Top 100 Eat'em Quotes

#1. I get attention like a Lexus, girls wanna sex this
Play rappers like Tetris ... eat em like breakfast.

Lord Finesse

Eat'em Quotes #744628
#2. And her dumplings were so light they would float in the air and you'd have to catch 'em to eat 'em.

Fannie Flagg

Eat'em Quotes #1454323
#3. Please, honey," he whispered, "make tacos. Eat 'em. Watch television. Do whatever. But however it ends, when you go to sleep, crawl into my bed.

Kristen Ashley

Eat'em Quotes #1695712
#4. MC's they retreat cause they know I can beat 'em,
And eat 'em in a battle and the ref won't cheat 'em.
I'm the best takin' out all rookies,
So forget Oreos ... eat Cool J cookies.

LL Cool J

Eat'em Quotes #1740286
#5. Can I brush your hair? she asked as she led the way, her disposition doing a 180 on a dime. Kids. Can't live with 'em. Can't eat 'em for lunch.

Darynda Jones

Eat'em Quotes #1847876
#6. If life gives you lemons, find the bastard responsible and pelt him/her with the lemons until they stop giving them to you...or eat 'em. Whichever you prefer.

Grea Alexander

Eat'em Quotes #649074
#7. Happy is said to be the family which can eat onions together. They are, for the time being, separate, from the world, and have a harmony of aspiration.

Charles Dudley Warner

Eat'em Quotes #10164
#8. My advice to you, if you want to lose a bit of weight: don't eat anything that comes in a bucket. Buckets are the kitchen utensils of the farmyard.

Billy Connolly

Eat'em Quotes #12139
#9. It took me years to actually get comfortable on the stage. I prefer the intimacy of screen; it comes easier to me. In theater, you have to be louder and bigger - that was harder for many years in my teens. But now I've conquered that. I eat up the stage. I love it.

Aileen Quinn

Eat'em Quotes #10170
#10. Sugar" he starts, before turning his attention back over to Dee, " I have thought about sex, hard fucking sex, about a hundred times since we sat down to eat." Looking back over to me, " Does that clear it up for you?

Harper Sloan

Eat'em Quotes #10232
#11. I love pizza so much, I would marry pizza, but it would just be an elaborate ploy to eat her whole family at the reception.

Mike Birbiglia

Eat'em Quotes #10672
#12. Directors of a large food-manufacturing firm ( ... At one extreme (: one) said it was not his job to protect people from themselves; he was not forcing people to eat his products, and if they chose to do so at the risk of harming themselves, it was of their own free choice.

John Yudkin

Eat'em Quotes #11165
#13. After facing backlash from customers, Subway says it will remove a chemical in its bread that is also found in yoga mats. Some people were like, 'You mean I've been eating a dangerous chemical?' While most people were like, 'You mean I can eat my yoga mat?'

Jimmy Fallon

Eat'em Quotes #11191
#14. But the kings of modern times, restrained by the limits of mere probability, have neither courage nor desire. They fear the eat that hears their orders, and the eye that scrutinizes their actions.

Alexandre Dumas

Eat'em Quotes #11314
#15. Dogs are here to remind us life really is a simple thing. You eat, sleep, take walks, and pee when you must. That's about all there is. They are quick to forgive trespasses and assume strangers will be kind.

Jonathan Carroll

Eat'em Quotes #11326
#16. I want to be with you, Demetria. Go on dates, have sex and pointless arguments, figure out why you like to eat rabbit food, be the person you call first when you've had a bad day, come over and hold your hair when you're sick. How much clearer can I make this?

Genevieve Dewey

Eat'em Quotes #11674
#17. never, never, ever force the patient to eat, as it will do them more harm than good, even though your intentions for their well-being are sincere and honorable.

Bob Mcdowell

Eat'em Quotes #11855
#18. We had a few issues to work out in the beginning. He made me quit smoking. I made him eat a candy bar.


