Top 64 Get Hammered Quotes

#1. There is a cannibalism that's loose in our society in which public figures such as the Clintons could try to come into this town and do something good for this country and then they get hammered away even though they're trying to do the right thing.

David Gergen

Get Hammered Quotes #98637
#2. Sometimes when you get hammered till the small hours you feel pretty good in the morning, but really it's just because you're still a bit drunk. That old hangover is just toying with you, working out when to bite.

Jojo Moyes

Get Hammered Quotes #263635
#3. 'The Real World' is the most predictable arc ever. They get on the show, they're all excited, we're gonna be best friends, then people start drinking and get hammered, and say stupid stuff, and that's pretty much it.

Adam McKay

Get Hammered Quotes #274784
#4. Did you read last nights assignments?" Say "yes'" and get hammered again. Say "no'" and the same thing would happen.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Get Hammered Quotes #1073648
#5. Now ring that bloke of yours to tell him you're staying out all night, then have another drink. In fact, have six. It would please me no end to see you get hammered on Alicia's father's bill. And so I did.

Jojo Moyes

Get Hammered Quotes #1641535
#6. I love going out to clubs. Granted, I don't get hammered or do anything to embarrass myself. I'd call myself wholesome ... but it's not like I only drink milk.

Carrie Underwood

Get Hammered Quotes #1729909
#7. The thing that makes [Bob] Kennedy so good is that he doesn't have a fear of losing. He was willing to go to Europe and get hammered.

Frank Shorter

Get Hammered Quotes #1747219
#8. That's fine," he said. "Now ring that bloke of yours to tell him you're staying out all night, then have another drink. In fact, have six. It would please me no end to see you get hammered on Alicia's father's bill.

Jojo Moyes

Get Hammered Quotes #12953
#9. Happiness and unhappiness differ as a bucket hammered from gold differs from one pressed in tin ... Each carries the same water.

Austin O'Malley

Get Hammered Quotes #812844
#10. We are contaminated with the idea of "winning" and defeating others. Indoctrinated by parents, schools, and our ubiquitous media, hammered with a lie: The only way to be truly triumphant is if we are dominant before supposed "competitors" rather than beautiful before ourselves.

Daniel Gillies

Get Hammered Quotes #564289
#11. Borrowing a hammer from Walker Lauren, she pounded the tickets into the office door with a nail. Hawke, passing by, helpfully held the tickets in place while she hammered the nail. He didn't say a word, his expression so bland it was clear he was highly amused.

Nalini Singh

Get Hammered Quotes #765240
#12. I think if you looked at the kind of ebb and flow of supernatural fiction and horror fiction, it does seem to be more popular in times when we're hammered over the head daily with threats from all angles, very real threats.

Michael Koryta

Get Hammered Quotes #742291
#13. Her words were like the hammer. My stance was of a nail. I didn't need those callous words on my once strong shell. Hammered. Hammered. Words on my shoulder blades. All of my great feelings concave.

Antonia Perdu

Get Hammered Quotes #720008
#14. I started getting interested in the notes that I could hear being generated when I hammered on while playing a classical guitar.

Fred Frith

Get Hammered Quotes #699910
#15. The Age Demand
The age demanded that we sing
And cut away our tongue.
The age demanded that we flow
And hammered in the bung.
The age demanded that we dance
And jammed us into iron pants.
And in the end the age was handed
The sort of shit that it demanded.

Ernest Hemingway,

Get Hammered Quotes #631481
#16. Charles Darwin got totally hammered, woke up next to a monkey and decided he had to come up with a theory to make it all okay.

Stephen Colbert

Get Hammered Quotes #624316
#17. I always drank, from when it was legal for me to drink. And there was never a time for me when the goal wasn't to get as hammered as I could possibly afford to. I never understood social drinking, that's always seemed to me like kissing your sister.

Stephen King

Get Hammered Quotes #603789
#18. The rumors are lies. There were a lot of people said we're not going to play that we don't have a contract ... We got it worked out got it hammered out.

Ron Hargrave

Get Hammered Quotes #603317
#19. Snowmageddon.
Dirty glacial clouds hammered the city's anvil. On the District of Columbia's northwestern edge, gusts of snow rolled across the Park Road Bridge like volcanic ash.

Simon Conway

Get Hammered Quotes #598339
#20. If you were born to be a nail, you had to be hammered.

Luis Alberto Urrea

Get Hammered Quotes #591776
#21. It was a very beautiful thing, this Golden Ticket, having been made, so it seemed, from a sheet of pure gold hammered out almost to the thinness of paper. On one side of it, printed by some clever method in jet-black letters, was the invitation itself - from Mr. Wonka.

