Top 100 David Icke Quotes

#1. The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #63236
#2. The reason most people don't express their individuality and actually deny it, is not fear of what prime ministers think of us or the head of the federal reserve, It's what their families and their friends down at the bar are going to think of them.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #93626
#3. Credo Mutwa, the most knowledgeable man i have ever had the honor of knowing.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #116003
#4. Official history is merely a veil to hide the truth of what really happened. When the veil is lifted, again and again we see that not only is the official version not true, it is often 100% wrong.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #119144
#5. We are consciousness whether we are in this reality or whether we are not in this reality; we are eternal consciousness.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #123714
#6. In terms of the way people see me, it breaks down into two very clear and distinct groups: those who think they know me from reading the papers and those who really know me by reading my books.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #156729
#7. The morons in government worldwide are extraordinary in both number and depth of moronity.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #201322
#8. Professional opinion is skeptical about anything that doesn't fit in with the version of reality it has been programmed to believe in. The skepticism comes from a lack of understanding and the need to defend the status quo and not from actual knowledge of the subject.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #203837
#9. What we call the 'world' and the 'universe' is only one frequency range in an infinite number sharing the same space. The interdimensional entities I write about are able to move between these frequencies or dimensions and manipulate our lives.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #222293
#10. There are two things you need if you are to uncover and communicate what is really happening in the world. One is to free of any dogmatic belief system. The second is not to give a damn what people think and say about you, or, at least, not to let that influence your decisions.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #225604
#11. If you want to know the outcome of a game before the game has even started, you need to control each side.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #232571
#12. All you can do everyday, is do what you believe is right. That's what I do, and what will be, will be.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #242096
#13. Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #242933
#14. I am always loath to use the world 'evil,' but if 'evil' is the reverse of 'live,' Guy de Rothschild is thoroughly evil. He stands for the opposite of life.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #248233
#15. Today, the stranglehold of the controlling negative forces upon Earth is extremely advanced and is choking the very life from our planet. The effects of this are evident everywhere in the form of fear, separation, war, disease and multifarious kinds of disharmony on all levels.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #251371
#16. Humanity is actually under the control of dinosaur-like alien reptiles called the Babylon Brotherhood who must consume human blood to maintain their human appearance.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #294302
#17. Racism is the ultimate ignorance in that it relates 'self' to the body instead of the Consciousness - Awareness - animating and experiencing through the body. It is like judging a man by his spacesuit instead of the person inside it.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #323567
#18. Illusions only control you when you think they are real.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #353702
#19. We are reflections of one another, therefore I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all projections of the universal principles of creation/destruction polarities of the same infinite consciousness that we call God.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #354779
#20. Most people would deny such a world (ancient highly advanced civilizations in the remote past) ever existed because it would be so at odds with their daily experience. We would have the same we-can't-do-it-so-it-can't-be-done mentality ...

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #358244
#21. I don't edit information, I follow it.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #361756
#22. Everyone is a son or daughter of god.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #417773
#23. You don't comb the mirror, you comb your own hair and the mirror changes.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #487219
#24. I have gone from "being" my experience to being infinite consciousness having the experience and observing the experience.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #510319
#25. A gift of truth is the gift of love.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #548377
#26. I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #556379
#27. The Hindu faith and the information for its sacred books, the Vedas, were taken to the Indian subcontinent by the Aryans from the Caucasus Mountains, one of the centers for extraterrestrials/inner terrestrials and their offspring.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #569426
#28. When mind and heart come together, mind serves consciousness instead of serving itself.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #585097
#29. Terms like 'good' and 'bad' are extremely simplistic in what is a far more complex situation.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #604729
#30. These big questions: Who are we? Where are we? What are we doing here? They never ask that in the mainstream. They just leave that to religions to divert people off into rigid belief systems.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #612191
#31. Humans are so Funny. So much moralising about words while at the same time thinking it perfectly "moral" to pepper-bomb cities full of people to protect them from violence.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #633418
#32. People think I'm some kind of prophet, but I'm not someone who gets my information from the ether. I've been given the coordinates about how things work.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #642714
#33. It's not where you start or where you finish. It is the distance between the two.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #648206
#34. The years after the millennium will see gathering conflict all over the world to the point where the United Nations will be overwhelmed.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #650430
#35. I hope I can pass on a few thoughts and ideas to the Sci-Fi channel to encourage people to see that they are living in a conditioned illusion and we can change it any time we want. We can be people and not sheeple.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #665140
#36. Humanity is mind-controlled and only slightly more conscious than your average zombie.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #665470
#37. A group of reptilian humanoids, called the Babylonian Brotherhood, control humanity.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #697950
#38. If you have a pre-conceived idea of the world, you edit information. When it leads you down a certain road, you don't challenge your own beliefs.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #705425
#39. So, in effect, what I'm saying is that my research is very strongly pointing to the fact that the extraterrestrials are not coming, they're not going to invade, they've actually been controlling this planet, increasingly, for thousands of years.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #711855
#40. The families in positions of great financial power obsessively interbreed with each other. But I'm not talking about one Earth race, Jewish or non-Jewish. I'm talking about a genetic network that operates through all races, this bloodline being a fusion of human and reptilian genes.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #744397
#41. The BBC sports department when I was there was seriously to the right of Ghengis Khan, and if people think I am strange, they should have met some of the production staff I worked with. Margaret Thatcher and the Queen were the pin up girls for many of them.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #770487
#42. No one rules if no one obeys

