now and think thank fuck I let you go, I deserved to grow.

Nikki Rowe

I Look Back Quotes #923211
#16. You imagine that I look back on my life's work with calm satisfaction. But from nearby it looks quite different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm, and I feel uncertain whether I am in general on the right track.

Albert Einstein

I Look Back Quotes #931832
#17. My mother encouraged it so much. She was so supportive. Even if as a kid, I would do the dumbest trick, which now that I look back on some things, she would love it, she would say that's amazing, or if I'd make the ugliest drawing, she would hang it up. She was amazing.

David Blaine

I Look Back Quotes #933832
#18. I look back on it, yeah, I'm in a much worse financial position than I was eight years ago. I'm going to have to go out at age 62 and kind of readdress some of that.

Bruce Babbitt

I Look Back Quotes #959259
#19. [In response to the question "Do you think that you underestimated the insurgency's strength?"] I think so. I guess if I look back on it now, I don't think anybody anticipated the level of violence that we've encountered.

Dick Cheney

I Look Back Quotes #959455
#20. As I look back on my life, I see it as one long obstacle course with myself as the main obstacle.

Jack Paar

I Look Back Quotes #964438
#21. When I look back I can't believe I was so stupid as to direct Dealer's Choice.

Patrick Marber

I Look Back Quotes #968574
#22. When I look back at The Judy Garland Show, I have such mixed feelings. It broke my mother's heart when they canceled it.

Lorna Luft

I Look Back Quotes #973954
#23. Time is a curious thing. When you have it before you, it's something you take for granted and it moves slowly. Then, as you get older, it accelerates. When I look back, it seems such a long distance travelled, so long ago, so dream-like.

Bernard Sumner

I Look Back Quotes #974808
#24. If I look back I am lost.

George R R Martin

I Look Back Quotes #977744
#25. When I look back on my reading habits when I was really young, I was really drawn to stories about strong girls who in some ways are outsiders.

Jesmyn Ward

I Look Back Quotes #980852
#26. Sometimes I look back and think, "How did I write that? The book is smarter than I am!" I have never written strategically, but rather, followed the dictates of my muse.

Dan Millman

I Look Back Quotes #981720
#27. I look back over my career and I almost pissed it away. I got a second chance and I've made the most of my opportunity. I play every game like it's the last game of my career.

Albert Belle

I Look Back Quotes #982945
#28. If I look back when I begin to leave, will they remember me?

Owl City

I Look Back Quotes #983480
#29. I look back on tremendous efforts & exhaustion & dismal looking out of a tent door on to a dismal world of snow and vanishing hopes - & yet, & yet, & yet there have been a good many things to see the other side.

George Leigh Mallory

I Look Back Quotes #993867
#30. I was the worst kind of fool. When I look back on that August night, changed forever by all my wounds and all my suffering, that undamaged Odd Thomas seems like a different human being from me, immeasurably more confident than I am now, still able to hope, but not as wise, and I mourn for him.

Dean Koontz

I Look Back Quotes #995675
#31. So when my film career took off, I always felt like I was trying to play catch-up because I hadn't studied acting before. I didn't know how to manage money or my career. When I look back, I think I was a little bit shell-shocked.

Lea Thompson

I Look Back Quotes #1008374
#32. I look back at him, determined, adamant. I'm going to tell him no way, no how is he coming with me. I don't care what he says. But then he smiles. And I give in.

Kristen Lippert-Martin

I Look Back Quotes #1011734
#33. I look back one more time. It's like a crater, a hole where something happened.

Emma Donoghue

I Look Back Quotes #1016461
#34. At all events, when I look back upon the boy I was, I see the beginnings of a real person who fades little by little as manhood arrives and advances, until suddenly I am aware that a stranger has taken his place ...

Winston Churchill

I Look Back Quotes #1017893
#35. I look back on our productivity in the 'Mr. Show' days, and think, 'We probably could have worked harder.'

Scott Aukerman

I Look Back Quotes #1019504
#36. My father was a restaurant man, laundry man in his lifetime. And I've often wondered how and why did I become an actor? Where did I get the so-called talent to express myself? And I look back, and I see that my mother was very animated. I can remember that she used to, what she called 'bei zhu.'

