Top 100 Every Office Quotes
#1. Every office interprets business casual differently. Feel out your office!
Sarah Lafleur
#2. as every office worker knows, it's not the hope that kills you. It's knowing it's the hope that kills you that kills you.
Mick Herron
#3. Listen. In every office you hear the threads of love and joy and fear and guilt, the cries for celebration and reassurance, and somehow you know that connecting those threads is what you are supposed to do and business takes care of itself.
Susan Scott
#4. A girl can dream can't she? My new life plan is to stumble into every office of a CEO until I find a Christian Grey.
Sophie Monroe
#5. We want to free our citizens from the burden of excessive paper documents in every office. We want paperless transactions. We will set up a digital locker for every citizen to store personal documents that can be shared across departments.
Narendra Modi
#6. For those who protest that Mr. Obama will soon be out of office and irrelevant, read on and learn how his legacy of conscious control over every aspect of our lives will continue to function for generations to come. On
Alexandra York
#7. Be prudent, diligent, temperate and discreet. Remember that every human being has a claim upon your kind offices.
Albert Pike
#8. Every morning for, I don't know how long, I came over to Alison's [McGhee] house and we sat in her office and wrote the stories "out loud" together. We yelled at each other and made each other laugh. It was a lot of fun.
Kate DiCamillo
#9. I've had to adapt my wardrobe to my various roles, both at the office, as a mom, and for television. When I shop for the season I look for pieces that will suit every facet of my daily life, not just one single occasion.
Nina Garcia
#10. [In government] the constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner as that each may be a check on the other-that the private interest of every individual may be a sentinel over the public rights.
James Madison
#11. America's promises do not come with a price tag. We meet our commitments. We bear our burdens. That's one of the reasons why almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago when I took office.
Barack Obama
#12. It is the true office of history to represent the events themselves, together with the counsels, and to leave the observations and conclusions thereupon to the liberty and faculty of every man's judgment
Francis Bacon
#13. Lanie, you live 15 minutes away from your office and you get there at eight. Over two hours every day just to do your hair and makeup. Diana fuckin' Ross in her heyday probably took less time to get ready for a show. Babe, if that isn't high maintenance, I do not know what is.
Kristen Ashley
#14. The foundation on which (our government is) built is the natural equality of man, the denial of every pre-eminence but that annexed to legal office, and particularly the denial of a pre-eminence by birth.
Thomas Jefferson
#15. I walk into the office at Southwark Bridge every morning, and I have no idea what's going to happen.
Lionel Barber
#16. I have a great team. A lot of my focus every day is with my television and film career, directing and producing, and I guess you can say that my moonlighting gig is Tropfest. Obviously, when I am not working I am in the Tropfest office full-time.
John Polson
#17. I think I would never be ready to do a regular job. I couldn't go to the office every day at the same hour. I love my life. This freedom.
Gaspard Ulliel
#18. The office of President is a great one; to every true American it seems the greatest on earth. And to me, as I was engaged in weaving a background of music for the pageantry of it, there came a deeper realization of the effect of that office on the man.
John Philip Sousa
#19. I was the youngest of four kids, and Dad, who had a garden centre before he retired, came from a large Lancashire family. Every one of my uncles had their own business, including a post office, two fish and chip shops and a painting and decorating business.
Rick Astley
#20. Every member of my family knows that running for office is a personal decision.
Joseph P. Kennedy III
#21. In Obama's case, we've enabled affirmative action to find a home in the nation's highest office. There you have it. I said it and I stand by it. America fell for the gimmick candidate, disregarding every fact and warning sign in the rush to have 'the first African-American president.'
Allen West
#22. Members of Congress are incredibly blessed and fortune to have the jobs that we have. Nobody makes us run. Every two years we offer for public office, and if you don't want to do it then don't run. But the notion that you can make $174,000 in this country and be underpaid is laughable.
Trey Gowdy
#23. To get to the office every day, I either take a Lyft or have my wife drop me off. It's about a 15-minute drive from my house to the office.
Logan Green
#24. I watched that plant in the office every day.
Watered it; misted it. I loved thinking about it like G.T. said, but part of me was worried the tree surgery wouldn't take. Something would go wrong and then Id be stuck with a metaphor that couldn't go the distance.
Joan Bauer
#25. Civilization, stretching up to recognize that every child is a portion of State wealth, may presently make some movement to recognize maternity as a business or office needing time and strength, not as a mere passing detail thrown in among mountains of other slavery.