Eat'em Quotes #7660
#19. It's a corporate truth universally acknowledged that workers would rather eat rat skeletons than participate in group activities.

Sally Thorne

Eat'em Quotes #10159
#20. I'm from the South - I love to eat, and that's why I have to exercise.

Kelly Rowland

Eat'em Quotes #10053
#21. I eat well, and I exercise.

Seth Rogen

Eat'em Quotes #9944
#22. Just take care of yourself and eat right.

Torrey Smith

Eat'em Quotes #9870
#23. I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat animals, so I won't wear them.

Leona Lewis

Eat'em Quotes #9587
#24. I always believe in living in the country, because that's where what I eat is what I can put back in the dirt.

Eartha Kitt

Eat'em Quotes #9412
#25. I love my daughter, but she had me on couscous and fixed me pastas and made me eat oatmeal every morning and what else, turkey burgers, turkey bacon, and that kind of stuff. So she wants her dad to live a long time, and I do, too.

Dusty Baker

Eat'em Quotes #9279
#26. I don't snack. I don't generally eat sweets or drink soda. I never eat between meals or even before big ones.

Anthony Bourdain

Eat'em Quotes #9119
#27. You can't eat your friends and have them too.

Budd Schulberg

Eat'em Quotes #8911
#28. Ah, I know that," said Tiffany, as the boat rocked on the swell. "Whales aren't dangerous, because they just eat very small things ... "
"Row like the blazes, lads!" Rob Anybody yelled.

Terry Pratchett

Eat'em Quotes #8060
#29. I did it for you. I took in a pint of bourbon with me. She's a charming middle-aged lady with a face like a bucket of mud and if she has washed her hair since Coolidge's second term, I'll eat my spare tire, rim and all.

Raymond Chandler

Eat'em Quotes #8015
#30. My trees, they said, you can't eat them apples. My stream, you can't fish here. My wood, you're not t' hunt. My earth, my water, my castle, my daughter, keep your hands away or I'll chop 'em off, but maybe if you kneel t' me I'll let you have a sniff.

George R R Martin

Eat'em Quotes #1357415
#31. Sometimes it is the only worthwhile product you can salvage from a day: what you make to eat. With writing, I find, you can have all the right ingredients, give plenty of time and care, and still get nothing. Also true of love.

John Irving

Eat'em Quotes #14749
#32. Forget politics, his father had always said. Just give 'em something they need, or they'll eat you alive.

Joe Schreiber

Eat'em Quotes #1345067
#33. Fifteen birds in five firtrees,
their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze!
But, funny little birds, they had no wings!
O what shall we do with the funny little things?
Roast 'em alive, or stew them in a pot;
fry them, boil them and eat them hot?

J.R.R. Tolkien

Eat'em Quotes #1333571

Qwana M. BabyGirl Reynolds-Frasier

Eat'em Quotes #1146314
#35. Sweet Pea, the way you eat means you got tits and ass. This is good because I like tits and ass. This is bad because Tack and Lawson like 'em just as much as me. Then he shoved his noodles and veg into his mouth and said with his mouth full, Tack maybe more.

Kristen Ashley

Eat'em Quotes #1054615
#36. If you'd told em you killed a blind gramma, they'd have stayed to eat the pizza and cake. Free is free.

Stephen King

Eat'em Quotes #934324
#37. Sheesh two-legs. You keep screechin' like that, you mind's well tell all 'em Banshee I'm here, eat me - I bring salt

Veronica Purcell

Eat'em Quotes #598172
#38. There's some folks who don't eat like us," she whispered fiercely, "but you ain't called on to contradict 'em at the table when they don't. That boy's yo' comp'ny and if he wants to eat up the table cloth you let him, you hear?

Harper Lee

Eat'em Quotes #593759
#39. Kids eh? Little treasures, I love 'em ... couldn't eat a whole one though ...

Murdoc Niccals

Eat'em Quotes #485436
#40. I'm a human garbage can, but I don't like veggies unless they have Velveeta cheese on top. And forget crunchy broccoli and carrots. I like 'em soggy, soft and wilted. The nutrients have probably gone away, but that's the only way I can eat them.