James Hong

I Look Back Quotes #1025634
#37. Sometimes I imagine myself looking back on right now and I think like where will I be standing when I look back Will right now look like the beginning of a great life or ... or what

Jennifer Egan

I Look Back Quotes #1027138
#38. I look back at my adolescence, and I'm shocked at the things I did that were my idea of adult behavior.

Katherine Waterston

I Look Back Quotes #1027144
#39. When I look back at the 1980s I pinch myself. Did I really do all that?

Cynthia Payne

I Look Back Quotes #1027727
#40. I'm so happy with the show. There's nothing in this life I'll ever regret - bad or good. I look back, learn from it, and be a better man the next day.

Luis D. Ortiz

I Look Back Quotes #1041451
#41. When I look back at experience [with my father], all I can do is feel pity. You know, how torn he was about how to act, what to say. And it seems an important story to me.

Paul Auster

I Look Back Quotes #1052042
#42. Today, as I look back on those years, I realized there is nothing to understand, that everything is clear to everyone all along.

Eric Gamalinda

I Look Back Quotes #1056955
#43. When I look back at those pictures of my mother performing - and listen to her recordings - it makes me sad to think that all of that joy she found in her work came to an end. I wish she hadn't had to make that sacrifice, even if it was for the benefit of my father and siblings and me.

Marlo Thomas

I Look Back Quotes #1074012
#44. I want to see where and how far I can go as an artist. I look back and see what I've done, and I want to do as much as I can in my lifetime. I love doing it. If I didn't have that passion or love for it, I wouldn't do it.

Paul Weller

I Look Back Quotes #1085892
#45. I look back at photographs and I remember at the time I thought I was not very attractive.

Barbara Cook

I Look Back Quotes #1086053
#46. Sometimes I scrape off a lot. You have on the floor, like cow dung in the field, this big glob of paint ... and it's just a lot of inert matter, inert paint. Then I look back at the canvas, and it's not inert - it's active, moving and living.

Philip Guston

I Look Back Quotes #1093431
#47. As I look back on my life, I understand now that there were some very important moments when my unanswered prayer was actually God's greatest blessing

Suzanne Elizabeth Anderson

I Look Back Quotes #1093580
#48. If I look back on everything I've done and think, 'I couldn't possibly have done anything differently,' then what's the point in doing anything?

Robert Kroese

I Look Back Quotes #1094889
#49. When I look back at the way that I was in that documentary I cringe.

Benjamin Cohen

I Look Back Quotes #1097283
#50. I consider myself pretty lazy, but I look back and check out the stuff I've done, and I say, 'God, that's a lot of stuff for a lazy guy.' It's a paradox, I suppose, being both things.

Jeff Bridges

I Look Back Quotes #1112298
#51. As I look back over fifty years of ministry, I recall innumerable tests, trials and times of crushing pain. But through it all, the Lord has proven faithful, loving, and totally true to all his promises.

David Wilkerson

I Look Back Quotes #1113728
#52. I look back on some of my outfits, and I'm like: 'Why did I wear that? Where are my friends and why didn't they tell me not to leave the house?' If they had, I probably would've said, 'You don't know what you're talking about. This looks amazing.'

Zoe Kravitz

I Look Back Quotes #1117481
#53. I look back now and realize you have to learn the system. Not kiss ass, but you have to learn the system.

Ozzie Guillen

I Look Back Quotes #1118311
#54. I think the major event that shaped my life was being a Naval aviator. I got my commission and wings at 18 years old, and then I went into combat at 19. And I think, as I look back on it, that whole experience probably shaped my life more than any incident, or any event.

George H. W. Bush

I Look Back Quotes #1128204
#55. When I look back on the stuff I used to wear, I wonder why somebody didn't try to stop me. Just a friendly warning, "You may regret this," would have been fine.

Ellen DeGeneres

I Look Back Quotes #1131611
#56. I look back on my work and I think, 'Oh, why didn't I do that differently?'