Miles Franklin
#26. As president, Clinton sold burial plots in Arlington Cemetery and liberals shrugged it off. What really gets their goat is the autopen. Evidently, the important thing was that every one of those pardons Clinton sold for cash on his last day in office was signed by Bill Clinton personally.
Ann Coulter
#27. Always put off writing by reorganizing my entire house and spending way too much time and money buying office supplies and organizing systems. Every single time.
Brene Brown
#28. I never waited for my Irish Cream coffee to be the right temperature, with a storm happening outside and my fireplace crackling ... I wrote every day, at home, in the office, whether I felt like it or not, I just did it.
Stephen J. Cannell
#29. My writing habits are pretty static. I get up every morning between 6 and 7 am, grab a cup of coffee, say a few prayers, and go downstairs to my office and start writing.
Mitch Albom
#30. For a long time networks just wanted to buy imitations of other shows - i.e. Curb (the Enthusiasm or the Office). The word gets out that "Hey, we want to buy something like that" and every comedy producer just starts dreaming up ideas like that.
B. J. Porter
#31. Variety is definitely the spice of life but I love writing office romances (I was a secretary before I became a writer), because it's every girl's dream to meet that gorgeous hunky boss who sweeps her off her feet and takes her out of her dull routine.
Helen Brooks
#32. When I started out in public life there used to be a saying we'd hear from time to time, that every man who runs for public office will claim that he was born in a log cabin he built with his own hands. Well, my mother knew better. And she made sure I did too.
William J. Clinton
#33. Every time I fill a vacant office, I make ten malcontents and one ingrate.
Louis XIV
#34. I have people coming to me every day, coming to my office, with life-threatening diseases - life-threatening diseases - and they were dropped from their health care because of the Affordable Care Act.
Michael Grimm
#35. And every year the Pentagon bite of the federal dollar got bigger and bigger. In Reagan's eight years in office, military expenditure doubled from around $150 billion to $300 billion a year, until it represented nearly 30 percent of our overall annual budget and more than 6 percent of GDP.
Rachel Maddow
#36. Too many Americans now believe that the checks they receive every month from the unemployment office - like the checks they get from the welfare office, from Medicare, from Social Security - are inalienable rights. They are not.
Ben Shapiro
#37. I was in total shock. I work so close (to home) that I figured I'd return to work and the baby nurse would bring the baby to me, and I'd run home periodically, and I'd make it work. But every two hours? That's a whole other level. I'll have to make a nursery at the office.
Ivanka Trump
#38. During first grade, I spent nearly every afternoon for months in the school nurse's office, sick with psychosomatic headaches, begging to go home; by third grade, stomachaches had replaced the headaches, but my daily trudge to the infirmary remained the same.
Scott Stossel
#39. They had holes to fill on every page and jammed in any vaguely newsworthy string of words provided it didn't include expletives, which they were apparently saving for their own use around the office.
Tom Rachman
#40. Every special interest is entitled to justice full, fair and complete ... but not one is entitled to a vote in Congress, to a voice on the bench or to representation in any public office.
Theodore Roosevelt
#41. Throughout my early career, I would write from five to ten in the morning every day before going to my office, a habit that has stayed with me since.
Warren Adler
#42. The American people are sick and tired of this 'lesser evil' garbage they get fed every election year. Both the Democrats and the Republicans do the same evils once they're in office.
Roseanne Barr
#43. I have an office in Argentina, I go there every day, so I work.
Gabriela Sabatini
#44. This isn't an easy lifestyle for a coach's wife. The coach is the guy who stands up and hears everyone tell him how great he is. The wife is the one waiting at home alone while the coach is spending every night at the office.
Joe Gibbs
#45. It was the full conviction of this, and of what could be done, if every man were placed in the office for which he was fitted by nature and a proper education, which first suggested to me the plan of Illumination.
Adam Weishaupt
#46. I wish to extend an invitation to solidarity to everyone, and I would like to encourage those in public office to make every effort to give new impetus to employment, this means caring for the dignity of the person, but above all I would say do not lose hope ...
Pope Francis
#47. Homemaking is whatever you make of it. Every day brings satisfaction along with some work which may be frustrating, routine, and unchallenging. But it is the same in the law office, the dispensary, the laboratory, or the store. There is, however, no more important job than homemaking.
James E. Faust
#48. Let your voice be heard, whether or not it is to the taste of every jack-in-office who may be obstructing the traffic. By all means, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's - but this does not necessarily include everything that he says is his.
Denis Johnston
#49. I have given money to the Obama campaign online and now they bombard me with emails every day. Why did I do that online? Why didn't I just walk into an office?