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #818451
#43. How much did Jim Morrison know?

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #857242
#44. Have you ever wondered what your subconscious mind looks like? Well today, I can show you.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #890164
#45. Zionism is a subject that all but a few are either too ignorant or too frightened to tackle and expose, but it must be made public and the web dismantled if global tyranny is to be avoided in the very near future.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #894433
#46. I prefer to speak of 'interdimensionals' rather than 'extraterrestrials' because the latter has connotations of 'little green men' and all the other cliche responses. Nor does it tell the full story.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #926060
#47. Former US president, drug baron and pedophile, George Herbert Walker Bush, incidentally, is mentioned more than any other person in my experience in relation to shape-shifting.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #978359
#48. A crucial Elite group behind the Civil War was the Knights of the Golden Circle, again based in Cincinnati, Ohio.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #998348
#49. If we identify with a polarity we create the other. A belief in the 'Light' means that you must believe in the 'Dark' or you would not have to call it 'Light'. It would just be, no labels necessary.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #999809
#50. The only revolution that will change anything is a revolution of perception.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1006768
#51. The opening and closing ceremonies of the London Olympics are mass satanic rituals disguised as a celebration of Britain and sport. Their medium is the language of symbolism.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1011920
#52. Dogmas take endless forms, and when you can persuade different people to hold opposing dogmas, the manipulation of conflict and control through "divide and rule" becomes easy. It is happening today in the same way - more so, in fact - as it has throughout human history.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1024314
#53. Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1036286
#54. Francis Galton, founder of the eugenics (master race) movement which continues today under the heading of 'population control'.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1039602
#55. We talk about people being narrow-minded when they have a limited sense of possibility. Well, that's exactly what they are. They are narrow-frequencied, if you like. When we talk about people awakening, it's awakening to a greater range of possibilities, of awareness and frequencies.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1109355
#56. It's amazing how everything fits together in the world of the Illuminati if you are prepared to dig deep enough.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1115583
#57. It got to the point where I sat on the side of the bed in a hotel room in London in early-1990 and said to whoever or whatever: 'If you are there will you please contact or leave me because you are driving me up the wall'.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1119277
#58. And it (the left brain) has a massive role within this reality, yes. It is basically the point where infinite consciousness joins this reality. It's that conduit. But if you get trapped in it, and imprisoned by it, you become the decoding mechanism itself and it becomes your awareness.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1130381
#59. If you're fighting the system, then you're still caught in it. It's not about fighting the system; it's about ceasing to hold it together. Non-cooperation. We cannot be imprisoned without our cooperation. Their power is in our acquiescence.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1142614
#60. You don't fight for peace. You Peace for Peace.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1155655
#61. The Earth needs rebels!

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1182415
#62. Many Jews are not Zionists and many non-Jews are. Zionism is a political movement, not a race. To say Zionism is the Jewish people is like saying the Democratic Party is the American people. Jewish people who oppose Zionism, however, have been given a very hard time.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1190609
#63. Zionism is not the Jewish people, it is a political movement. Many Jews do not support it, many non-Jews do. To say that Zionism is the Jewish people is like saying the Democratic Party is the American people. Yet to challenge the extremes of Zionism is to be called anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1202935
#64. If you look at the way society is structured , it is structured to keep people overwhelmingly in a state of fear and always trying to survive, in terms of physically, in terms of terror, in terms of financially, the credit crunch, rising food prices; all this is survive, survive, survive.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1213429
#65. When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you?