Sherri Shepherd

Eat'em Quotes #462883
#41. This is rat eat rat, dog eat dog. I'll kill 'em, and I'm going to kill 'em before they kill me. Speaking of competition in the fast-food industry.

Ray Kroc

Eat'em Quotes #436083
#42. I bought all those [fitness] videos
Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda. I love to sit and eat cookies and watch 'em.

Dolly Parton

Eat'em Quotes #421287
#43. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Eat'em Quotes #12154
#44. Kip Keino, Moses Tanui, Paul Tergat, they all come from my tribe. Some say it is the food we eat that makes us strong, the way we live. In the history of our people we wear no clothes and we are used to drinking the blood of animals.

Martin Lel

Eat'em Quotes #14615
#45. If you never leave me, I won't eat your stuff. - Belle, Dog Only Knows

Terry Kaye

Eat'em Quotes #14576
#46. A writer's inspiration is not just to create. He must eat three times a day.

Pierre Beaumarchais

Eat'em Quotes #14121
#47. Spend sunny afternoons writing. Take weekends in the country. Dream. Drink good wine, eat fabulous cheese and great bread. Make the kind of love that destroys the bed.

Rachel Hauck

Eat'em Quotes #13952
#48. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Eat pudding. Books are good. Eat pudding. If kids read a lot. Eat pudding. They'll get so they can think clearly. Eat pudding. And if enough kids read and think. Eat pudding. We will have world peace. Eat pudding. Thank you very much. Eat pudding.

Daniel Pinkwater

Eat'em Quotes #13941
#49. Eat ... to live, and do not live to eat.

William Penn

Eat'em Quotes #13750
#50. You know you've had too much to eat for Christmas dinner when you slump down onto a beanbag and realize ... there is no beanbag.

David Letterman

Eat'em Quotes #13521
#51. But for the love of piss, make some sort of decision. If you don't want to eat babies and nail bloodbags to walls, that's your choice. What Sarren did or made you do in the past has nothing to do with it now. You're a vampire. Do whatever the hell you want.

Julie Kagawa

Eat'em Quotes #12504
#52. For me, you've got to start from within. The things you eat directly affect the way you feel and the way you move.

Derek Hough

Eat'em Quotes #12355
#53. I endorse only products I actually use. Like Wheaties keeps offering me money, but I don't eat Wheaties, so I can't do it. Now, if Rice Krispies or Frosted Flakes offered me a deal, I'd take it right away. Apple Jacks, I'd be on the box in a heartbeat. Apple Shaqs. Yeah.

Shaquille O'Neal

Eat'em Quotes #12176
#54. I know that I am essentially a sort of fun-loving person who really just wants to sit around and eat pies.

Nora Ephron

Eat'em Quotes #1457
#55. One should always eat muffins quite calmly. It is the only way to eat them.

Oscar Wilde

Eat'em Quotes #2970
#56. Take that, you scum-sucking snipes. Eat your words and your cruelty. May you drown in it and die. (Nick)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Eat'em Quotes #2854
#57. My mother likes what I cook, but doesn't think it's French. My wife is Puerto Rican and Cuban, so I eat rice and beans. We have a place in Mexico, but people think I'm the quintessential French chef.

Jacques Pepin

Eat'em Quotes #2647
#58. It's ideal really. They will come up with a plan. No one will like it. Everyone will feel they have been treated unfairly, but will be happy that their neighbors feel the same. And that is the nature of compromise. Now let's go eat an awful lot.

Suzanne Collins

Eat'em Quotes #2576
#59. How humid the heart, its messy rooms! We eat spicy food, sweat like wood and smolder like the coal mine that caught fire decades ago, yet still smokes more than my great-uncle who will not quit- or go out-

Kevin Young

Eat'em Quotes #2501
#60. The issue of animal use and abuse can seem insurmountable, it is tragic and it is complex. We love our companion animals and we value wildlife but we are generally blind to the realities of what goes into the food we eat.