Anne Heche
#50. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
Joseph Butler
#51. office just wasn't a very good place for thinking, but every executive in the world pretended it was. Christ
Tom Clancy
#52. The human body is a magazine of inventions, the patent office, where are the models from which every hint is taken. All the tools and engines on earth are only extensions of its limbs and senses.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#53. Every man who takes office in Washington either grows or swells, and when I give a man an office, I watch him carefully to see whether he is growing or swelling.
Woodrow Wilson
#54. Every prime minister has a whole series of networks, and there are official formal networks and there are unofficial informal networks. I'm lucky in that I have good official formal networks, starting with my own office, the leadership group, the cabinet and the party room.
Tony Abbott
#55. I'm not an employee who goes to the office every morning at the same time. Then, vacations are needed.
Karl Lagerfeld
#56. The orange-red lipstick named "Hibiscus Frenzy" that was produced by a giant American corporation, which Glamora was paid to wear so that every factory and office girl in England and America and possibly Australia who aspired to look like her would buy it, glowed under the sun.
Ilil Arbel
#57. I don't believe ever in shared office spaces. Peter talks a little bit about this, every good startup is a cult. It's very hard to create a cult if you're sharing space with people.
Keith Rabois
#58. A surefire method of setting up regular communication with your kids is to get a job in an office which discourages personal phone calls. Your kids will then call you every hour on the hour.
Teresa Bloomingdale
#59. Every president, if you watch what they look like when they come into office, you can see their hair turn white because it's such a hard job.
Hillary Clinton
#60. If you ever plan to run for office, if you're a teenager, remember everything you do, every tweet, every Facebook posting, every picture you put on Instagram will be there forever for journalists and politicians - for your competition to dig up.
Rick Smolan
#61. I feel like I'm constantly falling behind. I feel like every day I'm out of the office I'm falling behind.
Marc Andreesen
#62. In August 2008, the General Accountability Office issued a report. According to this report, two out of every three corporations in the United States paid no Federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005.
Bernie Sanders
#63. Not the work, really, but what went along with it. The bureaucracy. The fact that he had to work in an office. He really hated having to wear a suit and tie every day.
Chris Kyle
#64. Although he too was heading to work, Shahid was glad he wasn't dragging himself off to some office job. Shahid's view: anybody who had to wear a suit to work died a little inside, every day.
John Lanchester
#65. I stand here today as the first woman first minister of our country. Every day I hold this office, I will work to ensure that every woman, every wee girl across this country, gets a chance to do what I've done and follow their dream.
Nicola Sturgeon
#66. Flowers. Lots of women say they don't want them. But every woman is happy when they get them.
Which is why I've arranged to have them delivered to Kate's office, every hour on the hour. Seven dozen at a time. That's one dozen for every day we were apart.
Emma Chase
#67. He appeared every night, like myself, at about nine o'clock, in the office of Mr. Tyler, to learn the news brought in the night Associated Press report. He knew me from the Bull Run campaign as a correspondent of the press.
Henry Villard
#68. I would say that Jesus Christ and his followers were a cult, Buddha and his followers were a cult and Mohammed and his followers were a cult. Every religion starts out as a cult and if it becomes 'box office', it is accepted.
Frederick Lenz
#69. If you chose Option 2 [confrontation], you did well. People will be less likely to engage you in office small talk of any kind, but that's likely a benefit when you consider the fact that every ten minutes of office small talk takes one year off of your life.
Baratunde R. Thurston
#70. I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is opposed to every instinct in my body. But as president I must put the interests of America first Therefore, I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow.
Richard M. Nixon
#71. I'd rather violate every one of the damn conventions and see my bills passed, than sit back in my office, all nice and proper, and watch 'em die.
Huey Long
#72. By six o'clock that evening, however, even the glow of having successfully asked out Cho Chang was insufficient to lighten the ominous feelings that intensified with every step Harry took toward Snape's office.
J.K. Rowling
#73. It appears that countless women born between the years of 1965 and 1978 are in love with John Cusack. I cannot fathom how he isn't the number-one box office star in America, because every straight girl I know would see her soul to share a milkshake with that motherfucker.
Chuck Klosterman
#74. Do not limit your Sacred Space to the literal, such as a small room or office. Allow this energy to flow from deep within, so that every where you go, no matter what the circumstance, you will always be immersed in the divine
Gary Hopkins
#75. I work every day - or at least I force myself into office or room. I may get nothing done, but you don't earn bonuses without putting in time. Nothing may come for three months, but you don't earn the fourth without it.