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1241020
#66. We/I am a son/daughter of God. In fact, we are all expressions/projections of the Infinite Conciousness, which is love, that is what I mean when I say "I am a son of god "GOD"!

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1249861
#67. Obama is so crooked it is a wonder he can walk straight.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1292267
#68. The Christian Bible is a symbolic book, not a literal one. The one Christians know as Jesus was actually a symbol for the sun. Ancient sun worshippers believed the sun died at the end of the winter solstice and then three days later it would be reborn at the start of its cycle - December 25.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1300199
#69. So reports of my madness, as they say, were greatly exaggerated. Not that I give a bugger either way.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1314447
#70. Religion has been a curse on the world and humanity will never know freedom until this curse has been exorcised. It is the curse of ignorance, which has cast its dark shadow over thousands of years of human suppression.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1330590
#71. Don't work for your mind, make your mind work for you.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1349417
#72. The Goldschmidts had joined forces with other Rothschild cousins, the Bischoffsheims, to form a banking partnership which financed the North in the American Civil War.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1376582
#73. I once had an extraordinary experience with former prime minister Ted Heath. Both of his eyes, including the whites, turned jet black, and I seemed to be looking into two black holes.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1394046
#74. If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1403177
#75. In the Atlantean period there were many energies being used and information and knowledge being used which were, for particular reasons of safety, withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete catastrophe, to prevent total destruction of your planet.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1430617
#76. The vast majority of people in any organization, even quite high up, have got no idea who the real masters are.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1452621
#77. Any society where it's a crime or a hassle to be different is a society based on psychological fascism.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1526719
#78. I am not an anti-Semite! I have a great respect for the Jewish people.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1563109
#79. I love sport as long as it's kept as an entertainment - not a meaning of life.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1591318
#80. If I get a computer and I tune it to the Internet, it will pick up the Internet from the invisible realms that I can't see.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1600546
#81. In 1946, Bertrand Russell, a friend of Einstein, said it was necessary to use the fear of nuclear weapons to force all nations to give up their sovereignty and submit to the dictatorship of the United Nations.11

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1601296
#82. You won't be surprised to know, therefore, that the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses are the same organisation at the top level where the Elders of the Mormons and the leaders of the Watchtower Society operate a very different agenda to the one their followers believe.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1602135
#83. I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1618092
#84. The day is coming when even the most closed-minded ridiculers will have to face the truth.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1623530
#85. The last time I saw something that tall standing so still for so long, it was perched on the edge of a cliff shining a light across the sea.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1638048
#86. The plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a third world war either by stimulating the Muslim world into a "holy war" against the West or by using the Chinese to cause global conflict. Maybe both.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1645571
#87. It's appropriate that the word 'ignorance' is an extension of the word 'ignore.' We ignore so much and so we become ignore-ant.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1652081
#88. Well what a turn-up. From professional footballer to television presenter to green politician. Whatever next?

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1696410
#89. It is important to realise that two conflicting statements can both be equally true depending on the level from which you observe the same situation.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1700970
#90. Crazy and insane are words used throughout history to describe people and ideas that are simply different.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1722159
#91. The Egyptians would sacrifice red-headed men on the tomb of Osiris because red was the colour associated with Set, the Egyptian version of Satan.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1727829
#92. The word love has become so devalued, we have to put words in front of it, like 'unconditional'.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1753128
#93. One of my very greatest fears as a child was being ridiculed in public. And there it was coming true. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. People come up to you in the street and shake your hand and talk to you in a respectful way.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1770888
#94. I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1778006
#95. Hitler's Europe Yes, welcome to Hitler's Europe ... Come on, human race - for our children's sake if not our own. This is wakey, wakey time.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1792451
#96. Life constantly presents the greatest opportunity brilliantly disguised as the biggest disaster.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1820912
#97. Infinity lies beyond human vision and it is possible to communicate with these other realities which have a far more advanced awareness than humans are allowed to have

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1828952
#98. It may be bliss not to know a tornado is coming because you have no need to worry or take action. But while your head is in the sand your bum is in the air, the tornado is still coming.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1829470
#99. And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1873440
#100. The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.

David Icke

David Icke Quotes #1874267

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