Top 58 He Loves Me For Me Quotes

#1. Frankly, I love the fact that God has a plan for every tomorrow of my life on earth and beyond. Even though I can't figure it all out, he's got it wired. This reassures me that I'm loved and safe. God knows our course, and he knows us. He loves us. He provides. He plans ahead.

Women Of Faith

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1312438
#2. Jesus wants me to tell you again ... how much is the love He has for each one of you-beyond all what you can imagine ... Not only He loves you, even more
He longs for you. He misses you when you don't come close. He thirsts for you. He loves you always, even when you don't feel worthy ...

Mother Teresa

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #903322
#3. If a man loves a woman for her beauty, does he love her? No; for the smallpox, which destroys her beauty without killing her, causes his love to cease. And if any one loves me for my judgment or my memory, does he really love me? No; for I can lose these qualities without ceasing to be.

Blaise Pascal

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #910164
#4. She loves Vincent body and soul. He is her true love. She will never feel for me what she does for him. But I will never stop loving her. And I have to learn to live with that.

Amy Plum

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #957806
#5. So you walk up to this man sinner and you say, "God loves you and He has a wonderful plan for your life!" and he goes, "What? God loves me? That's fantastic. I LOVE ME, TOO! And He loves me more than I love me? Well, that's hard to imagine. I'll take a God like that. You got two of them?"

Paul Washer

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #971490
#6. A reporter asked Barth what was the single most important theological discovery he'd made. After stopping to consider his answer carefully, Barth said, "Jesus loves me. This I know, for the Bible tells me so." Indeed, we can never outgrow that one great, majestic, and simple transforming truth.

Mark Driscoll

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1030977
#7. The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner, the creator of the universe loves you, sent His Son to die for your sins; that's very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward.

Ben Carson

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1032663
#8. I know a man who is in love with my friend. He loves her absolutely.
The only thing he wants in return is for her to love him."
Saiman arched his eyebrows, imitating me. "And?"
"You're the exact opposite of him. You lack the capacity to love, so you want to smother mine as well.

Ilona Andrews

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1092085
#9. He's got an overall flair for the game. It looks to me like he really loves what he does and he can't wait to get up in the morning, go hit some balls and go play.

Gary McCord

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1097107
#10. People ask what the hardest thing is about having an autistic child, and for me the answer is easy. What mom doesn't want to hear her baby tell her that he loves her or to feel his arms around her?

Kristine Barnett

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1104335
#11. It's fun for me to be with someone who loves reading as much as I do, because he'll give me things to read that I wouldn't normally seek out, and I think vice versa.

Zoe Kazan

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1136861
#12. Nobody has ever respected me and done things for me and loved me. So when Howard (former husband J. Howard Marshall II) came along, it was a blessing. He is the only person in my life who does not care about what other people say about me. He truly loves me and I love him for it.

Anna Nicole Smith

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1183860
#13. And I will wait for Jarod to work for me. For free, cause if it's paid, it's work and not love, unless, of course he loves to work, in which case he'll surely love working for me, because I love people who love to do that to love to do that.

Will Advise

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1184284
#14. Please say you'll be my wife. I want you tied to me in every way a man can be tied to the woman he loves. I can't live without you and I never want to try. Share the boat with me. Share your life with me. If you will, I promise to keep you safe and happy every day for as long as I draw breath.

M. Leighton

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1202749
#15. Noah can't stand me, but he loves me. Takes up for me. Like siblings.

Katie McGarry

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1243128
#16. This is where he should say that he is in love with me, that I have changed his life and that he loves me for it. But he doesn't. Is it because he is shy? Or because he is too young to say such a thing? Or is it merely because he does not love me? The worst of it is, I am falling in love with him.

Alex Flinn

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #868891
#17. He pulls me around and kisses me. "You're Mac," he says. "And I'm Jericho. And nothing else matters. Never will. You exist in a place that is beyond all rules for me. Do you understand that?"
I do.
Jericho Barrons just told me he loves me.

Karen Marie Moning

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1385337
#18. Why couldn't Sam really be a boy my age, with no more experience than I had? No past lives, past loves.
Why couldn't he be only for me?