Liz Marshall

Eat'em Quotes #2406
#61. There's a battle between what the cook thinks is high art and what the customer just wants to eat.

Mario Batali

Eat'em Quotes #2376
#62. Learn to eat problems for breakfast

Alfred Armand Montapert

Eat'em Quotes #2227
#63. I do love my avocados, which are great for the skin. I eat pretty healthfully.

Mary-Louise Parker

Eat'em Quotes #2077
#64. If you give money to poor guy he knows how to spend them, so if you have money which are redundant give them too a poor person. He will probably buy something for eat or he will get out of his misery.

Deyth Banger

Eat'em Quotes #2055
#65. I'm going to grab hold of this night and crack it open, eat the fruit right out of the middle, and throw away the rind.

Tim Tharp

Eat'em Quotes #1921
#66. I've said I won't eat meat until the whole world can eat it responsibly, which is going to be hard. It's becoming more and more fashionable to eat more and more meat and they've just made it fashionable to eat meat in the east in China, which is a massive population.

Douglas Booth

Eat'em Quotes #3064
#67. If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.

Robert Fulghum

Eat'em Quotes #1404
#68. I just want to serve food that people want to eat, and show a way forward for the restaurant industry, for all industries. One day, everything I've done will be worthwhile.

Arthur Potts Dawson

Eat'em Quotes #1335
#69. Food is like clay; you can sculpt with it. Also it has an odor, and you can eat it. I don't eat a lot of cake, but I do make cakes! And unlike the Campbell's Soup Cans, my food is a humanized form and scale.

Claes Oldenburg

Eat'em Quotes #1131
#70. Cinna slid down the bar, sassing three groomsmen and
winking at a fourth on her way.
"I totally get why some animals eat their young," Pepper said.

Jamie Farrell

Eat'em Quotes #930
#71. On the three pigs he and his wife own: We acquired the pigs last year. My wife was born on a pig farm and has always been very fond of pigs. Of course, they are for eating, which is why they are named Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. You wouldn't want to eat Rufus, Marcus and Esmeralda.

John Mortimer

Eat'em Quotes #689
#72. My relationship with food is intimate. I don't eat and tell.

CeeLo Green

Eat'em Quotes #674
#73. I want to move to the mountains. I want to live in a little cabin next to a towering, tenacious mountain fourteen thousand feet above sea level and eat a bowl of raisin bran every morning in its shadow.

Jess Riley

Eat'em Quotes #547
#74. Our loving God wills that we eat, drink and be merry.

Martin Luther

Eat'em Quotes #383
#75. In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread,
Till thou return unto the ground; for thou
Out of the ground wast taken; know thy birth,
For dust thou art, and shalt to dust return.

John Milton

Eat'em Quotes #321
#76. Full disclosure: I've never read 'Eat Pray Love,' nor have I even seen the movie.

Kelvin Yu

Eat'em Quotes #315
#77. In France today, people no longer eat as much heavy food and fat as they did 15 or 20 years ago. These days, French cooking, through the influence of 'grande cuisine,' has become a bit lighter. And we are beginning to discover the original flavors of our produce.

Joel Robuchon

Eat'em Quotes #5
#78. I can't. I'm not a good influence on him. I keep getting him shot. I swear too much, I don't brush my teeth every time I go to bed, and I never remember to eat a balanced breakfast. You want someone with culture. Poise. A lack of gunfire.

Seanan McGuire

Eat'em Quotes #4848
#79. If you grow up in an immigrant culture, there are going to be foods you eat that other people just don't get.

Eddie Huang

Eat'em Quotes #7383
#80. With my guys and with the way that we live out there, we work out a lot and try to eat right, but we try to basically keep it our own rhythm and our own world.

Brad Paisley

Eat'em Quotes #7251
#81. I could still eat a cheeseburger if I wanted to. I just can't have them every day.