Frank Oz

I Look Back Quotes #1135376
#57. How many times have I heard people say, 'I became very ill a couple of years ago; it got very serious, and I look back and give thanks for how it changed me and the truth I found.'

Michael Leunig

I Look Back Quotes #1138866
#58. Sometimes, when I look back over my life," said Hannah sadly, "I do not think of all the people who harmed me, but quite often of all the kindnesses and wish I could go back and say 'thank you' properly." She

Marion Chesney

I Look Back Quotes #1139240
#59. It is easy to face Death and Fate, and the things that sound so dreadful. It is on my muddles that I look back with horror
on thethings that I might have avoided.

E. M. Forster

I Look Back Quotes #1141795
#60. As I look back, I see how all things are connected: today as yesterday, we find ourselves no less deeply caught up in the same mystery.

Pope John Paul II

I Look Back Quotes #1144253
#61. There was always something. It's like with this one, there's always something that's mad that I look back on it and go, that's pretty amazing to say that I've done that or been there.

Karl Pilkington

I Look Back Quotes #1148212
#62. Honestly, I spend very little time thinking about past events, and I certainly don't have them ranked in any way. I look back and think that I have done a lot of good work over the years, but I am much more excited about what the future holds.

John Carmack

I Look Back Quotes #1178902
#63. When I look back on my twenties, I just remember being afraid of everything, and in my thirties, I'm actually excited by things. And if things don't work out, you know, by the time you've hit your thirties, you've had your fair share of disappointments.

Anne Hathaway

I Look Back Quotes #1180852
#64. When I look back now, I realize what a trial I must have been to my friends and relatives. It was one frenzy after one elation after one enthusiasm after one hysteria after another. I was always yelling and running somewhere, because I was afraid life was going to be over that very afternoon.

Ray Bradbury

I Look Back Quotes #1196325
#65. Goodbye, Room." I wave up at Skylight. "Say goodbye," I tell Ma. "Goodbye, Room."
Ma says it but on mute.
I look back one more time. It's like a crater, a hole where something happened. Then we go out the door.

Emma Donoghue

I Look Back Quotes #1196774
#66. But when I look back I can't call myself unlucky. My 23rd birthday was December 14. In these years I have had more than most people get in a lifetime.

Ernie Davis

I Look Back Quotes #1201566
#67. I went through an obsession with eyebrows. I used to paint my eyebrows really, really strong. I look back now, and some were a little bit strong.

Tyra Banks

I Look Back Quotes #1202654
#68. I was a big light heavyweight but I feel perfect at heavyweight. When I look back at some of my old fights, I was really just a shell of myself. Now I'm healthy and strong and ready to get to the top.

Antonio Tarver

I Look Back Quotes #1212144
#69. As I look back, I see that life is like a game of solitaire and every once in a while there is a move.

James Salter

I Look Back Quotes #1214283
#70. When I look back on my career - if that's what it is - it looks a bit like a crazy quilt, and I think it's just really because, when one job has finished, I've never really been in a position where I had three or four options.

Alfred Molina

I Look Back Quotes #1225911
#71. When I look back, I don't have regrets. In the moment I am really, really hard on myself, I'm definitely my own worst critic and can be my own worst enemy, and I'm trying very hard not to be that.

Emma Stone

I Look Back Quotes #1231047
#72. At sixty I look back on a life of deep disappointments, of withered hopes, of unlooked for suffering, of severe discipline.

Sarah Moore Grimke

I Look Back Quotes #1241847
#73. When I look back over my novels what I find is that when I think I'm finished with a theme, I'm generally not. And usually themes will recur from novel to novel in odd, new guises.

Richard Russo

I Look Back Quotes #1246511
#74. I look back at my twenties and see that I was much less confident.

Katherine Heigl

I Look Back Quotes #1271567
#75. I've done quite a few records now, and I look back and think of them as documents of my musical journey.

Kieran Hebden

I Look Back Quotes #1282793
#76. I'm not attached to things at all. I'm very lucky to have quite a few beautiful things, but if I look back at my life, I was often happiest when I had very little.

Padma Lakshmi

I Look Back Quotes #1288083
#77. Now I look back and think if I'd spent more time enjoying myself instead of crying into my pillow over men, my 20s would have been fabulous!