Jodi Meadows

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1436380
#19. Trying relentlessly to make you love me, but I don't want the love - I quite prefer the quest for it. The challenge. I am always disappointed with someone who loves me - how perfect can he be if he can't see through me?

Carrie Fisher

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1469918
#20. God takes everyone he loves through a desert. It is his cure for our wandering hearts, restlessly searching for a new Eden ...
The best gift of the desert is God's presence ... The protective love of the Shepherd gives me courage to face the interior journey.

Paul E. Miller

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1480897
#21. He loves me."
"You sound surprised."
"Nobody ever did. Not like this. It's easy to say, for some people. The words. But it's not just words with Roarke. He sees inside me, and it doesn't matter.

J.D. Robb

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1525389
#22. My younger son, Cordell, aka Lil Snoop, loves me like a fan loves Snoop Dogg. He's inspired by making me happy. My older son, Corde, aka Spank, does everything I say, with effort and determination - but he does it for himself. He gets his thrill out of seeing his own results on the football field.

Snoop Dogg

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1590865
#23. He rubbed the spot over his chest that ached for Jessica. And her regard will never alter or diminish. She knows the worst there is to know about me, yet she loves me in spite of my mistakes. No ... I would say perhaps she loves me because of them; because of how they've shaped me.

Sylvia Day

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1602828
#24. For me to be with someone, he's got to be fit. Or at least doing something he loves. Following your passion - whether it's hiking or sports or whatever - is super sexy.

Kaley Cuoco

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1689109
#25. In case you still haven't figured it out, he loves you. Your tiger will be back in the morning, and you can thank me anytime. Now, do I have to paint another picture for you, or do you think you can take it from here by yourself without screwing up?

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1692108
#26. Oh but the gods do so love me," I shared softly. "To give me a man who would allow his soul to be taken over by the darkness of night, for he's a man who loves so deeply, he lost those who had his love, was cast into the shadows, and he refuses to crawl to the light.

Kristen Ashley

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1770814
#27. Of course, my family has been a big reason for me to come back, especially my son who loves the game of hockey - he was a big reason for me coming back.

Mario Lemieux

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1773160
#28. I saw the way she looked at you. You are life and breath for her."
He's wrong about that. Elisa loves fiercely, it's true. But she loves with her heart and mind. If she comes for me, it will be part of a larger plan to rescue all of Joya.

Rae Carson

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1803348
#29. A word must become a friend or you will not understand it. Perhaps you do well to be cool and detached when you are seeking information, but I remind you of the wife who complained, 'When I ask John if he loves me, he thinks I am asking for information'.

Edward Coke

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #1856918
#30. I have been luckier than anyone I know or even heard of. I had a very happy childhood, a good education, I enjoyed working as a teacher, journalist and author. I have loved a wonderful man for over 33 years, and I believe he loves me, too.

Maeve Binchy

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #520036
#31. Shane often grounds and fetters me, in more ways than one, but there are moments when he gives me wings and allows me to soar in his air stream. Such moments are exhilarating and though rare are worth waiting for.

Gillibran Brown

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #121581
#32. I run everywhere I go. You wake up, and you do it, and you make the time. I bring my son, Duke, with me on a lot of the runs. I have this great jogging stroller, and he loves it. It's a great time for the two of us. We'll crank out a run, and he has the time of his life.

Bill Rancic

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #134652
#33. Jesus Christ came for me, and he came for each person that is infected with HIV/AIDS. God loves that person. He doesn't hate them. They've made mistakes. We've all made mistakes. But God loves them, God cares for them, and Jesus Christ died for their sins.

Franklin Graham

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #157320
#34. Robert A. Heinlein has been an idol to me for more than 20 years. He can do no wrong, no matter how much he loves wars and hates pacifists.

Robert Anton Wilson

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #187910
#35. My cat, Kevin, has adorable habits - he waits for me while I'm showering because he loves to have his face washed when I'm done. And he also knows I keep treats for him beside the bed; he loves his treat at night before he goes to sleep - you know, like all men!

Emily Procter

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #188946
#36. There were nineteen years between my grandparents, and I was in a relationship for five years from the age of fifteen to twenty with a man who was thirteen years older than me who remains one of the loves of my life, and he passed away when I was twenty years old.