Mordecai Richler
#76. My business partner and make-up artist Kim Jacob and I have employed every member of staff, decided where every desk in the office should go, tried every product on our faces.
Louise Nurding
#77. Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was. I suppose I was ordained to this very office in that Grand Council.
Joseph Smith Jr.
#78. To be sensitively aware of thought, of feeling, of the world about you, of your office and of nature, is to explode from moment to moment in affection. Without affection, every action becomes burdensome and mechanical and leads to decay.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
#79. I wanted to figure out a way of living where I didn't have to be in an office every day.
Ruth Reichl
#80. I spent 250 to 300 days of every year on the road. But in the end, I felt something was missing. I needed to be anchored so I could concentrate, so in 2000, I established a new methodology - the one I use today. I spent the week in my office and travelled every weekend, even at Christmas.
Hans Ulrich Obrist
#81. I have never run for political office, but every night I am reaching out to millions of Americans on the radio and I am deeply concerned that the middle class of the United States is being sold out to multi-national corporations with a globalist agenda.
George Noory
#82. "Hail to the Chief" was played, and the President got up and made a gracious opening remark. "I've been in this office for six years, and yet every time I hear that music, I turn around wondering who they're playing it for."
Kirk Douglas
#83. A lot of producers now are people who stay in their office and never go to the set. I don't know how you can be the advocate of the movie if you're not there in it every day.
Gale Anne Hurd
#84. Microsoft was founded with a vision of a computer on every desk, and in every home. We've never wavered from that vision.
Bill Gates
#85. If I'm elected president, let me tell you about my first day in office. The first thing I intend to do is to rescind every illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken by Barack Obama.
Ted Cruz
#86. And every stone and every star a tongue,
And every gale of wind a curious song.
The Heavens were an oracle, and spoke
Divinity: the Earth did undertake
The office of a priest; and I being dumb
(Nothing besides was dumb) all things did come
With voices and instructions ...
Thomas Traherne
#87. I was also lucky to play for an owner, Bud Selig, who truly cared about his players. He'd call me into his office once in a while when he knew things weren't going so well. And it's funny. Every time I left there I always felt like something good was about to happen.
Robin Yount
#88. If there is to be any romance in marriage woman must be given every chance to earn a decent living at other occupations. Otherwise no man can be sure that he is loved for himself alone, and that his wife did not come to the Registry Office because she had no luck at the Labour Exchange.
Rebecca West
#89. I think he thinks about girlfriend like some kind of honorary title, like the way that every president is still 'President So and So,' no matter who's currently in office.
Holly Black
#90. You know, I go to work in a great office every day, and the amount of freedom that goes with being a pro golfer on the tour is awesome. So I get to enjoy my weeks off away from the course, and then I get to go to work on some of the best golf courses in the world out here.
Adam Derek Scott
#91. Every time someone dies as a result of floods in Bangladesh, an airline executive should be dragged out of his office and drowned.
George Monbiot
#92. The life of every human being on earth can depend on the experience, judgment, and vigilance of the person in the Oval Office.
Jimmy Carter
#93. I think up to a point people's characters depend on the toilets they have to shut themselves up in every day. You get home from the office and you find the toilet green with mould, marshy: so you smash a plate of peas in the passage and you shut yourself in your room and scream.
Italo Calvino
#94. The public character of every public servant is legitimate subject of discussion, and his fitness or unfitness for office may be fairly canvassed by any person.
Charles Babbage
#95. There certainly is a good 'Tex Mex' restaurant very close to our office. My office is around 100 yards from it. I call it Tex Mex because every couple of years it's changed hands and changed name, I'm not exactly sure why!
Andrew Oliver
#96. The U.S. has become a defacto one-party state, with the legislative branch permanently controlled by an incumbent's party and every president exploiting his role as Commander-in-Chief to expand on the imperial prerogatives of his office.
Andrew Bacevich
#97. I think what you have to do is have a box office success in every genre and then you're set for life. And fortunately, I happened to do that, so I get a myriad of offers of various sorts.
John Travolta
#98. I think I can hold every portfolio - defense, finance and Foreign Ministry. I think personally I'd like the foreign office.
Avigdor Lieberman
#99. Every single aspect of what we do at work comes down to people and managing people, selling to people, working with people or making them do what you want them to do.
Abhishek Ratna
#100. Astrology is framed by the devil, to the end people may be scared from entering into the state of matrimony, and from every divine and human office and calling.
Martin Luther
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