Roald Dahl

Get Hammered Quotes #578676
#22. Life is pain. War is change. The raw materials of life hammered and shaped into something with a purpose.

James A. Moore

Get Hammered Quotes #1845346
#23. Like every great writer before or since, Jonson understood that the best poets 'are both made and born'. That all great writing has to be hammered out and all great poets stand or fall by that 'second heat', their laboured revision.

James Shapiro

Get Hammered Quotes #825976
#24. Cassius couldn't take any more. "Okay, that's enough. We're done here." His heart hammered, his palms were sweating, and his knees felt wobbly. "We've changed our minds. Just put it back.

Gabrielle Evans

Get Hammered Quotes #826133
#25. The stars were so many and so white they looked like chips of ice, hammered through the fabric of the sky.

Anthony Doerr

Get Hammered Quotes #833422
#26. His little eyes, which looked as if they'd literally been hammered into place, gazed out fixedly and uncomfortably, and he also had a way of laughing uncomfortably with an abrupt, wooden laugh.

Ivan Turgenev

Get Hammered Quotes #849034
#27. Seemed that year that the only way that winter would end was if somebody hammered a stake through its heart").

Neil Gaiman

Get Hammered Quotes #851659
#28. You wanna get the truth out of me, get me hammered.

Ron White

Get Hammered Quotes #867464
#29. I'm sure, you'll never again have a problem with a tool or a machine. No more hammered thumbs, no vacuum-cleaner catastrophes." "That'll take a second miracle." "Because all that clumsiness was never anything but an elaborate excuse not to have a gun, not to learn how to use one.

Dean Koontz

Get Hammered Quotes #870178
#30. You don't learn to hold your own in the world by standing on guard, but by attacking, and getting well hammered yourself.

George Bernard Shaw

Get Hammered Quotes #1029397
#31. I wish there was a bar I could send opposing teams to and get them hammered or something - I could tell my buddies in New York to leave their places open or something. Playing for the Yankees, guys come at you extremely hard. I have to be ready or I'll be embarrassed.

Roger Clemens

Get Hammered Quotes #1162441
#32. You can't dodge them all. I got hammered plenty of times through the years. But you just get up and keep playing. I can tell you from experience, though. Sometimes it hurts like hell.

Terry Bradshaw

Get Hammered Quotes #1169803
#33. When you get that nice celebration coming into the dugout and you're getting your ass hammered by guys, there's no better feeling than to have that done.

Matt Stairs

Get Hammered Quotes #1191096
#34. Oh and next time you feel like getting hammered, message me. That was some damn good stuff you puked all over yourself, I think it'd only fair I should get some, too. That hasn't already been through you, I mean.

Ann Leckie

Get Hammered Quotes #1214298
#35. I have to say, your technique is really different. Curran hammered at the spell until it broke. You just talk. Help me out here, what's the strategy? Are you hoping the ward will get tired and kill itself so it won't have to listen to you anymore?

Ilona Andrews

Get Hammered Quotes #1340026
#36. When I get really hammered I take my clothes off. That's a sure sign. It's been a long time since the last time I did that. Probably a year.

Michael Stipe

Get Hammered Quotes #1736641
#37. Our past is the forge upon which we are hardened and tempered, to prepare us for the present. We are like a fine blade that must be hammered into shape before it can be ready to make its finest cuts.

Larry Atchley Jr.

Get Hammered Quotes #278384
#38. The Labour Party in 2011 was in an exceptionally bad place. We'd been hammered in an election. We didn't see the scale of it coming.

Johann Lamont

Get Hammered Quotes #9213
#39. The anxiety was like poison ivy. It took nothing to set off that mental itch-a chance remark, remembering an event from the day before-but once it started I found it impossible to stop the cycle. My thoughts twisted in a circle, my pulse hammered, I couldn't concentrate.

Tracy Thompson

Get Hammered Quotes #19059
#40. That you were once unkind befriends me now, And for that sorrow, which I then did feel, Needs must I under my transgression bow, Unless my nerves were brass or hammered steel ...

William Shakespeare

Get Hammered Quotes #30925
#41. Fear and debt drive this system. We are hammered with messages that terrify us into believing that we must pay any price, assume any debt, to stop the enemies who, we are told, lurk at our doorsteps. The

John Perkins

Get Hammered Quotes #41137
#42. But Hood was not yet done with her. He swung her up again, spun and once more hammered her onto the stone. 'I have had,' the Jaghut roared, and into the air she went again, and down once more, 'enough' - with a sob the crushed, broken body was yanked from the ground again - 'of- 'your- justice!