Kate Winslet

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #203362
#37. Olivia," he sighed as he held her tight against him. "I like the way you leap."
For once her laughter was free and easy. "And I like the way you catch me when I land.

Marie Force

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #209808
#38. To me He is all fault who hath no fault at all: For who loves me must have a touch of earth.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #351361
#39. Will I keep fighting to be the man I think I am? Or will I disown him and everything he loves, and step into the skin of the person this world would like for me to be?

Blake Crouch

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #374437
#40. Oh I'm in love with the janitor's boy, And the janitor's boy loves me; He's going to hunt for a desert isle In our geography.

Nathalia Crane

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #420766
#41. It's never been an issue for me - I don't want to go on a diet, I don't want to eat a Caesar salad with no dressing, why would I do that? I ain't got time for this, just be happy and don't be stupid. If I've got a boyfriend and he loves my body then I'm not worried.


He Loves Me For Me Quotes #436808
#42. God loves me. I'm not here just to fill a place, just to be a number. He has chosen me for a purpose. I know it.

Mother Teresa

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #437533
#43. He cares for me. He loves me. As a friend, sure. But love is love. Will

Leta Blake

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #470741
#44. Go forth in peace, for you have followed the good road. Go forth without fear, for he who created you has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Blessed be you, my God, for having created me.

Clare Of Assisi

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #515061
#45. Is he for real? A hot guy who makes me laugh and loves poetry? Someone pinch me.

Colleen Hoover

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #115813
#46. I cover my face with my arms because this isn't happening. It isn't possible. For someone to make Peeta forget he loves me ... no one can do that.

Suzanne Collins

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #542378
#47. God has created us to love and to be loved, and this is the beginning of prayer-to know that He loves me, that I have been created for greater things.

Mother Teresa

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #553095
#48. A defining reality for me is what Scripture teaches in Hebrews 12, that God is our father, and that a sign that he loves us is that he disciplines us, he takes us through hardship to build character in us that could not be shaped apart from difficulty.

Joshua Harris

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #577308
#49. Roarke cares very much for Beth and for me, and a few select others. But loves? I'm not sure he'd let himself risk quite that unstable an emotion.

J.D. Robb

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #588117
#50. Our relationship was different, therefore successful, because James and I understood each other's sexuality. He loves women; loves them. He was very honest with me about his insatiable appetite for the opposite sex.

Jessica N. Watkins

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #706052
#51. I watch political shows for a number of weeks in a row, and all I see are guys arguing with each other over issues I have no idea about. My brother, he loves war-torn places. My dad would always read the paper and tell me I should watch CNN, but I usually wind up watching 'Breaking Bad.'

Norm MacDonald

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #710259
#52. Armando was the only man who'd been patient enough to chase after me. After he had caught me, he'd done what every man loves to do when he has found the woman of his dreams: take her for granted.

Josefina Lopez

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #726908
#53. I have been with Donald for 18 years, and I have been aware of his love for this country since we first met. He never had a hidden agenda when it comes to his patriotism because, like me, he loves this country so much.

Melania Trump

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #755630
#54. That's how they say it: He loves you in his own way. Well, what about my way? What if I need for him to love me in my way?

Tammara Webber

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #773763
#55. He captured my heart. He loves me for who I am, not what I can bring to him.
- Lucinda Price, Rapture

Lauren Kate

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #781907
#56. When someone cannot do without you, don't think he/she is weak. When he/she loves you, don't take that for granted.
Experience has thought me that we all have the power to fall out of love at the same pace we fall in it.

Olaotan Fawehinmi

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #793866
#57. He accuses himself, he curses himself, he implores my forgiveness!...He confesses his cheat. He loves me! He lays at my feet an immense and tragic love. ... He has carried me off for love!...He has imprisoned me with him, underground, for love!...

Gaston Leroux

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #811753
#58. When you really see how much God loves you, there's no greater love than that, and I had to match that amount of love He had for me, which is the reason why I decided to take a vow of celibacy.

Jessica White

He Loves Me For Me Quotes #829652

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