Drew Carey

Eat'em Quotes #6450
#82. The primary needs can be filled without language. We can eat, sleep, make love, build a house, bear children, without language. But we cannot ask questions. We cannot ask, 'Who am I? Who are you? Why?

Madeleine L'Engle

Eat'em Quotes #6428
#83. He thinks men like me weak. He thinks me dumb, feeble, subhuman. I was not raised in palaces. I did not ride horses through meadows and eat meals of hummingbird tongues. I was forged in the bowels of this hard world. Sharpened by hate. Strengthened by love. He is wrong. None of them will survive.

Pierce Brown

Eat'em Quotes #6383
#84. I can't cook! It's genetic. My grandmother can't cook, my mother can't cook. I was raised to believe you eat because your body needs fuel for energy, so I eat super foods.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Eat'em Quotes #6344
#85. Dry happiness is like dry bread. We eat, but we do not dine. I wish for the superfluous, for the useless, for the extravagant, for the too much, for that which is not good for anything.

Victor Hugo

Eat'em Quotes #5867
#86. Nothing to do but work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear out but clothes, To keep one from going nude.

Benjamin Franklin King Jr.

Eat'em Quotes #5828
#87. The cookies combine butter and spices in such a way that you could eat a hundred of them and only realize how sick you are after it's too late.

Peter Hoeg

Eat'em Quotes #5827
#88. If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life, it would be rhubarb fool, which I make with ginger and a hint of elderflower cordial.

Sebastian Faulks

Eat'em Quotes #5253
#89. I opened my mouth, mad enough to spit, and said loudly, "I don't eat iceberg lettuce!" Really? I asked myself. That's what you're going to throw down with? "I don't care what you eat, just don't be pickin' in there!

Piper Kerman

Eat'em Quotes #5129
#90. Yes I graduated from high school. Welfare. Temporary work, please. What is my problem? I want to eat.

Alexis De Veaux

Eat'em Quotes #7441
#91. Cultivate the habit of zest. Purposefully seek out the beauty in the seemingly trivial. Especially in the trivial. The colors and shapes of the foods you eat. The shadows a vase makes on your table. The interesting faces of the people on the bus with you.

Karen Salmansohn

Eat'em Quotes #4553
#92. I tell people all the time, you have to be in love with that pot. You have to put all your love in that pot. If you're in a hurry,just eat your sandwich and go. Don't even start cooking, because you can't do anything well in a hurry. I love food. I love serving people. I love satisfying people.

Leah Chase

Eat'em Quotes #4391
#93. By my soul, I can neither eat, drink, nor sleep; nor, what's still worse, love any woman in the world but her.

Samuel Richardson

Eat'em Quotes #4154
#94. Where. Is. He?" Alphonse repeated, although it sounded more like "Don't make me eat your face.

Karen Chance

Eat'em Quotes #3835
#95. Everything is your fault. You made me fall in love with you, and now I'm so upset I can't think or sleep or eat.

Julie Garwood

Eat'em Quotes #3757
#96. I don't care about the weight. You know, I'm lucky; I'm one of those people - I can eat donuts, whatever, and I just get fat.

Louis C.K.

Eat'em Quotes #3655
#97. And one of the things I learned is that one should live in spite of. Although, one should eat. Although, one should love. Although, it must die. Even it is often the same even though it pushes us forward. It was despite the fact that it gave me an unhappy anguish that was the creator of my own life.

Clarice Lispector

Eat'em Quotes #3411
#98. Her solitary nature means she needs a family to keep her from loneliness my gregarious nature means I will never have to worry about being alone ...

Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat'em Quotes #3204
#99. I do not eat breakfast. i never eat breakfast. I haven't eaten breakfast since I was able to walk out the back door without eating breakfast first.

David Levithan

Eat'em Quotes #3201
#100. You should eat more than that. It must take a lot of lettuce and carrots to keep up any kind of normal body weight.

Thea Harrison

Eat'em Quotes #3073

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