Steven Erikson

Get Hammered Quotes #51555
#43. You know, Ms. Morgan, that was your mother you just hammered, Mr. Solomon said.

Ally Carter

Get Hammered Quotes #101634
#44. Somewhere deep inside his mind, somewhere beyond the event horizon of rationality, the sheer pressure of insanity had hammered his madness into something harder than diamond.

Terry Pratchett

Get Hammered Quotes #103137
#45. Ase waved it off, even though his heart hammered in his chest, trying to fly out of his ribcage and jump down Jase's throat to go stay with his heart forever and ever, amen.

Kade Boehme

Get Hammered Quotes #115262
#46. Suffering is what gives a man strength, my boy, just as the steel most hammered turns out the hardest.

Joe Abercrombie

Get Hammered Quotes #130462
#47. My kinfolks thought more about character than about culture. They said culture could be acquired but character had to be formed. Character had to be hammered into shape like hot iron on an anvil. It had to be molded in the most exact and unrelenting form.

Ben Robertson

Get Hammered Quotes #134254
#48. Nations are possessed with an insane ambition to perpetuate the memory of themselves by the amount of hammered stone they leave.

Henry David Thoreau

Get Hammered Quotes #151227
#49. The words from The Microlight Pilot's Handbook hammered in my temples. 'It is better to be on the ground wishing to God you were in the air, than in the air wishing to God you were on the ground.

Antony Woodward

Get Hammered Quotes #206058
#50. Heaven opened and the water hammered down, reviving the reluctant old well, greenmossing the pigless pigsty, carpet bombing still, tea-colored puddles the way memory bombs still, tea-colored minds.

Arundhati Roy

Get Hammered Quotes #276695
#51. These trees can teach us how we can live. We can be hammered and burned, and we an come back and be more beautiful as we grow.

Richard Preston

Get Hammered Quotes #485315
#52. Growing up going to Christian school and the concept that you're born a sinner and you don't really have a choice to change who you are has been hammered into my head and created the entire reason why I made art and made a band and made records called 'Antichrist Superstar.'

Marilyn Manson

Get Hammered Quotes #287566
#53. Have you ever wondered why the slang terms for intoxication are so demolition-oriented? Stoned, smashed, hammered. It's because they're talking about the Ego. It's the Ego that gets blasted, waxed, plastered.

Steven Pressfield

Get Hammered Quotes #306495
#54. Most of all, he was tired of being a holdout, a sole survivor, the last coconut hanging on the last palm tree on the last little atoll in the path of the great wave of late-modern capitalism, waiting to be hammered flat.

Michael Chabon

Get Hammered Quotes #308723
#55. Things like Do Not Steal were, I think, hammered into boys' heads a good deal harder in those days than they are now. Still, we can never be certain.

C.S. Lewis

Get Hammered Quotes #362992
#56. When you leave the familiar and enter the unknown, your fear becomes refined by experience and hammered into tools of survival on the anvil of anxiety.

T.D. Jakes

Get Hammered Quotes #373521
#57. Wilderness is the raw material out of which man has hammered the artifact called civilization.

Aldo Leopold

Get Hammered Quotes #381473
#58. It had to be hammered home quite a bit because I didn't see any humour in my life at all.

Jimmy Carr

Get Hammered Quotes #400533
#59. If your life is all about screwing things and getting hammered, then congratulations, you're a tool.


Get Hammered Quotes #402184
#60. They had a table near the rail round the huge floor. Bond was spellbound. He found many of the girls very beautiful. The music hammered its way into his pulse until he almost forgot what he was there for.

Ian Fleming

Get Hammered Quotes #405225
#61. I should like to take this opportunity to name you Sherlock and point out that there is no shit.

Kevin Hearne

Get Hammered Quotes #427611
#62. You've got that motherly concern in your eyes, Jean. I must look like I'm hammered as shit," said Locke.
"Actually you look like you were executed last week.

Scott Lynch

Get Hammered Quotes #432866
#63. If I were a real Creek View girl, the kind Josh liked, I'd be hammered right now, not thinking about my dead father.

Heather Demetrios

Get Hammered Quotes #445874
#64. Dark and pregnant clouds gave birth and fist-sized stones of hail hammered the earth.

Michael R. Fletcher

Get Hammered Quotes #454492

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