Denise Van Outen

I Look Back Quotes #1297170
#78. I look back at myself, this innocent person, and I think, 'Gosh, she's okay.' I handled a lot, and I'm still here.

Brooke Shields

I Look Back Quotes #1297936
#79. When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened

Winston S. Churchill

I Look Back Quotes #1303249
#80. Alone, dying alone. Sentence after apparently unremarkable sentence pass until suddenly I feel myself hit in the solar plexus by the accumulated tension. I look back and ask, How did you do that? I return in memory

Linda Grant

I Look Back Quotes #1317384
#81. At night I leave the lights on in my little house and walks across the flat fields. When I look back from a distance the house is like a boat on the sea. It's really the only time I feel safe.

Will Graham

I Look Back Quotes #1318343
#82. Because thee remains there, it is easier for me to go, for thee can be the shore I look back on, the star that remains fixed."
from "The Last Runaway

Tracy Chevalier

I Look Back Quotes #1654601
#83. When I look back at the last decade, I think the following: There are some very wealthy people, but a lot of their incomes are from financial innovations that do not translate to gains for the average American citizen.

Tyler Cowen

I Look Back Quotes #1736042
#84. What I get fearful about the future, I look back and see how faithful God has been.

Laura Frantz

I Look Back Quotes #1714988
#85. When I look back at my past and the way I grew up, I grew up on communes. That was meant to be.

Robert Carlyle

I Look Back Quotes #1707101
#86. I look back at things I said when I was younger - it was bulls - t. You do what you have to do to go where you have to go, but I look back and I don't believe what that guy was saying.

Nikki Sixx

I Look Back Quotes #1705585
#87. As I look back over the truly crucial events in my life I realize that they were not planned long in advance. Albert Einstein said, 'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.'

Albert Einstein

I Look Back Quotes #1701024
#88. As I look back now I can see that I was a perfect little aristocrat.

James Weldon Johnson

I Look Back Quotes #1699755
#89. When I look back over my career, there was so much stress. And it was because of the business. It was always because of the business.

Raine Maida

I Look Back Quotes #1696598
#90. I did it my way, and I have no regrets when I look back on my career that it was just a big focus for me.

Pete Sampras

I Look Back Quotes #1696109
#91. When I look back on my life, I wonder how I survived - my mother said I had a guardian angel.

Micky Dolenz

I Look Back Quotes #1675356
#92. I look back and understand the world a bit better and know how competitive it is .

Bear Grylls

I Look Back Quotes #1665231
#93. And then after that, running around the bases, it was just one of those things. You couldn't believe what happened to you. And I look back on it, it's almost like it happened to somebody else.

Carlton Fisk

I Look Back Quotes #1610247
#94. When I look back, I'm glad I grew up in a small town. There, it's just you, your family and whatever you make of it.

Champ Bailey

I Look Back Quotes #1597843
#95. When I look back on what I did for the Left, I'm in a small way quite proud of some of it - I only wish I'd done more.

Christopher Hitchens

I Look Back Quotes #1599237
#96. You listen to Handel operas, right? And there are a thousand of them, right? And they all sound alike. If I look back on my work, maybe it's the same thing.

Isaac Mizrahi

I Look Back Quotes #1605057
#97. I look back upon graduate school as being a very happy period in my life. The chance to be thoroughly immersed in physics and to be surrounded by friends pursuing similar goals was a marvelous experience.

David Lee

I Look Back Quotes #1606867
#98. Throughout my career I have been talked out of things I wanted to do, and when I look back, I think I should have followed my instincts.

Halle Berry

I Look Back Quotes #1627170
#99. When I look back, I was so mean to myself, and I was so uncomfortable in my own skin. I still feel that very loudly sometimes, but to try and really nurture that sense that you are your own friend.

Sara Bareilles

I Look Back Quotes #1651496
#100. The pages and the words are my world, spread out before your eyes and for your hand to touch. Vaguely, I can see you face looking down into me, as I look back. Do you see my eyes?

Markus Zusak

I Look Back Quotes #1650330

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